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May 02, 2020
In today's video we will become the


bender, that's right, with this mod we get a lot of different


destiny powers, such as being able to create a tsunami wave scale in the water and also a crazy one that allows us to transfer large amounts of water from one. from one place to another as if we could move completely now. I'm going to check this with gelatin and cream and wait a second just me or there's water rising guys there's water rising on my screen right now. I need you to click. the like button to turn this off real quick otherwise I think I might drown seriously it's going up click like right now oh you did it oh thanks that was close let's get to the video screen Are you going to drown? because what? wait, how are you still okay? why benders today what is breathing breathing underwater what wait guys and you can break blocks like normally underwater wait oh yeah seriously yeah you know normally when you're underwater it's hard to break weak blocks so guys We are basically fish.
i can control water in minecraft mod
No, we are just people who can breathe underwater. Jelly is a fish. We have different powers. We start at the top. Spirit of water. Oh what, oh, I think I just pulled a water line out of the ocean right now. The crane is urinating. I left. click, click yeah, okay, will you stop? Oh wait, that's usually peeing jelly, wait if they found out. Oh my god, you flew, what did I just do? I broke the blah blah, I swear, okay, let's not destroy the whole house right now. Oh wait guys, we can. Turn the house into water.
i can control water in minecraft mod

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i can control water in minecraft mod...

Well, there are so many in the water and I'm trying. I just stay there. I feel like we're doing something wrong. It broke. It just exploded. Oh no, that's mine. Well, good luck. There is a wave. they're coming towards you little bear I have no idea where it was I'm here don't worry directly water how are you afraid we're literally waterbenders Karina it's okay we'll just wait you need me back okay I'm kidding? I'm kidding, I'm kidding, it's too good, it's a cool guarantee, probably look at what else we have. We could, yes, we are waterbenders.
i can control water in minecraft mod
We could make a bubble. Oh, my house, wait, they touch my butt. I just got flooded, oh, I put. He's in the house, sorry, come on, how do I leave him? my bubble disappeared, wait, oh, oh, I'm going to throw up on this guy, oh, oh, this dirt in my face literally covers the island, okay, I don't think there's any cleaning crane keep putting more wait maybe maybe maybe next skill help us with this what is what scale oh wait water with this oh my god wait wait wait krazy-8 telling me that Craner didn't have to make him run backwards and turn backwards to the right I can't she couldn't run , okay, this is really cool, wait guys, I think what we should do is make a different island, oh, I'm a genius, okay, it's a little hard to get the whole new house, it's a little hard to get back just come back, oh there we go, I think guys, we should go to the mainland and this sees him against some mobs, but I build a new house, I don't care about your house I'm really trying to show you with the wave, right, yeah, you can't touch me, what are you doing?
i can control water in minecraft mod
Oh, there we go, okay, I'll see you on the line. I want to go find some mops we can try. Let's see what damage they've been doing Oh little pigs oh they're perfect ok so water spear how many does it take to kill 100 of their people to hit they were in the water and they ruined things too stay away from my. jelly wave is the way it works fine, the wave is a little unreliable oh wait I have an idea. I'm going to pick up a water block and then place it on a pig. I think the little pig ate it.
Wait, how about you take it? This, oh, why did you put it in the pot? He doesn't drink from the bars. That? Well, wait, the caribou can pick it up from the ones we put down. Okay, let's drown a pig? Guys, I think we have to figure something out. better options because this is a no, this is work. We are deceiving ourselves. It had to be a boy. Get some water. Why would you drown the baby? Oh yeah, why would we do that? It's okay, it doesn't work, it will just jump, it's more. Smart you guys, be honest, you know what mohnish is, yeah, how's that drought?, a water spear, oh, yeah, yeah, animals swimming, story, I think it's, oh, maybe this would be a good time to try the next skill, fast feeling, it feels like a water sound effects machine gun wait, how does this work on animals?
So, hey, little pig, I don't know, I mean, now it's a fire, it will kill, watch the pig take that little pig jelly. I don't think this one does as much damage as the spare one, although it would be good against I guess any mop is on fire, we haven't even tried it yet guys, what if something is on fire? Can we turn it off? Michael, boy, dirt, I guess that's a good question, okay, let's find a tree that's on fire oh okay, wait, save it, save it, save it, launch, launch, it works, actually, what is it, it keeps spreading, it keeps spreading, wait why did it get rid of the whole lava pit, right, save it, save it.
Oh Brandon, you messed up placing that block. ready, I think we have it, yeah, we saved the tree, I mean part of the tree, I guess okay, we have one more skill, Glenn, let's focus, oh, okay, we have to get closer to the water, okay, I'm going to go there and clean all the ends. There are many skills I said, so we can use them to fix ourselves in seconds if we ever suffer, wait, where are you? Okay, let's try this. How about we beat Jelly to the point of death and then he uses them? Here we go. but wow, that shocked me, okay, this is more effective, okay, tell us where your health is low, okay, it's regenerating because I, okay, don't worry, okay, don't use cleansing, you're going to get off, here we go, Does it work by regenerating?
Well, I want to be enough, we all hit me, guys, why don't we have a bigger good fight, here we go, yeah, oh, if we had a lava crane in three? I'm still fine, I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, hit me, hotter jelly, come on, don't touch me, water flames, wow and cut, oh my god, this is great, okay, I'm completely ready, so stay so I can skate . about this I can still skate guys wait what are you doing what can you skate oh that's a little weird oh okay if you enjoyed that video there are more videos on the screen just click them and will take you right there, enjoy your little slow video. drunkenness

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