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I Built a GOD APPLE Farm in Minecraft Hardcore

Apr 16, 2024


s are one of the most powerful items in Minecraft and they are very very rare, but today I am going to build a machine that will allow me to


unlimited Notch


s in 1.20 and I will also build a huge factory so I can store them all, but to build this


I am going to need a lot of leather, a lot of chickens and a lot of squid, so for phase one I will create some much better farms to quickly get the items from Hoglins, this is my current Hoglin farm, which is excellent for getting all the food I I need it, but I have to get 72,000 hides and that will take too much time, so instead I'm going to grab a bunch of obsidian plants. of pumpkins and start building a portal-based hoglin farm right here.
i built a god apple farm in minecraft hardcore
I'm starting by building the farm base that will cover this entire area and the way it works is that there will be a lot of stacked abyssal portals. one on top of the other I also need to grab the few pumpkins I have, carve them and turn them into Jackal lanterns and the reason I need them is that the Jackal lanterns are a light source so they prevent all the Ms from getting spawn except hoglins and They are also a solid block so mobs can spawn on top which wouldn't work with Glowstone or sea lanterns but unfortunately I only have nine of these and to finish the project I'll need 4,500 so that's it the reason I planted all of these and I'm going to take a bunch of bone meal so I can grow the stems and get all the pumpkins I need and I'm also going to properly repair this machine with mine carts with a hopper so that it picks them up all properly and places them in this chest, so while I wait until I can fill the five Sher boxes, I'm going to bone the rest of these, gather a bunch of wood and let the machine pick them up. pumpkins and now I have them all so I just need to carve them, make the Jacko lanterns, gather the other materials and from there I can finish the bottom layer and once that's done I now need to repeat the same thing over and over again. until the farm is absolutely huge and while I build this, don't forget you can still get the SP sp77 hats and the sp737 signed armor ornaments poster.
i built a god apple farm in minecraft hardcore

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i built a god apple farm in minecraft hardcore...

Store and this side of the build is completely finished, it's absolutely huge and now I need to grab the materials to build the Overworld side of the farm, which luckily is much smaller and that's all it looks like, but it's not actually a build. too big, so I think everything will work fine here. the place it needs to be and I'm going to start by placing all the chests and the Hoppers, as you can imagine it's a pretty big system to collect all the leather that they drop and I'm only going to collect some of the pork chops, most of them I'm going to burn because I don't really need that much food and this is just a nice simple item sorter under this place where the hoglins will drop and this part is cool because it's like an item ladder the hitbox of each block is slightly lower than the one next to it and now that the red stones I can show you why this works if I throw an item there and activate this tripwire hook, you can see. which pushes the object further and further down and eventually into what IMO is very very cool and means I don't need water so the hoglins can die from fall damage.
i built a god apple farm in minecraft hardcore
This is the lava so I can cook pork chops and Now I just need to build this glass a little higher with two portals on top so there is enough room for the hoglins and that's it, which means now it's time to attach the portals and doing that means illuminating each Just one of these would require a lot of flint and steel, so I have a better idea if I go to the barter farm warehouse. I can use all these fire charges that would probably have no use otherwise. I also use on the mob bottom switch so I don't have hoglins attacking me while I do this perfect thing which is now done successfully and now I can stand in this little shape AFK PL and I can get the 70,000 hides I need and that's going to be long enough, so I'm going to grab a bunch of Sher boxes and start filling them with all this leather.
i built a god apple farm in minecraft hardcore
This here is 38,000 and this is 73,000, which means that the operation to get all the leather is complete and now it is time for me to collect each feather to do this. I'm going to need a lot of eggs and a lot of Redstone items. I now have everything I need and am now about to build what is probably the only portal based chicken farm anyone has ever created. This is because the portal doesn't really make the farm more efficient, but it does make it easier for me to gather all the chickens in one place so I can use the plunder effect, so yeah, there's even a slight method to the madness.
If it's a little bit smaller, I'm going to make some kind of platform here in front of the portal just so I can add Redstone. You see, I'm going to put Redstone next to all of these Targets. blocks to activate all of these dispensers and then I'll make a simple dial gauge that works like this, they'll all turn on and off constantly, but for that to work, this machine has to be filled to the brim with eggs. which means we're going to need a lot of storage space and then a lot of chickens. You see, there won't be just one row of double chests, no, there will be 17 and then from up here I need one more load of Hoppers with cauldrons. above and these cauldrons are the ones that will store the chickens inside.
I put glass around the edges otherwise the chickens will think they can jump out and that will just cause more delay which I really don't want and finally I need a bunch of dispensers facing down into the cauldrons from here I'm going to use all the eggs I have to fill as many dispensers as you can activated by the observers to create all the chickens now I still need a lot of eggs to fill everything Otherwise I have only done this first row, but I don't have enough eggs. I'll have to wait for these guys to grow up and get me.
By loading more eggs and then I will be able to collect them from these dispensers. in total I need 8,640 eggs and in total I have 360 ​​chickens, they get about 800 eggs a day so I should have all the eggs I need to fill the farm in 11 days and the third item I will need. with feathers and leather they are ink sacs, so while those hens are out laying eggs, I can be here, yeah, farming squid and I should probably expand this storage too because it's filling up too quickly and that can be done. building a simple item sorter that connects to a shulker box loader and from here I just have to load this with some shulker boxes and it's fully functional but it doesn't look very good so I'll put together a load. of warped water blocks and make everything look much better and in the meantime the chickens have been busy laying quite a few eggs, which means I can stock the next row of drippers to get at least a few more chickens.
Then I'll add even more chickens and in the meantime I can go back to cooking at the squid farm and see how well my new Shuler Box Storage works and see that it's working completely fine, but I just need to point these two Hoppers down so the Shulker boxes actually go into the chests and eggs go very well here and with that knowledge I can grab some extra Sher boxes to supply this machine and get back to work on this forarm. A few more days have passed and they are gone. and as you can see, we have a good decent amount of ink sacs and eggs, but the most important thing is that I would like to see if I can now completely supply the chicken farm because there are now a decent amount of eggs here.
So I think now I should have enough perfect and that's it. 1,440 chickens are here ready and waiting and they are going to supply my entire chest and I can't really add more chickens because the game is already over. lag behind long enough, so adding more wood would end up being a disaster, and by my calculations, getting the 200,000 eggs I need will take me about 50 Minecraft days, so I might as well be farming squid at the exact same time, like this which is where I AFK. I'm pretty sure I should have enough eggs at this point, but we'll go and find out.
You can also see that I have a ridiculous amount of saxophone ink that loads and loads there and there and I also moved a bunch of Sher boxes here so we never have to worry about ink again, so along with all the leather I also have all the ink. Then I'll fly over here and let's see. what we are dealing with, we are clearly dealing with eggs, a lot of eggs, almost all of them are ready, probably enough for what I need at the moment, because these chickens will constantly replenish the stock as I use this next farm and therefore , what you need to do now is light up this portal, break this one on the other side and then build a new one on top of the bottom one and what will happen with this is that the machine will throw eggs through the portal and then the eggs will crash into the Netherrack sometimes. spawning a chick and when that chick spawns it will come back through the portal, but instead it will connect to the one that's all the way up here and to explain the rest I'll have to dive home and get some. more items including 116 cobwebs, of which I don't have enough, that's all I'll need, so now I just need to find some sort of minimal axle so I can collect lots and lots of webs.
Actually, it will probably be easier if I just head to a fortress since the bookshelf room will have a lot of cobwebs, I still need another stack and there aren't any left in the entire fortress, but I happen to know another place I can go: the infinite tunnel that apparently has diamonds and The most important thing is that it now connects to the M axes with spider webs and with that I have them all. It's probably quicker for me to make a portal and travel home across the chasm and the operation is over, the chicken farm can now continue and the reason I needed the cobwebs. it's because the chickens are going to fall through them and it will take them 20 minutes to get from there to here, so when they get to the bottom there will be adults and I can use my three plunder sword. to get a bunch of feathers, which makes it a little more efficient than getting them the other way and then from up here I'm just going to build a little water area that will push the chickens over to that side if they fall out of the portal like this and I will also lower trapdoors and build the rest of the portal.
I'm also going to need a boat in the middle and I'm just going to throw in some eggs, even though I don't have any. I say it pretty loosely when I say I don't have any eggs because I have quite a few, there are some in the Sher box too so I'll just grab a couple of stacks and then these little chicks will push out any other hens that show up. outwards and towards the water and to be safe I will also put a second one on top and with that at this point the farm is complete.
If I press this lever, the eggs will go through the portal and the chicks will come out through the other. The side is slowly falling and in theory I'll be able to get it off the bottom, but I need to build some kind of storage system and what's next will be a little item filter right here so I'll just be collecting. Then from down here I will build another Shuler box loader and that's it, the feathers will go to this Shuler box, the Shuler boxes will go to this chest and the cook chicken will go to this dropper which will then go to the lava like You can see that the chickens follow falling constantly and I can stay here with my looting sword three and keep swinging while the adult chickens land on the bottom and I've spent enough time taking out chickens, most of the dispensers are gone. of eggs, you can see there are a few here and there, but that's because there are still chickens laid there, so I'm going to turn this off and just look at so many feathers, okay, that's perfect, I can leave them all here and Grab lava.
You see, having all these chickens at the spawning site makes my game a little slow and now that I definitely don't need that many, I can go ahead and remove the glass and place lava inside to get rid of it. I can pick it up and I can keep going until the end just by doing this over and over again, which will really make things better. I'm not going to get rid of every chicken because I never know when I might need it. thousands of eggs again, but most of the chickens are being eliminated, leaving only one row here and now that I have gotten all the feathers, leather and ink sacs, I can start the next phase, which is actually going exploring because to configure this.
Farm I need to find the perfect location and that perfect location will be in an ancient city, not this ancient city. I'm only here because this is where my Warden deactivator is, which is now successfully activating. Now I'm going to try it. to find an ancient city I've never been to before and then once in the city I need to find a very specific chest that contains at least Two Notch apples, which is kind of weird, it's business as usual, right? I'm looking not for chapels in ancient cities. I think this is a goodplace, so I'll dig and see if there's anything underneath this time, nothing except a little lava and some diamonds, you know, while I'm here.
I'm going to get these cobwebs because you never know when you'll need them for a farm. There's even more down here. They are more common than I thought. This is another good place to dig and this time. It leads to a perfect ancient city and now the search can begin for a chest with Two Notch apples. It's nice to find a chest with an apple, however that's not good enough and this one has two now, it's right next to a grunter. I have to check something, what I was seeing is if they are in different parts now, which is very good news because I can get rid of it and it's not going to cause me any problems, but this is very important and I'm going to dig it up. around.
Digging this out isn't strictly necessary, but it will make things easier and also make it look better, so I'm going to do it and with that. out of the way, the area is set up enough, meaning I can create a portal and then break a portal and rebuild it above the background, it all links together well, which is good news that will be very important for the farm later , but right now I need to fly back because I have a little problem talking about problems. I got a Wen spawn earlier, which was a little tricky, but anyway, back to the point.
I have a house that is already completely full of no-chapels everywhere, look there. a lot more here, there's another one upstairs, I might have run out of space and I even added a lot more to this Blackstone pyramid, so if I'm going to build a farm that's going to give me hundreds more Notch apples, I need to build a place to put them. them, yeah, I need to build some kind of place for them to go and I'm thinking what better place to do that than to build a factory other than Chapel right next to Bedrock.
I could have it right here so they're both opposite each other. each other and doing that will require you to excavate a pretty decent area, mission accomplished. I can also extract this beacon because the factory will be


right here next. To build it, you will need a lot of items, especially white concrete, which I have some, but for the entire construction I'm going to need more than that and that actually means I'm going to need more sand and gravel, so I'll start by collecting that. I've got some TNT, I've got some gunpowder and So I'll repair my tools and go out in search of a desert and one has been successfully found, so I'll go about placing the TNT and collecting the sand, as you can see.
I have a decent amount and as you can see the planet is doing quite well. Now I'm out of TNT. I want to fill Sher's box. I will also have run out of them and I hope that means they will also have enough to create them all. of the necessary items too, by the way, how cool the desert looks, really cool, but anyway my task now is to fly back home, then I can leave all the sand and travel through this huge ancient rubble tunnel that collects all the sand. gravel I really don't think there's an easier way to find gravel than going into a nether tunnel like this and while I'm at it I'll find some remains of ancient rubble and look at these two pieces hidden down here and I also successfully filled the first shulker box and at this point I'm happy with all the gravel I have because on my barter farm I have a decent amount too.
I'm optimistic that this should just about suffice and while I'm here I also need a shulker box with gold blocks so I'll be here and let the Gold Farm do its thing. I know I didn't get the full amount of gold I said I would, but I think I have enough for now because in my chest room I have quite a bit more. Then I can start making all the necessary concrete and there are also many other elements that I will need. which I'm going to get busy gathering and not bore you with all the details and while I'm putting them in Sher's box I have all the items I need except all the gold blocks, I'm not sure if I have enough or not but I guess time will tell. will say later, so to start, I'm going to build a massive outline of everything that's going to be in one big square and with all of that, I'm just going to go back home to I take a bunch of grass blocks and then I'm going to connect this terrain so that The entire building will sit on flat land and that also means that the river will need to be terraformed so that it just stops here.
Although it might be interesting to add an underwater tunnel at some point, I'm not going to worry about that today anyway, the priority is just to make it look natural, so from here, yeah, that works pretty well and then also I need to complete it. all this and on the other side I think I'm just going to fill all this so that it's all flat and as you can see it makes a good connection between the terrain. I'm then going to dig out the entire floor and replace it with the correct blocks, it's starting to come together, you can see the areas that are being marked, all of this is now just going to be polished like deep slate between the yellow and black marks, which I think are very factorial.
I think I also have the same ones in this factory, yes, there you go, they are everywhere, although water was spilled on some of them. I should probably fix that eventually, at least since these are made of wool I won't have them. That problem I'm also going to put five anvils here at the entrance as a little extra floor and now I can start building the walls even more. It's starting to get a decent size. I thought I'd show you. progress you can see how it's starting to take shape a little bit. I will also make it so that these tubes reach all the way to the top to connect.
I'll show you what I mean, yeah, something like that and that one over there can go. even higher and on the inside this is what it's starting to look like we're going to have these like gold tubes everywhere that will make it look a little industrial we also need to get rid of this snow which is always a problem right? When building this biome and these blocks here, you might think they are gold blocks, but no, they are honey blocks and they will have enchanted golden apples falling down like a waterfall like the one I have with my Bedrock drop and Another thing that will prevail in the Inside are these tubes of yellow exudate.
I don't know if exudate is the right word, some kind of liquid like a chemical, you'll see what I mean, they'll just be connected. all around so it looks like they're being pumped all over the factory and this is what the pipes look like so far oh it's starting to look really nice but before I can take them much higher now I need to continue building some walls. and there will also be an interior corridor up here, that's why I need this diorite floor and right now I'm building the beginning of the second floor, it's starting to look pretty good from the outside and up here it's going to be a kind of balcony from where you can look down on everything and the way to get to the top is to climb these stairs.
You can see them. Look at this. We have a nice little hallway and viewing area. you can go down these stairs to the end of the factory, it looks really nice, but there needs to be more up here, up here there's going to be some sort of glass railing around that just goes between the concrete and it's also going to go around the outside as well now this is where there will be the Notch Apple waterfall and there will be another one here and because as I build this I'm going to be Put roofs over this and everything I want to put in Redstone and lower it all down so I don't have to worry about it later.
These signs are in place because they will prevent the water from flowing completely. down and these pistons here are ultimately what turn the machine on and off, that's why they're important and that's why I do them first, the droppers and then I go up to the top. The good thing is that everything I build in one place. I can build it in all the other places because it's all symmetrical and this is going to be where the lever that controls everything is going to be, so I'm going to go underneath and start adding the Redstone, although getting in there might be a bit of a challenge actually maybe not, just I slide like this, okay, no problem and to transport the signal up I have all these torches that fit very well between the spaces, so we'll carry them all the way. above, then I can put some redstone on top, connect the repeaters and as you can see this now extends the Pistons and that's all there is to do for the Redstone side, but I need to sort out the pickup system on the lower. which first involves blue ice surrounding this block and then I also need to completely enclose it like this and I need some more Soul Sand because that's what will make the water shoot and I'll also get a signal. right here, so what I'm missing is water, there's also a space there that shouldn't be.
I'm going to have to fix that and the best way I can think of to do it is to gracefully float down to earth within that place. a block there we're going to see that absolutely perfect shiny and what I just


here also needs to be built on the other side of these honey blocks and also on this side and now to classify the water. I'm going to rush back home to grab some gelp bone meal and water. This part is pretty simple. I reserve it right there. You can see where it will flow into a hopper that is, yes, right below, and eating bones and algae will do. the rest and better I also put a golden block on top because I don't want the water to freeze that wouldn't be good and now I will repeat the whole process three times more perfect everything is done and the machine is ready, you can see that it is doing things, but that's because he's Keling there, we don't want him to do it with seaweed and there also needs to be a little on and off switch here, which I'm just going to use a lever to, so if I move it now, it'll turn the machine on. because the pistons there will have retracted.
I'm just going to place things a little bit higher up here so that no items can escape and I think just for demonstration purposes, I should place a pile of yellow concrete on each one, obviously I have to build the farm so that it fills with don't chaples. I don't have enough yet, that's why I'm using concrete, everything is loaded, these should. also be in subtraction mode. I don't know why they're not and there should be a little bit of redstone dust in there, okay, perfect, now you can see it's pulsing, that's exactly what should happen and then I just go down here, press this lever and before.
You know, I have my yellow concrete waterfall, it looks much more impressive when it's not Chapel, but for now this will do because the least I know is that Machine Works, we're going to turn it off again and before we continue, I'm a little worried. I'm going to run out of gold. I have 25 in there and then three stacks in the Sher box. I don't think it will be enough, so a gold collecting spree will be on the cards, I might steal him from that. mountain or that great Palace no, no, we need to get cold gold.
I can't keep taking it from other places and for starters I know my old gold farm generates quite a bit of it and I've been using it every day. From time to time, will there be any here? Okay, there's a little bit and a few bars, better than nothing. I guess that's all we'll get, and of course I can get a lot more at the good old gold farm too. I have a few extra batteries that I'm pretty sure should be enough, so I'll take them with me and then I can get all my items back and finish the entire exterior of this factory, and that's the entire exterior complete and I have to say, it looks pretty good, there's some snow around.
I'm going to get rid of everything that's a little annoying and now I can do the last little bits of the interior because each of these four rooms will have something different in them, this first one will have a conveyor belt that will carry gold blocks, so this will just be the frame and then here there will be iron hatches all along the way and then some mats on top. This is where The gold blocks that are being pushed will be the longest and I think if I can grab some wool I can put it here as a finishing touch, so yeah, you can see, oh, I have a box of Sher in the way, but I can see, yeah, it's just a nice little conveyor belt, apparently I forgot to do that part of the roof here, so I'll make sure to fix it all up with white concrete.
I should realize that I forgot to do the ceilings for all of these rooms, so let's do it for all of them because having them is a pretty important part. Now in this room I'm going to place some oak handles and then a bunch of gold blocks because inside a non Chapel Factory you have I have to have trees that are made of gold and I had the exact amount of blocks, that's perfect. Also, in all these spaces we are going to have double chests, so the ones there and the ones here, I'm going to have a It's some kind of washing machine that forges gold, but I already ran out of gold blocks, so no.
I had the exact amount, so I will temporarily steal them from the Golden Mountain. No, no, we have to do it. get fresh gold I can't keep taking it from other places so it will look like this but then when I have it inside I'm going to put some concrete in there so it doesn't flow througheverywhere and there you have it just as exciting as you expected and here I am going to have a machine that involves element frames and element frames are something that I need a lot and that I completely forgot about. Fortunately, I don't lack them.
I also need one or two more small items, such as an Apple, a Golden Apple, a Bottle of XP, and also a Notch Apple. Yes, we have some spares. So we're going to have four item frames here and they'll sort of show the progression, you know, a regular Apple turns into a golden apple, add a little XP and you get a Notch Apple. I think it looks great. and this whole building is going to be covered with wait, why is there snow there? It is going to be covered with frames of elements that will not have apples.
I just need to get all those Notch apples to fill it, we'll also have a lot here and more on the other side on top of each chest. I'm going to add two and finally a huge grid of them on this wall, although I need a few more, here we go and besides filling all of these, the only thing left. What you have to do is put a huge notchle on the front, you know, so we know which factory it is. Bedrock Factory has a piece of Bedrock in it so it definitely makes sense and this is where it will be and there we have it I think. it looks pretty good, it doesn't look like a chapel anyway which is the main thing and now the factory construction phase is complete and it's time to build the farm so we can fill it and this whole farm will use a known method. as chunk regeneration, it's a little chunk safe, indicating I use it for my Bedrock Farm, but it's a little more complicated and a lot more broken and that's why I needed so much leather, so much ink and so many pens because we need to completely overload .
Minecraft memory and if I want to make a farm with it, I'm going to have to overload it a lot, so let's start making the first book and this book will then become a book, a pen and In this I'm going to paste a bunch of complex characters that They will take up a lot of memory. Each page will be different and completely random and when you're done, this will be the book that takes up the most memory. than the average book and that's 100 pages done. I'm going to call it book one and I'm going to sign it and then I'm going to use this book and pens to duplicate it over and over again and now I have to do this in total.
I have this for 27 different types of books, but I realized something. I remembered to get all the leather. I remembered to get all the ink. I remembered to get all the feathers, but I forgot to get all of them. paper, I need a lot of sugar cane, you can see, we have some boxes of fish, but we need a lot more, so here is my master plan. I'm going to take all these materials and go spawn and from here I'm going to get the old sugar cane farm up and running and, while I'm busy working writing these books, the sugar cane will grow and be harvested for me and there we have it, 27 books, all completely different, 2700 pages glued together, yes.
It took me a few hours to do that, a little longer than I expected, however I didn't really get much sugar cane in that time because every time you open a book to write in it, the game pauses, so it actually nothing happened, so yeah. I'm going to have to come up with a new plan and that new plan is to get all the books in a different way without making them with sugar cane. You see, when I spent hours and hours researching all of this, for some reason I thought you make a book and a pen with leather ink and a quill, which is what I never thought about getting the sugar cane and why I got all the leather.
However, with this new knowledge I have a new plan. You see there are librarian villagers that will give you shelves for emeralds, this one won't but I'm sure I can find one that will, first try nine emeralds for a shelf so now I'll deal with using the void merchant to buy as many as I can and that is enough. from the trade it's good to get a decent amount of books, you can see I have all of these too and I will gradually turn them back into books as I put the book together and chicken out saying I have a whole book.
Sher box from book one, but I need a full Sher box of each one in here, so I'm going to go about creating each one of them and that's the final Shuler box and I didn't just make one chest of all of these. Shuler Boxes I didn't just make two, no I made three because the more I make the more no apples I get and I still have a decent amount of leather ink pens but I ran out of paper. out of the book, so that's what stopped me from doing even more and for now this will all do.
I'm not going to complain about that and the machine I'm going to use along with this book really isn't. this big, so I'm just going to take a few blocks. I'll just take 64, okay. I'm going to need Hoppers, that will be the main thing. I need two batteries, but we don't have them. I'm going to have to dip into that, in fact we don't have that many chests either, which isn't good because I'll need quite a few chests too, I guess I can worry about that later, that's all the Hoppers and everything. I already have the rest I need, so I just have to grab it from the chests.
This here is everything except all the chests and Sher's shells. I'll leave all the books behind and come back for them later because I really can't. carry everything. I only have a lot of space for infantry. Here is the lower portal and here is the ancient city. Now first things first because we are going to regenerate the chunk. Sometimes skull fragments will appear and I don't want any Guardians to appear that do that. ruin this, that's why I'm going to make a wool jumper. Really I can not. There's no point in doing anything here. I can put some wool in here.
You know I can. I can do anything with this garbage, but it's not going to. last because the shard will regenerate and remove everything and I need to make sure I build this machine far enough away from the pole so I'm going to build 10 shards in this direction and this here will be the place where Redstone is pretty simple so I'll explain how it works when you're ready and up here are all the droppers that will hold the books now to add a load of hoppers on top and voila, that was pretty quick, right? What this will do is that each dropper will be filled with each type of book, so book one will be here.
Book two will be here. Book three will be here. When you press this button, each dropper will dispense one item into this Sher box. The box will fill up and then you'll go to this chest and you'll have one of each book, all in different piles. In fact, it's probably better if I show you in action, so this is the time when I need to transport all the books. fantastic, that's all. I'll load the chests with lots and lots and lots of Shuler boxes and let's say I want to fill nine Shuler boxes, each with a different book, well I only put nine items here, push this and then go around and as you can see now all these have gone out, there are books, believe me, it worked, it was too fast to show you, but if you look here now, these are all different types of books, look at it, one of each book.
They are not in any specific order, they are there and then it happened again and exactly the same thing, one of each book is there and at any moment it will do it again and each Only one of each book is there and that will happen as many times as there are items in this dropper. It's very, very simple, but you're probably wondering why I need this. Why do I need to divide the book that way? to have them in choker boxes like this, well, it's all about how a computer processes data and here we are in a random creative world, here we have piles and piles of books, but they are all exactly the same book over and over again, it seems they stack Up and here we have fewer books, but they are all different, so they don't stack up, so there are many fewer, but now they are all different because they are all the same.
Minecraft can compress them so that they take up less memory. and because these are all different


can't really compress them because there is nothing to merge and this is where chunk regeneration comes in, if you make a chunk run out of memory it will regenerate it as if it were new, for example. If I make this chunk completely full of diamond blocks and I can exit the game, save it and when I load it again it will still be there. This is part of the game. This is what the chunk is right, it is exactly.
This way I can even break blocks if I want, but if I now put a load of Sher boxes with a lot of data into a chest in the shard, then it will need a lot more memory to process it and you will be able to see the memory being used. in the top right corner and if I go into the launcher and make it so Minecraft can only use 1,000 megabytes when the game loads into the chunk with the Shuler boxes it runs out of memory and I get this out of memory error and then if download the fragment by going through a nether portal, which is the easiest way to do it.
Minecraft sees it as an unreadable fragment and regenerates it back to how it would be in a new Minecraft world, and if you do this on a structure, Minecraft will regenerate the loot, so let's put that into practice first. I need to get rid of these chickens because they are causing a bit of lag which could affect things or could cause my game to crash while I do this, which I would like. To avoid this, if possible, I need another 26 Sher boxes next, so I put that many items in and they can be processed very well that way.
The only items I will have in inventory are the chest and then all the Sher boxes, that's all. That's it and I also set the render distance to two because once I lower the RAM, if I load this machine, it's just going to regenerate all the chunks because there's a lot of data in there and I definitely don't want that to happen so now. I head through the portal, as you can see there are no Notch apples there, just a bunch of loot. I'm going to drop a chest and then close the game and then reload it with just 1,000. megab of RAM and I'm going to fill this chest with everything and you can see on the top right that it's using about 90% of the memory once I go through this portal the memory increased to 98% the game is pretty. very out of memory, you will have had the error and because that fragment has become unreadable, when you check it again it should regenerate the fragment, it will take a while to load, now I know it has worked because it is taking a long time to load. the fragment and here we go, it's loaded and it worked, you can see it actually changed its appearance a little bit too because it's regenerated, so what I'm going to do is get rid of it. this squeaker one, I hope there aren't any others lurking around because we don't need any like I said, and then the Two Notch apples, yeah we can put them in the Ender chest, we can put another double chest and go and get more Sher boxes because the Sher boxes have been eliminated and that is why we needed so many books.
I also increased Minecraft memory backup before going here. I can stick that in there, have it run 35 times and just rinse and repeat. We can keep doing this over and over again, so I'll quit Minecraft and give it less memory. I'll place the books in the chest heads through the portal and just rinse and repeat once more. The pieces are regenerated. We have the notched apples. it looks different another time so yeah it works perfectly and I'll keep doing this over and over again until I run out of books which will allow me to get a decent amount of nuts and this is the last batch of books I have so that I'll regenerate the chunk once more, and by doing it over and over again, I ended up with a total of 76 Notch apples, which isn't a bad haul, especially when put with the other 33 I have.
We had in the fish box, we have absolutely a ton and if I had a lot more sugar cane, I could use the farm a lot more and get hundreds more notch apples, which is nice to know that's an option, you can see. I have a few of these left because I didn't have a use for all of them, it wasn't enough for one more batch. Now I can fill all these element frames with the non-apples and also fill the droppers to have working, no, the chle waterfalls, doesn't that look cool? I'm very, very pleased with it, in fact, I'm pleased with the whole farm factory and the whole video, and if you want to see me build a farm to get everything. of this Bedrock, then click on the video that's on the screen right now or if you want to see me build this huge netherite farm, click on the other video that's on the screen right now.

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