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Starting the Apocalypse for Profit in Tropico 6

May 30, 2024
What makes a tropical island tropical, could it be the magical forests, the stunning scenery, the five offshore tax havens or maybe the dictator, because today in Tropico 6 we are going to break the national economy with the power of disease, no, not cure it, no, not prevent? that and not not protecting our own people, just making an incredible amount of money, so the first thing we must do in Tropa is personalize our president, someone who can lead our great nation towards prosperity, peace and, with luck, massive wealth inequality, of course I know. he is me, we can also choose one of the many traits for The President, giving him a different bonus, so of course I chose the best one.
starting the apocalypse for profit in tropico 6
I also went ahead and customized our Palace. We have the big gardens here next to a giant rock, so we've set up a custom random island to spawn most things, it's pretty normal and the way we're going to win the game is by having $10 million in our treasury, so What our main goal is obviously is to earn tons of cash and what better. way to do it that with the disease we have three difficulties, only a harmless cough occurs regularly and in the one we are playing I also enabled a couple more things that yes, I am sure they will not be problematic, so without further ado, welcome to poplar , the amazing, resource-covered Grand Island, uh, oh, that's not good, I'm sure it won't be a problem, but it's still located with resources and all kinds of benefits for us to exploit right here, which is essentially our initial downtown and if you play the game uh, you can see, you know, people are walking around everything that guy doesn't have.
starting the apocalypse for profit in tropico 6

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starting the apocalypse for profit in tropico 6...

Well, actually, all the men don't have shirts and right here is our president, who's having a great interaction with that guy, he's probably recruiting him. in the army at the beginning of the game we are in the colonial era, which essentially means that in terms of construction we can't build things that are high tech, so we're talking about Lumber Mills rum distilleries and all kinds of other things. but obviously we can't build something like a nuclear program, yeah, and on the bottom left you can see we have our main goal, which is to raise 10 million and of course the way we're going to do that is with diseases, but first We need to start constructing buildings and improving our industry because if we go into our Almanac we see that we have 69 unemployed citizens and we are losing money, so of course first thing first we are going to say hello and look at all the local rainforests , uh, cutting them down, okay, so we got our first quest and apparently the corruption is really bad, so the solution is to build a pirate cove.
starting the apocalypse for profit in tropico 6
I'll pretend that makes sense but we have to accept it and then we also have some of the crown right now our island is owned by the benevolent British monarchy it sucks I know and at the bottom left is our mandate so if we stay without time in terms of that mandate, we will waste doing missions for the crown. We can extend the Mandate and eventually try to rebel to drive them all off the island. Hopefully, by building this Login Camp here, we will complete the mission and then we can extend our tenure for another 18 months, as you can see. went up in the bottom left building a pirate cave is also very important, which is yeah, yeah, it definitely doesn't attract attention at all oh, no one is living in the way of this road.
starting the apocalypse for profit in tropico 6
I might have forgotten that we have 81 homeless people in our colony of 111 people we can build some residential things a couple of bunk houses ooh Mansions but unfortunately our people lack this thing called money so we need to build these bad bunk houses mood for now, as you can see, I have given you the prime real estate. Being right across the street from the city of huts, I treat my people well, no one said, so when our Pirate Cove ends here, we will complete the quest for the revolutionaries, but essentially we must continue doing these quests for the crown until we finally have enough revolutionary support so that we can free ourselves, the other thing we need to do to actually make money is if I come in here we can see that we have trade, so this symbol represents the crown and this symbol represents illegal smuggling.
Smuggling takes root. the roots are mainly for import so you can see the arrow coming in and the crown is mainly for export right now. I'm realizing that I literally have nothing to do, but you know, later we can probably buy them some things and make a little money here ooh, coffee is trending now and I think I built a coffee plant here, I'm not sure why the British want that, so we just got the Quest to rebel against the British Empire and essentially we just need to have a pretty high average revolutionary approval and have a lot of revolutionaries.
Now that we have this Pirate Cove built, we can launch raids where we can do minor things like loot bananas from the ocean and rob Stonehenge. I also need to go and do some research, uh, knowledge production, there is no income where we can review and discover great technologies like penal colony or Employee of the Month AE, everyone works double shifts, so I will reluctantly build a single library , uh, and then I probably won't build more education. Tricking people into voting for me is a lot easier when no one can read. I was taking a look at the president's mansion and I didn't notice the armed guards everywhere and I thought, you know what this country needs more guards, right?
So apparently there are pirates attacking Tropico and you can see them running around here and, you know, the average citizens are, I mean, some of them are ignoring them, so of course I have to rush in here and do what I should have done. I did it a while ago and building a fort sure costs a lot of money and sure I could have invested that money into making our people a little less homeless but why would I do it right? It's a good thing that the Pirates here are simply using their weapons against this sawmill and not trying to do anything else.
In the meantime, I have built an entire fort, trained eight soldiers, and now have sent a battalion to fight the pirates, as you can see. , our weapons are not the most accurate, oh. Oh look, we caught him fine after 70 shots, so let's show those pirates Mercy real quick and then we'll realize that I've somehow reduced the unemployment rate. I didn't mean to do it right, so I moved on. and helped our revolutionaries by fulfilling their mission and building a church and of course the reason for this is that now I can research and get visitors to religious buildings to pay a $1 fee.
Plus, we have another lovely group of pirates. here we have two military squads that are going to intercept them or I'm not really sure what's going on, they're just running through the streets causing chaos and now they're going to try to burn them down. The circus great job guys, they almost killed the clowns, man. I have no idea how we have 87% support and almost half the population is still homeless. The game even begs me to build residential buildings and honestly, I forgot. Okay, so let's go. to 57% in terms of revolutionary, so very soon we will be able to advance to the next era, which is the World War era, and to prepare for that we want to start building mines now, obviously, we could build mines everywhere.
Where we have coal, we have gold, we have all kinds of different resources around the island, but the main things we want right now are coal and probably iron. I also just looked into the church fee so we can go ahead and implement that, thank you. a lot or implementing attacks on all the churches, the people will not be very happy, but you know, it's not like they were happy at the beginning, so now we have enough support to declare independence and prepare for war. $15,000 and just buy Independence, I don't know why you would do that, so in 720 days the British Empire will invade our beautiful island and as long as we have enough defenses we will be fine, plus I mean I was going to build more watchtowers and forts because Later in our edict tree we have access to some slightly better uses for our army.
I also love the fact that I can continue exporting to the British Empire even though we have officially declared war on them. Actually, that's all. makes a lot of sense, oh damn okay, I didn't realize that the Pirates would just sail here and kamakazi their boat to the side of the island and then run over here and shoot them, oh, I also forgot to enact the edict about the Church fees, here we come. I'd like to see how much money I'm going to make, I mean look the fee income is piling up, we've already made $5 just riding people back and forth to church on bikes $6, oh I have a mission to do too. the rescue raid is in is in apostrophes there of course if I go and look at it the pirates will find the castaways on a completely unrelated note here is a new cotton plantation now I know that sounds bad but believe me when I say which is something. which we will desperately need when we reach the era of world wars because the best way to make money from a deadly disease no, is not to cure it, it's even better, okay, at one point the British Empire will try to invade our island.
I've built a bunch of watchtowers and you know, I reinforced our army and apparently traded with the British to prepare and now the only thing left to do is wait and watch them invade, oh look, the British Navy, that's not it. A very impressive Navy, but that's a pretty sizable number of soldiers, and of course their first objective is that they're tearing down my church. We've got a couple of guard towers up here that are going to start taking out all the British. Unfortunately, I have no more soldiers than them, but fortunately I have more homeless people than them.
Hey guys, I swear the British have food. Jesus, they're really going to town on this church like this. It's on fire, guys, you don't need it. to do anything else, okay, it seems we have overwhelmed them with our assault wave. I don't know how many people died, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the single digits. Well, I guess you did pretty well for a lot. of savages now we can advance to the era of world wars, which will give us a lot of technologies, so the first thing we need to do in the era of world wars is to get a constitution in terms of voting rights, let's do Let all citizens vote.
I know normal rich citizens vote well, open ballot elections, employees in government buildings vote for The President regardless of his approval. I mean, I don't care if I do. Now we could go with the pacifist state militia or professional soldiers. Well, I mean, militia soldiers do not require education in In case of military conflicts, each barracks will provide a militia squat. I mean, I have to make use of those 216 people somehow so that we can now confirm the changes and bada bing bada boom, we have 10 years until the next election or election and of course the first event of the era of the world wars, a disease outbreak, a deadly virus outbreak around the world.
Well that's awesome because if I go into our industry you'll see that we have a new skin factory build, so by unlocking the blueprint I can now start building skin factories. and that's going to send me into a lot of things and getting into our trade now we have all sorts of new trade things to work with and better yet in terms of heists we can steal the haa sopia I don't think. I said that the right to prevent citizens from dying from poor medical care I don't care if I do it and because our strategy is to infect the world and then sell the masks it is absolutely perfect, we also have access to new edicts and of course Of course, the main thing that we're going to get is that good old military police, so if I go into the trade here and then I go into good prices, you can see that all kinds of things have increased in terms of prices, but nothing has hiked higher than the masks, the price modifier is more than 200% due to the virus, which means if we start mass producing masks and selling them like an absolute madman, we will make ridiculous amounts of cash and we will also start receiving dual demands from different parties, as you can see here.
We communists and capitalists have to build a bank or make the constitution on religion and state atheistic. Now I don't think I can complete thistime, so I have to do the bank, but I was. I was going to do that anyway, so the only way to move forward in the next era, which is the Cold War, is to ally with one of the two major powers, the Allies or the Axis, which one are we going to ally with. I really do not know. I know, I'm sorry, I just got an event, uh, I have to wait 360 days, that's it, that's the event.
I guess the game isn't sure if I'll survive another 360 days. Uh, where is El Presidente? Yes, there's a good chance he won't. survive that too why what happened to that building over there oh shit I just realized we actually have a protest here, a recent health care happiness and they're targeting the watchtower there's literally two of you, this is it, this is not it. I'm going to work of course, the rational thing because there's practically no one here is that I'm just going to bribe them and then the communists are happy with that, okay, finally this is what I've been waiting for, we have an export route for masks . and it's a 400% price, so by setting this at the highest possible volume, first of all we made almost half a million dollars, not bad, but the most important thing is that we set the price at a ridiculously high rate, for so even if something is cured, you will still make incredible amounts of money, well, I noticed that the population has decreased drastically, it is down to 118 people due to deaths from diseases and poor medical care, maybe I should build a clinic, Yeah, you know, I think I'll do that.
I've been neglecting to do it all this time because I thought it was too expensive. Meanwhile, it's literally only $3,000, my bad, oh please don't have another protest. Happiness in care in the fort I can't even bribe the only guy there $500 I'm too broke, okay? I promise to increase happiness in healthcare, I really, definitely will guys, trust me, when I'm done. Did you ever break a promise, someone's legs, on the other hand, oh, now there's a fire in Tropico too, I mean, okay. I don't have money for a fire department. Oh, thanks axis for the outside help.
I needed that money. I wonder where. It came from, oh, thank God, we built the clinic and now we're making money, we're going to make $20 for visiting the clinic. 96 people in my neighborhood, to hell with it, also ignore that it is something miraculous that people are continuously immigrating. in my colony despite the fact that there have been so many deaths, okay, you know, as soon as I built the clinic, people kept dying, maybe I, uh, maybe I should have done that, well, okay, I'm trying to quickly fix the economic situation here because It's bad enough, I had to stop most of the buildings we have to try to continue exporting masks, but not even the dock workers can work and get anything.
People are no longer afraid of disease outbreak. Decreased level of panic. to green, I mean on the bright side, you know, the deaths aren't that bad, oh great, it's almost 1918 and you know what that means, election time. I have 177% support of the population, do you know what I'm going for? make the executive decision and say we don't need an election, not this year, probably ever, that has some pretty big downsides, like everyone is going to start hating us now, but there's no fucking way I'm actually going to win an election , so Hey, I just don't have one, you know?
As much as it pains me, I need to reload the safe and of course the main change I'm going to make is to build a clinic and on top of that I'm just going to immediately pause most of our work buildings other than the ones that are absolutely necessary and then I will also hire a group of foreign workers, all of whom can work in the clinic. Oh hey, the fire is back and where is this? Maybe it's a shack, well that couldn't have gone better, oh my god, I just exported all the masks and they gave me 60,000 dollars, what have I been doing with my life?
Well, it's time for you to use those exorbitant foreign workers who I guessed are much cheaper to hire random people from other countries to come and work in our cotton plants than anyone else. I will also do my best to give people real apartments and houses because, unsurprisingly, dying from illness is a lot more common when you are literally a homeless person, oh no buildings destroyed. Shack it uh you know you wouldn't even know it was there okay it looks like we pretty much stopped the population decline and as soon as this ship gets here I don't.
I know how big the population jump is going to be because I have hired a lot of foreign workers and there we go another 19 people who especially go directly to the tobacco plant and also to all the cotton farms because of course that allows us to start . producing even more mass and making really decent amounts of money and our population is, you know, people are dying, but it's not that bad. I also need to build an embassy for our allies, of course, the main reason is so we can ask them for money. oh god, okay, looks like the college educated workers who were working at the clinic died, time to hire new ones.
I don't think there is a single college educated person in all of Tropico so you know we could build some kind of education and by education I mean the newspaper so we can publish propaganda remember kids the problem is not real if I tell you it is not real. I'm also not sure why I built this bench. I'm pretty sure almost no one on the island knows. how to tell much less read ah of course the capitalists next quest to export weapons oh hey I don't even know where this person came from but apparently someone has a college education and is now literally the only person monitoring the value of the entire nation.
The money sounds like a good idea, so we build the embassy and I actually just realized that we have a higher relationship with the Axis, so, you know, Axis, what's up? Finally, the communists and I can agree on something which is to establish the Constitution to an atheist State and at the same time continue to tax people who enter churches in some way. I also just realized that the hub is not that smart with its money. I can praise them for $5,000 and then ask for financial help for $20,000, true economy, oh well, the axis wants. sabotage allies in a raid.
I'm not entirely sure if this is something that should, uh, piss off one of the world's major powers, but hey, I mean, I have nothing to lose except 123,122 people, okay first. First, let's also try to educate ourselves a little because I'm realizing we're running into the small problem that no one can work at any of my jobs, apparently being an ambassador requires a high school diploma, of course, looking at politicians from Minnesota, I wouldn't. I guessed right, so the election has once again come after me, you know, I'm reloading my save and I think it's time for us to give the best speech ever.
Now we could start by acknowledging a problem. If he wasn't a narcissist, then we can praise the uh. Well, I mean, capitalists already like us, so communists probably make sense. We will blame the allies for all our problems. I blame the government and then promise improved healthcare, let's look at the food. Faith, oh, there's nothing, oh, you know, I just decided to walk away so I could take a look at the audience, it's literally all armed guards and then I think a police officer, literally the only people here are under threat of receiving a shot. Also, I just realized that my pirate ship completed its raid or more specifically. a heist and we actually did it successfully, yes, we robbed the entirety of Hegia Sophia, so now if I go here to the wonders of the world, look it cost $10,000 and we might as well put this thing in the most inconvenient place possible.
Okay, the warehouse is on fire, my goodness, well, we robbed an entire religious building that has priceless value, uh, and now we're charging people to go, you don't need to thank me citizens, so the Elections are here now and it could. You know, I adjusted the ballots slightly, but literally no one opposes me despite the fact that so many people have died in this election, we are getting more immigrants which is fantastic, healthcare is back online, I mean, and even Hagia. Sophia is completely booked and we won the election in a landslide. I'm even more surprised even though I literally promised nothing, oh my goodness, okay, so it looks like the axis has actually found the cure for the disease, which means our


s. we're going to take a little hit because the masks aren't going to be as valuable, but on the other hand, because we set the price at a ridiculously high price, we're still making four times the price we should, apparently also the recipe for the cure it's iron I don't know how the Germans figured that out anyway to make The Cure we have to build a cannery real quick and then we can start producing oh god there's a fire in the fort I don't know how you did it. the guys even do this like someone just poured kerosene all over the stone walls and then set it on fire honestly awesome unfortunately to get our rod going.
I need to build a power plant which is really very expensive, but with all our exports we should be able to start earning at least enough money kid, am I feeling good today? Directly exporting the cure for the disease. I love economics. I didn't think it was possible. $33,000 for mask exports, but we are changing our city right now. We have built a canning factory so we can start producing the cure and I. I also did my best to develop tropical infrastructure by placing a coal power plant where we grow all our food, truly the Tropics of our dreams, so to expand our operations I am going to start building a road here.
Sure it's probably not very efficient, but then again, what's in this city here we can start exploiting some wonderful things like, you know, some oil. Actually, there is apparently oil directly beneath the high school. Sorry, kids school is over, so now we can start. produce cure because I have built an electrical substation here and I hope my citizens start to heal and of course just when I do there is a protest here about faith okay wait a minute guys let me negotiate and by negotiate I want say. uh send in the army okay I don't like how many people are protesting here oh my god someone just got shot okay we're at a medium rebel threat now.
I don't think I should have done that on the positive side, I mean, no. Also, the newspaper is now on fire, so okay, that may not have been a good idea and the next thing we're going to do in terms of heist is rob the Taj Mahal. Now, when a person dies, they usually collect various taxes. the government, but since we are benevolent, we do not take a percentage, we only take the entire estate. I also feel like it's worth it for us to get into our edct and implement something that I think we've all been looking for, employee of the month mine and industrial building employees work double shifts, congratulations guys, I know you wanted this.
I also forgot that I can slightly adjust our constitution in terms of labor policy, we have early retirement, a happy childhood, a life's work, children are required to start working. I'm 14 and I can't retire, I mean those coal mines aren't going to do well on their own, it seems like the rebel threat is diminishing slightly which is good, apparently we've discovered two of the rebels, one works in the bank, okay, I can't. I can't do anything about it, they are literally one of three college educated people on the island and the other works at the newspaper right now.
We don't have much choice in terms of dealing with them. We can bribe them, kill them and you. I know down the line, send them to space, no matter how much it hurts. I need to build a university because we have so few doctors that people are just dropping out. I mean, our biggest import is literally doctors because we don't have any. I'm also going to build a customs office because that just raises export prices, that's literally all, fortunately, although we barely have doctors almost anywhere, oh that's not good, it seems like volcanic eruptions are happening and you know we could evacuate us. we could buy fireproof suits uh let's sell burned postcards to tourists luckily it doesn't look like the volcano is close enough for it to reallymatter uh I mean, you are throwing garbage everywhere, well, as much as the allies hate us, They will hate us a lot less when you start exporting healing doses at absorbent prices.
Oh my God, $68,000, why didn't I sell pharmaceuticals before? So this seems like the perfect time where we have developed our area quite well. So now I can ask the Axis for an alliance. Doing this is essentially the way to move towards the Cold War. Now, if we sabotage the Allies four times we can have an alliance with the Axis and overcome the next era. The Cold War is then the modern era, so we also want to overcome the Cold War because the modern era is where all real money starts to be violated. Oh, okay, it looks like we're actually back in another election season. and again, we can't, we can't acknowledge any problems that we have, but it's actually okay because our citizens don't hate us at all and because of our system of government, all government employees must always vote for us no matter what, so obviously if everyone is in the government you could see what's going on of course I have to do the normal thing literally just not promise anything and of course it was only the military that applauded so another mechanic that I really I haven't gotten involved, it's ours. swiss bank account here we can go to the broker who offers us all kinds of offers and all of them are essentially the ones that we have to use with our money for bribes and what better way to get money for bribes than by building an official residence of a foreign official, that is legal, probably ethical, dubious.
I also forgot to build a prison, so you know, we'll do that. Okay, thank goodness, we were actually running out of space on this skin export, which is literally all our money, but oh well. America comes and said we will buy those masks from them and we also need to do some remodeling. I'm sure no one will care that I'm destroying all their houses and replacing them with fancy flop houses, oh. I didn't even realize, I think we just robbed the Taj Mahal, so if I go to our landmark, there it is, oh, it's beautiful, so beautiful that I'm going to demolish all the buildings right in the center of the city, country houses, apartments. buildings bunk beds and no, you don't need them, okay, apparently it's still too big, but here we go, I've made enough space and now the Taj Mahal will sit directly on the ACR, oh literally, let's throw it away. there, so now every time a citizen dies you can see, oh look, we already made 000 because someone died and he just gave us all his money or gave us that's a little bit. assuming our support has never been that high .
I honestly don't know that the Constitution can be rescinded, well I don't care if I know. Actually, I think everything looks good. I mean, we have open ballot elections. AE, you know, blatant electoral fraud, an atheist state and we force children to work honestly the election of the ideal society is a landslide president and we also easily won the election, which is fantastic now we just need to finish sabotaging the allies a bunch of times in order to advance to the Cold War era, so out of curiosity, how many people are actually educated? We have 253 no education 64 or high school for university oh my god, I just realized that oh wait, I built a university a million years ago.
I wonder why it doesn't work. I love looking around me. in some of the various policies that we have in the buildings, like for our minds, the Almost Human work mode, which scares me because there is another one which is the


protocol, the duration of the work shifts increases by 38, it is Well, that's especially confusing considering I'm literally. working people 24 hours a day and a protest has started, where is it? it's in me in the capital oh that's not good now I know everyone's mad about all Faith's happiness but here's $3,500 go away it's also time for us to get back a military base that should hopefully provide us tank garrisons.
I also forgot that there is a building we could build here called the Institute of Commerce. It's generally pretty normal. It allows us to manually provoke market trends. Use of privileged information AE. I'm just importing university workers like. absolutely crazy, okay, people are leaving the clinic because they want to work at the Institute of Commerce, that can't be good, oh, it looks like we have another protest meeting in front of the fort, let me guess, religious happiness, there are 21 protesters, OK? I don't think I can shoot my way out of this or at least 22 workers wouldn't be good.
Alright. I will build a church, but I will still charge you money to visit it. I'm also going to start building a whole secondary city here mainly because you don't know any specific reason oh my god I keep having these rebellions about faith how can people feel good? Yeah people aren't very H oh oh it's 16 happiness I'm not really sure why it's so oh wait I know why it's low and by that I mean I'm going to ignore it because we're allies of the axis now so we could wait 10 years or fight six allied invasions. Additionally, if the alliance breaks, you will instantly be invaded by the opposing superpower and lose the game.
Excellent job, oh my goodness, $151,000 from a single freighter. We have also started exporting oil, which is great because it emits pollution that makes more people sick, and artificially so. drives up the price of masks, oh god the pandemic is over, well you know, that's all well and good, so we can't export curative doses anymore, although as unfortunate as it is, we've set super high rates for Trade with both allies. and the axis for 42% above average all to export skins, so as long as we keep doing that we should be pretty good. I started building a new city here to grow tons and tons of cotton.
Uh, I noticed the grocery store literally only has masks. I don't think people can eat them. I mean, they could try, oh yeah, another 10 years, another meaningless speech. Promise nothing, acknowledge nothing, blame everyone and praise no one. Well, you know, this is kind of a record turnout. In terms of our speeches, I mean, there's not even a child here. I don't know who in their right mind would let a child listen to us, listen to us talk. I'm continually amazed that I'm still winning this election and having such massive support when 100% people are still homeless, housing happiness is at an all-time low, and I'm pretty sure one of our biggest money makers is dead, people are fine and it seems like we are about to reach the end of the war I just skipped.
In 2,000 days, perhaps some refugees who have absolutely no resemblance can be accommodated. I don't know how I feel about that, so now we've moved towards the Cold War, which means we can add a lot of interesting things to our constitution for Ecology. In fact, I'm going to do zero emissions because it's really good and in terms of separation of powers, obviously we want a true separation and by that I mean I have all the power and you get nothing now in terms of trade this is where things get more interesting because we have lost all our trade routes going from one era to next all our masks no longer do anything now eventually there will be another disease that spreads and that will mean we can make masks again but for the moment we just want to store all our masks and not export any.
Now we are also dealing with the Eastern bloc and the Western powers in terms of diplomacy, in order to move towards modernity. Sometimes we need to do one of three things: first, establish a tropical paradise for tourists; second, join the nuclear club, which I will do, but then, or third, borrow a major international milestone and you can imagine exactly what we're doing. The first step is to create a spy account at the Academy, oh okay, I didn't realize we had rebels who were actually oh, they're attacking the air base and they set someone's house on fire, oh, there they are , this is a big fight, so now. that we built our Spy Academy looking very discreet, we can go on raids and the Spy Academy and try to steal something now.
I already chose the wonder that we are going to dock and you will see what it is shortly, so I have an illness, a harmless cough, I quote in quotes and believe it or not, if we analyze the price of the masks, we can scroll down and realize that it has increased ridiculously, so something interesting we can do when it comes to disease if I go In my edicts I was able to find something called Global Effort to Fight Diseases. Now you might think that means we're trying to cure the disease that's going on, but what it really means is that I can kick out three citizens every month to cause confusion.
And delay the global search for a cure, why would you do that? You could ask me so I can sell more masks. 126,000,000 of my exports. We're just making so many masks, not to mention I'm doing everything I can to sabotage. global efforts to cure the disease because they are making a lot of money and also as soon as we get to the modern era we can start building pharmaceutical companies and if you thought masks were profitable oh honey now in these difficult times it seems there are one thing. what my citizens want uh it's not a cure it's not healthcare it's very obviously a museum of my childhood you don't need to thank me citizen just listen to the people it's okay I didn't realize it was very close, we won narrowly in the last elections.
Now, of course, to win even more elections we need some very specific things, like a Ministry of Propaganda that unlocks citizen interaction by accident, don't worry, I'll put it directly in front of the prison, oh yeah, I forgot that too. I have been exporting uranium. I don't know how much money it is generating for us. You know, it's not that bad. $2,000, uh, almost $100,000 worth of masks. Sorry, the Western powers are besieging and attacking the rich, that doesn't add up. above, oh wait, I see they are literally


a land ADV. Also, there are four people on those ships, which seems excessive, on the plus side, we have our own methods of dealing with an invasion, besides the fact that I have redacted. a whole militia force made up of quite ordinary people who are going to wait here for the landing.
Well, I'm hoping we don't die completely. Well, you know, this isn't going so well, especially since I think my tank is. it's going to explode from SM oh no it didn't and of course all my military units are immediately rushing to secure the Mansion. I also noticed that in the middle of all the foreign invasion they set fire to another Shack, oh finally, okay. I've been waiting for this, an Eastern Bloc trade route with 400% mask revenue, here we go, and we also have one here for a pretty high percentage of tobacco revenue. Yes, I love getting dual demands where capitalists want to increase the power of the free market. building a golf course and the communists want to dismantle the market by becoming the best country on Earth.
Also, it's 1951 and we still don't have electricity in any houses, so I think I'll probably try to fix it by giving just a little. a little electricity, okay and now I just caused a massive electricity shortage. Good job, yeah, you know things are going well when the hospital doesn't even have power, but the mansions next door are fine and Tropico is under attack again and this. Once I think about my foreign powers once again oh no, these are gorillas, my soldiers really aren't having a good time up there. The second to last one was talking about dismantling a giant copper buttox.
I think that means exactly what I think that statement means. It doesn't make much sense, so if I go into auditory wonders, there she is, the Statue of Liberty immigrants arriving in Tropico are 100% happy and approve of El Presidente and I have the place right here while we airdrop Lady Liberty in our leaning towers. which means we can progress to Modern Times, so this is the last era of the game and it means we have a couple of new laws, personal rights, a Security State and healthcare, obviously everyone has to pay for it because It is wonderful that I have what makes it so that no one can die from health care, so by signing our beautiful Constitution we are now in the modern era and have access to a huge amount of new energy.
Well, there is still no power. Well, at the request of the citizens, I have solved the problem of power. You can see. where everyone lives and, you know, it's a very, very safe place, sure some of these kids might be born with some extra legs or arms, but I meanThat works for me, so now that we have an incredible amount of power, we can go after it. the most profitable is mining, oil, synthetic food laboratory, all guesses are good and all are wrong, oh God. I have been trying to satisfy this housing happiness. The demand through electrification of all our houses is 51 out of 53, I don't think. let's do it, oh, it got up to 52 and okay, well, now everyone hates us.
Actually, that's not really a surprise. I also forgot, we now have the essential equivalent of Twitter and I can respond to different things. people say to stand up, so if I give this a positive response and all the oh yeah, okay, this is painfully like real life, actually wait, how is the Statue of Liberty on fire? We did? Can't. I even say the helicopter. I don't even know if we can put out this fire. Ah yes, that's a good idea from the rebels. They are placing a bomb at the nuclear power plant. Oh God, that can't be good, so I.
I've built a lot of pharmaceutical companies and they're making quite a bit of money over their lifetime, but if you believe it, the most profitable thing I'm finding are literally just office buildings. I'm building office buildings absolutely everywhere. They can because they don't require anything to export, they just need energy and college degrees and they make me a pretty stupid amount of money: $2 base efficiency for every citizen employed on the island, as long as I employ random people in whatever. jobs and thanks to my labor policies that make everyone 14 and older work by law, we are making a pretty stupid amount of money literally doing nothing, not to mention income from masks, which is also crazy because we just export masks.
I have something like eight or nine mask factories. I'm not exporting anything else. Also, the other thing I find a little ironic is that to work at the pharmaceutical company, you only need a high school degree. My goodness, in a show of post-election kindness. On El Presidente day I decided to give all those who voted for the opposition a 10 second start. I mean, that's completely ridiculous. 5 seconds maximum. Oh yeah, I forgot. To deal with the rebels that keep showing up. Well, I built an aircraft carrier that works pretty well. finally my persona as a narcissist actually comes to CL CL as I can build statues for a bit cheaper.
I mean, what could be more inspiring than this? Oh yeah, it looks like those gorillas are back, but power to taxpayer dollars, that's fine, thank goodness. We've made our first million dollars and, well, the way I did it was by establishing five offshore tax havens around the Statue of Liberty, each of them diminishes the relationships of each of the major powers, so we have a Chinese company, an EU company, a US company, a Middle East company. and a Russian company that gives us a total of less than 100 relationships but they make a lot of money. Now I'm making $200,000 just from renting the office and the offshore offices and then to make up for it I'm just praising each of the superpowers using money and that's, you know, keeping the somewhat happy, so I also built a lot of cryptocurrency mining stuff, you know we are mining Tropic coins, very real, believe me, but the most important thing is that I can buy nfts for coins, buy the Great Wall ticket, not this.
It does not remotely imply ownership of the actual Great Wall, not even a piece of it, an ant living on the Great Wall has more ownership, this is nothing, Christ the Redeemer, you own the idea of ​​the statue on paper in a digital paper, that's what you don't actually have. Unfortunately, we are now bombing our own citizens and also acting as an offshore tax haven for all the world's corporations. People don't really like us a little more, luckily I built a nuke as long as we have at least a single nuke no one will invade us well, I've been spending about $4 million so far, we're almost halfway there , uh, and then I realized that we are being invaded by the United States, luckily we are just bombarding them as they come in and I should have enough units ready for Def.
In fact, I'm not entirely sure that there are like six people here to fight the entire United States Army, but I mean, we have bombers, okay, it looks like we did it, we beat the US Army. , fortunately we still have this. nuclear bomb, so no one is going to massively invade us and try to kill us, okay, we're up to $6.3 million, countless civilian casualties while I watch us literally fly planes into the office district, okay, at this point we're getting really close , except there. There are so many rebels attacking us now, so I'm like the good Samaritan.
I'm going to discreetly assassinate their leader and by discreetly assassinate I mean shoot him on the palace steps. Anti-terrorist victory almost no faction will trade with us at this time. At this point we've pissed off all the major powers and the only thing keeping us somewhat safe is the nuke I have stored here and now that we're at 9.99 million I just need to wait a bit and there we go, we got $10 million, which leaves only one thing left to do, let's try to test this nuclear bomb, so not only is Tropico a huge mound of wealth that only I own now, but it's a huge mound of wealth that lies in a Wasteland pit irradiated, reloading the saved game.
Immediately before you will be able to see the beauty of our Island, which are several complexes of office buildings, multiple pharmaceutical office parks and several nuclear reactors conveniently located in the residential area if you have gone all the way and want to support El Presidente. a little more check out my twitch where I stream constantly every Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, thanks for watching, see you around.

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