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I Built a Raft That's a Mile Long and Defies All Physics - Raft

Jun 03, 2021
Hi, I'm Josh, welcome back to play. Today we will see a


where we have to survive in open water forever and I am sure we will have some fun a


the way. Also, this video is sponsored by nvidia. geforce now which is their cloud gaming service that allows you to play your own PC games without needing a high powered gaming rig or even install the game locally and to show off its capabilities this entire episode was recorded using geforce now, so everything you're seeing isn't coming from my own computer, it's coming from their computers, but I'll talk more about that later in the video, for now, let's get our


going, so here we are in the big and beautiful world of anger, just you, me, this guy and also. this fun hook tool, my beautifully manicured nails and


s of debris, oh and this is our raft, so that's basically how it works: you have to collect resources as they pass by, things like plastic palm leaves and boards, some things like that barrel full of goodies was nearby. enough for us to just pick up and grab something like this wooden board or this bottle, but some things will just happen and that's what this tool is for, we're going rafting, dad, so it's pretty much a game of collecting so many things as we can and thanking God for the constant state of debris in the ocean.
i built a raft that s a mile long and defies all physics   raft
Now you might be wondering, Josh, what about all those things you missed? Why don't you go swim there? I mean, we can, but I think. You know what's going to happen, we have a friend down here who wants to talk to us, so I think we'll stay up here, in the relative safety of our raft, and slowly pick up trash, but don't worry, although we won't . I'll be drifting forever, for example, I think I see something on the horizon, oh, that's an island, okay, hey, what's that noise? Hey, drop that really took a bite out of my raft.
i built a raft that s a mile long and defies all physics   raft

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i built a raft that s a mile long and defies all physics raft...

Well, I think it's official. I know the name of that shark. definitely, grace anyway, let's take a look at this island, oh wow, there goes my raft, well, you know, I'm sure we didn't need it that much. I mean, after all, we found land, that wasn't the goal, besides, if we need to. another one, I'm sure we can build it right, so let's see what's on this island, let's see, we have flowers, trees and all our beloved garbage, yeah, I think everything is going to be fine, wait a minute, how come we only What happened to the island and where is Grace to kill me?
i built a raft that s a mile long and defies all physics   raft
In fact, where is anything? Well, we're still here, we haven't seen a soul, oh I see, we're getting a little weak in the knees, eh, well, we'll try this again. the next round so this is what it feels like to be jack at the end of the titanic okay second round so i looked it up and found out why the island disappears basically the game automatically generates things around your raft and if Stay too far away from things that just disappear, you know, like that island or even grace here, in other words, until we can anchor the raft, we have to stick with it for an island, I'm sure we'll see others like you, okay?
i built a raft that s a mile long and defies all physics   raft
Let's fix our raft a little to achieve that, we are going to build something called a construction hammer that will allow us to add more to our raft, so we will add a bunch now, at least we have a little more breathing room and while we continue to take resources out of the water . We have to think about the next needs. We will need, above all, ways to take care of water and food. For that we are going to make a simple purifier and grill. Oh I'm sorry. I disturb your concentration, okay Grace, you know which one is the last one you get because now we are going to make a wooden spear, no more tasty treats for you, yes, be afraid, even though you probably don't know I'm here.
I like how. for placing your boy, just point your finger like, right there, wait, wait, wait, wait, take that hand away, yeah, that'll teach you a lot of shock anyway, let's get back to the food and through our harvest, at some point we found this potato in the meantime. Aim for victory and put this thing down, here we go, this is how we're going to purify our water. We put the salt water in this thing, it condenses on that leaf and drops all the clean water into that cup over there while we wait. Go ahead, eat our cooked potato, it looks delicious and that's how we stay alive, we eat literal garbage that we've collected, we drink the delicious fresh water we've created and we continue to accumulate resources, we can also make a fishing rod, which is simply adorable let's see just yeah fish come eat something else that looks like fish and there we go raw grilled mackerel go ok next order of business see that island in the distance I feel like we're going to go drifting, so let's see if we can change our trajectory a little to do that, we're going to need to build a sail, okay let's see where it needs to be placed, that's pretty big, okay, yeah, it sure doesn't get in the way at all, oh yeah , it looks great unfolded. my pretty one and now look in the right direction what do you want? okay, stop, stop or my spear might break oh, you win this round.
I guess I should make things a little bigger so I can see and make sure we can hang out where the raft won't leave without us, we're going to build this thing as a single use throwable anchor and as soon as we're big enough nearby, I'll throw it lazily overboard. Now be a good raft and stay there, you too, grace. So it looks like these little islands have a few things to offer. We have things like mango trees. We can go ahead and just hit them for a while and collect a bunch of mango and other things.
In fact, the same goes for all of these. the trees defeat them they take their resources they leave nothing behind I'm sure these trees have been here for thousands of years until I found something I also haven't mentioned yet it's this guide right here this is essentially the story component of the game I want believe that I'm not one of these two, but this little kid that's here and they just put me on a raft and said, have fun, you're an advanced explorer, now there's a bunch of starting rules that we already know. I know, but here's the one I want to draw his attention to follow the radio frequencies, if he's still transmitting, he's over the water.
A couple of things I found in open water are these plans for a receiver and antenna, so I guess this is what it means we have to build this. There's also another thing we want to do on this island before we leave, which is swim a little. If we go down, we can collect fun things like seaweed and there are a couple more materials we can use. It's also necessary if we hit these things right here on the wall with our tool, ah, metal ore, and we have something else here, ah, copper, as well as random scrap metal, oh, and I guess that noise is I'm choking , so I should probably surface for air.
You know, I don't overdo Grace, she's probably eating up the whole boat right now. Oh well, let's keep bailing out and since I'll be doing this for a while, let's take a second and talk about our sponsor, which is now nvidia geforce, so I often get asked josh what kind of computer do you have. I want to torment games like you do, but I want to make sure my computer can handle it. If you use geforce, you can now play your games over nvidia's cloud gaming network without having to upgrade your computer at all. They do all this by streaming the game to you and they take care of all the graphics, processing and so on, for so you don't even have to worry about having a robust PC.
Basically the way it works is that you launch the app. and you add your games that you already have through digital stores. I'll use the game Astroneer as an example, since I was playing it recently. I just have to add it to my library. It will authenticate with my Steam account to prove I have it. off, I don't do local downloads, I'm just in and playing a lot of my other personal favorites, including Planet Zoo, and it's satisfying, and because the cloud saves my Steam account work on the platform, it was only a couple of clicks before I could.
Instantly reliving the glory days of my horrible creations Oh, everything will be fine, little one, the library includes hundreds of titles ready to play, as well as plenty of free games, there are two membership options including a free plan that allows you to play for unlimited sessions of one hour at a time, while the founder's plan lets you play six uninterrupted hours at a time, that plan also gives you priority access when you want to reconnect and lets you activate Nvidia's RTX option for plotting lightning in real time. and the supported games, both the free tier and the founders tier, allow you to reconnect unlimited times and support 1080p at 60 frames per second, and on Windows and Mac you also have the Geforce Now in-game overlay where Supported games allow you to use two features, including Nvidia Highlights that allow you to capture your best gaming moments and also a feature called Freestyle that allows you to apply filters to customize the appearance of a game in real time, you can also become crazy about these filters, as I'm sure who doesn't love them. a little depth of field, but how about a mailbox?
Yes, now we are talking, let's really make a cinema, yes, oh, and let's also add this thing called pictorial, here we go. We just turned Astroneer into an award-winning short film. Geforce is now available on Windows. Mac Android devices and nvidia Shield TV, so if this sounds interesting to you and you want to try it for yourself, the link you need is in the description. Thanks again to nvidia for sponsoring and now back to the raft, it's my total surprise that the raft is still around. there and I think I see our next target, whatever it is in the distance, as we slowly head towards whatever it is, we're running out of space a little bit, so let's go ahead and make a little storage container and that's it.
Let's put a bunch of our junk in there, okay, let's see what we have here. I don't have any other anchors, so we'll have to be quick, okay, let's see, we can't search for anything here except apparently this box. that I'll take, oh God, come back, come back, come back, ugh, jeez, and I guess once you take that box away, it's gone and I guess, oh, that's what Grace says, yeah, that's all I needed to see, let's get out of here , it seems like he had something. varied and fun things including this vine goo and this great fish stew recipe, looks easy to make two fish screaming for help an egg and a bucket full of glue can't wait grace said stop hitting the pot oh Gracie, okay there well, I guess we'll find out eventually no, she's back, welcome back Grace, okay, next order of business first, let's spread the raft out a little and a little, I mean a lot, here we go, It's not that nice, in fact, besides the supplies.
Is there really anything stopping me from building this far? Huh, apparently there's nothing to tell me this is going to get really interesting in the future. Look, look how useful it already is, just point this board up to the island, anchor it properly. from here yes, surely this is going to work splendidly, oh my God, I walk away for two seconds and you eat the pot. In other news, I learned that we can build a bed. You could also put it right at the bottom of this table. Oh yes, really, the best. Ideal rest as I casually dive underwater and get a nice quick view of my ever-present companion.
Oh, well, yeah, that's going to be perfect. Surprisingly, the ship is still held together thanks to the power of muscle memory. Anyway, we need to start building these things and Let's do that, we'll unlock the research table so we can learn how to build it. Let's see, let's go ahead and fix things, yeah, there we go hanging dangerously on one side like that, so the way we investigate is pretty much just give it an item, we press investigation and it starts telling us what kind of things we can unlock, so I'm just going to give you all the random things I have in my inventory, look at all these things we can now learn.
I can see popups forever. I realized that the receiver is something I haven't unlocked yet because while I unlocked the plastic planks and hinges, I didn't dig into the circuit boards, we're just going to start making things on our raft. sign me up, okay, so for these circuit boards we have already looked into plastic and goo, but we still need to unlock copper ingots, for that we will need a foundry, let's see, so we can place this thing in a logical location or We could build something silly, let's see first, we have this little platform up here and let's see if we add some random support beams here and then we can add another wooden floor here and another staircase here, okay, perfect, this will definitely not lead to a structural situation. problems, okay, so let's go ahead, we'll put one here and one right next to the edge, like this, okay, awesome, I can't believethat this is working, oh, you know what would be good for this?
An amazing filter, obviously, a sandbox, let's see, let's go as horizontal as we can wow, that's really horizontal, okay, maybe not so horizontal, okay, that's better and let's give it a little tilt shift, well, This is not the moment I'm meant to capture, but I guess this is your time to shine gracefully, thank you for your blessing and how about some watercolor ah yeah, here we go now it's like we're playing on a treasure map thanks to g force now I still can't believe these things work here two giant chunks of copper just melting like this is completely normal and there we go a perfect copper ingot we can finally learn how to make circuit boards and a nice one too handmade circuit board, just like our ancestors did, and now we can finally build the antenna and the receiver, okay, let's see where we want.
To put this receiver together, I didn't realize it also came with a nice conference table. Actually, you know, let's put it up here, okay? Getting better, let's put a couple more poles and some more floors up here, okay, now we're talking, we'll put it up there, all we have to do is go up this little place and then go up this little ramp and there we go held up only by those cables, okay, let's see what he has to say. Well, if I'm reading this correctly, it means I need to have three antennas connected. Do you think it matters where I put them?
Grace, can you relax with these? The platforms wait, how lazy can I be with this? Can I just squish all three next to each other? Wow, not only are they too close to each other but they are at the wrong altitude, you need higher altitude. You just said the magic words and we. We'll spin it around and then we'll make it go up this way for a little bit, yeah, so far so good, oh my gosh, and I can put a platform up here like this, I mean, this is what they wanted now, oh, now it's Too far Not sure what the problem is Well, what happens if I go here?
You know, even my open rooms. How would we feel about this? I mean, run the cable all the way back. Sigh. Also too far away. I can't get it, where do you want these things? Okay, what if I just put one here that was good enough for you? Just one there like a normal person. Okay, I installed them in totally normal places. I am not happy. About that, but there they are and I'm not going to take this down, not when we can almost reach the birds, are you happy now? Okay, here we go, we found something, well, let's get to it, we'll call it a hunch, I guess.
This is probably the spot, let's see how best to anchor this, go okay, okay, that's enough for me, wait here, raft, I'll be right back, it looks like the place is pretty clean, except for the occasional scrap. we have a whiteboard here and a note, let's see what that note said, people, question mark, I bet these numbers are coordinates and it looks like we're stacking up some tabs here, we have the first page, we have the radio tower and we have vegetarian, That's totally what I was saying, let's not rewind the video, let's start this and put it at our new coordinates of 3358, easy to float to another island, bye bye radio tower, come on, let's go on another adventure, yeah, it's that simple.
That's what I meant, you know, I'm getting really tired of picking up all this junk, so while we wait to get to our next destination, I have an idea: let's build these things called collection nets that automatically catch floating items. in them. That's just what I wanted, okay, so as a test, let's see how this goes, trash, get in there now, oh well, that's all I needed to see, let's go ahead and build something beautiful, oh yeah, look at that, it's working splendidly, there was another game. I played called buoyancy where I


what was effectively a giant windshield wiper blade that just picked up trash and it looks like we were able to do it again because it turns out you can keep building until now that when I get to the end and then turn around I can barely see my proper raft , what I'm trying to say is that my manual rescue days are


over, hello endless supplies, oh and I'm not the only one who's been busy, Grace has made sure it's harder and harder for me Getting some sleep doesn't mean you can't get there yet, although after all, the best sleep is when your adrenaline is fully pumping and you're wondering if a shark is going to drag you under the waves and that's the secret. to sleep like a baby oh you know what I think we're here although it's hard to know where it is but thank God I can walk there whoa or can I oh it's a cruise ship you know, as fun as it would be to set an anchor to hold all this instead.
I'm thinking we can use construction to do it, just hook it around this piece here, okay, oh oh oh oh oh, easy, easy, okay, I think we did it. I feel like this is like the equivalent of the entire raft holding on with just your pinky, but hey, it seems to be working, so let's go check this out. Great darkness. There are definitely no people here. Hello, is anyone going to finish this game of eight ball I'm calling? The next ones are okay, so there's actually a lot of things you have to do to get here, but the important part is that I got to the bridge and what do we have here?
Another note: should we leave Lasagna Island to go to Balboa? Oh, and what is this? The steering wheel allows you to turn and what is this motor? It allows you to go in different directions and increase your speed. Well, let's make some additions. Alright? First, let's put this flyer down. I can't think of any place more suitable for this than here. Oh yeah, that's fantastic, hold it down to spin smoothly. Well we'll see. You know I couldn't locate it, but I think our raft might be stuck. I'll leave this in the rightmost position and go check it out.
Oh. you're okay just go ahead and cut it right here let's get rid of that little hook we made wow what happened well it looks like it's free now I also like all the wiring coming from my let's call it a bridge oh my gosh what is? is happening, wait, is this the speed this thing can spin? What does it look like if I'm just in the water? He looks like a deranged robot trying to escape. That's what I didn't realize adding a wheel would do so much. I like that. Grace is here like, ah, what's going on?
Okay, let's get this out of the way before I get dizzy forever and make things worse by installing that engine. I don't even know how this is supposed to work. Can I put it anywhere? Ooh, stellar, okay. Let's see that one wheel is equal to a hundred dollars, oh, and I have to put boards here, okay, it's good that we have a lot of those around, it seems like it's struggling a little, oh, you know, I think one wheel supports 100 foundations , okay, I know. What are you fighting for? I guess we just need to add a couple more and then okay, there we go, there are five beautiful things, let's make sure we fill them all with wood, oh yeah, that looks better, okay, so I can't really say how fast.
Come on, so I guess let's jump in the water and find out that it's really chugging. Well, I bet we can all see where it's going. Wait please, this might take a little time. Well, here we go, engines up to the eye. I can see and while I was doing some modifications I went ahead and added some other fins to each and every other side, we can't let us miss out on some of that rubbish so I think a demo needs to be done oh yeah collect . all that garbage and now this way I don't miss any garbage, okay, so we're going to go ahead and try to aim for the big blue dot, okay, I think that should be good, let's start the engines, you're good. oh boy this is going to take a while and that's it, I have no idea if it's going fast or not, all I know is that I'm about to hit my face and lose a bunch of teeth, okay, it's been a little while time, but we're almost there or at least I guess you know, I actually don't think we're getting any closer and I think I know why, oh yeah, we're there, we're just digging into this forever, well, okay.
We'll just turn the wheel a little bit, okay, and there we go easy, easy and now hard left, so let's see how we think we're going to get there. This seems like an easy solution. Thank goodness we've been absorbing so much garbage. all this time it's okay, we made it oh well, this is very serene hey, what is this repeater station? I don't care if I come to kill myself. I don't care if I do. It's like I haven't seen anyone in a hundred years. I was just coming to say hello, mama bear, she's coming to ruin my existence now that I care.
Okay, I managed to sneak inside this cave she was guarding. I'll take whatever. This is a machete. All my prayers have been answered and just come out. though, let's take all her mushrooms passive aggressively at a distance, eat them all behind her and then maybe sneak up on her, oh god okay, good story, you know, I think I'll take the risk gracefully, at least I know what to expect. actually the last story island for now on raft but you know when they release new content maybe we'll take a look at what's coming next so I hope you had fun I know and I'm pretty sure That Grace too.
Take that as a yes, thanks again to nvidia geforce now for sponsoring this video again. All my rafting here was done using their service overall. I really enjoyed my time using it. It was really nice to have someone else's computer take care of the brunt of it, so if that were the case. I like something that interests you the link you need is in the description thanks again and see you next time

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