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I Built a Raft That Defies Reality and Ignores Physics - Raft

Jun 03, 2021
Hi, I'm Josh, welcome back to play, today we're playing


, one of my favorite games where you dive into open water and only good things happen to you. I have played this game before but they released an update with new stuff so let's turn it on and see how bad we can play it so here we are in the wild


world this is our raft which is trash and sailing on the water He's our best friend, that's how I explain to them that they follow me. us forever, let's take a closer look. I would like you to meet Grace.
i built a raft that defies reality and ignores physics   raft
She likes to walk by and remind us that we shouldn't just get off the raft whenever we want or we'll risk getting eaten, but you can see all of this. We have to collect the debris that passes by so we can build things and that's what this handy dandy hook is for. Look at that debris, you just take your hook and you just throw it in and then you just reel it in, yeah, and before you know it, we'll fold all kinds of supplies like palm leaves, boards, ropes and whatever, and if you have a lot luckily you'll get one of these barrels full of stuff and if we're even luckier there will be islands right now.
i built a raft that defies reality and ignores physics   raft

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i built a raft that defies reality and ignores physics raft...

We are at the mercy of whatever direction the ocean wants to take us, so all we can do is silently wait for it to take us to that island. uh-oh, looks like we're already passing, we could just jump. do our thing because conventional wisdom tells you that all this is better than being on that raft, but what you don't know is that the game builds the world around that raft, not us, so everyone says goodbye raft, goodbye and then We are here as if it were solid ground, a place to start a new life, unfortunately, it was not meant to be that way.
i built a raft that defies reality and ignores physics   raft
If you get too far away from the raft it just starts making things disappear and that's when we start treading water for everyone. of eternity as we watch the sunset and you know, I thought about trying to swim to the raft, but let me tell you, once that thing was gone, I'm pretty sure it was gone. I even dove underwater looking for grace and waited until my oxygen ran out. I was treated to these ultra disturbing noises, okay buddy, your sacrifice won't be in vain, so you know, instead of that purgatory, maybe we'll let it go.
i built a raft that defies reality and ignores physics   raft
I'm sure there are many other purgatories we can discover besides a door. closes another seems to open seems like we have a structure up there damn this thing will pass us by too we're just going to take our chances grace leave me alone for now well this is a nice thing why can't I stay ? oh, it looks like we're sinking fast, put the car in drive, get out of here, come back to me, another raft now, grace, listen, let's have an uneasy alliance, okay, yeah, that's what I meant, okay, well , now we know that those structures are only to rob you and like you.
You can see on the horizon that we have something even bigger if you look at our build menu on the left, there are all kinds of things we can build. I would like to draw your attention to this sale where we are going to build a paddle and now we can brave the tides and go wherever we feel like going, oh my goodness it's getting a little dark and the darkness makes me sleepy. I better go ahead and make me a simple bed and let's go ahead and leave that right here, I'm sure The Island will still be there in the morning, that's right, we'll all be like that, and not just the island too, but the Crippling thirst and hunger, as evidenced by these incredible sounds, okay, wait, buddy, you know, I can't really tell if the island is getting closer, what do you think?
Grace, no, my tool just broke, Grace, did you do it right? Looks like we won't be going to that island. Luckily, we have a backup plan for such an occasion. It's called remembering that I have food in my inventory. raw beets are fine, they meet dietary needs, but we still look a little worse, probably because we really need that water now, so we'll build something called a simple purifier and purify a cup of salt water into fresh water. Oh boy, which way to go on this thing, whatever it is, now oh boy, we're cutting to this close-up Grace, can't you?
Oh, did I mention that Grace likes to eat the raft? I must appreciate that moment. Okay, that wasn't helping at all. let's try this again now we have to sit here and moan until this finishes processing no thanks to you oh it's ready give me that fresh water ah somehow everything will be okay you know and as i sit here just collecting more trash starting to run out of places to store it so let's build a little storage space. A charming little cooler that we can put on the very edge of our raft. Yeah, actually, actually, let's do two.
Ah, there we are much better. Oh finally, another island. Let's go ahead and do another paddle. I'm glad paddling works as I just run it through my water system. Okay, look, I managed to wedge us in, which I'm sure means the raft will hang. It is not like this? Yes, he stays still just as he intended to come back here no, no, no, no, how is he walking away? You know, we're going to make this throwable anchor, except I have nowhere to put it because for some reason. my raft is a bit complicated no thanks to some people well I guess this one also escapes okay I swear one day we will land on an island until then let's make a useful construction hammer to expand your raft and let's use it to build into a complete space again, now we are good and complete.
The next thing we want to build is this sail because she's going to push us in the right direction, okay, let's see, let's just put this in with everything else perfect, it looks great. and look, there's an island to prove it, okay, let's go ahead and just turn this thing around and with that our rowing days are over and I can't actually tell if that island is getting closer, but I don't think it's getting any further away. Actually, yeah, you know what's definitely moving away. Well, what good are you if you're not going to do all the work?
But you know there's at least one thing I can always rely on: Grace's contribution. That's great. She didn't need that bed anyway. let's go ahead and fix the problem she created, in fact while we're at it let's go ahead and extend the raft a bit, you know, let's put that whole island thing aside for now, let's focus on expansion and a good dose of The expansion starts here with our research table used to research new items to craft and I'm sure if I put this on the outer edge there's no way Grace will eat it right oh my god like clockwork the first thing I you do is eat it.
Really, really good, you know? I take it back. The next thing we need is not a research table, but a wooden spear, so the next time the bite happens, we will do a stupid little touch, breaking my stupid boat. I have an idea, let's build two rafts that we'll designate with these handy dandy signs. Here you can write whatever you want on this. Can? Oh, that's easy. Alright. Wait, please, I think I know what I'm going to do. Well, let's take it. a closer look at my job for the shark known as Grace please stop eating my raft honestly management and just to make sure she sees let's cut a hole in the middle here and then I'll do one of these things as shark bait.
The Busy Shark Hi Grace, I have something for you. Oh, okay, Grace, I guess you're also reading the sign while enjoying yourself. Do we have an understanding? I'll take that as a yes and leave her to her side of the matter. raft because I learned something else if I break all these little platforms that lead to the other raft our two little raft islands stay in formation wait can I do this with more small rafts? I guess there's only one way to find out and the answer is yes, so I made quite a few people who want a tour, the first stop is your old bedroom, only this is where the best fucking sleep happens and once you've had a good night's rest night, let's jump here to our research station or, as I like to call it, up to the performance journal. secret, don't let me catch you reading it beyond the research station, let's just go in and swim quickly to get there.
This is a rental yield. I'm sure we'll eventually find something to do with this and then if you come back here we have our aquatic thingamabob or as I like to call it aquatic world, you might be wondering what is this beautiful structure here, well let's take a look, this is the old room from the chest, look at the chest closed to the walls half dangerous with There are absolutely no organizations to speak of, I just open them until I find what I'm looking for, so this is what we have for now anyway and we'll call it islands of convenience, it's not a lie at all, so this is the point in the game when things are finally going to start to fall into place because it's time to journal and by that I mean investigation, we have all this stuff to investigate here , things like better weapons, a foundry and much more, basically to unlock the item we have we research each individual component, so we are going to go on a marathon and research all kinds of things until everything that is at our disposal is unlocked and now it's time to learn, learn, learn, learn a lot, learn, yes, give me popups forever, my favorite eventually, although we get to these things we can't learn because we don't have things like metal ingots, okay, for That's what those islands are, fight quickly towards the mass and aim it again, we must reach that island and there goes the fleet. of waffle-shaped rafts just floating in the distance finally nothing's going to stop us this time okay it looks like we've hit the island now everyone stay in formation I'm even going to use one of those throwable anchors to make sure we don't go anywhere part let's see what treasures await us well, it looks like we have some trees that we are obviously going to cut down to get beautiful resources mmm coconuts, can I eat this hole, surely I can?
Oh and look at this, a white flower and if I take it, da It gives me the flour and some seeds, not that I plan on doing anything with that, so we'll just buy things in the trash. I'm glad they also turn into little cardboard boxes so I can feel empowered to continue littering knowing the ocean. I'll deal with it, okay, more trees to destroy coconuts, to break my teeth into flowers to collect and then throw into the ocean, the real resources we need are down there, let's go, this is where we swim and find the other things we need , things like. sand and some algae and the satisfaction of finding my own trash, not to mention some metallic ore, as well as some copper and a brief cameo for running out of oxygen throughout the hall we found here, we now have the means to do things like dry bricks and metal ingots first we take a wet brick that requires sand and clay and then we take it and leave it in the sun for a while and then we wait ten thousand years oh, so boring that even the sunset is boring oh it's done, come here, let's get you into my diary, yeah, learn, let's go to our rental space, melt my bananas and that's where the foundry goes, now let's melt that metal and take it out with my own hands and now for a little copper, come here, singe my hands and finally some seaweed and now let's investigate, investigate, investigate and learn, learn, learn, now that we are so smart and have so many new and interesting options available, let's create one of my favorites. the collection net automatically catches items floating in it, you mean I don't have to do this anymore, you're speaking my language now, so these things need to connect to another raft, so we'll modify this guy a little bit. and little by little but surely replace each little part okay, it looks good, oh and let's put one like the one there, I think we can do it, okay, great, it's already doing its job, we'll make another one like the one here, Okay, I kind of lost track of time.
There, for a second, I did a lot more than I thought. I'm going to consider collecting materials a solved problem now, especially all those things that didn't get caught, they just drift by and this is one of my favorites. parts, look what happens when I collect this my collection that's overflowing now that we've researched all this stuff when we're basically doctors and everything we need to build this lovely thing, you know, just a radio receiver that I made with some parts for there and for this to work we're going to need to build a battery and connect three antennas to this thing down here, last time the game scolded me for putting the antennas too far apart, so let's just play. sure and just one there and then one here and one here yeah, that seems fine, it doesn't stress the chords at all, and we'll just put a drum kit in there, oh, the things you can do with mayonnaise. containers, okay let's turn it on, it requires higher altitude, well you require a lower attitude, what do you think of that?
Well, if you insist, I'll play your little game and move them higher,I would like to launch this, you know what I don't care, I'm not going to ask difficult questions, okay, so let's see here how many numbers I'm working with one, two, three, four, four numbers in total. I bet there's like a puzzle. What is this? Oh, I bet this is a track that sounds like a lot of work. I have a much better idea. I'm going to try all possible combinations in order. I'm sure this won't take long. Okay, four eight one two. four eight one three hey, I got it, oh, what's going on, oh, I guess that was the bridge, what kind of button is it?
Why would you want to do this? Whatever, let's just slide in the giant golf ball and take a look. Hello. Hello, could I get through the dinner rush? Can I still get a reservation? ah, my most potential favorite coordinates oh my gosh, look at this note. I didn't realize that discord facebook instagram and twitter existed in this game world is varuna point, just the bay area, which we will have to find out in the third chapter. Well, that's probably all the raft we have for now, so I hope you had fun. I know. I'm going to take a quick nap before filling this whole place with zip lines.
I will see you next time

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