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I Bought VIP On A TUGBOAT ONLY Rust Server...

Jul 03, 2024
buy a red card. No, you sell a red card idiot. 16x zoom. Oh, you buy food. Oh, you can buy a red card. 5 junk dude um I need B 55, we could take a chance though we could get 55, where can I get a red water treatment card? Let's go to water treatment try to get a red card make an oil rig we could probably get a launcher that way to be fair what's my ship is that okay let's go to water treatment let's do the puzzle hopefully we have to go through the Triangle of Bermuda I don't know how I feel about it, ah, we I'm approaching the Bermuda Triangle.
i bought vip on a tugboat only rust server
Should I go through it? I do not know what is going to happen. I feel like my tug is going to like flip over or something. Okay, we're moving on to the Bermuda Triangle. Something is going to happen? Oh, okay, I don't know why that made me jump so much. I think we're fine. I think we're fine. Maybe what is that on the ground. Okay, now we get to the water treatment. What is pump jack? It might be fun actually I don't I need it I need to find a fuse that's what I need to find which shouldn't be too hard look how many bases are there.
i bought vip on a tugboat only rust server

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i bought vip on a tugboat only rust server...

Alright, here we go, stop the engine, let's have a little peak. Someone is attacking again. Any diesel here is fine. oh you get two too that's 50 hqm shit another military box come on oh an oil refinery okay where are the fuses? I saw uh, there are no fuses yet, although I can get a level 2 workbench and a rocket. launcher, you could buy HVS in the fishing village and you could sink


s, I don't mean you can sink them, but that won't really help because you won't be able to get the loot, I mean a blast door.
i bought vip on a tugboat only rust server
The raid is quite, um, maybe not all of them have blast doors, even if we go back to the fishing village, it's not even necessary to go through the entire map because there is one, uh, down there, no, it could also be because of the red card. right, we hit the oil, come on baby, this is amazing, I'm loaded, I'm fucked, wait what a storm is coming, a sweet Lord, what's that? oh buddy, oh no, um, let's go to the fishing village, I'm close, oh, what's okay, this is it? This is amazing even though the water in Rust looks like oil.
i bought vip on a tugboat only rust server
I don't know why it's like I'm in a sea of ​​oil. Someone called BP. I do not know what is happening. I have so much junk. in my inventory, it's actually a little crazy, I'm here, hello, time to make some profits, oh, look at that guy in the parking lot, look at that, I'm going to ask for a better job, look at that, let's recycle and then buy all we need. I have so many things. Am I going to keep all the hes that I continue to receive? I don't know why but they gave me a ton so if I can get the H launcher which will be absolutely huge I can sell my diesel for hqm. uh I have the bottles that I can sell for scrap, actually 19 of them, damn look we have 655 scraps that are already huge, okay let's buy a red card, look at the storm, oh my god, buy a card red please I need about 5 five really but this will have to do.
I have 52 H with the bolt should be fine. Let's sell those bottles. I could buy medicine. Ooh, that might be a good idea. Yes. I'm going to buy some medicines. Where? Was it oh? It's over there. This


is an amazing man. I'm really enjoying it. You finished? Is this okay? Yes, how many can we make? That's pretty rubbish to be fair, I just want to say it's free, okay, so there we have it. I mean, isn't it great, we have some junk, I'll take it, but we have the red card, which is important and I can buy more, that's crazy, let's go to the oil rig, oh my God, the cargo is out, no let's R I'm going to R get some bandies going okay let's fix it okay let's fix let's hope this guy doesn't do it too oh there's two of those that's a problem can I Will they continue until they leave the safe?
Zone beep beep they're not going to rig, oh no, that could be a problem, don't shoot at me, are they trying to board my boat, oh man, they want me, they want me, oh there's nothing I can do right, 'cause They have to storm the aror gates and stuff unless Chuck unless H VB which could be a problem actually well, they shot me up, let's stay in the safe zone for a moment, what do you want? Let me get out of the safe zone. and see if I can assassinate one of them oh, I think they're actually leaving oh, I think they're leaving okay, let's get ready are they chasing me? okay no, they're not chasing me I don't think there's any


out there rig which is pretty cool oh oh ah I forgot if you don't steer it for a while it goes crazy someone's building the iceberg that's sick okay it's time for Rick here we go oh there's a there's a tugboat there Oh there's scientists so maybe someone just parked there and died.
Maybe I do not know. Why is there a little bed symbol and I can't respawn here? What does that mean? Let's get a little closer. I do not know what is happening. weird, I'm a little scared, there are a lot of similar boxes here, what real boxes, how it turns over, one at a time, baby, I'm so afraid of a submarine showing up, oh, okay, let's move on, what are they these boxes of bags? I'm going to get in trouble here, are these like the submarines or like wait, whoa, whoa, that's someone's loot. strange, no, someone broke the tugboat or the tugboat broke down or something.
I've never seen a floating box like that that doesn't look like a normal


thing. We have a rocket that is huge. We can investigate that. So my inventory. It's already full, uh, I want to see this other joint ship. I wonder if we could attack it if we get a C4 or something off this platform, oh it's armored, any loot there was a barrel, a barrel, a barrel. Well, maybe it's worth it, who knows everything, let's make this platform, okay, let's go to the Red Room. I think all the SSTs are dead, probably from below, but okay, let's see what we get, please be good, any scientist here.
I don't remember they used to be uh oh baby, that's actually so big, that's literally what we needed. Hell yeah, oh oh, so good, these boxes, man, they're actually so perfect, I needed batteries. Uh, should we call the Heavies? Let's do it. Why do not we go? Don't they appear in front? Yes, there is one, one, two that help. We have to be careful because people can easily. I mean, they show up with a tugboat. So, Minun, minigun, guy, mini Minun, it's scary, oh, zoom in. that a mini helicopter is outside I can hear something yes I can see heli oh boy are we done with the SES? oh, what are you smoking?
Damn, someone is taking the Hel. If I had a dive key I would try to take it but no No what the Heavies dropped is that normal heavy loot I can get mgl that's huge a minigun okay not really I'll take I'll take the gun a inin because that It's a little crazy on a Thompson there's no room. what we're left with here 8 minutes is the source changed I think the source changed another mini uh llama that's cool man we didn't get a caster that had been sick did I kill any with the HP burst? I don't think it wasn't good, well, we just have to wait now.
I guess we'll keep our fingers crossed we get the HP launcher, that would be cool. I really don't have many things to throw away. Just weapons, which I don't complain about, but I need disposal. to investigate things well, I mean, yeah, and I like to buy a kind of disappointing rig, I'm not going to lie, oh, it sank, it sank on a satellite dish, oh my God, oh, because now it's going to the nearest monument , right?, oh brother. which is such an awkward moment uh the box has like 2 minutes or eight 6 minutes left and I can see all the boxes that flew from far away and we go for it we could get a lot of things from that but then the box oh how long is it the box 5 minutes oh I'll be back I'll be back I'll be back this could be a terrible decision but I'm going back I can't save anything I have to go crazy The storage space box is still on fire, so we might have a chance to pick up and loot this before for that guy to get here because it takes a long time.
I think they must have taken it from here, that base is probably already there. question okay, I still don't see anyone oh wait, can I grab a? I grab that launcher, where is it? where is the launcher? Why can't I see the launcher? my BL I know what eh oh here I see someone. I'm gonna throw there's nothing to hide from I killed one I think I read one uh uh holy, they're coming I think there are I don't know how many of those there are so many of them what the hell oh if I had the H3 right now we had the H3 right now, that would be crazy, no, my God, they were coming to attack me, they were coming to attack me, they were coming to attack me, oh, I have a warehouse.
I'm dead, oh, them. You're also using inin brother in the water somewhere oh oh I don't have storage I need to go I need to go That's what I have to do I need to go uh I need to go Can I? Can? Go Go. Get out of here buddy bye oh a tugbo is coming oh I'm leaving I'm leaving oh they're mad they're mad buddy oh if they got hvs or something I'm dead if they do oh they got grenades oh that's good oh where's the health of this thing ?, anyway, are they?, they assault me, is this, what's happening, I don't, is that hitting me, it doesn't feel like it's hitting me, oh yeah, that's definitely hitting me, I don't know why how long.
I can go to the safe zone one last time I think I'm going to make it to the safe zone I'm fine, my God, they want me dead, they want me dead, they're sinking my ship, okay, yeah, I'm in the safe zone, this, this it's good he St brother he St hell no you won't stay there what you won't stay here brother yeah I'll keep doing this forever brother so get out of the line that's so bad they're so mad I need to heal. I could keep doing this cute boy oh wow they just got absolutely overpowered and very angry oh Rosie I got you brother Rosie there's another body on the other side you oh I was fishing there I'm sorry baby no no you gotta pay, come, come here. you'll be three of them uh um the carriers on the side you deserve this you deserve this it was me recording that I don't know oh they were banned I don't know if I was recording they were banned look at the chat they were banned for racism um they're trying to get back together, That's funny, okay, let's see if we can attack their base.
I have 2 C4s on me, their 2 C4s that they tried to use to rape me, um, so come on, I believe in that pull. It's here, yeah, someone else is raiding it, yeah, you know you came, you got lost, I need some meds, wait, can I make the kit? I'll do it, oh, they destroy my T, oh, well, that does so much damage. What the hell, are you kidding me, idiot? oh no, they got it, that hurts so much, someone is under your head, my tugboat is sinking, my tar is going to go, oh, it's going to break, no, come on, brother, no, no, after that those guys were molested, come on, please, the children say they are pirates.
That's it, why is it always like this, I always go against people who are not alone every time? This here, this here, this is why I'm trying to record other games besides Rust because I feel like it's very difficult. right now to get content for this game because it's impossible to play alone, you know, um, but there we'll see what we can do here, they're on my, they're raiding my tugboat right now, sons of, they have lockers outside. these guys are probably a juicy wallet, not really, oh my god, the SE in this game, stop, I won't try like no, I'm above sea level, please, yes, oh my god, they got it, hey, It's my house, my house sank.
Okay, I just spawned on another ship and it's stuck and I can't push it because you know why it might do well. I think I'm done with this game anyway. Thank you so much for watching guys, um. I can't play Ross alone. I stink. I need friends. Let me know what you thought. Don't know.

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