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I bought the STRANGEST TECH on the Internet.

May 01, 2024
I'm about to spend five thousand dollars in the next five minutes buying the weirdest


nology on the Internet and then we'll try it out. Well, let's start with etsy because I know it seems like a very familiar store, but this website. it gets weird wow that's why i love etsy tests the limit of creativity i want it all i think we just found the pinnacle the infinite dodecahedron i can't even imagine what it would be like to hold it in your hand write weird gadgets we just got from Nicolas Cage on a spoon, so someone is 3D printing guns that shoot tic tacs, why not the world's first emotional party mask?
i bought the strangest tech on the internet
This is pretty scary, probably not my kind of party, but let's try it. It makes me think, actually, what if we could use them? Internet to create the most outrageous


nological equipment. Yeah, maybe not now, that's really cool, let's get this one and see how well the fiber optic works. I think it may be time to enter the


place of all. Hello, laser glove some shoes these look ridiculous I can't believe I'm going to buy them gone man let's go gold okay let's leave out the LED set let's go for weird gadgets we have a device here that turns your bathroom breaks into a Delirium, let's understand that we have a device here that apparently you can put your batteries in and it will tell you the amount of charge left.
i bought the strangest tech on the internet

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i bought the strangest tech on the internet...

I can't be the only one who had no idea this existed. I have some very unusual bike seats. Creative Egg Lamp I can't be the only one who sees this. I think we need to buy it to make sure it is a warning light. Let's take a look at some novel USB flash drives. This can usually get quite strange. Yes, yes, technically I mean that. It's what I was looking for, some rare headphones. What is it? A bone conduction ear hook. Let's try a wireless mushroom speaker. Oh, it also sticks to the back of your phone for three bucks.
i bought the strangest tech on the internet
It could actually be a pretty good product. Hmm, right? It's crazy to think that there are people whose job it is to design things like this anyway. I think it's time to move to Amazon. We have a real variety. Here's a Bob Ross toaster that toasts Bob Ross's face on your bread. Wow, uh. the kubo has a heartbeat, what is this? Basically, it's a pillow that when you hug it tries to recreate the feeling of hugging a real animal, so it has its own heartbeat, responds to sounds, even wags its tail, apparently who it is. This is because there is a company here called Ninebot that has some of the


vehicles I have ever seen, a self-balancing wheel.
i bought the strangest tech on the internet
I don't even understand how that keeps you upright and then they also make something called electric floating shoes, which I mean. That literally looks and sounds like something out of a movie, but I'd never heard of them. Oh, you can actually buy a physical phone for your mobile phone. Why then do you have to connect it using a USB adapter? It's strange, this is fascinating. In fact, you can buy a belt that detects when you are falling and then inflates an air bag inside to protect you from that fall. It's like a superpower. I can't believe this is a real product.
The Pavlok3 you basically wear around your wrist like a normal one. wearable device, but in addition to tracking all your stats, it can give you electric shocks to try to get you out of your bad habits. This is a shock collar for humans. What I mean, yes, I have some bad habits. Let's see if he can. Get me out of them, what am I signing up for? Here's a gun that basically uses regular table salt, since the ammo doesn't require batteries and you can shoot that table salt to get rid of bugs. I have a thousand questions, ah, okay.
So this is called an otomatone it is a Japanese musical instrument that can apparently sing, you can adjust the pitch and bass with your fingers, it is definitely one of those that we need to see in person to be able to understand it, my goodness this is going to be a very experience strange when opening the box. I can't believe I actually


these things. I'm just realizing how weird it is now that I can see it on my desk in front of me, so let's start weird and keep getting weirder by taking things. Off with Kubu, which seems to be a replacement for your pet, so here's Milo, he's a little soft, a little bit more chewy than I'd like, he also completely covers you in cat hair and here's Kuvu, oh You are very soft, aren't you? he wants his tail when you pet him he's getting a little excited that's enough he's like a real cat but he actually does what you want him to do I'm sorry milo if you think it's weird we're about to make some very strange toast This is the toaster by Bob Ross and raises an obvious question: will the face taste different from the rest?
There is only one way to discover God, that heated up quickly. What the fuck just happened Bob? Oh my goodness, it looks like we have the In the version of the photo, we were promised that the outside tastes good, but the face is to say that burn, it would be a compliment, this is very heavy, but I am very excited about these two, the strangest vehicles in the world, I guess, so first with the. floating shoes that can apparently take you 12 kilometers per hour or three times the speed of walking and then the even more expensive and even more capable single wheel unicycle if the unboxing experience is that dangerous, I'm a little scared for the experience to ride and The crazy thing about this is they say it's going to take me twice that speed, 15 miles an hour, it made a mess on my desk, hell, they're both going to need charging, so we'll glue them together now and get back to them at the end, okay , it's time to do a lightning round, those TVs haven't been working all this time, did they try again?
These are the cheapest strange devices. 200 seconds on the clock, come on, so first, this mushroom costs three dollars. bluetooth speaker, but what the heck does a three dollar speaker sound good if you could turn it on? Oh, the eyes are buttons, it has a sticky pad, so I mean, okay, a little louder and a little deeper than my phone, better than I expected, ah, the creative egg. lights, so yeah, I mean, for three bucks, I don't see any reason not to buy a pair of these lights, but hey, I mean, if your goal is to get people on the road to notice you, they won't be able to look away. , now it's perfect.
At that point we have the battery capacity tester so here we have a battery that I know is full because I took it right out of the package and it tells me it's 100 so it works so let's try the one that's inside my TV. remote control right now has about 90 pleasant surprises, as silly as it sounds, this LED toilet aromatherapy kit actually has the potential to be a revolutionary product, I just need to clean the toilet before the scene, so I set everything up this. And I know I


it as a joke, but I'm going to use this, so for starters it has a motion sensor, which means it can keep the LED off until you get within ten feet of the toilet.
It has an aromatherapy function which is basically a scented pill that you put inside it's not pleasant but it's effective it smells like I imagine lemon lye smells like that it's not planned but I just realized I actually have lemon lye right here yeah , that's it but the icing on the cake, the reason this has two lights on the bottom is because one of them is a UV light, so once a person comes and activates the RGB lights, they wait for leave and then use the UV light to disinfect the box. Well, there's nothing stranger than this, a phone for your phone.
I can't believe people actually buy this, I'm sorry, but can you imagine hello hello? That's my point, a special, this is the Three Dollar Ear Hook we ordered. I've never looked at an audio device like it's about to be the next big thing, so I think you just slide it over your ear. I can't be here, that has to raise my jaw. How is this the manual? ah this is interesting, it has a really open sound because your ear is not obstructed in any way, but because the speaker unit is so far away from your eardrum it's not very immersive either, it's probably a better puzzle than a headset, But this tic tac gun has to be the strangest cheap device of all, why would you want to shoot a perfectly tasty tic tac and, more urgently, why is there a toddler in the package?
Well it definitely feels cheap like it was 3D printed in someone's living room, that's not to say anything about the performance that can't be right, okay we're pulling back on the lever to charge and I think we just we shoot, ah, I'm just trying to shoot the camera, it's not really like that. very powerful see if you can pierce a target come on ok I just couldn't hit the subscribe button so you don't have to wait that doesn't work don't do that ok loki this is what I'm most excited about . We bought a ton of LED fixtures, so let's put them together and use them to create the most ridiculous LED set.
I think these are the LED shoes. Oh my god, I feel like I wanted to hate them, but I'm a little embarrassed that I don't. I can't really tell if this will make you look like royalty or like you're a bum. Oh, the light switches are hidden inside the buckle. Three, two, one, um, they really are something as good as they are. I'm going to get all I can do is rack my brain thinking why don't I hate this right of course there's an SOS mode okay let's put them on that's our infinity mirror oh wow wait that's a lot smaller than what I expected, stains on the interior.
Mind you, while it's actually cute, it's a little stickier than I'd like for a 100+ device, well it better work well, I'm just saying that's fascinating, it really seems to last a whole meter in the other side and It's so mind-blowing to look at that it's not fascinating, so the way this apparently works is that you have two mirrors on each side and then a ring of LEDs sandwiched between them, but what makes this so interesting is that These mirrors are unidirectional. mirrors so you can look at them the same way you would look at a window, but inside the LEDs are bouncing back and forth and back and forth between the reflected parts of these one-way mirrors, that's fine, but if you think that It's complex, sorry. like the next one is going to fry our collective minds this one is actually bigger than i expected ah that's cool so it's supposed to be a very similar concept but instead of just two mirrors bouncing the LEDs back and forth, This is based on a dodecahedron which has 12.
You're ready for a peel compilation. I need a change of clothes now. I made sure not to look at any photos from the moment I bought it so I'm a little blind here and I'd only be half surprised if this opened a wormhole to another dimension oh my god wow what am I looking at now? Let's turn off some lights. It's responding to my voice. Things I could do with this power. I really feel like a strange doctor right now. I'm calling it right now, this is the coolest device to ever come into this building. Oh wow, what's going on?
I think I have to give it up before I get carried away, but we still have our stupidly expensive hoodie to try out. That looks a lot less cool than I thought. Why do I have a cone on my head? This is such a strange material for a hoodie. Why doesn't it have sleeves? It comes with a very cool remote control, so we connect it to the remote control and we are ready. To start, I'll show you this in action once we have all the products on and then we have the laser glove. This is getting crazy.
I'm actually very confused as to why anyone would need this, but here goes, this doesn't seem like it. Sure, it really looks like it was made in someone's garage, so the glove is on the thing with the bolts. I'm going to point this away from you just because I don't want you to die. We have lasers and now I'm going to press this. button that must be spinning extremely fast for it to create consistent circles like that, this kind of sensation feels like a superpower, you could actually extend your arm and literally blind anyone looking at it or yourself, if you're not careful, we're going to turn it off. wait a minute, what a strange invention, then we have our pièce de resistance, it's being sold as the world's first emotional party mask, which yeah, I mean, I promised you strange technology, okay, I'm not going to lie, this feels cool the mouth is moving towards what I'm saying oh my gosh when I blink it blinks too oh and then when you shake your head it lights up red and says no and then if I nod , lights up green and says yes, I get it, you're doing it. so if you are at a loud party and try to speak, you don't need to shout to be heard, you can just make a gesture;
There is also a companion app so you can choose from a bunch of different static screens that were a matrix, this gives a bit ofscary, right, it has a heart line, I mean, imagine walking through me like this in a dark alley, oh, that's nice, I can get sad, this is confused and this is a cat's meow and finally this is the way equalizer, which should be self-explanatory, that reacts to my voice too, doesn't it? Imagine my evil laugh right now. I have been waiting for you. Okay, I'm going to stop now. This is the most useless amazing set I have ever owned.
Life, shoes make me want to dance, but the robot inside me doesn't know how dramatic the robot's moonwalk is to get out of here. I got stuck in the carpet, well that's surprisingly realistic, oh I get it, it's a USB stick. captivated by this, this gun shoots salt, apparently it can kill flies and other pests, but since the salt is so fine it doesn't damage furniture or windows, this is a good gun, they have clearly put a lot of thought into the ergonomics and the feel of using it Improper use of this weapon can result in serious bodily injury.
I don't understand. It is salt loaded with table salt. Does this make it an assault rifle? It's a joke. Why does a salt gun have a safety lock? Oh, my table is covered in salt. You can see in that slow motion camera that it's having the right impact. It's good. I'm actually really hungry right now. Okay, we're in the top five. These are the craziest of the crazy. products that we could find on the Internet. I have a lot of questions about this one. Apparently it's a Japanese musical instrument, but I can't figure out how pretty and easy it is to pack.
Batteries are included. One two three. What are you doing now? What can I do? I'm not the only one who thinks this is wildly inappropriate. I feel like someone is going to call the police if I do this for too long. No words, this is by far the most expensive belt I have ever purchased, to be fair, though. it can save someone's life I'm not complaining okay so buckling up like this activates the electronic mechanism is active now I'm about to fall on purpose to see if this can save me this is very difficult to do please protect me please protect me me please protect me it worked I'm alive thank you yorkshire care team oh my creative egg lights managed to make falling fun and now I have a toilet seat attached ok these are done don't I I'm.
I sure have no idea how this works oh god oh god I have this backwards okay so just lean forward to go forward lean back to go back it's so fast here goes nothing one two this was my fear, what do I do? do here um guys oh god this is not what I thought I would do today wait come back here okay if I can get to the unicycle can I update it oh my god oh my god I'm doing it this is this is okay, this is okay, how do I stop, how do I stop, how do I stop, that counts well, we can title this video, my first time twerking, okay, unicycle unlocked, no, I'm scared, rgb, everything, so the slightly complicated thing about this one is that yes I only put one foot , it's going to go in that direction, so I have to put both feet at the same time, that wasn't me, okay, I mean, technically I'm on goal one is to stand up, it's harder than that. looks good, feels good, forward, back, crop, this is it, if I can get to the other side I can go ahead and test our final device.
I know the answer is trust. I have to stand up completely and no. half commitment okay okay trust trust trust up okay, come on, no, I'm up, I'm up, no, no, no, no, no, no, now I'm at a stage where I'm not even afraid anymore, just I want to do it. There's no way we're quitting this now I'm going to use the fact that I'm not afraid anymore to just get up right away okay oh core strength core strength oh I'm doing it I'm doing it's only two meters okay, okay, okay, I'm just I, it's just me, it's just me I felt like I had set this insurmountable obstacle for myself and then I pushed until I did it, it feels amazing, I can't believe this is a real thing this band apparently uses here electrocution to force you to keep your habits , so it's like a fitness tracker that records things like sleep quality, but the difference is that if I've told you I have problems biting my nails, for example, ah flip, that's like a really hard pinch Oh God, what are you doing to see me buying the biggest technology on the Internet?
That video is here and I'll see you there.

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