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How Tourette's Syndrome Impacts My Life | Minutes With | UNILAD | @LADbible TV

Jun 09, 2021
Many people who have Tourette's tend to report having fewer or no tics during sex, but the problem is that that's because it gets your attention, so that only applies to good sex, which is really brutal because I have never hurt anyone. A guy's ego is more than just passing by during an intimate moment. How long have you had Tourette's? If I'm honest, I mean he actually had noticeable tics before he spoke, so probably at least since he was a year or two. Funnily enough, I kept saying Michael, she's Mecca, I have no idea why, but I also whistled so I went quite often and it was so clear and loud that no one thought it was me because I was a little kid, so people thought that was it.
how tourette s syndrome impacts my life minutes with unilad ladbible tv
She was my mom and they would think she was flirting with them, so yeah, she was like, could you stop doing that? because uh, big, burly builders and stuff would come over and flirt with her when she didn't want you to say shit like The Kid and people don't really think much of it, but I swore a lot and people raised an eyebrow at my parents because that, but it wasn't a big deal until I was old enough for people to start wondering why this keeps happening. I went to the doctor. I thought my arm keeps doing this and I don't ask it and sometimes I say things that I don't mean to and the doctor told me.
how tourette s syndrome impacts my life minutes with unilad ladbible tv

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how tourette s syndrome impacts my life minutes with unilad ladbible tv...

Do you hear voices? I said: No, do you think you have magical powers? No, you see things that don't exist, no, um, and then they're like, well, you know, it seems like you have a perfectly functional mind. You're probably just an attention seeker and you'll get over it in time and I was told this about three or four times and it was very frustrating and I was very afraid to engage her with people because I thought they would think I was attention seeking and I thought she would automatically hate me so I I was terrified of interacting with people.
how tourette s syndrome impacts my life minutes with unilad ladbible tv
After that, there wasn't much of a problem until I tried to go to mainstream school, so when I started trying real school I had a lot of barriers. He couldn't explain why he was talking just by yelling at the teachers. I was insulting other students quite often and it all ended when a group of sixth graders beat me unconscious when I was about 12 or 13 and I thought, well, there's no point in getting an education if you're not going to have a future for it. use it, so I ended up going back to homeschooling after that, it was devastating to see that I kept hurting people's feelings and people kept pushing me away and, ah, people.
how tourette s syndrome impacts my life minutes with unilad ladbible tv
People kept judging me and I kept hurting the people around me that I really cared about, even my mom. She used to pinch the back of my arm. I didn't understand why I couldn't always control my actions and why they were so self-sabotaging. I was incredibly depressed. I ended up depressed for 13 years. He was not only socially phobic but also socially inept. It was really uncomfortable and I was terrified of people. I never even liked to make eye contact. That was terrifying. I became agrophobic, it was very difficult to start in


because I became very socially phobic towards people.
You have some scars on your arm. It was something that was during the period of depression that you were going through. Well that started when I was about eight or nine and I didn't think anyone would know that I did it um and I don't mind talking about it because I'm not ashamed and I didn't realize that anyone would find out or not or anyone would judge me for That's because I was a kid and I was always alone, so yeah, I never knew I was going to have to face judgments and misconceptions about it. In the end I found healthier ways to cope, but no one shows you that when I'm nine, so this is what I did and yes, luckily I don't do it anymore.
It took me quite a few years to get over it and find better ways, but yeah, like I said, I'm not ashamed that I got over it. I don't really know how to explain myself, I didn't know there was a word for what it was and I had finally heard of Tourette


, but I had such a stereotype in my head about what it was that I never thought that could apply to me, so my stereotype of Tourette Syndrome was that it was just bad words that you always shouted that it could never be complex and the things I did when I was alone were complex, sometimes I would sit there and just see, I killed 52,000 men and that doesn't seem to fit. with the idea of ​​someone just yelling a random word over and over again, there were certain situations where that didn't happen and I didn't know why when I interact with animals. when I'm taking care of someone I don't drink as much when I whistle I don't tick at all and when I know, when I concentrate and focus on something without distractions, the tics disappear in a strange way, maybe I shouldn't bring This is fine, but everyone anyway I'm fine.
Sex is one of those things and many people who have Tourette's tend to report having fewer or no tics during sex, but the thing is, that's because you focus on it. applies to good sex, which is really brutal because I've never hurt a guy's ego more than just during an intimate moment, and I've had tics like I punched a guy in the dick and he stayed with me for five years after that. so he was a champion when he was in his early 20s. I've had enough. This is definitely unintentional. It's definitely not attention seeking. I do it when I'm alone.
I know it's not about other people. I went to the hospital and thought, I really need to get this diagnosed, I want a


, so they did some brain scans. I was tested for copper in my urine so they collected a week's worth of urine because copper poisoning can also cause involuntary movements and actions and can look like ticks so this is why anyone who experiences something they suspect is a tick should definitely go to the doctor because you never know it could be something incredibly serious, and yes, they ruled out a lot of things, and yes, they asked a lot of questions like I also remember the psychology side of things, so I ended up being about 27 when finally I got the paper that said you have Tourette


and my life started and I got a job, I got an explanation, I got friends and it all started for me. because the moment an involuntary and offensive action has an explanation, people can connect with you and relate to you cats, it's one of my longest tics.
I had it since I was little, it started out as a caterpillar and then for some reason it was shortened to cats along the Unfortunately, if you shoot a cat, when someone is driving they slam on the brakes, so we almost had an accident and Now every time I get in a taxi, I end up having to say hello. I have Tourette syndrome. If I scream, cats, don't do it. Don't slam on the brakes if I offer you your fist, don't try to accept the offer and usually people take it very well and are a conversation star whereas if I don't say anything then bad things may end up happening due to the misunderstanding , etc.
What I have learned is that if I anticipate this, I can start a fun conversation and chat with people after I receive my diagnosis. I felt like it wasn't my fault and there was no amount of therapy. of similar restriction and there was nothing that could have stopped that from happening and it wasn't my fault and it wasn't because I was a terrible person, which was really liberating, I felt like I had been carrying everything. this guilt because I just didn't know how to make it stop um and yeah, I feel like it took a tremendous burden off of me just to know why then you're a Twitch streamer is someone somehow a strange move for a someone who has


's should move on to what is a live entertainment platform yes where there is no editing can you tell us again how i came up with the highlight so i used to play a game called overwatch online on pc and the reason why i did that ? it was because i found out i pushed it up you hold down the button you speak you stand up no one can hear you oh my god for the first time people knew me before they knew i had Tourette's people didn't face any threats or pats on the butt anything involuntary anything rude they just listened to me and I loved it and gained a lot of confidence from making friends with people before they found out about my condition.
I became talkative. I talked to anyone just because it was so nice to be a person and not a person without Tourette's and it made me less terrified of conversations and eye contact, that's for sure, but I still had anxiety after that. I think most people get a little nervous in social situations, but over time I became more and more nervous. comfortable with myself and I became more comfortable being challenged to step out of my comfort zone and I also found that there is a lot more acceptance than I expected. I didn't know enough about streaming to have any expectations of it being that way. go anywhere, I thought a great streamer was someone with a hundred viewers and I think the most I've ever had watching me at one time is around 30,000.
Yes, it's live and a lot of people are very angry because it's live. It's like you can't help what you say, you say things that are very hurtful. What if people don't want to hear these hurtful things? How could you force that to be delayed on them and it's like the chat interaction is completely ruined? I can't interact with people live if they have to wait five


for you to see the comment and decide to respond. I'll just do what I want and act like I'm everyone else's equal and have every right to interact with people the same way everyone else does until Twitch bans me, which is what I expected. that happened.
I have the n-word, unfortunately, the thing is that context matters. I feel like I put the title so-so. everything i believe online i have


syndrome no one hears any of this against their will they are warned and the problem is not only are they warned but context matters so if the bad words in They themselves are so terrible that no one should ever have to listen to them and anything containing them should be banned. We have to ban Wikipedia dictionary and context. Context matters, it is very obvious and since I am not trying to denigrate anyone or hurt anyone, the reason I have been released is to allow access for people with disabilities and that is why I am still here and I am very glad that the platform has the clarity to recognize that and let me be a part of all of this when you think about fifteen, how does that make you feel? about it, I don't know, I would never have expected it, I would never have thought it was possible, uh, this is not where I expected to be, I think I have a little further to go before I'm proud, but I'm pretty happy and that's enough .
Is there anything you want to say that we have in the coverage that snowballed with thoughts that I'm never going to be intimate with anyone? I'm never going to have a family. I will never go. experience love because I look like this if I had a face like yours if I had eyes like yours I would be happy when I was a teenager I hated my face and I didn't want surgery to improve my face I wanted surgery to have a new face

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