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How to thread a serger and overlock machine tutorial - Brother 1034D - How to sew for beginners

May 30, 2021
Welcome everyone, I speak personally and in this video we will show you how to


and set up the Brother



er or


. Now we have made a similar video with the Singer Pro finish. I have had this


. for a few months and it's a little easier to set up and a lot more reliable, so I'll show you how to get started with this right now, right out of the box your


should look like this, although I don't think it comes with any


cones. I like to use cones of maxi lock


thread or overlocker.
how to thread a serger and overlock machine tutorial   brother 1034d   how to sew for beginners
These are like 3000 meters of very high quality and come in a ton of colors. Normally you would want to use four of the same colors, but for this demonstration, we will use color coordinated cones for each of the colors in this machine. Now I'm going to turn this to the right and you should have a big plug here and this is the plug that goes to both the outlet and the pedal for this machine so the first thing you want to do is plug it in and then put the pedal underneath it and plug it in. , so the first thing you need to do is extend the thread tower, this is what's happening. to hold the thread in place so we can feed it through the machine once the thread tower is up, I'm going to use all of these little cone holders and place them lightly on each of these pegs here.
how to thread a serger and overlock machine tutorial   brother 1034d   how to sew for beginners

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how to thread a serger and overlock machine tutorial brother 1034d how to sew for beginners...

Don't push it all the way down, otherwise it won't grab the thread cone. Now almost all


s have this, but here they have color coded threads and for the sake of this demonstration I'm going to use the same color. for each of the color codes here, so I'm going to put all my cones in place like this, so now we're ready to thread our machine and this is extremely important that you follow the correct threading order. The order is green blue red yellow most sergers are the same and this one is no different so our first thread in the color order is green so I'm going to take the end of my green thread cone and we will do it in a loop. from the back coming out the front of the top of our thread tower and we're going to pull it down and where this little metal spike is we're going to place it on the right and we're going to place it to the left and then I'm going to get ready to lower this now as I pull this thread down, there's a little lever here that you'll push to the right to open the steering wheel with your thumb and I'll lower it about here once.
how to thread a serger and overlock machine tutorial   brother 1034d   how to sew for beginners
You get to this point there's a little notch here you push to the right and then you just fold the machine open and this is where the two looper threads are going to go and we're going to thread them first once you have your machine open there's all these little ones here. diagrams to help you learn how to thread your machine, but we'll do it together, so it should be a little easier that way. Now your machine should come with a pair of tweezers that look like this is really useful for grabbing the thread. They work very well.
how to thread a serger and overlock machine tutorial   brother 1034d   how to sew for beginners
I have a pair of reverse tweezers that are even better because instead of having to grab it all the time, I can just grab the thread and pull it without having to pinch it hard. force all the time for either to work, but I highly recommend getting some reverse tweezers. Now it's very difficult to get good camera angles and lighting on this, so I'm going to do my best, but the first thing he wants us to do is he takes our green thread that I have here and he tells us to bring it down and go through tooth number five. here, so let's do that and then it says six is ​​the one with the green dot right up here, so we're going to go over that one right there, the next one just has a blue dot, so we'll skip that and go this way. green arrow up where it says 7 and we'll go through it now. try zooming in here so you can see exactly how we do this part.
Now we just got to where it says seven here, which we did and it wants us to put the front of our thread through this little hole right here where my left. The finger is so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab the thread just before the tip and I'm going to run it through the front of that hole and I'm going to release it with my pliers and I'm going to try not to. I lock the camera while I grab this from the back, pull it out and it should look like this and then I'm going to pull this all the way back like five or six inches so we have our green thread in place, which goes down five six seven across the back. back of this hole and comes out the back now it's time for us to do the blue thread, okay, so I'm going to do this one more time.
I'm not going to show the four threads because they're all the same, but I'm going to go around the back of the thread tower, pull it down, go under the right side of this metal spike, turn it counterclockwise as you I slide down, I'm going to break our steering wheel. open it, pull it down and then let go once we get under this part, so now to thread our blue thread, I'm going to grab it like this and there are a lot more instructions here, but I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. As I can, we're going to go through step number five and then it tells us to go through step six and seven, which are these two things here and they both have blue dots at the top, so I know this thread has to go through both of them. . of those and then there's eight here so let's break it down once you get to that point which is pretty easy and then it gets pretty specific so I want to simplify this as much as I can so now we have our Pass the eighth by a little notch here and what we're looking for is this little blue arrow that's pointing left and right, so we're going to push this all the way to the right and that's going to expose this little metal thing where the blue arrow is pointing now. .
I'm going to try my best to show you how to do this without blocking the camera with my fingers, which isn't very easy, but we'll try. What we want to do is get the Wrap around this little metal block right here and it should rest slightly like this and then what we're going to do is push this arrow all the way to the left and it should snap into place and click into place. Now what's happening? Hopefully what we need to do is put this blue thread behind this pin that has a hole in the end.
Now we're going to take the tip of this blue thread and thread it through this little guy's eye. It's not really a needle, but it's just kind of a little point sticking out and I'm going to put it through the front and out the back now, once you pull it out, it should fill that little groove that it's making right now perfectly here, hopefully. , can you look at that, that did exactly what it was supposed to do and when I pull it you can see it sliding through that little groove, so once you're at this point you should see that blue thread running through the groove and coming out. .
At the back of this hole now all we have to do is grab our blue thread. We're going to go through the green thread right in the fold right here where my pliers are right, so without blocking the camera I'm going to place this right. over the top and trying to get some of the blue thread out, so I'm pulling the blue thread out from behind and now that I can reach it, I can grab it with my fingers, which I don't think you can see, but just pulling the blue thread out from behind, like this that now I can grab both the green and blue thread and they should slide like this, okay, now both loop threads on our overlock machine are in place, which is the hardest part. part once you get past that, the rest of this is very easy, now that's done, we can close our machine up here, uh, just pushing it up and it will snap back into place, okay, our next thread color is red, so I'm grabbing my red thread putting it through the tower of thread through the little metal slot on the back pulling it down opening the flywheel and then we get to here where it says four and there's a little arrow I'm going to go behind this little metal support right here, we're going to go to where this arrow goes up, okay, once we get here, we're going to go up and around where it says 5 and then we're going to take it down. and I'm going to close this so we can see how to thread the needle right, so once you get to this point, I'm going to grab it with our tweezers and there's a little metal holder here, so I'm going to pull my thread down and behind this little holder and we're going to thread the right needle first, so I'm going to drop my thread, so I've got the tip of my red thread here and I'm just going to thread it through the front of the eye of this needle like this, let go of my thread grab it from the back and pull it until I grab it with my fingers and tighten it completely like that now we have our right needle threaded and this is one of our straight stitches so lastly we have our gold thread which It's going to go through the top of the thread tower through the tip down here and when we get to At the bottom we're going to do the same thing that our red thread did where we're just going to go around this little plastic thing, go up and around the five and then it'll be pretty much the same now once you come here, I'm going to grab it with my tweezers, put it behind this metal thing right here, we're going to put it down, okay, now, just like with the thread red, we're going to thread the needle on the left with our yellow thread here.
Now I'm going to pull this all the way in the back like with the red thread and everything looks pretty good from here now our machine is fully threaded, but there's one last thing we need to do to make sure everything is straight, so in On the right side of the machine there is a lever that if you push it up will raise the presser foot right here, so before I start sewing, what I like to do is take my red and yellow threads and we're going to run it under this small metal thread protector. I just want to make sure I put it in there.
This thing here will hold all the thread in place once you've threaded the machine, so I've got that down there, so I'm going to take my blue and green thread and I'm also going to feed it like this. Now I'm going to lower the presser foot and hopefully it will grab all the thread like this, not now. I actually need a piece of fabric to test this, so I have the four threads coming out the back here and I'm going to run the machine very slowly for a few stitches to see if it's going to create that chain thread tail. what we're looking for uh the last thing we have to do is turn on the machine.
I don't recommend doing this while the machine is on, so we just turned it on, the light comes on and now I can start running the machine. my foot is fine, this is perfect, so this is what you want to see. This is a perfect overlocked thread chain. You should leave about three or four inches each time you sew or overlock anything and then cut it to the length you should have it. extra thread tail that way you won't end up having to rethread your machine every time you make a stitch now that we have our serger set up and ready to do its job.
I want to show you a couple of examples of how I use my serger, so this is just a regular sewing machine and I'm going to sew two pieces of a knit fabric together that are a little bit stretchy, with a 5 8 inch seam allowance with black thread so you can see it and we're just going to go all the way so now we have a nice strong stretch stitch on a knit fabric that looks great and even with black thread you can't see the thread on the outside of the seam and it's still nice and strong, which is good, so we come back here to our serger now and if you're not familiar with what a search does, it has a blade right here that will trim the seam as it coats it so that be seen. really polished and clean inside, so I don't have to lift the presser foot, but I'll just lift it with my thumb and then I'll run this along the right side of the stitches that I just did it again, I have a long thread tail and pretty and I'm going to trim it at the end of the fabric so that it's nice and long back there if we were making a t-shirt or a pair of pants and we sewed the inside of our seam it would look nice and clean on the inside, also a stitch overlock will stretch which is really good now I have to ask this question all the time, why do you make a stitch and then overlock it?
Why not just overlock it? and finish this off because this looks very clean on the outside and I'm going to show you exactly why I do both of those things well, so we're still here on our serger and I'm not going to do any kind of sewing. On the sewing machine, we're just going to look for this on its own, so we have this example, which is a nice, clean looking stretchy overlock seam, but we didn't sew it at all, so what happens when I open this if threw it away? Tight, I can clearly see the overlock machine stitches on the outside of our seam and if you're using black thread it will be much more obvious than this because it's like yellow and green that looks, so the sewing machine will add a lot of strength, then the serger will polish it, so if you plan to sell things or make professional clothing or bags, having a serger or overlock machine is extremely important to get really polished results, especially if people pay you money for the things.
Alright, something else that's really important andWhat's worth mentioning is that if you have a knit or stretch fabric, this will not fray, so you don't have to worry about that, although it will always look better if you cover the seams with a knit fabric with a woven fabric like this. I want to show you the inside of these pants real quick, so as I zoom in here, I made these pants earlier. I had a serger, okay, these are very. I made them about five or six years ago, so the inside thread is fraying like crazy because I didn't overlock, so the inside looks really ugly, the outside looks good and I still wear them pretty regularly, which It's very Well, here's another pair of pants that I made after I had a serger and if I open this up and look at the inside, I used a set of red overlock thread and the inside looks a lot cleaner, so if you're planning on selling things or If you want to add a ton of shine to the inside and outside of your projects, having a serger or overlock machine is absolutely the way to go, so here's our full demo on how to thread and use this Brother


overlock machine. or serger uh, I haven't had to rethread this machine since I bought it, about six months ago until today, since I showed you how to rethread it, but this is a very reliable machine.
I will probably use it for many years if you have any questions about this machine or anything else, let me know in the comments. Otherwise, thank you very much for your support, thank you for watching this video and see you in the next



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