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How To Stop Stressing, Obsessing & Worrying: 4 Ways that Work

May 31, 2024
Do you often find yourself stressed, obsessed or worried about something dangerous, painful, horrible or difficult that maybe could happen at some point in the future and you don't know how to


it? Then you are in the right place today. I'm going to talk about how to get out of the worry cycle if you find that you're in that cycle and it's not just about


about things that are a likely danger and that will help you plan and prepare for it if that's the case. you almost paralyze with worry and your brain is invaded by these


thoughts that repeat themselves over and over again even about things that are very unlikely to happen and it feels horrible and it is invading your life and it is taking you away from the present and you It's making you feel all kinds of anxious and restless and you want this to end.
how to stop stressing obsessing worrying 4 ways that work
I'm going to give you four strategies to use that you can start using today. Are you ready if you are new here? Welcome to our amazing little corner of the Internet. a second introduce yourself in the comments section below if you come back it's al


good to have you thanks for being with me again if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet so you can be notified when new talks come out and anyway my My name is Julia Christina and I'm a registered clinical therapist, a researcher, a coach, and the creator of my amazing community of members.
how to stop stressing obsessing worrying 4 ways that work

More Interesting Facts About,

how to stop stressing obsessing worrying 4 ways that work...

Many of you are members of the Change Society, where we are taking this


to a deeper level and you are being supported and held accountable and helped all the way to the better. You can find out more about the company change in the description below. I help heart-centered humans overcome the junk that holds them back so they can like themselves and their lives more. Every day and worry is really one of those things that can keep us stuck and you know if you have worried, almost obsessive, ruminating, repeated thoughts that come to your brain more often than you want, you know how much this can hold.
how to stop stressing obsessing worrying 4 ways that work
It sets you back and prevents you from living fully and freely in the present and being able to enjoy your life the way you want to enjoy it during the short time we are here on this planet. The last talk I gave was on the subconscious reasons to worry and this will really help you understand what is happening on a subconscious level about why you were worried, understanding that it is for a reason and in your brain it creates a good reason for worry, which is why you can't just tell yourself to


doing it and why you might actually get stuck in it because your brain thinks it's serving a useful purpose at this subconscious level and so Therefore, to understand that more deeply you can go and observe that talk. from time to time come back to this one or you can see this one and then see that one, you can see part of this one and then whatever you want to do, but these two go together and will help you a lot if worry is your thing. and you just don't want it to be your thing, so what do you do when you get stuck in worry?
how to stop stressing obsessing worrying 4 ways that work
Taking a second, stepping back and consciously asking yourself if what you're worried about is a real threat or yours. The brain just indulges in a habit, almost like scratching an itch, and I almost feel uncomfortable if I don't worry about something, so I almost feel like I need to worry about it because that's what I've al


done, so I bring those worrying thoughts to my mind. your conscious brain instead of just walking around thinking what if this could happen and what would I do and you know what this would be like and this was, you know, getting caught up in those kind of random thoughts that just kind of hit your brain from all directions. take a second take a step back take a breath and say what's really worrying me and if this is a likely threat or is my brain just overly excited so ask yourself if this is a real threat or is it just a thought that my brain is thinking about? habitually clinging and that is why watching others talk about the subconscious reasons we worry will be helpful for this, but in the meantime, ask yourself if this is a real threat or is this just a habitual thought and if it is a habitual then using my 10 minute guided mindfulness exercise will be really helpful because it's free?
The link is in the description below, but by using that resource, that mindfulness exercise and then also really asking yourself if this is a real threat or is it just a thought, the next way to get out of this cycle or out of this habit of Worry is really answering the question that question that worry loves to torment you with, you know what it is, what if What if that interview goes terrible? What happens if I lose my job? What happens if my partner leaves me? What if those people are judging me? Answer the question: What will happen if any of those feared things really happen? and answer the question What happens if this happens?
That? What will I do? How will I handle it? What are my options? How will I get over it? And as soon as we answer the question, worry loses its power because worry loves to ambiguously trap us in the what-ifs and then we just walk away. going around and around what happens if this happens what happens if that happens what happens if they do this what happens if they are thinking this what happens if everything falls apart okay what happens if that happens I'm not saying it will be pretty or ideal but how will you handle it? ?
How will you get over it? And as soon as you start thinking about how you would take action, how you would handle it, then the worry will automatically decrease because you are not just stuck in that ambiguous cycle. The "what if" exercise is really powerful and


s really well, and to take it a step further, you can even sit down with a piece of paper and write down what I'm worried about and what I will do if it happens. What are some options? What is maybe even a small plan? And as soon as you have a plan, worry is out of the question.
Next, the third thing to overcome this worry cycle is to schedule worry time and that may sound nice. It's crazy for you, but there's actually a lot of research backing this tool of scheduling worry time, so instead of spending your day worrying about all these little things, if you notice your brain worrying, it tells itself. himself that's okay, brain, we're not going to do it. Worry about it now, but we'll worry about it tonight during our scheduled worry time from 7-7:45 p.m. m. and then you can be sure that you will have the time and space for that worry, so you will not be worried. about not having the opportunity to worry and then like I mentioned in that other video where the subconscious reasons to worry are there, you understand why you want to worry so you can scratch that worry itch in that scheduled time a little bit more. content so it doesn't take over your entire day, so tell yourself I'm going to worry about this later tonight and if you think I'm worried about not remembering what to worry about, you can write it down and I know this sounds nice. kind of wild, but it's really useful and I've taught this skill to clients and shift society members and the report is Yes, this one really works and gives my brain that promise of worry which then clears the space. for me to be more present, to be more focused, to be more here in my life now and not get caught up in that worry, so scheduling about 15 minutes once a day at a specific time, setting the clock, setting the alarm, making sure Do it, make sure you only do it for that period of time and sit and worry until your heart is content, indulge the worry, scratch the worry itch and just go to town on it.
The next strategy to nip worry in the bud is to be curious if you're a shapeshifter you know this is our favorite word in shapeshifter society is to look a little deeper at what's really going on here what it's really about where the vulnerable points are where there are the insecurities what feels out of my control and really just becoming more curious and compassionate with yourself and offering yourself words of compassion being able to say to yourself like I know this is scary I know this feels uncertain I know this feels vulnerable but I'm here for you I care about you support you, we will get through this, we will figure it out, we have been through hard things before and if another difficult thing happens that we feared, we will take it step by step like we did before, knowing that you have a 100 success rate to get over it. difficult things, so why are you so worried about having to deal with difficult things when most of the time all that worry does is prevent you from experiencing the good things that are in front of you?
Which of these tools are you going to use? first let me know in the comments section below, make sure you do that 10 minute guided mindfulness exercise. It's really nice. I've heard feedback from many of you who have said that this is the one that you use, you use it every day and it has really had a big impact on changing your relationship with yourself and your thoughts, your worrying thoughts, your anxiety-provoking thoughts, your thoughts of doubt, whatever those thoughts are that are disturbing your peace, this one helps you with that, so make sure you grab it. totally free and let me know what connected with you in this talk today I would love to hear and until next time take good care of yourselves take good care of those around you goodbye for now

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