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How To Speak Without Preparation? | Communication Skill | Extempore Speech| Dr. Vivek Modi | Live

May 12, 2024
let me finish the topic I give you a very nice good technique thank you very good technique on how to


ex temporal when you will not find this technique anywhere because this is my good technique and I give it to you here uh normally I give it in my courses that I give you here today and I'm sure they will be useful, so in any situation where they call you without any




and you don't even have a topic to talk about, okay, they just called you to say, please, a few words. Okay, and at that point, what happens when people are inexperienced and don't find it easy to speak in public?
how to speak without preparation communication skill extempore speech dr vivek modi live
They get stuck, they get scared, they think, what will I say? I've seen so many very experienced, very well-read people, people that doctors and teachers really cringe when they're suddenly called to speak without any knowledge about it, so I'll give you a technique. Using this technique you will be able to handle such a situation. I'm not saying you will be a perfect speaker. In this, this extemporaneous


means extreme power without


. improvised when you speak without preparation people do not expect an erudite


from you no, they expect a decent speech this is how it is using this technique you will be able to handle it this technique is called ppit which you can pay attention to p put the technique is fine and with this technique you will be able to talk on any occasion if you don't have the problem they just call you so what is ppid here let's understand well first p in ppi t first p it is called people people okay then it means that you can talk something about the people present there, Let's say if the director is sitting at the desk so you can say a few words about it.
how to speak without preparation communication skill extempore speech dr vivek modi live

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how to speak without preparation communication skill extempore speech dr vivek modi live...

First you can start with good night, good morning, namaskar, greeting everyone and then you can say thank you. So much for giving me this opportunity to go on stage and represent parents or brother sister or represent our son who is studying in this school, so can you say before I start having in your mind p can you say before I start and say something, let me congratulate the director sir, all the staff of this university or this school for managing it very well and professionally we feel that it is like our family, now you speak well of the people there, so say a few sentences about the people present in the days and people present in the general audience you will always be able to make some comments about people no matter what the situation is now it could be a club function it could be a marriage ceremony it could be another type of office ceremony a farewell party or something in which suddenly if they call you to say something first remember p talk about people say some words okay then continue after the second pppiti you said second p second piece place okay first piece people , second piece, place now, what do you say about the place? about that organization or that place where you are so that you can say when I come to this campus if it is a school or university or every time I come to this campus I really feel that I come as if I come to my house or you can say I really like the atmosphere of this place or I love the energy here I love the green here I love the infrastructure building it is very well planned you can say something about the place no matter where you are you can always say even if you are sitting somewhere outside on the ground you can say love this land you know I like the location of this land I like the green here something you can always comment on the place okay so first talk a few words about the people on the days of the days okay second talk about the place because you don't have any problem there, they just called you to say some words, so you say some words, okay, then the third thing comes, the problem now is the editing may not be there or maybe it is there, then, what are you? doing there in the case let's say that if you speak in the days of a university or school then there is no such problem they just tell you to say a few words so that you can say how I introduce you here my brother my younger brother or my son whoever you are presenting from that I'm presenting let me tell you about my feelings related to this organization because you know the director puts people on the desk and they are really worried about you saying something good about them okay that's labels too so you can say that I really like it. something and fill in the blank something I really like the friendliness of the teachers here or if you are in the club I really liked the way we handled our president during his term when you speak in a club it's okay, create a good topic a good point yes I haven't given you a topic and say a few words about it again so we have covered three things first the people second the place third the problem and lastly the tppit technique means time now , what are we talking about, time, time here, means past present. future, okay, so let's say that after talking about three points you still have a few minutes to fill, then think about the past, okay, before you can say: I remember when I was young and I used to pass by this place.
how to speak without preparation communication skill extempore speech dr vivek modi live
I used to look at this building. I know you talk about the past save one one line two lines about it or you can talk about the impression or you can also talk about the future in the future you can talk about the future of people you can talk I am very sure that the students who study there will do our very proud country i see that few of them will become bharat ratna or nobel prize winners they will bring glory to the country you are talking about the future of that audience you are talking about the future of that organization you are talking about the future of that place again so the same ppi in the past present future again you get a few more points for speaking and filling in the blank, so it really doesn't matter what the topic is, it doesn't matter what the audience is, it doesn't matter what the occasion is, as long as you can keep this technique in your mind pipp, ah, place a topic of place of people and time, if you use this technique, you will always be able to at least speak confidently for five minutes and that is enough and you know one of the good things about this, since you spoke extemporaneously, a people will like it.
how to speak without preparation communication skill extempore speech dr vivek modi live
Because they don't expect a great speech from you, they just called it and still your speech will look very very good or it will be an organized speech, so try using this technique. I repeat it very briefly. Some people joined later. I'm talking about that. Speaking extemporaneously, I am talking about a scenario where you are called to go on stage to talk about the event without any problem, then you can use the ppit technique, the first piece talks about the people or the second piece talks about the place where two p are there, okay? and place talk about the people who called you talk about the audience talk about something related to the people second talk about the place ok the place is good what's good about that place atmosphere or vegetation or infrastructure or whatever say something about the place where being able to complete something very relevant, then I am a problem, whatever the occasion, you can talk about the occasion, okay, you can talk about whether it is an annual function, you can give good wishes to the students, you can praise some things about the teacher or about you. you can mention some specific people and thank them individually for so many strategies, then the time comes, if you still have time, then the last moment comes to talk about the past of that organization, the past of the people, the past of that place, the present and the future, so even if he gives two sentences for everyone, you have good things, it's five to ten minutes of speech without any problem, you can do it with confidence, people will think, how could he speak, how could he think?
You know, you have to remember the technique, the problem is that I have to teach you the given technique, but even now most of you will forget the technique when the opportunity comes, so what you need to do is how to implement it. Make a plan. Take a notebook and take this technique because I am teaching this technique in my paid professional courses. I'll give it to you right now, take a piece of paper, take a pen and write ppi t and use this technique in some hypothetical scenario. Ask your friend, brother, sister, someone to talk about it, so in one of my previous videos I think I shared an impromptu conversation. technique qa technique is a very common technique good how to organize your thoughts so that you can check that today it is one more technique I told you ppit and it is more useful for p when you talk about a topic that is general that has no details and when they only call you to speak something if you are not given a topic, this is the most ideal technique without hesitation as a professional speaker, can you speak here?
A very important tip to remember, please use the language you are comfortable with. Okay, not really. It doesn't matter when they call you on stage, please don't hesitate to say no, no, I have to speak in English only if you don't feel comfortable, it's not in English, improvised speech is always better in the language you feel comfortable in because you don't have to think again how to construct the sentence improvise even if you think about the content so that your spontaneity is preserved if you keep your original language, your mother tongue and speak in that and people will accept it, don't worry, it's okay, slowly , slowly, this.
The English castle is breaking people now respect Indian languages ​​too so now let me answer your questions. I hope you like the technique. The ppit technique is a very useful technique in personal life that I have used and many of my students use it. I can understand. what people say, but my problem is that I can't form sentences, can you suggest something that is exactly the problem I had? uh bubble, I hope it's just a bubble, yeah, that's exactly the problem I had, you know, when I was on my mbps. I was doing my first year of mbps, that was my problem because I come from a small town in Rajasthan, no one speaks English, there I didn't do all my training in Hindi medium, suddenly in medical college I had to speak everything in English and there It's where I improved.
So I already shared it in a video, so if you found it interesting I think it should be useful. Okay, answer my question. What is your question? Please tell me my way. I couldn't see your question. I want to know how I can develop my vocabulary. I can speak English, so you need to watch and read different things and listen, which brings up various topics, for example, you can watch the daily news from the point of view of learning some words. Okay, now here, the important aspect is not learning words. learn the usage of words and start using them every word you learn should come with a context in your mind first learn where this word will be used and then learn the word simply means what you see there are things that can be simple but it should be kept the effort So vocabulary, I can't give you a mantra, you have sung vocabulary, you need more people to listen to you, this is how your words become richer, you need to read more books, if you can't read, tell me I want to improve, it won't.
It happens, yes, then you need to do simple things, read more variety of things and speak in different scenarios, watch debates, watch people talk and see what kind of phrases and words they use, there are few words that will appear repeatedly in any video you open , you will find few. new words look at those words internalize them imagine where I will speak these words and I will speak that's all then it's a process don't keep a timeline in two days my vocabulary should be good or in a week it would be a lifelong process even today I'm learning new words, what do I do when I get a new word?
I just tell my phone Google, please remind me of this word, you know? to have this Google assistant which can help you a lot so remember any word or make one. note keep a journal take note if you hesitate to work hard I can't help you friends you know you have to work hard you have to do your job simple doesn't mean easy okay simple means it's easy to understand but you have to do it follow those steps without following steps, no There is no way you can learn any language, forget English, there is no linguistic


if you want to develop or in English, Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi, anything, you have to really work on it, you have to speak, it is the only way. and the vocabulary I told you, show you sources from diverse backgrounds diverse means different different backgrounds, okay, maybe a doctor will talk, you might not need that vocabulary, but maybe, in a news debate, what happens?
Two people are facing each other. Let's say you meet Sushant Singh Rajput. so much controversy is happening well so one person says in favor of the CBI transfer another person says no in favor but they use certain phrases that can help you, you must keep in mind that you must verify what I did, I always saw everything from the point of view of sight, although the bummer that was before, you know next that every screen on the channels and although I read carefully and always said, okay, this word, I can use it and think as soon as you use a new word in vocabulary learn a new one word in vocabulary understand the moment when you learn a word please think where I will use it how I will use it in what situation can I use it if you can't imagine asituation then put that word in a background use first learn only those words that you can think of using and when I say think of using them it doesn't seem artificial or strange it should seem very natural if you talk to your friends when you talk to some people on the phone or otherwise if it's not natural to do it it's just very difficult to sound very sophisticated when you learn a word and use it word no, it won't workCommunication is not about creating difficult words and using jargon. in simple but understandable English or any language you want, so this is the process, please don't make it unnecessarily complicated, okay, you have more questions, you need to know the grammar rules, but to speak, just knowing the grammar rules does not it helps if you know ok, if you don't know, the focus should be on learning sentences, learning grammatically correct sentences and there is something called linguistic intelligence. ok, everyone has linguistic intelligence, so once you learn enough correct sentences, you automatically understand the grammar, that's how you know the grammar of your native language. it can be Hindi Telugu Tamil whatever your mother tongue is you know the grammar because you know enough correct sentences you don't know the grammar because you have read the grammar for most people that is the fact that yes then English is the same it is okay, so I was there any other point I wanted to say no, so I hope friends you would have liked that technique of speaking extemporaneously ppit technique use it practice it give your opinion if you liked it thank you thank you too I love you thank you for all your support you are the the people that we love we know that you return it, otherwise sometimes we know that now we have people.
I will make more videos, don't worry, I am in another process of doing my online courses, I am learning by myself, so you will get more and more videos, okay, eventually, but you have to stay for a few days and from now on Go ahead I will continue to come


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So thank you very much and take care of yourselves during this corona time. See you later, thanks.

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