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How To Make A Cross Wreath

Jun 05, 2021
It will look amazing. when I finish it as soon as I decide the frameSure now Skittles, why are you complaining? Last night there wasn't much traffic, but tonight there seems to be a lot more people out, go home, the only way to stop this is if you don't go out, find others, even your own family. your friends you don't know who has it that takes what up to 10 days you ate you ate what sit in the chair she won't want to sit in that chair for long this is not the recliner but your crying mom she's a whiner, I know what Rocky has , it's getting busier and like I said if you have any questions or comments put them there and I'll answer them after I'm alive we have one more section to do getting busier here get this in the center what?
how to make a cross wreath
It's against the square in the center but you don't want to show it, okay now, one more section on a face, my mom, she's sitting behind me in this chair, she always keeps me awake. I'm going to


a sandwich today. I think it's a good time. not to go and diet, that's right, making sure I don't have it backwards, so let's see, I have an appointment on the 30th with the NP and the dentist appointment, April Fool's Day, which is right between my birthday, oh, so I was thinking since then. Governor DeWine closed barber shops, hair salons, tattoo parlors, nail salons.
how to make a cross wreath

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how to make a cross wreath...

I'm totally shocked but he still lets the dentist be open. I'm not afraid of the dentist or anything, so he doesn't bother me. I need a tooth pulled and 1/5 the sooner you do them the better especially the one that needs cold it broke and it will be fun break it with the gum line and since my gums line up the gums on the back bottom of my teeth are very far away. from where they should be, they've talked about maybe even having to do a skin graft, a gum graft, whatever it's called, and add a little bit to my teeth, the back of my teeth, because that


s that mousse go At my age, it just gives me something false. teeth okay now last last guy give us a warning out of the saddle go get your pony I'll bring your pony thanks to your pony our new hump report there's our first one next let's put our star shape nothing is coming out of this gun seriously, where is the glue? the sickest dog laughs.
how to make a cross wreath
Is there a switch you're supposed to make? What is a switch? I just got the thing so I don't know much about it so I don't look at these flanges, there are like 500 inches. this tile I want these on Amazon a ditch in the center of a butterfly and I was thinking of putting a smaller ball this is what I use to cut my mash cut and seal the green button I'm great out of there are you okay? doing anything, he's got your splash there, I want to get that's my burst, so Chloe and Sophie are pretty quiet, are they shaking?
how to make a cross wreath
I don't know Oh, how much do we use? Okay, the white one. I used a whole roll and maybe eight pieces. from a second roll and the burgundy color, well I didn't even use a roll of each, so if you're making one in a completely solid color, you'll want at least two rolls, possibly one or two of eight thirds, Hi Chrissy, you see? Novak is there, hello Chrissy, thanks for showing up and we need to put another sticker on. She's the one we like. I left mom. Okay, now put a lot of glue in here, so if you had been here the whole time you could have read the whole thing. comments a lady here wants to know if you uploaded it to YouTube hey um no I didn't we made a video and the lady's name on there yeah they love that that's a um anyway we made a video the other night and we started on my cell phone and after 21 minutes on lockdown and we lost the whole 21 minutes and we didn't know the first part of the first part, yeah we got the second part, we just didn't have the first part.
I can make another one since I have another order or I have three more to make. I can try to make another video and upload it to YouTube and she says cold glue gun, yeah I bought this on Amazon and it was only like 20 bucks make sure it's plugged in otherwise 1 peter yeah plug it in. inside and it also sits on the little holder there and it's good for two minutes of sticking this pretty little dripper on. Yes, Amazon now has all kinds of and I wanted a wireless one and I think I might get a couple more when I hold another one. class, we don't have to worry about connecting notifications.
I should have asked Becky about this. She takes the class. I'm sure it's fine. Now you are making a floral pin or just wire your flowers. You want to go to the corner. of the square in one of the corners and push it down towards your autumn star Wilson this will help hold it up and we make two of these in the opposite corners tim's hobby lobby kim sahabi hobby like what school weapons oh we don't I have a lobby of hobbies. I think there's one when they say Zanesville or somewhere mmm-hmm, the hobby lobby is great because they have like 40 or 50 percent off every two weeks on flowers and you know I love flowers, okay?
What am I ready for that? you want to cut these stems because they're going to fit like this and you're going to push them around like they're hydrangeas. I think you only needed three of these because they're so big that they fill the entire area if you're using something smaller, you might need if you're using something smaller, you might need four, they have their leaves, which leaves up, you want have the leaves right, so if you were doing this and I thought about roses to make the open rose here, okay, okay, so if you were making these, I'm thinking you might want to make four of a smaller one, we'll do this and Yes when you get them En you'll be able to tell if you want, you need three or four and if it's too much bean bag like this one, the one I showed you behind me was a little over the top.
I removed a couple of pieces to make it less. Poofy, so it wasn't overwhelming the reef, okay, so you want to do that before you hit it, leave it and come in at an angle. Oh really, Chloe, do you want to use the license? Look how they put the leaves on this. blue the link here is good, you can take your leaves and use them very well these flowers I bought at jo-ann fabrics ah, so you need one good enough to see any openings that we have to make. I think if I was taking the initiative, take your stem of a flower it was always okay push that down like this up here cream an impact is a job Chloe what's my Louie she's shaken oh my girl you're okay you're always scared when it starts to shake and she's going to have an attack yes, shake, not stir, give her some medicine, eh, she has her medicine for seizures, we don't like to give it to her every day because it's very strong, she's very small and usually He comes running to me complaining and climbing every time he feels like he's going to have a seizure.
I burned my finger on it, now you can put a hanger on it, turn this off, you can use a thread or you can use a ribbon. I have a tape here and we're done. I hope everyone received the instructions well and enjoys doing this. I think you are beautiful and thank you all for coming and watching me in my first live video. The mouth is not here to turn the rock, so guys, stay safe.

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