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How to Install Cement board, all the steps needed form cutting and installing to waterproofing.

Jun 04, 2021
So, this is an instructional video on how to



, plus




, stripping the walls, preparing the joints, and


the entire system, everything that is required to




correctly. Well, how do you cut rock? It's actually pretty simple, okay, so I need to cut about an inch and a quarter off that end. I'm going to make an L for the curb, cut it like a corner and then I have to make a hole to cut it for you too. It really has to do with your score and taking it, you actually want to try not to use power tools or anything that creates dust because the rock has silicates in it and it's not good for you to breathe, so you want to keep the dust. down so like I said just score really good with a utility knife and then fold it back and cut the back and it's all done very easy to cut, if you want you can also use a carbide scoring tool, but that's what you still need to use. utilitarian and I have to cut the back off when you fold it so you know Durock generally cuts very well with a knife and the same goes for any type of


ing behind a unit except the Heidi board which is a little harder to cut because it doesn't scratch that easily, so in that case you would use a carbide tool, you're not going to cut the hole.
how to install cement board all the steps needed form cutting and installing to waterproofing
Okay, you can get all kinds of fancy tools to cut a hole, the easiest way to do it. Get a jigsaw, this is fine, so you can't use drywall, schools, you can't use anything that's not keyed, shielded or galvanized, these are actually two rocks, really, you can get these here, get these here to rock. Don't use drywall screws because the chemicals in the boards wear off over time, so I'm going to show you that you need to put in the correct screws and put one every eight inches. I don't want every foot every eight inches. These screws first of all. they've got like a little bit on the inside, they've got a little bit of an edge to them and what it's going to do is when you screw it in tight, the door is going to sink in and be flush and so are the drywall screws that aren't.
how to install cement board all the steps needed form cutting and installing to waterproofing

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how to install cement board all the steps needed form cutting and installing to waterproofing...

The liner will be eaten away by the rock over time, okay, so I put this level here. All the studs touch except this one, so I'm going to shim that quarter inch. Look, this one is touched. I'm going to catch him, no. one touch that one touch that means they're all flat but this one here is off by a quarter of an inch this one here this wall is way out of whack what set this level yeah as you can see there's a big gap on this side this one side and it's flat over here, so I'm going to go further, so I'll screw it in with a shim and then it'll all be in place.
how to install cement board all the steps needed form cutting and installing to waterproofing
This is the first thing I did, let's protect the resistant. This is a new bathtub that I want. to scratch it and just any junk, ok so I'm putting this new stone and further on the back wall are the blogs that already have episodes. You can't see it, but on this wall here and so when I put it. the board will go over the edge and on top of the lip or behind the lip this way the board will go over this edge and that's how it's supposed to go so I'm supposed to go on top or behind that way.
how to install cement board all the steps needed form cutting and installing to waterproofing
Keeps water off the wall, so you'll wonder why there's no vapor barrier. The reason is that I'm going to waterproof the entire surface of this De Rock, so you don't need a vapor barrier behind it if you put one in front. In fact, if you put one in front you don't put another one behind, so I'm staggering the joints. I don't have a straight line going up and down and I'll fill in these pieces as I go up, so laying down the fiberglass mesh tape, which is a new rock tape, it's resistant to alkali or corrosion, do not use drywall tape and conversely the tape will deteriorate over time this has to be alkali resistant you cannot use the drywall version this has to be alkali resistant this is what that I'm lifting from time to time, I'm going to import, okay, so this is what I'm going to use and you want to keep it very, very thin so it doesn't stick to you. a hump when you put it on so just cool it fill the joint and keep it thin okay that will be ready when I try it waterproof it without


this shower now and in the corners and on the knee wall I'm going to put this fabric, turn on the faucet, it's a fiberglass fabric and we're going to impregnate it with a little bit of waterproofing and then I'm going to call everything with the waterproofing, okay, so I'm


the corners of fleece fabric, that piece goes in that corner of my piece goes in that corner and this one goes like this more than a corner like that in this piece goes like this now we're going to hit this one here okay so this is rock and everyone seems to think it's waterproof, it's not for sure but it is war, not water.
I put a sponge in here just to absorb all the water that she's going to absorb, so you need to waterproof this and cover it with a waterproofer. Here it is not necessary because it is on the south side of the shell, but in the shower it needs to be completely covered with two layers, it only absorbs a little of the moisture, it absorbs it well, you need to make sure you wear gloves, this goes on your hand , you're not going to remove it, okay, so look at how it's been sitting for a while and it's all set, we'll make sure you get off to a great start, mix all the components together, this has been on the shelf for a while, make sure that it's all mixed together, okay, so I mixed the knotty, okay to roll it, you can use a half inch or 3/4 inch on that paper.
I have to be very thick as a nap for it to fit well. I'm going to give it two coats. I'll put a little bit of fabric around the bottom just to make sure everything is sealed properly. in the quantities, but I'm not going to cover the roof now, the rock is what is safe, but it is not waterproof, it will absorb moisture and with enough humidity it will become completely soaked, which is why you cover it with a waterproofing membrane. a liquid, apply a waterproofing membrane so that the water that comes into contact with the durak, even if the tiles remain behind the tiles, does not pass through the door, the rock and penetrate the wall cavity, that is why you waterproof it, is that okay?
I'm going to give it a coat with a brush and see that I have that tape after it's there. I know that eventually it will cover all that edge there, so I don't have to worry about it being on top, okay? everything, although Colin is not all on and I'm just going to roll it in one direction, let it dry and then it goes in nicely, so that's one layer. I'm not going to apply the ceiling, but that's one coat on the walls and I went. top and bottom on the next coat, when this dries we'll be side to side and that will give it full coverage and make the walls waterproof so it will be pretty dry so I'll give everything a second coat, OK?
So it's two coats and everything is wonderful, obviously it will dry well, so in the end, these are just some shots of the finished bathrooms I was working on. I think there are like four and as always, don't forget to subscribe. Leave your comments in the comments section below. I'll leave some links in the description and on the cards and visit my online store, calm diplomat.

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