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How To Fold An Origami Dragon

Apr 16, 2024
Hello art friends, we are going to do another


project today, right, ladies, yes, what are we going to


today? A


, well ladies, we have


paper, right? Yes, for this art project if you don't have origami paper at home. You can use regular printer paper and just cut it into a square before you start. Well, origami paper is just a square and is usually colored on one side and then white on the other. Yes, you are ready to start. Yes that's fine. black paper yes, I'm going to use green paper how come you're using black paper because I want to?
how to fold an origami dragon
I'm going to make an ender


. Great, you're going to make a Minecraft ender dragon. That sounds like a lot of fun. Okay, you're ready for the first step, yeah, okay, the first step is to


the paper in half, okay, so we can turn it over so that the white paper or the white side is inside and we'll fold it right. half. there we go, we make sure everything is lined up nice and even with the edges and then we make sure those folds are nice and crispy, nice crispy, so we'll open that fold up and then we'll fold it. another direction in the middle of the same fold but only in the other direction make sure it is aligned this dragon we will leave a link I will leave a link in the description where we find the instructions for this but this is the best this is the best dragon I have ever seen time and it's also super easy so I thought it would be fun to do it right so now I opened it up again we have a little plus in the middle now we're going to turn it over and we're going to fold it diagonally so we're going to fold this corner up like this, so in origami there are many steps or many projects that you can do.
how to fold an origami dragon

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how to fold an origami dragon...

They start with what is called a bird base so that is the base that you will end up folding for many others, it is the same steps that you would start with for many other projects and that is called a bird base and that is what we are folding now same, well, and I think it's called the bird stand because a lot of times it's used for birds or flying things, so I opened it up again and then we're going to do the same thing, we turn the other direction, line that corner up, make sure it's lined up so all the other corners are lined up when you fold it there we go so now we should have it and if I go too fast our friends make up yeah, but we'll have an x ​​and also a plus and the way we fold it will easy to fold next step okay so we're going to push it towards the middle so that's where we go so turn yours over and push it in the other direction so it's like mine so there we go and then we're going. to take the corners and fold them take the two outside corners fold them like this and press this down so we have a diamond good job and then you want it to open at the bottom awesome good job chips okay done For the next step, yes.
how to fold an origami dragon
Okay, so we're going to fold this edge right here to the center of our model like this, fold it down and then we're going to fold this other edge on the other side towards the middle, just like that step, squeaky fingers, oh, really squeaky, super squeaky. Okay, now we can fold this. These will all be guide folds so we can fold this top down and that will help us with the next fold and then we can open it all up again. Now let's take this bottom flap. right here and open it up and then reverse the top ones so it's flat, you might have to mess it up a little bit, here we go, but it should open up and lay flat like this, there you go, okay. now we're going to flip it over and we're going to do exactly the same thing on the other side, okay, this time I'll go a little faster, our friends compose themselves if we have to, but we're going to fold this edge. towards the middle and then fold the other edge towards the middle is also fine and then we're going to fold this top edge down or the top of the top triangle down and that will be the gold of the guide fold again, you're going quickly Uh, so let's go Open it up and take the bottom flap, open it up and then reverse those pleats at the top so it lies flat.
how to fold an origami dragon
Okay, now that we have it like this, let's take this top part. flap and fold it down and you will see the smallest one inside. Now we're going to flip everything over so it's on this side, okay, okay, and then we'll take this side flap here, this is the wing we're on. We're going to do our first wing, okay, so look how you can fold it like this, you can lift it up and then we can fold it down like this, you know, what we could also do is take this fold and get a guide. fold it in there, so let's see if this works.
First I'll fold it like this and then I'll open it again and then we'll take this flap and then we can open the inside like this and then it'll lay flat. We're going to slow it down on this other side, that's okay for our friends, so we're going to take this top, this top flap right here, we're going to fold the edge to line it up right there and this is a guide fold, did you get that right? ? let's keep it the same, let's keep it the same, okay, so we'll turn it around so it's like you're like mine, there we go and that way we can look at it and then it'll match up fine, so we have the same thing, this is a guide fold, so now we're going to open it up, there we go and then we can fold it back so it's straight and then inside, here, we can open the finger. lift that flap up and then flatten it down like that, yeah, like that good job, awesome dude, that's really cool, okay, so we have the two, these are going to be the two wings, so now we can turn it over to this side and then We're going to fold this edge right here towards the middle, okay, and this part is going to be connected to the wing, so when we fold it it's going to do other things, so we're going to take this edge and Start from the bottom and notice when we start from the bottom.
I'll show you what happens when we get to the top, so we'll start from here and make sure it's folded in half and when we fold it up. At the top it's going to want to lay flat so we just make it work if that makes sense so check out how this wing did some fun things because it just wants to fold up and it's connected to it so get started I'll help you with this. one, so we'll start here at the bottom, make sure it's folded towards the middle or the edge is folded towards the middle and then you can just swipe in like that and then it will start to fold.
It's going to start doing some things to bend like this, it's not that crazy, it's cool how it does it, yeah, there you go, so it's got this cool little diamond or triangle shape tr here to connect to the wing, so I'm going to make it a little bit slower on this side, okay, so I'm going to start, we're going to grab this edge right here at the tail, we're going to make sure that it's folded halfway down and then I'm going to run my finger up inside that fold here so that it's flat, so you can work with it until it's flat and it should look like this when you're done, so it has these little parts. of the wing that are connected, yeah, so there's a little piece missing, look how here, when you swipe up, fold this part here, you can reverse like this down, so it was quite tricky, but our friends can practice that and rewind it, but the point is you just want to make sure everything lays flat when you're done, okay buddy, now we're going to take our dragon, we're going to fold it in half. so all those things are on the inside, okay, and then this will be like this, these are his wings pointing down and then his head is the thickest piece and his tail is the thin one, so this is his tail and this is His head is fine.
Now we're going to fold back this front wing, the front part of his wing, we'll see how it folds back like this, yeah, and then we can do that on the other side as well, fold it back like that, we can work on his neck and his head. now we're going to fold his neck and there's a bunch of stuff on the inside that's going to help guide our fold, so when he's folded like this, we're going to fold against all of those things on the inside, so we're going to use that as a guide, so fold it up, you should be able to fill all that thick paper there, can you?
Yeah, that's where you're going to fold it. Okay, and this will be a guide fold so we can open it again and then. We're going to reverse this, so we're going to move it in the other direction like this, here we go, oh, hold on, I'll get mine, fix it, and then I'll come over and help you make sure it's flat. there we go, like this, so go ahead and reverse all that, there you go and then reverse that other fold, yeah you did it, it's perfect, good job, so that's his neck and then we need to get his head forward, so We're going to do a guide fold going forward like this, good job, awesome chips, okay, and then we're going to do the same thing, we're going to open that up and then we're going to reverse it so we can open it up a little bit and then we're going to reverse that, fold back in the other direction to let his head stay like this, do you understand?
Yeah, he looks amazing, okay, his nose is a little pointy, uh, yeah, so let's take his nose and then we can bend it inwards so that it has a flat shape. nose like that, there you have it, look, that's cool, uh, yeah, okay, now we can fold his wings back and his neck will be behind his wings. It's not that cool, yeah, okay, and then we can do the same thing on this side. fold this wing back, okay, now let's take its tail and we'll make it look more like a dragon tail, so we'll do the same thing we did up here, but we can do it without folding, without making. a guide crease so we put our thumb inside and flatten it and then we'll reverse the tail inward so it looks like a nice job, that's awesome and then you can guide where you want the tail to be before you flatten it. make it flat make the fold there good job friend amazing perfect okay now we can fold what we're going to do one more time, so put your finger back there, flatten the tail and go over it one more time so that it forms a kind of zigzag. uh, maybe like I'm flying in the wind to do one more, except I want it to point down, I mean point down a little bit more, I'm going to pull it down before I flatten it out nice, that looks amazing.
I like how curly your tail looks, so now we've finished his tail, let's open it up and do one last thing on the inside, this is where his arms are, he has his cool arms connected to his. wings, we can take this inside part and fold it so that his hand, the hand part of his wing is sticking out of the wing like this and I'm going to hold this side to match it like this and then it will look like his hands. They're coming out of their wings, good job, man, you did it, it looks amazing, huh, yeah, this is a cool dragon, don't you think?
I think it looks super amazing. You gave them black eyes. Don't you think you'd try that? or the uh, try this colored pencil, it will appear on the black, yes, amazing, it looks like an inner dragon, don't you think?, yes, then turn it over, cool, amazing, it looks really cool, did you have a lot of fun making your ender dragon? Yes, I promise, yes, we hope you had a lot of fun making your dragons and we'll see you later, our friends, goodbye.

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