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How To Beat Every Monster In "SWEET HOME"

May 31, 2021
Your neighbors are turning into psychotic


s ready to kill anyone they see inside and outside. They hunt during the day and night. What do you do when you're stuck in your apartment with no food and where anyone can hydrate themselves and become a killing machine? I'm going to break down the mistakes made, what you should do, and how to


each of these


s in Sweet Home. This player Hyun-soo is down on his luck and trying to live on the cheap, but what he's not thinking about is the safety of this building. It's seriously decayed, there's cracked paint covering


inch, the main sign has a hole the size of an arm, and its head was nearly severed by a rusty old brushcutter.
how to beat every monster in sweet home
These may seem like superficial flaws, but they reflect much deeper problems because this place simply isn't safe, it won't keep things out and it can't protect you well from the inside and if this is our only security guard who also doubles as superintendent, this building is vulnerable in all the wrong places in his apartment, he The security guard offers him a drink and starts looking through the peephole. Not only is his nose bleeding, but this guy is acting strange. He would have stolen extra bulldogs from my door anyway because he has the keys to


apartment in this place and I don't.
how to beat every monster in sweet home

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how to beat every monster in sweet home...

I don't trust him at all. It's been a week and Hyun Tsu has been playing video games non-stop. He goes to pick up his delivery of instant noodles and sees that it has been opened with a trail of packages leading to his neighbor's apartment. model who lives next door sees a cat's severed head roll into view before a hand grabs it stepping back steps on a package of noodles the crunch alerts the monster okay, in moments like this you will choose between fight or flight as the brain's amygdala takes control and your nervous system switches to full sympathetic response mode for hyun-soo here's the run and I would do the same you see something like this close the door and call the police which he actually does but the signal is dead , it seems like we've done it to figure out how to deal with this on your own now there's no clear indication if you're dealing with some bloodthirsty psychopath or something supernatural in situations like this it's hard to trust your own senses but you heard the voice saying "hungry," so you could offer him food.
how to beat every monster in sweet home
Leave me alone, unfortunately, ramen doesn't seem to be appreciated, so unless you find another cat, we have no viable way to distract him or gain his trust. Another twist is thrown into the mix when a doorbell rings, it's her neighbor, the model and she's asking for help and look, I have to be honest with you for a second, it was at that moment that my fool was mad at him, shu for not to let this cute girl in for safety, well there is a monster right next door, but be smarter than me. Here guys, if a pretty woman knocks on your door and wants your help, something is wrong, it never happens, believe me, asking to see her arms is smart because if they look like that they might not open the door, she gets angry and goes crazy. and we get confirmation that she is the monster we saw before, but there's something else here that we could easily overlook that makes her an even bigger threat.
how to beat every monster in sweet home
This monster takes things personally, it can even manipulate and trick you by trying to act normal or trying to pretend there is an emergency once you do. I've realized this, I don't trust a living soul in this building, we have to start thinking about how to get help, the phone signals are blocked, so I would at least put a banner by the window using sheets and write a message There is an emergency, but it is not just about us because if this reaches other people, it may be more than just cats and they want to eat, we must warn everyone we can for the safety of the entire building.
Hyun Tsu walks out into the hallway where she sees this gangster coming down the stairs and suddenly collapses, it seems like it's just his high school diet, but it's actually a sign of something much worse. Upstairs, the guitarist girl sees the same woman at her door looking a little worn out as she screams. for her to open up, okay, this monster has gone upstairs and we can see that this thing is not stopping, it wants food now and it has become strong enough to break through a metal door, we can't stay in the apartment forever and can be broken.
Given enough time, the first thing we need to do is collect whatever you have in the apartment that can be used as a weapon or turned into one, then we need to think about escaping. They are lucky to have a camera at the front door so they can see. the monster is close, I would throw something down the hallway as a strong distraction and run downstairs to call the police in the hallway. The other tenants discover that the shutters have been lowered. The security guard has disappeared and their phones have no service. Also all the exits. the entrances have been locked with chains which means someone has trapped them here on purpose and there are a lot of people down here trying to leave any lock that can actually be opened with two keys and some leverage, we might find some in the room security since the guard was also the superintendent, but if not having more people gives us a better chance of escaping, getting help, or neutralizing this monster, I would find out everyone's job and skills to see if we should go after the thing ourselves. themselves if at least they are all user office workers.
We could barricade the security guard room and hide there with access to cameras to observe the monster's movements. This medical student breaks the chains. The administration office, where inside one of the tenants, who is a firefighter, tries to call for help but all the lines are busy. with disaster reports and the call hangs up, okay, these guys don't know there's a monster in the building yet, so first you might think it's a natural disaster like a typhoon or tsunami, but because of the location of South Korea in the northwest Pacific basin, tsunamis and cyclones are very rare compared to neighboring countries, if all the helplines are down, we should not try to leave until we know more and if there is a threat throughout the city, this building is the most valuable thing we have.
Plus, this woman is a firefighter. so she understands emergency evacuation in emergency protocol better than most. I would make sure she was part of all the planning and decision making from now on, the shopkeeper starts pushing buttons and the shutter on the front door starts opening, but the tenants in the lobby. We see a very tall creature standing outside and this dog is not happy about it. I can't blame them too much for trying to get out, but once we see this not-so-human thing standing there, it confirms our suspicions that there is a city. emergency and we need to turn this building into a safe zone the student sprays the monster with a fire extinguisher until it passes the shutters, they close very slowly and he runs out of gas, this kit was smart to use the fire extinguisher because it is a projectile , there isn't much about this building that doesn't require melee combat of some sort and that would be a losing strategy with this type of monster.
One thing was immediately clear with so many monsters, help will not come and we. We are alone, we have closed the shutters, but it may not be enough here, his tongue can extend a lot and if he was very hungry he could get closer to reach inside easily. We need to plan for the worst, so I would try. To narrow the holes in the front doors by unrolling the closed metal hooks and wrapping them diagonally across the holes in the door, it's all metal and if tight enough it could provide a little more security, while upstairs the guitarist has been taking care to Hyun.
So since she passed out and is not in good shape, she leaves to see the noise and never notices that social media is blowing up and the top three training issues are monstrous alertness and nosebleeds . She goes downstairs where the drunk is buttering her. himself and when she walks by she sees his nose bleeding like crazy, something is really wrong with this guy, okay, this girl has already seen a monster and it almost broke down her door, so if I see someone acting like that, I'm not wasting a second, the first instinct is to turn towards the head, but this is not correct, she is three or four steps lower than him, which is a very difficult angle to hit and contact with the head could easily be blocked if he even reaches a In this situation, we must balance with our knees.
He won't build a block. We'll give him a quick, direct hit and knock him down, giving us another chance to hit. Another tenant enters the stairs and sees the drunk turn into a. monster and he cuts the guy's head clean in half with a samurai sword. Okay, this is an important conclusion. These things have physical bodies and can be killed like any living being. Now it's easy to be sympathetic, but if we want to survive we need a killer. Instinct like this guy who takes out one of them like he's playing Yakuza 6. But breeding strength isn't always enough, so we need weapons.
Kitchen knights are a good place to start, but hand-to-hand combat won't give you the best. advantage and almost everyone in this building has no weapons training, so we'll need something easier to handle without experience. The roof would be good to look for scrap pipes, posts or wooden plates that could be used. Baseball is a popular sport in Korea, so there. There could be bats in other apartments, but clearly it would be better to kill them when they are still more human than monsters because they come back up more dangerous than before. Downstairs the tenants are blocking the entrance when everyone's phones receive a notification about an epidemic. they exhibit nosebleeds, fainting and aggressive behavior they should be quarantined everyone is nervous this group didn't understand until now that this was a disease and that they can get it and they argue about where they should go the basement parking lot is closed and the apartments are not sure , I would like to stay downstairs where we have more operational control and send a team to explore certain floors for food resources and weapons using the ground floor as a base the next day.
Hyun-soo, the player wakes up and sees that the city is in ruins when suddenly he starts bleeding from the nose like that woman and will turn into a monster as she searches for answers and investigates the disease on a blog called kurukuru and the student of medicine also found the website they found out that the writer himself was infected and described it as a curse with an unknown cause and no cure, but if they want to live there is something they should know both tenants are about to find out what that is, but Internet goes out, God, I hate.
When that happens with everything going on that puts your life at risk, it's easy to overlook some important resources: Internet power. An unmanaged power plant will provide electricity 46 hours before blackouts occur. South Korea has nuclear power plants that would last longer if more automated but it only supplies supply to certain areas and will eventually run out as well and for him this means no video surveillance at the front door, the internet will disappear even faster as the system would be overloaded with the panicked citizen activity we need. Use these tools to get as much information as possible before they disappear, if this is happening everywhere in the city, there may be information on what to do, how to defeat them, what their vulnerabilities are and if the government is going to help, as well has been.
Eight hours since Hyun Soo collapsed and he's hungry after all that research, he opens the door to grab the box of instant noodles, but the drunk on the stairs has come back to life as a monster, okay, obviously we shouldn't open our doors. with a whip, but once he's inside we have to fight him or lock him in the apartment. It may seem smarter to lock it up because it ensures your safety at the moment and prevents it from wandering the hallways, but it's not the right decision because this may be the best chance we have at killing this thing.
We can't just use a stick and hit them. This monster has a special ability that it cannot see but cannot hear. You wouldn't believe it. I would take the sharpest object within reach and stab it in the air so it can't see it here now, making it easier to kill in a fight that way we can keep the apartment and the building could have one less monster. Kirin tsu goes to option 3 and stays. silence and the monster leaves lucky, very lucky, then he looks out the window and sees a father about to rappel down the side of the building, the man is attacked by an eyeball-shaped monster and falls to his death while his children scream for help, the player throws his computer monitor in the eyeball and comes to attack him, these monstersThey are not limited to the human form and obviously we have to look for his weakness which is the eye, but it will not be enough, he can stretch his neck and he is strong, but this means that we could catch him.
I would try to get him to follow me down the hall to stretch his neck further into the building and down the stairs. If I can jam it, it will be easier to catch and hurt it. He shoots this guy. with an air cannon he created from a crutch, which is awesome, but it's clearly stated that we can't always guarantee killing these things even if we cut off their heads, so finding them won't always be a solution unless You have a lot more power to disintegrate them completely and, from this point, shooting might be the best way to do it.
The veteran has other valuable information. Phone calls make noise and then cut off when a monster is nearby. Stay on the call. Disturbances can help give you an early warning we can use this to clear the building you could go floor by floor and determine which ones have monsters and seal them or kill them stay on guard keep your batteries charged and don't go anywhere without it, Hyun Soo meets him in person and the veteran upgrades his weapon. Turns out the man is an amazing mechanic and tells him to go put the kits away. This guy should be designing guns for every man, woman and child we should think of. we are soldiers at war against these monsters and he is our blacksmith and since he can weld metal, he would dismantle a row of doors and weld them to permanently seal a ladder to trap monsters or higher floors, hyun tsu, which the player sneaks into . the building and almost avoids the blind monster, he reaches the children to rescue them, but suddenly he starts showing symptoms and tells the children to run away, but it is too late, now he is a monster or he is hinsu, he seems to come out of his hallucination right in It's time to be knocked down by a giant creature, but in a super anime moment, Hiransu stops the monster and yells at the kids to run before he gets slammed into a wall, something is definitely going on with you and demands some way, they have managed to survive for a long time. enough for a tenant with a sword to come and cut down this protean beast, he and the guitars drag Kyunsu to safety, they see his eyes go from black to normal, so he has a monster that is bad, but not for now you can control it and even if it's risky, it gives us a chance to find these things because you might have extra strength like them or a special ability that we can take advantage of.
The children continue to climb the stairs, but the blind monster suddenly appears and blocks their way. I try to stay quiet but the cake has returned and is approaching them. His terrified screams alert the blind monster that attacks the other and the two children run away to tie something towards us in this horror building. This is a clear indication that we can exploit the tendencies of each monster to our advantage. The blind monster will attack the noise and the meatloaf will defend itself, which means that the noise can be used as a decoy to kill the blind monster.
The swordsman devises a plan and guides him through the complex he reaches the end of a hallway and jumps out of the way, causing the meatloaf to jump out the window. Okay, these things are hard to die, but they can definitely get hurt. Each monster will have its own unique weaknesses and we must start looking for them to survive. The main strategy here is to render them immobile, no arm or leg will turn you into a reasonably harmless monster, and for the idiots here who have too much muscle to fight, conventionally cutting your Achilles tendon will leave you unable to walk.
It is simple anthropomorphic biomechanics. Anatomy we discovered that the building lost power and that the firefighter offered to go down to the electrical room to try to turn it back on, but the medical student set a trap for her who knew there was a monster down there, this guy is cold. and tactical and he's not wrong, but this firefighter is extremely valuable to the group. He would have been honest with her because she built the feed for herself, even saved everyone's life in the building and now he's totally throwing her under the medical student bus. an announcement for all survivors to get down where it is safe, but then the radio disconnects.
Bringing people together is good, but we have to have intelligent allocation of resources and skills. There are actually more advantages to having two bases, one above and one below, in the lobby base camp. You can ration the food and transmit it to the apartment base while the strongest and bravest stay to eliminate the monsters, save more people from their apartments, and search the lobby for food and supplies. This woman is trying to escape from the building to find her daughter. but then they see a girl running towards them, stumbling and limping towards her mother while the medical student tries to figure out what to do.
Well this sounds cruel but we don't know if this girl is infected or not and she is adding another one. risk of the building we have to ask ourselves which is more likely that she survived all night outside with all these monsters around her or that she is infected. It wouldn't be a popular decision to keep her out of it, so she would let her in but close it immediately. in an apartment to monitor nosebleeds and any turning signals so we can kill her quickly if necessary, the soldier runs out to save her, but they are both impaled and killed by the long-tongued monster god, this thing is brutal, the student begins to put up the barricade backs away and barely prevents the monster's tongue from passing through it when the shutter begins to close after defeating the meatloaf, the group spent the night at the veteran's apartment the next day, the guitarist and the swordsman They are prepared to leave for the first floor with the infected Hyun Soo deciding to join them, the soldier gives the swordsman a shield to take with him and he manages to leave through a door.
This is an amazing job, but right now I'm starting to think if there is a better way to fight these monsters. with swords and shields, this guy should be cheating for us because even if the monsters are strong and have special abilities, they aren't exactly smart. Things like bear traps, tiger traps, and snares would be easy for this guy to make and could go a long way toward keeping us safe by dealing with monsters more intelligently. In the basement, a spider-like monster goes to attack the cocoon and finds it empty. The firefighter escaped through the ventilation shaft.
This was really your only option because the room with the cocoon was closed, don't try to fight this thing without help because it has more reach and can move better than you, plus each leg has a huge stinger that can go through metal, but if takes the form of a spider, could have vision. of a spider that is surprisingly terrible they depend on touch and vibration more than sight despite having eight eyes. I might try to use this to my advantage. I would first take something from this room, like the cable, and instead pass it through the vent generating vibrations.
I would look for a T-junction in the vents, use the wire to cause vibrations away from me and stand still and silent on the opposite side, she breaks a vent to go down to another room, but the spider catches her thinking quickly and breaks. a window and grabs a broken fragment cutting the net to escape. The tenants discover that martial law has been declared and the military is in control. They are told that the infection is not spread through the air or blood, but is related to human desire. and anyone exhibiting symptoms of nosebleeds, fainting, or hallucinations should be locked up.
These creatures are durable and heal very quickly, but they have two weaknesses: they can be damaged and die during a period of time called the golden hour, and secondly, they can be burned to death. but dealing with this means that we will kill them while they are still in human form and that can get very emotionally ugly. I would designate one person at each base camp to be officially in charge of these executions so that there isn't a situation where people who aren't mentally prepared for something extreme like this allow another person to become a monster and need to be taken away. to the group for a vote because if everyone is not on board everyone's lives are at risk, meanwhile the player and his crew find a dead body and it's hot, this is really bad news for them because it means they killed him ago. too little and there could be a monster nearby.
They don't see any, but when they go down they suddenly knock the guy down the stairs and he suffers a fatal fall and falls to the floor, he wakes up in another room where the medical student tells him that he has been asleep for eight hours and that it is obvious that this child has been infected. Well, this guy can somehow survive deadly failures and heal quickly if he's powered up. On our side, there's no way he won't try to use this as an advantage against the monsters we've set up with the biscuits here, some of these monsters are too dangerous to fight, but clearly he doesn't have the same risks as us.
I would use it to teach monsters how to cheat because the worst case scenario is that you end up back in the med bay for eight hours, the shopkeeper throws the fate and yells that they have to kill him but then his nose starts bleeding, yeah , what was it? You're saying, old man downstairs, the medical student tells the player that he's needed to do dangerous jobs for the tenants. His first task is to bring the soldier here to help reinforce the barricade, but he is totally the one for the kids if something goes wrong, I hate it. say it, but you are right, children are our future, but right now we won't even have one unless we defeat these monsters, so anyone who can contribute to that cause comes second, these children of unpopular practical decisions are for the common good of the firefighter.
He is not happy that he is using the player, but he tells him that they need the soldier and that the player can heal quickly as long as he is strong enough to resist the infection, he can be his ultimate weapon. I have no problem with this, we need to use people as resources. Because everyone has unique abilities, it's a risk to have around groups of people, so it's best to use it to forage for food, run errands, and do things others can't do. The medical student tells the woman about the team blog and what she read on it.
She remembers that her fiancé had a blog called Crew Crew before he died and he didn't want her to know about it. She knows it must be the same one, but why would her husband know anything about this infection? Hyun, the gangster will leave soon. staircase where the man is still grabbed by a giant hand, jiren tsu here chases him and is knocked down by a super fast monster with giant legs, he runs towards the boy but someone shoots him with a crossbow and runs away, this old man and his nurse appear and rescue the two survivors.
They are lucky to get help because this monster may be the toughest, but if he is that fast you can't even react. How do you kill him that night? The veteran reinforces the barricades and He is going to be needed urgently because the tongue monster is grabbed by a huge hand while something roars the next day, the guitar begins to bleed from the nose and the tenants are horrified to discover that it is infected, They sound the alarm and the swordsman. She takes her to a net trap that the firefighter set for her. She realizes that anyone can contract this infection and remembers her husband's Kurukuru blog.
She must know what happened and decides to ride this motorcycle to his old workplace. He's risky, but she might find answers. Tell us what we need to know about the infection. I wouldn't want her to leave because she is too valuable for security and defense planning in the group. Perhaps it would be better to send the gangster he was strong enough to defend himself in the wild. and he would help if they gave him something. Things are becoming more dangerous for the group. Others are getting infected and there are still monsters in the building. Now structure is important in survival environments.
We have to be on guard 24/7 and it requires cooperation from the organization. and discipline, they create four main rules for everyone to follow rule one, move together in groups of two or more and report anything unusual immediately. This is very vital and also makes a lot of common sense. Being alone is almost never a good option in the survival scenarios you find yourself in. It is always safer to be in company to defend or get help. Rule two: eat once a day and you only need to ration the prescribed amount of resources and not everyone is going to agree with this.
It will be resistant and must be applied, but in the fairest way. and things should be voted on as democratically as possible and that's a great way to get everyone to collaborate with group rule 3. To allThey will have their temperature checked every night at 8 p.m. m., if someone gets sick, they will want to keep it a secret, so we can't trust anyone, a strict rule for detecting infections will not let anyone escape and you can detect a potential threat more quickly keeping everyone safer rule 4 put Quarantining the infected obviously shouldn't be around healthy people because they could make this child an exception, but still, how do we know he won't become dangerous and violent at some point?
We don't do it until the symptoms have been studied. In other cases, I would still lock him up until enough time has passed. After he was sure that he is no longer a threat to us, the player goes upstairs to look for more supplies, but he knows that the speedster monster is still around and has an idea: install multiple springs and fishing line to make them act. like an alarm as he searches the apartments, he hears the alarm go off and falls to the floor as the speedster monster runs into the room. Now the scene ends and we never saw the fight, which is really strange, but it's okay, we can't fight this thing normally because it's so fast, you won't be able to react to it to fight or protect yourself, but it still depends on the laws of friction to launch forward and by simply reducing friction we can slow this guy down instead of alarm balloons.
I'm greasing the floors with oil, dish soap, ky jelly, anything I could find to make it impossible to run and because it's going so fast, if you slip, you'll crash hard. I would also cover the hallways with steel wire. These things together make the building impossible to pass through. Downstairs, the tenants are emptying bottles and creating Molotov cocktails when they hear one of the women blow her whistle as something lumbers towards her, they all run out and the unloader's wife realizes that this thing is her husband. and insists on killing him herself, okay, no TV. ya and this is the best entertainment they can get but it's not safe, they should use the buddy system so there is someone there with a backup gun if she can't handle herself, honestly I don't even know why they would wait so long.
For this guy to escape they should have only killed him much earlier. This or contained them until he showed symptoms of transformation and ended up from inside the confinement area, the firefighter arrives at his fiancé's office and finds his investigation notes from the block of crew, had become infected and was trying to hold out for 15 days as his condition would. has stabilized and would become a special infection, that's when the military shows up and takes the woman hostage, she makes a deal with the commander offering the infected human Sioux someone who can resist the monstrosization in exchange for her life. at the back of the apartment, the entire complex. has no power the water is going to be cut off soon the food is running out the electricity is bearable but running out of drinking water is a problem that must be solved immediately it is always important to think further than anyone else when it comes to resource management in a survival situation, a city's water and sewage are relatively automated using gravity to their advantage, so they would probably be available longer than electricity, but gaining access to new sources of food and water will force you out.
There are hundreds of abandoned supermarkets around the world. city ​​to scavenge and is the best place to start, but before things get too bad, we have land here, so we should start planting vegetables as soon as we realize that this is an apocalyptic scenario. Gardening obviously takes time, but at least it's the path to freedom. sustainable food later, hyun-soo is told that the tenants have to leave as soon as their loan proceeds are exhausted, with no guarantees of their safety, he is sent to explore the parking lot where someone knocks them down and hangs him upside down.
You see this on camera. and they go down to help as they walk, they see the speedster monster standing there, unresponsive, the medical student as soon as he falls asleep and they carefully walk in the opposite direction, these monsters actually sleep, which is literally a survival mechanism for the brain and body keep functioning. and function smoothly if it were not necessary to survive, a species would have evolved from it and that has never happened. I take time into account because it could mean that they have biological clocks that make them more likely to sleep at this time. of the day or night and choose to poke around the building or even go out alone during those hours, but right now this is their best and only chance to stealth kill a speedster monster and they would have taken the opportunity for the squad to find the player in a cocoon. and frees him, but the guitarist drops his bat, which wakes up the speedster.
The medical student cleverly uses the car alarms to distract the speedster. His biggest strength is his speed, so if you know where he's going to go like an activated car, you could ambush him. This also wakes up any other monsters in the surrounding area and puts your entire party in danger, so retreating is a good option until we can take them out one at a time or have enough backup to fight them, something the old man does with his kick. flamethrower above, the veteran is running for his life, but it won't be an option for him and it's too dangerous to fight, which leaves the trap as the best solution, but you'll only have one shot and you can't let him get out of your legs .
They are the most dangerous part of this monster, so we must eliminate them from the equation in order to defeat it. His trap was a great idea because if the spider is suspended it can't use its legs and we can try to kill it. or flee the problem with their strategy was thinking they could do this with this little rope and a couple of screws the monster must weigh less in this refrigerator or about 120 kilograms because tilting it lifts the spider off the ground and judging by the fraying Here I guess which is a natural fiber rope less than two centimeters in diameter that has a lower tensile strength than synthetic fibers, even if it can hold the monster, it won't last long and they should have reinforced the rope by braiding it or using it. stronger screws so he can't break the metal frame of the wall the other tenants try to rescue him before kyon tsu appears and kills him the next day the nurse, the gangster and hyun soookier prepare to search for more supplies, but as that are When leaving the parking lot, the car certainly rolls over.
Player Hyun-soo wakes up and sees that the meatloaf monster has become gigantic since he left the building and there is nothing he can do with his spear, okay, this is no way. In a fair fight, we will never defeat him in combat, so my opinion is that if we can't fight him from the outside, maybe we can kill him from the inside. It takes three milligrams of fentanyl, which is just that, to kill a man. We're already going out for food and water right now, we should also be checking local hospitals for drugs, and fentanyl is the way to go.
He would inject into the meatloaf whatever he could get by pricking several needles. about the monster, you might have a chance, the old man throws molotov cocktails at the monster and sets it on fire, but it's useless, he runs to help the player continue, but while carrying him, his nose starts bleeding and the monster returns. To get revenge, a fire truck crashes into the meatloaf and pushes it off the ledge before pushing flaming debris onto the creature and setting it on fire. Things are back to normal, but the merchant's wife reveals that she is starting to have symptoms and he needs to leave for her safety. but the other tenants don't want her to go and vote for her to stay on the lower floor.
One of the tenants sees the elevator go down and hears alarm bells begin to ring throughout the building, the doors open, and the monstrous security guard steps out. The security guard goes crazy and starts fighting the swordsman, but his arm is cut off by the sword. He doesn't give up and, taking his broken sword, stabs the security guard in the chest and drags the creature to the elevator where he orders the others to throw a Molotov cocktail and burns to death inside, okay, this is brutal, we've lost our best fighter to the dumbest monster of all time and I would be very angry.
His weapon has blades, but he also has a gripping stick that makes it easier to fight him. They all attacked him at the same time because he could be flanked from behind and the weeder could hold down while everyone helped kill him. It makes an important point, although it could always have sounded the place where they should have sent bands of fighters to sweep. the place floor by floor but they didn't and now this is the consequence the old man asks the firefighter for help to find a secret tunnel that is in the building but then his attention is directed to an armored vehicle that passes over a bridge over which the armored car breaks through the barricade of the apartment and these bandits with stolen equipment come out if I see this car go through the wall, I know that it is only interested in killing others because it has ruined the structure of the building, making it vulnerable to the monsters outside, for What they don't want is the building, they want us, I'm quickly running towards the truck and hiding under it, the smoke hasn't cleared and it's the last place they would look for someone.
All the tenants are gathered in the lobby, where this guy draws the outline of their new one. jail and then demonstrates that anyone outside of it will be shot. I bet they regret killing the cupcake because if he was still around he would take care of these guys for us. The bandits are suddenly ambushed by the firefighter who was guiding them. a chase to the building while the rest join the fight is when the merchant's wife arrives completely transformed, kills one of the bandits and is about to stab the student, but the player saves her life, the boy strangles her until he dies and collapses due to a stab wound. wounded the leader of the bandits realizes that the boy is infected and has his men burn the merchant's wife while he takes them to the elevator the firefighter frees the other tenants but another bandit stops them in their tracks he shoots the veteran but she eventually kills him, however the old man notices that the veteran's nose is bleeding upstairs.
It's not looking good for Hyun Tsu. They prepare to execute him, but today is his lucky day. One of the bandits kills the others and admits that he is a monster like Hyunsu, except that he believes that he is natural. to kill humans When the player leaves the elevator, he finds himself in a confrontation with the other survivors, but he is able to convince them to spare the life of the infected, the truth is that they couldn't kill him anyway, see? it happens when you shoot him with bullets all i do is bounce back hyunsoo just says that all the tenants lie in this interaction this guy is the most dangerous man in the building and they can't kill him so now our best solution is to escape everyone must work take turns to help the old man find the tunnel because while we are trapped in the building with this guy who holds all the cards, the nurse starts having an asthma attack and the gangster tries to take her to a pharmacy, but he is knocked out with a monster hyun soo here allows them to continue dating but the infected shoots them both man, this guy is very bad news when defending his friends, he fights against the monster that tells him that this is not his true form and his special ability is to take the control of the corpses, he seriously injures the player, but then begins to transform and grows a huge wing.
The guitarist prepares to throw a Molotov cocktail, but miles of cocktails will be of no use and we all know it. We might be able to shoot the car's gas tank causing a big explosion, but if it doesn't do the job, we'll create two enemies instead of one, so it's not a good idea and we should hit Hyun Su here. the benefit of the doubt while staying as far away from him as possible, he kills a monster but then heads towards the tenants, but the now cured veteran stops him just before he dies when the boy returns to normal and passes out, the firefighter digs graves for the dead when he discovers a trap door to a secret tunnel it must be the one the old man was looking for that night the soldiers arrive they have the building surrounded and announced that they want the special infection the soldiers hear an explosion and start shooting scaring the people tenants the tunnel that is still here decides to leave to confront the soldiers the next day the group finds a way out and leaves only to be surrounded by the Korean army the commander tells the firefighter that the deal is not over yet because she did not hand him over to them to consu in exchange for information about her fiancé, she is forced to join them and the survivors are taken away in a military truck.
Surprisingly, Hinsu is still alive and wakes up in aarmored vehicle driven by the gangster who no longer has scars, it must be. The nervous body monster never killed him and now he's trapped in an open world access tunnel, but what do you think? What would the monsters be like in Sweet Home? Let me know with a comment below. Thank you very much for watching, leave a like and subscribe and check out the how to be playlist for more videos like this until next time have a very good day.

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