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How to Stop Worrying: The #1 Skill to Stop Anxiety & Master GAD 14/30

Apr 25, 2024
TELEVISION? If I notice I'm anxious, can I watch YouTube? good? In general, distraction is not a useful long-term solution. So, for example, if you start


during the day and you constantly turn to your phone to avoid your worries, that phone use, that distraction will interfere with your ability to live your values, or relate to people, or do whatever you want. . Work, which is also a signal for your mind. It's a form of avoidance here, which gives you some short-term relief, but it tells your brain that this thought is important, that the anxious thought is important, and that your brain will make it stronger.
how to stop worrying the 1 skill to stop anxiety master gad 14 30
Distraction fuels long-term


and avoidance, and makes your life less meaningful and less vibrant. However, in a short-term training period, you can use limited distraction combined with programmed


to train your brain. For example, if you have trouble setting limits on your fears when you're trying to sleep, listening to a somewhat boring audiobook might divert your mind from anxiety and you might say, "I'll think about that tomorrow at 6." "This is a fine line, okay? Distraction is not a good long-term strategy, but you can use it to break a


habit in the short term if you combine it with programmed worry.
how to stop worrying the 1 skill to stop anxiety master gad 14 30

More Interesting Facts About,

how to stop worrying the 1 skill to stop anxiety master gad 14 30...

A long-term


that will be useful here is mindfulness This is the ability to control your attention. But we'll talk about that in the next video. So here's what you can expect from practicing the


of worrying on a scheduled basis: You'll also spend less time worrying. Worries will all happen at the same time, leaving you with much more time in the day to not worry and do something else. Plus, by being intentional about your anxiety, you may be able to solve some problems. Worrying intentionally will reduce anxiety and stress. Chronic stress Your body adapts well to short-term stress.
how to stop worrying the 1 skill to stop anxiety master gad 14 30
It's okay to feel anxious or agitated for short periods. So, by putting all your worries at once, you give your body a chance to. relax and regulate yourself throughout the day. OK. So set a time and place to worry every day for 3 weeks. Come back to this video and tell me how it went and how much your anxiety decreased. I'm so excited for you to learn to set limits on your anxiety and become healthier. Thanks for watching and take care.
how to stop worrying the 1 skill to stop anxiety master gad 14 30

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