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How to Fight Negative Thoughts and Win | Power Of Ignoring Negative Thoughts | Buddhist Story |

Jun 04, 2024
A long time ago in a kingdom there lived a young man who had a difficult life, he went out every day to look for work, earned some money and then returned home to cook, eat and sleep, one day after searching for work without success, he was. Walking home feeling disappointed at that moment he heard a voice from behind asking him if he could find any workers here. He turned around and saw an old man standing there with three full bags. The young man responded that yes, I can do the job. The old man said I need. to go to the next town which is a little far from here I can carry two bags myself but the third one is too heavy for me can you carry this one?
how to fight negative thoughts and win power of ignoring negative thoughts buddhist story
I'll give you three gold coins for it. The young man agreed and picked up a bag. As soon as he did it, he realized how heavy it was and said that this bag seems very heavy. The old man whispered in response. Yes, it is because it contains bronze coins. Despite the heavy load, the young man picked up the bag and began walking with the old man. As they were walking he realized that the old man was watching him this led the young man to think that the old man probably thinks I could get away with his back however I don't believe in dishonesty or theft I won't betray his trust over some coins I'm just interested in earning my salary fairly as I walked a Reaver came forward the young men immediately got into the water to cross the river but the old men remained standing on the bank of the river the old man said I am too old, I can't manage to carry two bags to through this river if I try I could drown in the river can you take one more bag with you?
how to fight negative thoughts and win power of ignoring negative thoughts buddhist story

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how to fight negative thoughts and win power of ignoring negative thoughts buddhist story...

Don't worry about the page. I will give you three more gold coins. The young man nodded as he went to pick up another bag. The old man hesitated and said, but promise that you will not run away with this. The young man asked why he would run away. The old man answered who can we trust these days. There are silver coins in this bag. The young man responded. Do I look like one? thief or dishonest person don't worry I'm not someone who claps when greeting give me the bag saying this young man took the second bag and crossed the river not even the silver coins could STOP HIM from his honesty after walking for a while.
how to fight negative thoughts and win power of ignoring negative thoughts buddhist story
He came to a hill, the young man started to climb it slowly, but the old man stopped at the bottom of the hill upon seeing this, the young man shouted: "Why did you stop?", The old man replied: I am too old, I can't walk correctly. It is difficult to climb this hill with this bag the young man said okay then give me that bag, I will carry it for you the old man hesitated and said but there are gold coins inside, but if you run away with them, I am an old man. I can't even chase you.
how to fight negative thoughts and win power of ignoring negative thoughts buddhist story
The young man raised his voice slightly and said, I told you, I'm not that kind of person. I work as a worker because I value honesty. I used to be an accountant for a lender. He pressured me to deceive people by making false accounts, but I refused and I had to quit my job. The old man still had doubts but he answered. I don't know if you're telling the truth or not. Anyway, come and collect this bag of gold coins too. I will follow you at my own pace you can go ahead and then wait for me on the other side the young man picked up the bag and continued on his way leaving the old man behind as he walked he thought if I run away with these three bags the old man won't be able to catch me and I will become rich forever then He thought that this old man is too old what will he do with so much money he doesn't have much life left but I am young if I have this money then I will be rich then I could marry a beautiful woman and my life would be easier with money I will respect luxury and comfort tempted So he decided to run away with the three bags, he started running out of breath with three bags after running for a while.
Finally he reached his house and opened the bags, but he was surprised to see that there were no gold or silver coins in the bag, but It contained small stones. He wondered why the old man lied to him, why he needed to make such a drama when opening. In the bag, the young man noticed a piece of paper, picked it up and began to read the message on the paper: I am the king of this Kingdom, I am not years old and I am getting old, so I have been looking for an honest person to adopt as my son and successor if you had not fled you could have been a dead person reading this the young man was crushed by regret and remorse all his life he had been honest he had no intention of betraying the old man if he had ignored the fleeting


in his mind he could have been the King's successor today but a moment of carelessness in those


led him to make a decision that betrayed his values ​​and gives him an opportunity he will never have again The


of the young man and the old man illustrates the


of thoughts and the profound impact of our thoughts in our life.
He clearly shows us how our thoughts can shape our destiny in this


. The young man who was an honest person let harmful thoughts take over his mind and did something. That went against his principles, the thought came to his mind that if he ran away with all the wealth, the old man would not be able to chase him now, it would have been better if he had stopped his thoughts here, however , he continued thinking. that running with money would make him very rich his life would be very comfortable he would marry a beautiful woman and live a happy life the chain of thoughts progressed further and finally greed took over his mind which prompted him to run away with all three bags this shows how quickly a


thought can change our life it is a reminder of how important it is to always be aware of what we are thinking buddha always used to say that our greatest enemy cannot harm us as much as our unsuspecting thoughts according to budha every action It starts with a thought our thoughts become words our words become actions our actions become habits and our habits decide our destiny, therefore, to avoid falling into


thoughts, it is important to control our thoughts and think positively by maintaining a By keeping an eye on our thoughts and aiming to think positively, we can guide our lives in a better direction.
When we monitor our thoughts, we can control our minds and avoid making decisions we may regret later, so as we move forward on the complex journey of life, it is important. If we carefully manage our thoughts, our thoughts are like seeds that can become our destiny, if we nurture them wisely we can ensure a bright future full of peace and happiness.

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