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HOW TO READ PEOPLES MIND | Accurate tips to read body language and gestures | Buddhist story

Apr 04, 2024




, you need to know three techniques. These techniques are crucial to master. By mastering these methods, you can effortlessly discern and grasp what someone is thinking, so let me tell you a Buddhist


that will teach you how to



s. Others In a small town a long time ago there lived two brothers. The older brother was blind so he spent most of his time at home while the younger brother worked as a farmer. However, his farm was constantly destroyed by the many animals in the fields. My younger brother was worried about this problem, but he finally came up with a solution and thought: why not ask my blind brother for help to scare away the animals in the field?
how to read peoples mind accurate tips to read body language and gestures buddhist story
He can sit in the field and shout if he hears any animal sound and this way our crops will be saved. After thinking about it, the younger brother built a small hut in the field and placed the elder brother inside it. He explained to him brother, if you hear any animal sound, he just screams and the animals will run away, this will save our crops. The elder brother agreed with his younger brother's idea and started sitting in the field whenever he heard the sound of the animals, he would scream and scare them away. They continued this practice for many days.
how to read peoples mind accurate tips to read body language and gestures buddhist story

More Interesting Facts About,

how to read peoples mind accurate tips to read body language and gestures buddhist story...

There was once a field where a deer ran and broke through the fence before. Fleeing shortly after, a king who was chasing the deer also arrived at the field. The king noticed the blind brother and asked him: Have you seen a deer here? The blind brother answered his majesty, I am blind, how can I see a deer? You who are not worth chasing the animal that left my field are wasting your time. The king was amazed by the words of the blind brother and asked him how he knew this. The king asked the blind brother if he was lying since he claimed to be blind but spoke about the value of the deer, in response, the blind brother told you, your majesty, that the animal you think is a deer is actually a pregnant mass.
how to read peoples mind accurate tips to read body language and gestures buddhist story
I've never heard of a king hunting a pregnant mass, so I tell him she doesn't deserve his chase. You should not waste your time chasing it. The King was amazed to hear this. He could not understand how the blind man could identify the mass as pregnant. He wondered how a blind man could know this. How can he be sure if the deer I am chasing is pregnant or not? How can you confidently inform me of this information despite being blind? The king felt the need to verify this and therefore instructed his commander. I want that animal alive.
how to read peoples mind accurate tips to read body language and gestures buddhist story
I need to confirm if he is really pregnant. Do the following. The blind man seems to be very sure about this and I need to investigate please go and find out if she is pregnant the king's orders were received by the commander who preceded when he returned he told the king that the blind brother was right and that the do was pregnant the king He was filled with amazement and could not understand how the blind man had known about Doe's pregnancy. The king had many questions in his mind and decided to ask the blind man to get to the bottom of this look.
I don't know if you are really blind or not but I have come to ask you one thing you will give me the correct answer to my question in response the blind brother said your majesty you can ask me whatever you want and I will answer you truthfully the king said you are a wise man and you seem to have a great understanding of many things today I have called you to know if my wife is faithful to me or not the blind brother answered his majesty what kind of question is this that your marriage has?
It lasted many years and now you want to know those things, do you? Why do these questions arise in your mind? However, the king insisted saying: You must answer this question, if you do not give me an answer, I will punish you with the death penalty upon hearing the king's threat, the blind brother said his majesty, if you want the answer to this question you will have to ask me a favor the king asked tell me what I have to do the blind brother replied for that you will have to leave your wife alone with me in a room, the King initially became angry upon hearing this, but finally agreed to the request and ordered his Commander to leave the blind brother and the queen alone in a room, at that moment the blind brother expressed his desire to touch the queen.
Upon hearing this, the queen became enraged and began to beat the blind brother with her hands and feet and with all her strength, the blind man somehow managed to escape and went to the king, then the blind brother told the king that his Your Majesty, your wife is unfaithful, the king became angry. his sword and addressed the queen then the king asked her a question warning her that any falsehood would lead to her execution. ution asked her if she was faithful or not to which the queen replied your majesty can also kill me but I am not faithful the king is Very happy because everything the blind brother has said is true.
Upon hearing this, the king immediately went to the blind brother and asked him how he knew that my wife is not faithful. The blind man replied that his majesty is quite simple. I told his wife that I wanted to touch her and she got so angry that she started hitting me when I told her I wanted to touch her she could have refused but instead she started hitting me and in the process she touched me all over my


now tell me he continued how Can a woman like that be faithful? The king said, "You are very wise, all right, then let us proceed," he added.
Answer one more question correctly and I'll let you go from here. The king then asked, "Tell me, am I really my father's son or someone?" Otherwise, the blind brother answered his majesty, why does he bother with this question, no matter who his parents are? You are the king of this state so leave this question but the king insisted, no no I want the exact answer to this question otherwise this question will always bother me so I want to know the truth the blind brother His Majesty replied, I can tell you right now whose son he is, but before that I want you to promise that you will not be angry with me.
The king said, I promise, I will not be angry with you. Then the blind brother said to the king, You are truly your father's son, but You are also under the shadow of a greedy merchant. Upon hearing this, the king ran to his mother and asked his mother to please tell me the truth. I am truly the son of my Father or someone else. If you do not tell me the truth, I will give up my life. Right here at this the King's mother said said Son you are truly your father's son but you are also under the shadow of a greedy merchant upon hearing this the king is happy and immediately returns to the blind brother he asked him how he knew that the shadow of a greedy merchant was upon me the blind man answered his majesty he asked me many questions and I gave the correct answers to all of them if you were any other king I would have received many rewards by now but you have not given me a single cent until now it was for this that I estimated You are very stingy.
The king starts laughing and says whatever you ask for, I will give it to you, but tell me, how do you know what is right and what is wrong? How can you provide such


and healing answers to this? The blind brother said the majesty of him. I am blind by nature if I had facility. could easily understand the thoughts of any person, the mind has its


and this


can be seen in the actions of a person's


by observing the eyes, lips, the way they work and their activities, one can understand what happens in your mind based on this.
We can know anyone's thoughts but I am blind so I perceive through actions if I want to know something I have to assign a task to the next person to see how that person works and how he does the task and based on that I can understand what is going on in his mind Faith, the king asked, does that mean I can also know someone's thoughts about this? The blind brother said certainly you too can understand anyone's thoughts, but before that you need to work on yourself and that work is to calm down. your mind and bring your mind to the present for that today I am going to tell you three ways and these three ways are very easy and simple, but your majesty before that you have to do one thing.
Focus your mind when we focus our mind and by merging our mind with the present we can understand the thoughts of others because that person is thinking in the present and we also have to bring our mind to the present, only then we can understand their thoughts if we are thinking about events past, how will we know? what the next person is thinking in the present because we are immersed in past events, to know someone's thoughts, first and foremost we must focus our minds and bring them to the present, after that the blind brother told the king to pray that Yes your Majesty. will tell you the three ways by which you can easily understand the thoughts of any person then the blind man says to the king oh king the first method is to pay attention to the eyes the most important thing when we talk to someone is to look them in the eyes because the eyes do not They talk but they say a lot.
If we learn to understand the signals in a person's eyes, we can know what is going on in their mind, what they are thinking and what they are about to do. I don't have eyes. But I learned this skill from revered Buddha Gutam many years ago, he was my teacher and guide. Back then he had eyes and could understand people's thoughts only through his eyes, so if you also want to know the thoughts of others, you must concentrate. in their eyes, like their gaze where they are looking and in what direction, if their eyes wander back and forth when you talk to them, it means they are looking for a way to escape the conversation and someone could be lying if the person avoids the conversation. direct eye contact, it means that they are afraid that their lie will be exposed and people will know the truth, but if their eyes look at you without moving, they are probably honest and interested, they want to talk to you and share their thoughts.
Also notice how their eyebrows move if their eyebrows lower while they are looking away, they could be thinking hard or worried about something else, if their eyebrows rise and their eyes widen, they could be surprised or curious about what you are saying. Also notice how big or small their pupils are the pupils are the black part of the eye if the pupils get bigger it means they like you or what you say they are excited or happy if the pupils get smaller it means they don't like you or what you say you say they are uncomfortable or angry they also see how red or white their eyes are the white part of the eye is called Scara if the Scara is red it means they are tired, stressed or sick, they may not want to talk to you.
I remember a time when I met a tired person who was traveling when we spoke his eyes looked around a lot without ever looking at me this showed that he was worried and wanted to leave quickly I thought he might be hiding something he didn't want to talk to me so I asked him He asked more questions I found out that he had a secret plan Similarly, other facial expressions can help us easily understand a person's thoughts, sometimes a person exhibits different behaviors through their face if you pay attention to a person's facial expressions. Expressions that you can easily understand if the person is disappointed. very sad or extremely happy, you can also find out what they feel inside and all these things can be determined through their facial expressions.
Your majesty, the face is like a picture that shows what people feel inside, even if they don't say anything. You want to understand people better you have to pay attention to these silent signs when you see someone whose mouth bends to the sides making a little sad face, it usually means that they are unhappy, not happy or that they have lost something, you can also tell by their eyes. and your body if you feel depressed on the other hand a big real smile one that makes your eyes and cheeks lift is a sign of happiness friendship and kindness the eyes are very important in this when they become small and bright you can make sure For the smile to be real look at the space between a person's eyebrows where the skin wrinkles as it becomes deeper and tighter, it often means that they are confused by thinking hard or trying to understand something difficult or new, the way that the mouth can tell you.
A tight closed mouth a lot can mean they don't agree, don't like something, or don't want to talk, but an open, relaxed mouth means they are open, comfortable, and ready to talk as you improve. Seeing and understanding these signs On the face, you'll be able to tell what people are thinking and feeling inside, whether they say their feelings out loud or stay silent. Their faces will show you what is in their heart, whether a person speaks their words or not. You can understand everything by his face, your majesty. I will tell you a


once I met a sad person who came to ask me for help but he acted like he didn't care but I saw a small line on his forehead that showed he had a problem I asked them to tell me their problem and they did, They felt better after that and I helped them A real smile also brightens the eyes means they are happy and friendly A frown makes the eyebrows lower means they are worried or confused Eyebrows rise when they are surprised or curious You can tell how feeling looking into their faces continuing the blind brother told the king about the third methodSaying your majesty, there is also a third language which is the language of


and the body.
Language To understand a person's thoughts we need to understand hand


and body language when a person speaks, you may have noticed that he keeps moving his hands and making gestures apart from words, his body language plays an important role in when it comes to conveying what a person is thinking. Your Majesty, the body and hands can say a lot of things without words, it's like a secret way of speaking where you can see what people want and feel by the little things they think about when someone taps their fingers rapidly while speaking. aWhen the fingers make a quick sound about something, it may mean that they are bored in a hurry or that they want to end the conversation quickly.
I remember one time when I met a person who wanted to sell me something and he made me this sign. I knew he was nervous. so I made him give me a better price and he was also surprised when someone crosses their arms they may not like you or what you say they are hiding their thoughts from you this way of holding their arms is like a wall that keeps their thoughts and feelings safe from others by seeing this sign, you can be kind and careful when you talk to them and make them feel more comfortable and open when someone leans forward, they might be interested in you or what you say, they are listening to you carefully, this means they are interested and want to listen more this way of moving their body shows that they want to listen, learn and understand what you are saying.
I once met a smart teacher who did this. He was very calm but he leaned in with interest showing that he wanted to know more. on the topic sometimes people touching their face a lot when they talk to you can help you know what they are thinking, it often means they are worried about thinking too much or having a big idea, these little touches show you what they are going through. your mind and heart to be good at understanding others through their body and hands you have to be patient, observe carefully and appreciate the things they don't say these small but important signs like a quiet book show you the feelings and thoughts that are hidden within them and let you connect with them better if we pay attention to these three methods and understand them correctly, we can quickly know what is going on in a person's mind, how much attention they are paying to our words and what is going on in their mind, without However, before that you must concentrate. your mind and bring it to the present, only then will you be able to pay attention to all these actions, understand them and realize what is happening in the person's mind;
Otherwise, if you are worried about past events or plans, you will never pay attention to the person's body language and you will never understand what is going on in their minds, what they are thinking. You may have seen many great Saints and enlightened beings who look at you very calmly and can tell you what is going on in your mind and what you have learned from them. The main reason for this is that they can read and understand you because their mind is focused and at peace and that is why they can easily understand your thoughts as we reach the end of this Zen journey.
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