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America's Poor Kids (Child Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

May 17, 2024
In the United States,



has reached record levels and there are now more than 16 million


ren affected. For us, this is how we live. You can't make decisions about how you live. One in 12 Americans is now unemployed, and many children grow up with little hope of finding long-term employment. The president says he is trying to create jobs. But I don't think there's a job for me yet. Food banks and homeless shelters are facing unprecedented demand, as even middle-income families sometimes lose their homes with just a few days' notice. If the TV fits in your school bag, you can take it with you.
america s poor kids child poverty documentary real stories
If it doesn't fit, you can't take it. We asked three


what life in modern America is


ly like through their eyes. My name is Kaylie Hageman and I live in Stockton, Iowa. I am 10 years old now. And I live with my mom and my brother Tyler, and he's 12 years old. I don't think we are a rich family, but I think we are a


family. Oh yeah, that one was good. That was good. Hey. I am sorry sister. Stop pulling. I'm sorry. How do you think you will have clients? Stop pulling. Ha ha, customers. I can't pull mom when I'm doing this.
america s poor kids child poverty documentary real stories

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Katie's mom Barbara used to work at the factory, but she lost that job nine months ago. After struggling to find another, she decided to retrain as a hairdresser. I still care if you cut me off. I'm not going to cut you. I don't think you should. I've been in school long enough not to cut you. Or you're dead. . . I'm serious. Katie never knew her father, and although her grandmother lives nearby and helps her when she can, the family is struggling to survive on only $320.00 a week in unemployment benefits plus food stamps. I'm hungry. I, ha, I knew you were going to say that as soon as... . .
america s poor kids child poverty documentary real stories
You're going to have to wait now, sister. I'm starving. We only receive three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and then dinner. When I feel hungry. I will just feel sad and down. And then I'll feel weak, and then in the morning I'll be hungry, but then I'll think, "Oh, I need some food." But then I'll be like But then I don't think about food and then I'll just think about something else. And then I won't be hungry anymore. There are good days and bad days. Sometimes when we eat ce


we don't have milk. We have to eat it dry.
america s poor kids child poverty documentary real stories
Sometimes we don't have cereal and we have milk. It's often like switching and swapping. Sometimes, like when I change the channel and there's a cooking show on, I get a little hungrier. And I want to disappear on the screen and start eating the food? Iowa is one of the breadbaskets of the world, but this is not a land of plenty for Kaylie. Needing every penny, she and her friend often walk along the train tracks, despite the danger, in search of old cans. My best friend is Jordan and we grew up together. We like to whip around to make money.
Many people throw away their cans. Yes. You know that garbage is recyclable. Cans. When I can, I just walk around with the cameras, and I walk, I walk like all over the city. The crushed ones are worth five cents and the uncrushed ones are worth two. Last year alone, more than 60,000 bankruptcies were filed in Iowa. Throughout Kaylie's life, the economy and her city have been in steep decline. In 2004 is when this closed and now look at it. It's bullshit. It used to be so special. And wasn't that a cinema before? That? That. No? What used to be?
Was it the old bank? Oh, I bet there's old money in there. I'm not going in there, guys, on the floor. That would be incredible. If it's like a thousand thousand dollars a day When we can't afford to pay your bills like our house doesn't stink. I'm afraid we will be homeless and my brother and I will die of hunger. Do you never know what will happen in your life? Yes, Kati's fear of homelessness is now a reality for more than one and a half million children across the United States. My name is Jasmine, I am older and I live with my brother Joshua Devlin, Josh.
My name is Johnny Davis. I'm 13 Finna will be 14 in three months Johnny and Jasmine have been living at a Salvation Army shelter for homeless families in Davenport, Iowa, for the past three months. My dad had a business and he was making invitations for $5,000 a month. He had names of good and elegant things. We had like a three bedroom house, the living room had a 32 inch flat screen TV, mom and dad's room had a 42 inch flat screen TV in their bedroom, and that's what the TV was a Super Bowl or when the recession hit. The family's home improvement business went bankrupt and they soon struggled to pay rent.
They held on to their home as long as possible. But that meant that when the time finally came, the


had only a few days to pack everything up and leave for Teaneck. appropriate bag or suitcase, you can take it to any type like this television, the yellow one, literally. He only did that because you kicked for Monday, if it didn't fit in my Delavan bag. Okay I won't say I hide the fact that I'm homeless But it's not something that again you just want to come out and broadcast and say well hey you know I'm homeless That's the same as someone with everything, say hiv or AIDS .
They don't come out until you hate. You know I'm sick You know it because they will treat you differently, and it's the same as someone who is homeless That's okay out of the shower a little bit and the challenges because it's important because I live in a shelter that I don't want a lot of people to know that you live here She will make fun of it and she again she can really hunt us down in a while. It starts and you start not having friends. People make fun of you and stuff like that. It makes me feel like I wish I had never left you.
We asked your father. good name, good home. Good future for everyone who stays here at any time, so that they can have security in their home. He's a kid at school who seems to make me worse. But he has his own house bill. He has a house to call home. He does not. I have to go sit with thousands of people at dinner. He can run to his refrigerator and open it, and I can't do that. I have to wait until a certain time and I have to eat because if I don't eat. I'll starve all night and into the next morning Yes, yes, sir, right here, and the tuna keyboard doesn't even come out for Jasmine.
That's one of the things that I feel like I definitely miss being able to cook for my own family, so buying food and putting it in. Put our food in it. Just the things that used to be like, well, she shopped and I took an oven at marriages. I miss him. I'm just giving Jeff license to open the boxes. No Teresa. Take one. God knows when you live in a shelter you have to obey, but according to the rules and your choice? If you don't, do you get a little report? Below the tasks are: I am sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, putting very hot and cold folds and Throwing away the trash.
If you don't, you get a little review, you get it for staying out too long during the night. You receive a deed. -up for having problems with the lady at the reception and if you are more than an eight or something like that they bother you. But what type of animal is the North American roadrunner? dear Bird Right, we should know that all cars. Yes, with over 200 families waiting for a spot in this shelter alone, Jasmine's family knows that if they get kicked out. Nowhere else to go It's noisy Homelessness threatens KV2 The family's electricity will be cut off unless their grandmother can pay the bill, so money is tighter than ever Let's go to the Salvation Army for 60 cents shirt $2 left here Haley Blue label half 45 cents.
We can't get anything at the dance. I was when I was like seven years old When my mom had money like a lot of money Show me a nickel. I know. You have to wait until grandma gets home anyway, give me super jiggly, okay? What do you have in the house, just nothing? Where is the waiter that grandmother comes to the house? She doesn't understand it. My mom is going through a difficult time with the economy. She has very little weight and is thinner. And why can't she pay all the bills at the same time? The bills here at home are too much for me.
I have never seen it so bad to get a job. It's very difficult, it's very, very difficult, my mom got a master's degree in accounting and she's been looking for another job for a year and she still hasn't found anything. And she has a lot of education. Well, there are now more than 49 million Americans alive. below the


line many as a result of unemployment Things haven't been this bad since the great depression my income is 480 or 1480 and my total bills are 1326 and that doesn't leave me money for food or gas many times I have to give my money to buy groceries and gas for the car and lawnmowers to promote other people's lungs and I got $10 and I put six for gas and I gave my mom a break to eat something and it's something like that.
I do it with my money. I don't think about a Zoom Owens to live. I watch this show where it said gas prices are going up and my mom can't even pay for gas. We have to be careful. How we use our gasoline. How we use everything mostly. because nowadays everything is expensive. There is now a real danger that this month's rent will not be paid and the family will have to leave their home. I like living here. Because my friends are nice to me and I want to stay here. Rent and bills mean It costs more than $1,000 a month to stay in the family home.
But a single motel room could cost less than $700 a month total, right? Now there doesn't seem to be a way out, so my only options are to leave my house and move into the motel room and put my things in storage and keep going to school, and last week I saw a doctor for Depression and she told me He prescribed some antidepressants and vNx for my panic attacks. I mean, I don't even know if I'll be able to find a job when I get out of school or if it'll ever get better if I'm allowed to find daycare for Kaylee.
I mean, she's 10, but fill her and Tyler, they're brother and sister. Levitate, I'll come home and the one hanging from the ceiling because he usually wants to be. God knows we're scared, oh. The house is not the only thing below. threat that one of the family dogs will also have to leave we wanted to keep our gardener It's extra money and we're getting rid of her in an hour Like Ellen, so much time is up But then again, almost sometimes my friends go , they fight, they win. go Very good. The strange window goes to the right. win, let's go.
You got this if you kept it clean and dancing or mostly happy, it's like it's in a different world. I'm always dancing non-stop. I love quotes. I'm really in love with dancing. It's like my destiny becomes Like a famous dancer or if I'm an entertainer, I feel like it's my destiny The search for a new life with a job and a home attracts 400,000 people a year to the San Francisco Bay area But the Rents here are the highest in the United States and work can be difficult to find? Sarah, 11, her sister and her mother moved here in 2009.
But when the economy collapsed, her mother lost her job and my family now had to survive on only $600 a month. unemployment. They are living in a one-bedroom apartment with subsidized rent. It's a little difficult because you don't have your own room, you just have your little area and then this is my mom's area. There is my area and there is my sister's area. It's very small. I'm not like small spaces Don't hit me on crazy computers It was just really perfect My lungs have a folding bed. My sister has a broken bed that she shit too late and exploded AND I have four for us, they are actually quite comfortable.
It's messy, but look at how many things. We have it and then we look at how small the room is missing. You also couldn't keep it very contained if you have three people living in a really small room with a small bathroom in a small kitchen. It's not that easy and besides. We have many things and many books. So it's very difficult. Not win. When we can shower or when we cook, the windows open and? Like everything was getting drippy. Only no, boom, um. It's annoying, like you're washing yourself. Then you think you dry it a couple of days later.
There's more mountain woman in it. So it's like, my God, because this wall, these walls are full of potholes, so it's hard to get a handle on it all. I don't think it's a good way to grow. I guess it was just family. They put me to solve for some reason. It was because we are strong. I don't know, Sarah used to live in a homeless shelter. So even a small room is a step forward. But what the family really wants is to get into long-term subsidized housing before the rental assistance they receive here runs out.
We're trying to get into this bigger place called Thomas Paine and they said anytime between early February and late February, and it's April and we haven't gotten in yet. I know one thing if we don't get over this pain. We return to a place called the refuge. I do not want to get back. This is how i feel. I do not want to get back. I've been there once, once is enough for me. I think we all, fortunately, return there. We would share a large room with a dozen other people. That's special to rate six. There are four floors we live in, on the second floor I don't want to go back because I cancook for me here and can I go to the bathroom on my own here me?
I don't have my half taxi, my mom, my sister. Take me to the bathroom in the middle of the night. But this apartment is only temporary and they will have to move soon. I think it's a little scary. Oh really? We don't have many options if we move from this place. Isn't it the great American dream? In Iowa the moment he feared arrived. No, she's like my favorite dog, and now we have to take her to the pound. I have to get rid of Nala who has been here. Oh girl like you got it. She would sleep in your bed and she would sleep with you to let your old guard dog get rid of my perfect cuddly little dog.
Yes, I'm listening to your session now. She has a favorite toy or game, she looks, she needs a lot of dolls. Oh God, she only turns one in an hour. Oh yeah, she doesn't like that. No. she This is my animal lover. She will have to enter our isolation rooms. And she has not received any vaccines. That this will be in an isolated area at this time. I see Disbelief in the color, why the color, eh? Oh baby Now that Nala is gone, it's time for her to leave the house and move into a motel room.
This will be the family home from now on, unless she is a mom. We can get everyone a place at the homeless shelter. Without us we have a double bed, and there is no mini refrigerator now with the double bed no. What it says is and there is no microwave. Okay, we have to ask him about that. Yeah, it's not like we're doing it and duplicating it. Well, we're going to have to ask you about the mini refrigerator. This is small. It's going to be small. Doing the bull. It's going to be small. This is a big fan.
Yes. Is one of the many disadvantages of shelter life that diseases spread between families too easily? Everyone has had to suffer from stomach pain during the nine days. She was born to confront the defenders of her more than if she threw up in our way. Although Jasmine's father has now managed to get a minimum wage job, his employer does not cover the family. health insurance Nearly one in seven Americans now has no health insurance more than ever. Without coverage, the family had to find clinics and pharmacies that treated people on basic state Medicaid. In many places do not drink.
I go to Medicaid. So they know us from the public. Aid. It's public assistance. Low income no income So a lot of places will take you and then a lot of them say they don't take new patients. So you didn't want you to go to the emergency room? Then you end up with another bill. The last problem is that Johnny had contracted a highly contagious skin infection, so the family's rooms have to be completely disinfected. Well, it even gets worse. So we say regarding the hospital, and that's when John got sick. So we actually had to go to the hospital.
Well, now he has to be quarantined along with the rest of the family. You have to sleep on the fire escape now. Could you make sure you don't touch anyone? I'm watching you when he first got infected. There was no other option but to go to the local hospital emergency room. Do not touch it. The discharge lady came in asking a question about Medicaid or whatever and said, Oh, I guess I'll have to look it up. But if I can't find it, we will have to bill you. Yes, so another bill will come. Although life will have time to take the hits, right?
Just because she thought he was upset. It's nothing big, so slow. Mike only comes here because they meet the dead. All the religious pieces and all those things continue today. You arrive home. It's not me. He always comes from this. corner They always because here we have a couple of these every time throughout the day shit mom Boko that's all working in this case this building is a bit old The mice have been here for a long time before we were here Of course they're going to get in here We just we, my dad, we just say that any mouse that comes in here we will take them out like they won't stay for long.
They won't know not to go into your room. Someone tell me about your life. Look at it. Look at it. Look at it. Look at it - yeah, what's coming - oh yeah? Yeah come on. Oh, God, Jamin, you see this. Is that why I keep coming here? Don't breathe anything else here. You give me Controllers, that's someone over there, you hit them back. As a mother, you always have different thoughts running through your head and undermining you. Wishing you could change things and wishing things were different, but what are you going to do? You can't keep beating yourself up about it, but at the same time it's a car.
Having a family is difficult. Maintaining a family is difficult while staying at home. I got my grades, what? Oh that's good. What a thing that saved you from 70 lashes, right? Well, I have two A's for bees and two seas. What's up, John? I have to say that Very is my only way out of here by migrating there. I know I can't go to universities like my juniors. Wow, I know that if my berries aren't good, I can't play soccer like I want to if I don't succeed in what I have to do in school and I don't get good grades.
I'm going to fail. I'm going to live this life. A life of refuge and going through difficult times cannot feed my children. Trying to figure out what I'm going to put in my head each night. Homeless children are eight times more likely than other children to be repatriated. one year at school Kaylee and her family have been living at the motel for four weeks. It's summer vacation right now, but if her mom can't find a permanent home soon, Hailey and Tyler would have to face an upcoming quarter at school as homeless kids. Playing it on your own feels like it's cool.
It depends on that, it's great. I'm always cleaning. Power almost never helps you clean once, twice, three times. I'm clean. A little, a lot. So you come, hold the window, no 15. Oh, well, then the break didn't stop using your foot and be a man. It's not Rene. Oh, hit me yesterday. I'll be right back. Cold things that need to freeze do not sink. We don't have a refrigerator just to sink it into our refrigerator. We have to get ice almost every day because it melts overnight. It's all crunchy and there's not much space, look. He takes up all the way to go to the bathroom.
We had a lot more space in the house. There are no friends. No employer would I'm in Jordan I spent the time watching TV or talking to Alex Helping him do the laundry And then putting stickers on the cards What are you going to do today? Oh? it's hot it's a new people came to room number 124 like you and they have kids your age yeah check them out 126 124 This motel is one of the few in the area that allows homeless families to stay long term . Most insist they booked one night at a time. So they may be forced to leave with a day's notice.
The number of people who live here depends. Sometimes people go for weekly stays. Sometimes you like it, it's okay. Somewhere there is no inventor. There are more people for long stays. Who is homeless and in winter? The shelters are full, so people can't sleep outside. When I pick up the money, there is nothing to eat, the rest is cans of vegetables, so I have been eating vegetables. There really isn't enough food. Kaylee has also joined the 37 million Americans. who now depend on food banks, one in five children across the United States now receive food aid 15 on the Bridge train if you mix chicken with apple sauce and apple sauces and we inside the Virginia need vegetables there, oh here spaghetti and dumplings oh Ravioli we need more canned goods or potatoes for the vegetable soup.
Thank you. Oh mom. Can we solve this? You keep saying we don't have a refrigerator to put it in right now. Why don't we get it? If I could change one thing it would be to be cold. And I don't really want to report, so you can't get it. Because, then, how can you pay? Where can you get ahead? How can you get a roof over your head? If you're going to be


, we're still in the same department as anyone else. We've been there before and we haven't gotten Thomas Paine. Thomas Paine is long-term subsidized housing that the family could stay in forever.
But they are running out of time to find a place to build. So they are back at the shelter to sign up for the waitlist here too No, the child should ever have to change homeless shelters just to get into an apartment or a sustainable house. This form that I'm going to have you sign is just the family shelter admission policy and the admission policy says that you should limit your belongings to one bag per person. I know it can be hard if you have a long way up, and it can be like a bag of clothes and stuff and then a computer.
Probably? Count as a bag, it is a hidden electronic device. That can be a problem. He's too nervous, yes, sad. Well, you can consider storing some of your things while you are at the shelter. And then when you get out, you can get your stuff back, like they probably told you on the phone. Unfortunately. a six month wait to get to a shelter right now, which is really long, it's one of the longest waits we've ever had and unfortunately we don't have any more space to accommodate offenders right now, but during that wait time. On the list, the most important thing is to call and check in once a week to stay on the list, so that's definitely the most important thing.
So is everything else working in the department right now? Was it really good? I'm just looking into food banks right now because it was so expensive right now. We have no right to feed him tonight. Yes that's fine. Well, we can definitely get you a bag of food before you leave, yes, so we have a canned food option. Now we have beans and sausages, rum, tuna and spam juice. Your best friend told the magic word that she loves Pam. but you know I'll spam you, so okay, cool. Thank you very much Yes, I know you love Spanish.
Well, here you go if the food hits me and moves me off your feet, talk easily and actually, and then there are two bus tokens. And those are for a fee and they transfer the time to you. Thank you very much, the people who cut budgets are the ones who are making it difficult for my mother to survive in today's world. Sarah lives in a part of San Francisco known as the Tenderloin. It is a neighborhood synonymous with drugs, violence and homelessness. Three, a lot. like you too. I live on the back of that Chuck result, there are people on drugs out there and, um, I don't think it's an eleven year old or anyone older or younger.
I should be around this test, especially drug dealers because it makes your brain crush. It basically makes your brain work like I put it into it what I do on the weekend. Look out the window looking at the people on the streets and um and I call it staying in the People are on the street because I have these little eyepieces open and I like to look out the window and it was funny because one person looked up and said to me Looking out as if he had lost in business. My Chester had taught me if he ran and threw the first punch.
I miss it. It's usually one punch and no miss? And I know where to hit a man, where it hurts. From my mom and my sister. Clearly one of the things from him to the other house. It's okay, I know it would help. Maturity, your family has been able to find a house to rent and today. They're leaving the motel. But moving house is one of the most stressful things a family can do. Even more so when it's the second time in just a couple of months. I'm looking for money to get away from you because we need to know something about you.
I don't have space Just wait, I'll do it Don't worry. I pick up all the things so they sit there. OMG, pack my toy and nothing like my bath box. Forget about another house. Kill your choice and I want you to clean that big thing up, okay? Six below. I'm all those things, clean the sink while you're in my way, see me there free today. Throw away the picket, the doctor. Yes friend. He is a crazy mom. She is tired, I still love her. She's okay, she really means we're going to kill. How can she use the things she needs to work on her daily?
You died and you don't want to be yelled at when she does it all the time? The only little moment and now when we're moving when she says she's going to make a happy What part of you shut up doesn't come out well? YO? Wanna Scream You Can Explode, the family can barely afford the rent on a new house, in fact they rely on their grands to pay the first month and expect the charity to help them afterwards. There is no money left for furniture. Hey, let's go look. in a new house. Come on. There is no living room.
This is the kitchen. And let's go. Let's go up to mom's room. How could you give up on these stairs? And here is my room. What are you doing? Now? I'm going to put a rug that can look good at home. I like it and I can say that I mostly sleep on the floor, it would be more comfortable with the bed in winter. There's really nothing to do, just fold my clothes, my smallest fulham. a small artistic photo or clean. But there's not much to clean up but it's too cheesy so somechildren have our houses there.
I can have whatever they want, but I think mom, could I take a wrong turn or something? That's how it all started. The good news for John is family. They have finally moved into an independent apartment at the Salvation Army Shelter. Now they can lock their own front door, but this also means that in the future they will be able to receive free meals in the shelter's dining room. We are in our small apartment, Transitional Housing. Mom says it's harder because she has to spend a lot of money to see us and spend a lot of money to fix the house and not buy things, you always want something extra.
I know one. Yes, do you want to call? I have you? I'm not using the Earth walks outside. No, Mr. Jordans and Nikes Charlie Nikes and Jordans are expensive. I love it because of the name that makes no sense, you need a working look. As if it weren't expensive. I've been lying to Josh, shoes after shoes, in shoes. I can't afford it now. What Walmart has to take to Walmart? What else can I do unless his feet aren't dragging on the floor like they were in Jordan's first wash there for 30 books? That's a lot. You can't find any of the new kinds of joints for 30 books.
They probably aren't real. It's a great deal when I can go to Walmart and buy the shoes that I'm wearing, I bought them at Walmart for $5. I'm... my brand name stuff. That's good business. Montana signs well if you listen well, I love you. All some of those, right, we don't see each other, that's why I like all of you when you're little. They like it, they accept the things you become. You'll see Rowan grow people's shoes now. Oh please, he stops growing. We had more money on the ferry side doing that here because now it's all up to you.
Down there we take everything from here. You get free food every day. You have a free place to live. Oh, here: one of Tom's old business cards. Oh yes, a routine in Your Bed class, yes. It was a time of linear model. Until the recession, the family ran its own business. The plan now is for Tom to do odd jobs in his spare time. To raise some extra money. I know we lost a lot with the business and then Tom every day putting our heads together Trying to think of what else we can do? To get out of this, let's see what would happen if we thought of earning some extra money, so we wouldn't be in a hole all the time or barely trying to find food.
I mean, I think at least everyone in America can do it. have some food and a house The poorest man a place to sleep and food and it's not like that then the tough guy is very tough all I want is to play football, but football is expensive. It looks like I can name a field. I need one for my sports, but I just got a waiter and I do it. Next time, wait a minute I can't afford it. I am 14 years old, my life is almost full and I am already a grown man. And if I do not do it.
I get to show someone how to play soccer. Football exists in four years, you know. If I get to play on the team this year, that dream will slowly start to fade. That's what happened to some of the children's dreams. something and they can't afford it or I can't do it. Today we are going to mime the tape. The company is performing a political satire. Really? 400 Merica yeah the good news is we have Thomas Paine and um They're just doing annual maintenance Next week we're signing the lease. I counted how many Sarah Sarah When I saw this house, the first time I was speechless. , I couldn't speak Sarah big bathroom Mine and my sisters love it.
This is the nurse. I like not having myself at the door. This house is ours without roommates. No, there probably won't be any eviction notices, you won't forget this experience because it is life changing. You know No, the kid should have to go through this, um, but every day kids do it and besides, it's crazy. It's not a fun experience. It's knowing that people say oh, it doesn't matter. It's just a small problem. It's over, get over it and no, it's not over. It changes you and maybe it's still the same old nasty Sarah, but deep down.
I'm a completely new person because I'm a completely different person We are back at this hotel again because they kicked us out of the duplex. Written up then we went to a motel 6 and then we went to this hotel in Twin Bridges. and then we went here, oh god, we went to so many places, even talking about it makes me dizzy. Oh wow, no, I can do a job. Yeah, yeah, well, mom's latest plan is to get a trailer. So the family can have a more stable home, but in the meantime Katie's education is affected. Why can't I go to school?
I'd do you at school, but we have to wait until we get the trailer. Which is only a few days away, so there's no point putting you in school here. And I just wish I was there, okay, we've been moving. There is a lot between Iowa and Moline and my mom can't enroll us in school. I wouldn't want to go to school and go to a different school like a week or two later if you go to school and then like a week or two you'll have to move but then you'll have to move from all your new friends all your teachers when you you have such a good time and then my mom says we're going to go to school, when we move into the trailer we're not going to get Roses Railer It's very livable at most We're going to check a I'm going to have to crawl with the snakes to thaw the pipes.
No. The best I can do is put up bales of hay. I know. Let's get some of those and do it. Oh, but we're going to move the trailer probably in a couple of summers, but that's two years away. So because we have to have it for two years we stay there two years I really want to be in school because if you don't get a good education then you won't get much money. You don't get a good job, you end up sleeping at your mom's house, you break up, you end up behind on a lot of rent and you're stuck, you end up homeless and then no food attack if I keep missing school. , then I see my poor future in the student in a box even and Asking for money everywhere from everyone and then stealing things from stores and Yes, I don't want to steal things.
Oh, I don't want to do any of that. I want it education good work Poverty affects all aspects of a child's life, their education, their health and their future prospects are affected. Since 2007, the number of homeless children in the US has increased by nearly half a million unless the world's richest nation can build a more effective safety net for its most vulnerable young citizens. Millions more could follow people arriving at a homeless shelter. Could it just be someone you live with at the same time? It had it all: a bill we were paid after the utilities billed a payment or a foreclosure.
Anything can easily knock them down to the ground and ground zero. Life is very surprising, there is always something to achieve. And you have to turn around. get up and turn around and leave But in the end you always get out of me The way I live is a lesson I think I'm going to get a perfect job that I like and that I want to do People can It doesn't stop you from believing in your own dream.

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