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How Craig Ferguson Became Flirting Boss w/ Actresses on The Night Show 2021

May 27, 2024
You really like going to gun stores and picking up other people's items that have been posted. I just like sailing. I just like sailing. I also like to sail. Yes, yes, have you ever been to a zoo? Sega Genesis, how well can you search? At the zoo you walk, you can't buy anything, so you can just browse around the zoo. I've never been to the zoo, oh, it's pretty good, except for the flamingos that stink, they just, oh, they stink, and you don't. There are flamingos in Nova Scotia. I've never seen one there. Yes, yes, I think if there was a flamingo in Nova Scotia, it would be in the wrong place.
how craig ferguson became flirting boss w actresses on the night show 2021
Yeah, it would probably be cold, but you're pretty clean. living person are you not a vegan or something like that um no no strictly really yes then would you eat a flamingo um I don't know I mean I don't mean no like really no like it's complicated no, it's not that complicated you have a set you said that the good one Politics is very complicated well, okay, I get it, that's how cute animals are that you don't eat oh no, you know, not every day, yes, yes, yes, because you have to work well. you're in the movie oh no this movie looks good now it's Alec Baldwin a ghost that


s up and gives you advice who knows yeah man you're really good yeah yeah the French are like that well okay Have you never been?
how craig ferguson became flirting boss w actresses on the night show 2021

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how craig ferguson became flirting boss w actresses on the night show 2021...

I had never been before. Are you going to climb the Eiffel Tower? Of course, yes, I have to do everything. I'm going to do all the touristy things. And you know, it's very cold. I know. Are you doing well in the cold? from Seattle, so yeah, it's not cold, it's just wet, no, it's cold, it's colder than down here, everything is colder than down here, this is how long have you been in La?, no, my God, Well, do you know how funny that was? I was talking about this yesterday who conan no with your animated producer oh yeah who called me um because when I first moved to Los Angeles I made a movie called bring it oh yeah that's my I love that that's my favorite movie that I saw yeah I bet I like I like that movie where you're the girl that does that you're right so you know we would go out and we were you know it was the first big movie that came out so I thought it was really cool and yeah , come out and um and I met your previous guest, Jimmy Fawkes, yeah, in a bar one


we did a little dirty dancing and my mother came out with us, is she still here?
how craig ferguson became flirting boss w actresses on the night show 2021
I don't think so, have you ever done it? I've been to Belgium, you haven't disappointed me Karen, I'm sorry, I heard they have fantastic chocolate, they have fantastic chocolate, very good beer and very good fries, really, yes, but you just moved to USA. Here we have fries. I know you got tater tots here, you're not an American, I'm officially, oh, I guess, yeah, I got a tattoo and everything, oh, are you going to become an American? I don't think so okay I'm just going to reside here for a while I see you just take advantage of our freedoms and then you come back home essentially yeah okay where do you live in Los Angeles?
how craig ferguson became flirting boss w actresses on the night show 2021
Yeah, I haven't learned to drive in Los Angeles yet, although I'm probably fine. Do you think so? No one. If not, you are bothered by learning, getting a car and you know that the driving test here is super easy. I heard I did. You drive around the block, don't shoot anyone. I think I could do that. Yes, that's it, but people talk a lot about parking. here, park, park, yeah well it's a big deal, the conversation is parking, why I don't know, I hear it all the time and I wonder why you spend your time on this.
I think what happens is that I think what happens is because you are a very beautiful and striking woman that the guys approach you and they don't know what to talk about so they park and park well, you managed to park well, Karen, I don't know what to say, you had a god, uh a baby lady or a gentleman I had a baby gentleman oh how cute yes what's his name called believe it or not no one knows his name oh you haven't said it yet oh well this is a big moment for us oh from you This could be the announcement.
Do you want to do it? Because there has already been a big announcement to


. What's this about Jeff and I running for president? Can I be the first lady? I was just adopted as first lady. I don't want to marry you, but. I could have the vice president, so you'd have to marry Jeff. Hey, freckles, I've been dating some cool robots and yeah, I guess so, that's true. Yes, you got there. Did the clip from before scare the hell out of you? I'm not scared of freckles, I'm fine, I don't know, I don't know those robots, I could probably tell your skinny little ass might not be in the ring with those guys, I've got the right spirit, I kicked her out, that's all. it's needed, it's always the small one, guys, go ahead and get a room here on my doll, it's very vulgar.
I just realized I had the hair elastic on my wrist since today. They can have it. Thank you very much, in fact, what would your hair want? stretchy I'll keep it longer that's lovely where you have a boy or a girl I have that's what I drink uh when I'm having a coffee really instead of just a normal coffee well when I'm having a b when I'm having a coffee I don't normally have a beer, but you know, I guess that's going really bad, look, every time I want a coffee, I can be her, I used to be like that too, so where are you?
I've been with you, you've been with the band, you've been on tour, yeah, we were great, we were on tour over the summer, which was super fun, all over the place, all over the United States and Canada, and Canada, and Canada, yes, we include. Canadian cities, that's good. Did you go to Lethbridge? No, what the hell? That is one of the great jewels of Canada. Yes, no, we have a city. We didn't catch it this time, but obviously most of the time we do. Yes, yes, but yes. we're in montreal go to the peg you went to winnipeg we didn't go to winnipeg what the hell even though i made a movie i didn't go to the peg um but you have a choice of movie yeah i made a movie in one of the movies you made in winnipeg um it was called the good life oh yeah, it was the winnipeg movie, it was winnipeg for nebraska actually yeah, maybe they're more in distribution, I think they're in distribution, yeah, the butterflies make the cell, the spiders eat them, they take the cell and then they can distribute on the fabric, so the movie anyway is amazing, it came out good, it was very good, yes, everything good, it's actually great, yes, yes, yes, yes, and now it's on the DVD, so there It's where the money is.
That's where the money is, we'll see. No, I'm telling you that you're going to win. How much do you get for each DVD? Probably like 40 cents per cent of a penny. 40 of a cent. Don't know. You'll be fine, you'll make money, buy yourself a nice spider silk dress, I'm just going to buy a spider that makes me dress all day, your own spider, you're talking about a lot of money now, I haven't seen you since, well, No. I've seen you since we were in Scotland, yes, but we could talk about Scotland. Oh I love it, I love it, I know you do so I watched it.
You are so melancholic when we were at the place. I'm quite melancholic. Anyway, you were more melancholic in Scotland than in California, that might have been that day, yeah, 'cause we were at the beach you used to go to when you were growing up, yeah, yeah, well, don't you know which beach you went to? When you were a kid, Malibu, do you get Westville? I'm really doing well, there you are, so this is not my fault, no, it's not your fault, it's nice, it was a compliment, I was paying you a compliment, oh, it's okay, I had a good time with you.
You there, it was really because of that, I mean, well, I think you know what I mean, what do you mean about the trip? We were in Afghanistan, Germany, Germany, uh, Germany is really fun, yeah, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, I think I said, yeah, they didn't. I don't worry too much where no, they um there's no Kurzick so no one I think it's Kyrgyzstan I'm geographically I had a couple of things for you about her no um I like it's liquor yeah, okay yeah, it's like spray tan for your inside exactly finger where are you from originally that's a lovely accent I'm from east charlotte okay did you ever go to that nascar track in charlotte oh yeah oh wow they have you can get a lecture this car is a religion where am I? about yeah, you can't talk about religion on cbs, but uh, but uh, I took a lesson at that track in Charlotte like yeah, I watched racing, yeah, they used to have a racing school and I went and I went to the bank track. and how was that job, I fainted, yes, you crashed into the wall, no, it was someone else driving, he said, good job, he said because it was like the first time he said, no, he said it's your accent it's like the yours, she said no She doesn't have an accent, yeah, okay, sure, her accent wasn't like mine and she said she said neat, all done, ding dong, it's going really bad there and one minute she was like a giddy schoolgirl.
We are not talking about the same thing. person clearly wow when she was here she was very strict with me she made me clean up all the papers and oh no wait that was someone else are you very tidy in your house? Does that really bother you? Really? Oh, my story and my husband's. the stories are two different everything for the love of God there is no witchcraft in the house samantha now you are very very organized um look I have two small children it's okay they are my priority not to clean um when I'm alone like when I was traveling back and because of that we filmed the damage in New York and I was coming and going almost every week for six months, that was in my hotel room when I was alone, very organized, when I wasn't being pulled in five different directions, do you know how old you are? kids two and four oh your house is a total mess yeah yeah but man I thought wow I'm actually a very organized person because my husband says he knows exactly the route I walked when I got home because he's bag , shoes, jacket, bra, you know?
That's exactly what my wife tells me when I get home, she's so kind, so tolerant, oh she does it, she's fine as long as she doesn't bother the kids. I don't even clean my car anymore because of them. I'm swimming, I broke my salad tongs because I helped myself to some carrots and they broke in two, they're salad donuts, there's no salad, not anymore, you and you broke, broke, just broke, those were my dogs to salad, very bad salad tongs, really. Yes, they were shades of plastic salad. You know, I have to tell you, this is something I learned in Los Angeles.
Don't eat community salad like in Spain. Well, you're not meant to. No, in Spain you can eat community salads. I don't know, but in Los Angeles people say how's that salad and they use the tongs and then you go, thank you very much, and the bow and the sneeze god, the suspicion, the sneeze guard, there's a sneeze guard up there. I think you broke it If you were very violent as a child It wasn't Craig I was very gentle as a child Where are you from? From Chiswick in London I used to go with a girl from Chisholm Did she have a fantastic bum I used to travel from North London on the Piccadilly line to see her belly.
It was worth it? It was worth every trip. That is something good. Yes, it is full of pensioners, pigeons and passives. Pensioners are older people whom we call seniors. Those were now the girls whose butt I went

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