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He's been CAPTURED!

Apr 22, 2024
Remember how we all thought Midas was removed from the Fortnite universe and gone forever and then we found out we were totally wrong and the whole time he was held captive in the underworld it turns out Midas isn't the only one in this? It's true because, as I'm sure we all remember, the friendly dinosaur from Chapter 3 known as Clbo, remembers that they were eliminated during the Collision live event, where in the next season a Clbo skull could be found on the Fortnite island. Well, it turns out that clo is also being a prisoner of the underworld, but first, if you don't press the thumbs up button in this video in exactly 111 days every time you log into Fortnite, this will happen, no, but if you do it with the thumbs up button in exactly 111 days when you log into fortnite this will be waiting for you the choice is all yours so choose carefully ladies and gentlemen we wasted too much time we have a lot of amazing things to cover here on this video, including the return of the friendly dinosaur clbo.
he s been captured
Now, real quick, before we reveal the truth about the first thing about CLBO, ladies and gentlemen, you might as well call me the King of Glitches, so I've already shown numerous different glitches in season 2 of the episode, some of them are just funny mistakes that aren't. It's not overpowered at all, like the floating glitch with the wings or even the flying superhero glitch, which was cool. On the flip side, I've also shown some game-breaking borderline glitches, such as one that allows you to become completely invisible on any creative map, another that allows you to glitch inside a wall and become invincible, and finally the one I showed on the last video was super, super easy to do and also incredibly mastered, it basically makes you invincible.
he s been captured

More Interesting Facts About,

he s been captured...

Well, today's bug is a little different, it's not overpowered at all, I guarantee you that. You will laugh a lot both yourself and the friends you do it with. Do this As soon as you jump off the battle bus, you'll want to head towards the Mount Olympus location or specifically the small pool of water that is directly in front of it. I would recommend that you pick up at least one weapon to defend yourself from any enemies, like I'm already having to do now, come here, buddy got it, after that you're going to need to collect some materials, feel free to collect as many as you need, really you don't need that much. 100 to 200 should be enough for the job, then check this out, right outside this giant pool of water you should see a zip line.
he s been captured
Going all the way up from the top to the bottom, what we're going to want to do is get on that zip line and build some floors exactly like you see me building now, every time you jump you should have the option to zip up. the zip line and the mantle at the same time, that's what we're going to want to do, you're going to want to do the mantle and then immediately press the zip line button, oh, and it worked, ladies and gentlemen, listen to this. As you can see, the character is literally walking around the island now in this super failed position.
he s been captured
He looks absolutely hilarious. Obviously this doesn't provide any competitive advantage and isn't actually a useful glitch at all, but it's absolutely fun to watch. On top of that, unfortunately you can't shoot or use any of your weapons while in this position, which probably makes it one of the most useless glitches in Fortnite history, but I guarantee you'll find almost any enemy you'll encounter every time. you are. In this problem, I'm going to wonder what the hell happened, man, because this seems ridiculous, but, dear man, I have an enemy shooting at me right here, but I can't answer, there's nothing I can do.
Dodge it, Dodge it, Dodge it, Dodge it. Dodge it, you're not, you're Dr. Oh, okay, well played, friend, well played, don't worry, next we are going to explain the return of the first ladies and gentlemen of clbo. You remember in episode 5, season one, during the first few. For weeks, everyone in the Fortnite community was freaking out because one specific location was actually the super secret cave located beneath the mountain. Everyone was amazed at how deep, dark, and detailed this cave was and at first we thought it was just a fun location added by Epic. games that we always knew would somehow be related to the story because, after all, at the bottom of the cave, we were actually able to find a group of Cor's friends, obviously these things have


important in the story from Fortnite before, when they literally built and launched a massive nuclear weapon.
Well now here in chapter 5 it has finally


revealed why the coral companions are back on the island, as well as the main reason for this giant cave. Now the explanation is quite interesting, it actually has to do with the The new battle pass characters introduced this season are none other than Poseidon himself. Poseidon himself is a pretty interesting cat because, as mentioned in the actual character description of him, Poseidon is essentially the friendliest of all the island gods. Poseidon himself does not. He really doesn't want to get involved in the war between gods and mortals; he is more concerned with both protecting marine life and hosting beach parties.
All of this becomes incredibly clear every time you pick up the skin of Zeus and go to talk. to the NPC Poseidon where he will continue saying Zeus Hey, listen brother, could you dim the lightning a little? You're literally scaring the fish without even asking him to stop the war against the Mortals or anything, literally showing that. The only thing Poseidon cares about is protecting all marine life, it goes without saying, but coral companions fall into the category of marine life. The way the story goes is that as soon as Poseidon arrived at Fortnite Island, he was forced to defeat a group of society commanders who are attacking the marine denans now the denans were actually Poseidon's companions. coral.
We know this because you can actually see this interaction on Poseidon's loading screen, which means that Poseidon probably relocated all of the coral companions to this deep secret cave to protect them from the massive war that's going on between the gods, not only he left them in the cave, although apparently he also put some on top of the giant statue of Aries on Mount Olympus, that's nonsense. Because Clo has been


by the Underworld and believe it or not, it's literally been so long since we've seen Clobo in Fortnite, there's a legitimate chance that some people watching this video have never heard of him, in case that you are the one who doesn't believe it.
Don't worry because since Chapter 3 was first released, players discovered a very, very mysterious mound of snow located right next to the Behemoth Bridge that every time you got up and approached it made a very strange sound and You could also see some air coming out of everything I had a feeling this was for the friendly looking dinosaur we got a quick glimpse of in the trailer for chapter 3. Turns out we were right in the first update for chapter 3. Added clbo to the game was essentially an absolutely huge and very friendly dinosaur, it was absolutely impossible to eliminate it no matter how hard you tried, if you tried to eliminate it it would get angry and easily eliminate you, but eventually later in chapter 3 season 1 they started appearing many more Clos, there were literally a ton of them, they had essentially taken over the entire Fortnite island and in chapter 3 season 2, a disaster struck right when that season launched, all the Clos were instantly removed from the game and They could no longer appear again.
Fortunately, a few weeks later, more of those mysterious snow mounds that previously kept Clos in hibernation began to appear on the Fortnite island, at the same time that the collider appeared on the Fortnite map, we were quickly approaching our next Event live as we got closer and closer to the event, each of the Hibern and Clos started getting closer and closer to the collider until finally they were all basically right next to it, sitting within a 50m radius and you know what . happened after this, obviously the Collision live event finally took place during which the entire terrain surrounding the collider ended up collapsing in the process eliminating each and every Clos which we didn't discover until the next season in Fortnite.
On the map, you were actually able to find a huge clo skull. The only mention of Clos that season actually came from one of the NPCs on the island known as Haven. In fact, he went on to say that I followed some of the footprints here, but they disappeared. He would also go on to say that Clamu disappeared in the same strange flash of light that brought them here. The flash of light she is talking about actually happened during the Channel 2 finale live event where the Cube Queen shot this huge flash of light into the sky to connect us to the ultimate reality and obviously at the live event.
Collision we saw the exact same flash of light happen once again except this time it didn't come from the Queen cube and it actually came from the collider itself and as I mentioned before that the ultimate reality is returning here in chapter 5. We know this thanks to the addition from a new NPC a few weeks ago called etheria j and continues to reference the latest reality. She says there's a greater power at play here than mere gods, which means there's a good chance that the reason the Ultimate Reality has its sights set on the island from Chapter 5 is because they're here to achieve it, it is likely that the underworld will keep them prisoners just like Midas. three were eaten by the shark in the trailer of chapter 2 season 3, now let's try our best to avenge and free our friend clo from the underworld, stay still my friend, oh my god, I hate the thermal scope of this gunman, He already lost like half of my shield.
It's not right, don't worry, let's finish it, come here guys, oh thank God, a different AR. What the hell just happened? I lost so much health right there, chasing me, he's chasing me, he's chasing me, leave me Al, leave me alone, leave me alone, oh man, he's actually pretty weak, oh, block him, Mythic is so op bro, at least when he usa, come on honey, yeah we took him out, that's what I'm talking about, here we go, we'll move on, pick up his Medallion and his Mythic SMG, thank you. A lot, that was for clubo Hades, if you have it, grab it, can you free it? uh-oh, that's not good.
The zone is about to swallow us oh enemy, right here where you go, friend, where you guess we're only going to have. to rush him dude yeah i think he might have the worst target of any big dogfight fortnite youtuber around here oh here's one of them that got him oh my god dude he was fighting the guys from the weather station, oh we got a real one, caught it. Getting away from those guys man I don't want that smoke oh you're not ready for this you're not ready for this you're not ready for this I got lost ah okay I wasn't ready for that apparently he doesn't want to die, he, he, he doesn't give up, I respect him, You know what's got it, oh what do we have here?
What do we have here? Come on, shoot again. There is one that is still done. Although guys, there's still one more. Where is? although, what had to happen in the second? Yes, yes, yes, thanks for playing run away from me, what are you doing boy? uhoh uh-oh third third yeah, catch this guy again oh my god, bro, are you kidding me? Yes, shooting me. Right there bro, oh yeah, that's a guy, what the hell is running away from me now? It is not like this? He doesn't want this smoke. Switch it on. Switch it on. Switch it on.
Yes. What do we have here? What do we have here? An enemy. Yes, this should be the last enemy here, yes ladies and gentlemen, that's what I'm talking about, which will be a real big victory once we find out more about the truth about what happened to Clo. I'll be sure to let all of you know by tweeting it on my Twitter account @ Homam YT. Thank you very much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it. Have an absolutely incredible rest of your day. I'll see you in the next video. Quiet.

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