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He Awakens With The Power Of The Most Powerful Dragon God

Mar 30, 2024
The orphan brat got the Water Dragon God sealed inside him just to awaken his


to fight the God of All Dragons. Years later, there was once an archipelago of four islands called Aaka Islands, three of them were inhabited by stupid humans and one of them by the two elemental


s of fire and water. These


s were the protectors of the islands and there was a legend about them a long time ago one of the dragons the water dragon became weak and the fire dragon went completely crazy the water dragon was the one who gave life and the fire dragon was the one who took life when the life-giving dragon became weak, the secular energy, a source of energy responsible for everything on Earth, was interrupted, this caused the fire dragon to go crazy, brother, he had no chills and completely destroyed everyone, but one day Gandalf arrives. he gave up his own life to restore the waning


s of the water dragon after this happened, the water was fine, now we cool, brother fire dragon, balance saved the islands and brought them back to life.
he awakens with the power of the most powerful dragon god
A brat named Yukito Yanagi lived on the second island of the Aaka. islands with his father Makoto who looks like Ace from One Piece yukito had an older brother named jingi whom his father adopted as his student jingi was very close to Yuko when they were young because as you can see she hugged him once when they were playing together, baby Yukito held Jing's finger and his bending powers activated water suddenly began to form around Jing's finger coming from Yuk's hand, it created a portable ball-shaped pool that began to fill around Yukito and Jingi Jingi was confused and scared, but before anything could happen, Makoto arrived and used a major expansion to neutralize his powers.
he awakens with the power of the most powerful dragon god

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he awakens with the power of the most powerful dragon god...

Jingi asked him what happened and Makoto told him that Yukito was special and that his water powers were very strong. Jingi was told not to tell anyone in his family, especially his older siblings. Haru and AKA because it was a secret, the secret was that Yukito just liked to get wet and he is also the water dragon, it just doesn't seem like Jingi liked to share this secret with his teacher and was talking about it with him when the brothers greater. They weren't around, Jingi thought Yukito was too small and wondered if he would ever turn into the water dragon again.
he awakens with the power of the most powerful dragon god
Makoto told him that when Yukito grew up he could become the water dragon and still maintain his human form, but even then Makoto. He would have to perform a difficult ritual. He told Jingi that he would be fine since he would be the one to perform the ritual. All Jingi needed to do was protect Yukito. Jingi accepted this and took Yuk's hand with a smile on his face. One day these two young boys Haru and AKA returned home from their job of pacifying evil creatures called aratama with their Master Makoto. The two children were Makoto's students, as was Jingy, they trained every day to become lay Masters just like their Master, the master and his students were very close.
he awakens with the power of the most powerful dragon god
Woven together with the mayor of the islands in Newo and his landowner Mamoko, they were like a family and the students were like brothers, despite the fights between the students for the favor of their Master, they seemed to get along very well and always supported each other. each other. mamoko would tell them not to fight in front of Yuko because Yuko would ask questions. Haru and AKA would later stop fighting because they wanted to set a good example for Yuko. This would make Makoto laugh and tell them that they are family and that they should act like it.
Afterwards, the two students would train and Jingy would watch them and tell them to take things easy. Haru explained that he wanted to take over the Sanctuary from him when Makoto retired, he wanted to be strong enough to do that. AKA asked Jingi why she wasn't. training even though he is also a student and is very strong in the water game Mastery Jingi responded that he simply had a different build and didn't need to train, but Makoto kicked him from behind and told him that he wasn't David Martinez, he was supposed to that I had to do it.
He still trains and carefully considers how to use his abilities. Jingi was not happy with what his teacher had done because he was just joking. AKA approached her master and asked her to let Haru preside over the dragon pacification ritual, he would help support and help him. he became the next priest of the shrine, Makoto told him no brother, Haru wasn't ready for that yet, even when AKA argued that they had helped perform other rituals, he told AKA and Haru that if they continued training Haru with the help of AKA and jingi. He would become a virgin nerd or, in simpler terms, a priest in a few years.
Haru and AKA promised to do their best, but Jingi didn't agree because he didn't want to pacify the fire dragon every year. Makoto told him that he would have to do it. because the fire dragon narrowly missed the water dragon, that's why he was attacking. He was worried that the fire dragon would soon become an aratama. Haru asked if that was the reason they had to strengthen the barrier they put on the fourth island where the dragon lived. Makoto agreed that was the reason he didn't want them to perform the rituals, it was very important work, but AKA was worried that the fire dragon's suppressed powers would continue to increase over the years.
She wished they could do more, but she didn't. say anything to oppose him's mamoko teacher arrived with some Dairy Queen and helped them take a refreshing break as the days passed. AKA and Haru continued with their training and formal education mamoko stayed home with yukito and cooked whatever they were watching. The brothers and their Master had fun together carrying out multiple missions to pacify Aratama between the islands. The seasons came and went and the unconventional family enjoyed every last one of them. One day, an earthquake started playing dubstep in the country non-stop because of the fire dragon.
On the fourth island, Makoto decided to do the work while his students kept everyone safe at home. Makoto hoped to return home as soon as possible. He first went to look for a weapon that would help him pacify the dragon properly while he was away. far away the earthquakes became persistent and scared even the matama the small aquatic creatures that show the harmony of the island however AK and Haru decided to level up their stupidity and take matters into their own hands they decided that the best way to save the islands was by some rookies went to the fourth island and pacified the dragon themselves.
The two students did everything they could to prevent the dragon from rising from a volcano. To his bad luck, the barrier that was stopping the dragon's powers was broken and this drained his spiritual energy. They tried to keep the dragon at bay, but the fire dragon was in the volcano. The people on the other islands saw a volcanic eruption and decided to take a cruise to Thailand. Jingi took little Yido by the hand and took him to one of the evacuation centers. The Yukito fairies couldn't understand the situation because she didn't even do it and she went to school.
Haru decided to help AK, which gave the dragon a chance to launch an attack. Haru quickly pushed AK out of the way, making him angry that Haru was prioritizing him. During their mission, the dragon continued to attack the two and it seemed like there was no way out until his Master arrived, he told the children to leave him in his hands and leave. AO wanted to help, but Haru pulled him out of there, which frustrated him even. Besides, he didn't want to leave his master at the mercy of the fire dragon. Makoto realized how serious the situation was and knew that people's lives depended on him.
His fight with the dragon looked like a volcanic eruption and everyone was running for their lives and just like Ace Makoto died and AKA and Haru found him at the end of the volcano on the day Makoto was buried. Anu discussed her will with Mamoko in her will, Makoto had ordered them to take Yuko to the mainland to live there and cut ties. With him until he was 15, the two could not understand Makoto's decision and did not want to leave the poor boy alone after the tragedy of his father, however, Jingi asked them to trust his teacher and do what that Makoto wanted. he had no choice but to follow his will because they also trusted his judgment.
Jeni also didn't understand her teacher's reasons, but she knew it was because Yuko was the sleeping water dragon. She wondered what would happen to Yuko if she grew up on the mainland. completely alone at some point, Yuko would need the special ritual that Makoto wanted to perform to turn him into the water dragon now that Makoto was no longer the one to do it, it would be jingy jingi saw this as his responsibility because his older brothers didn't Unknowingly, he searched for the ritual and found it, he studied everything Makoto had left behind, wrote the process from the moment he turned the water dragon and turned it into Yuko, then wrote how he was going to sacrifice his life as the legendary hermit to turn Yuko into the water dragon thought it would be impossible to even do what makoto wrote in his notes but jingi decided to trust his teacher and be the one to finish the job, it was a difficult decision because he would have to do it.
Sacrificing himself also after mastering the ritual he prepared to sacrifice himself in exchange for the Peace of the Island was not his style but he was raised by the island he owed it to them for his life he decided to live his life fast and enjoyed it to the fullest because he knew that She didn't have much more left, one day after 10 years had passed she heard Ino talking to Mamoko about going to Titio to look for Yuko from the mainland and Jeni volunteered to be the one to do it after 10 years after Yuko Outside on the mainland he receives an annual letter telling him that he will return home to Aaka that night while he sleeps he has a dream in which he is underwater.
It is a dream he has had many times before but it no longer surprises him since it has reached him. Like he dreams because it makes him feel at peace, he even prefers to be there instead of the real world where he would have to interact with people, suddenly a hand reaches out to him and pulls him out of the water, this wakes him up and he discovers that the room is shaking. violently before stopping abruptly the next day, Yukito graduates and moves out of his adopted home and returns to Aaka when one of his teachers asks him if he is okay with returning to Aaka, he tells him that it doesn't make any difference in his life. even though he lived his whole life in foster homes, his life was not difficult and people treated him well, however, he still blames himself for his loneliness because he is a lonely nerd otaku and all anime protagonists are like that while walking he sees some students looking at an older jingy drinking some beers at the school entrance when jingi sees him coming, he breathes in front of him but yukito doesn't seem to know who it is because he wears glasses, this leaves jingi confused because he's sure it's him and yukito tries to ignore him.
He and walks away, but Jingi doesn't give up, following him out of the school, which becomes annoying. Jingi then gets an idea and pushes Yukito off a bridge sending him into the shadow realm. Yukito is surprised and confused because he doesn't know how. when swimming he panics because his school uniform is too heavy to swim at that moment his eyes shine as a power overcomes him and he begins to spin in the water he worries because he remembers that something similar happened when he was young jingi sees this and confirms that it is Yukito casts a spell that prevents him from spinning as he ascends to the surface.
Yukito is surprised by the result but Jingi casts another spell that transports Yuko to his bag and then takes him to Brazil when Yukito wakes up to find himself in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. , on the other hand, is confused by his surroundings and demands to know what is going on. Jingi tells him that they will return to Aaka, when Yukito hears the name, he realizes that Jingi also grew up there and is the person who came. Pick him up like Anuo had said in the letter, yet Yukito no longer knew Jingi because he didn't remember him and how they were very close before leaving Jingi, then he introduces himself and tells Yukito how they were like brothers when they were young they soon come to the second island of aaka and they are received by enuo and Moko who tell Yuko that they will become her guardians from now on Yuko does not recognize them either and they tell her everything about their relationship 10 years ago yukito thanks them and tells them that she does not remember much about them or the place, but they tell him not to worry, they return to the mayor's house and on the way Yukito sees a small aquatic creature called a matama floating around.
I don't know what it is but he still doesn't give it much importance, then they arrive at the house and tell Yukito to make him feel at home. Jingi tells him to look around and see if he can remember anything. Yukito sees a photo of himself when he was younger with his father Jingi and the rest of the family doesn't remember any of the people in the photo not even his father and is surprised to see that someone photoshopped his face in there. Others tell him what kind of person his father was and what he did to work as a layman.
Teacher Yukito realizes that he also has powers that he cannot explain and thinks that he must have taken them after his father Jingi tells him that all he needs to do is practice how to use the power. He has done it and he will understand when Yukito asks.for her mother. They told him that they don't know her because her father just showed up with him without any explanation. It's not what Yukito wants to hear but it's the only thing they know. Ino apologizes. Because it must have been hard for Yukito to be alone all these years when he has a home.
Yukito then asks why they asked him to come back anyway and Ino confesses that it's what his father wanted, it was the instructions he left behind, but he doesn't know. the reasons behind this. Enuo apologizes for this and asks to compensate Yuko by giving her a place to live. Yuko decides to accept this because even though the situation is confusing, done, done, he goes to his room and Jingi follows him there because Jingi is worried about him, he feels that Yuko became a little cold and closed off unlike when was a child, he asks why and Yuko tells him about the time she was in a foster home one day.
He went to the river with some children, one of the children called him an orphan monkey, which made him angry because of his anger. He unleashed the power from him, causing the river water to flow and attack the boy that the boy was catching in the air. this strange power scared Yuko, he takes a nap after making the boy dance underwater, it kept happening over and over again, making him stay away from people, this helped keep his emotions under control and stop hurting to the people when he finished talking he sees that jingy was watching a recap of the anime and this frustrates him so he runs out of the room to calm down.
He tries to calm down but thinks it's Goku doing instant teleportation. He doesn't understand why he has to interact with people again when he tried so hard. avoid it at that moment aatama appears and yukito notices that it seems to be boiling and in pain this is something unusual because they usually look friendly and cute falls into a nearby river causing the water to crack a nut a face like a mask with a red light emitting from it his eye appears he tries to attack yukito but jingi arrives and pulls yukito out of the way while the creature fully develops his body jingi tells yukito that this is an aramitama which is a matama who is attracted to the main characters and becomes corrupt because yukito was frustrated, the matama was corrupted by his negative emotion and transformed into this poorly animated CGI yukito doesn't know what to do, but jingi tells him to sit back and watch the expansion of his domain, the aratama forms five energy spheres to launch Against them, Jingi activates his power of throwing hands and hits the creature before it can do anything, this breaks it into pieces of water, but does not defeat it.
When Jingy realizes that he failed, he decides to push Yukito into his water stomach to irritate him. This frustrates Yukito so much that his power suddenly activates and causes the aratama to explode however his frustration also causes the water around him to attack Jingi, luckily Jingi nullifies the attack easily Yuko is amazed by Jingi but also scared that he ended up accidentally attacking him, jingi tells him no. being so afraid of his powers because his problem is his lack of control over them Yuko doesn't believe he can do it but jingi encourages him to try and promises to help him train the aratama purifies himself and returns to secular energy jingi tells uko that he will show everything he knows, so he should calm down and try not to be alone all the time when Jingy's fist hits his forehead.
Yukito has a memory of him when he was young doing the same thing. Yuko starts training with Jingi. the next day but she doesn't understand how she's supposed to control his power if her workout involves sitting and holding an invisible hamburger. Jingi tells him that she will help him but for now she should focus on feeling her secular energy. Yuko is confused. Because he doesn't understand what this so-called secular energy is, Jingi explains that it is some kind of life energy that flows deep into the earth, however, the largest concentration of secular energy in the world is located beneath his island, Jingi reveals that Lay Masters like them use the island's energy to keep things under control, however, Yuk's own power is different from his, therefore, Yukito needs the island's energy to help him control his power.
They soon receive a request to take care of an aratama that suddenly appeared. Jingi thinks this will help. Yuko, with her training, helps him devise a plan to confront the aratama while they hide discussing the plan, the aratama listens to them and appears to them first, he begins to shoot some water projectiles at them but only aims at Jingy, he even chases them . When he tries to run away, he leaves Yukito standing there, confused. Jingi tells Yukito to attack the Aratama while his back is turned. Yukito uses a spell that helps him hit the monster in the back and exhaust it, but not completely defeat it when the aratama is down, Jingi uses his ultimate ability to finish it off, this causes it to crumble leaving behind a puddle and some cans. of beer that he had collected, however, Aramitama gets back up because Jingi could not completely defeat him, he tries to order him, but he does not follow his orders, he attacks him again Jingi tries to flee but hits him with a water projectile making him fall he tries to dissuade him but This doesn't help him at all, he asks Yuko to do something but Yuko doesn't know what to do but tries to think of a way to help at that moment Haru appears and uses his virgin energy to suck the aratama into a whirlwind and purifies it down to scolding jingi for drinking so much. and wants him to stop but jingi is not going to do that soon he enjoys it yukito thanks Haru for helping save their lives Haru turns to look at him and is happy to see him lifts him in the air because he doesn't like it Guys, now Yuko is stunned by this action because he doesn't remember Haru when Jingi says this to Haru and that he is scaring Yuko, he finally puts him down, introduces himself to Yuko and tells her that he was also training with his father.
Haru takes Yuko home. so they can enjoy dinner with mamoko the three of them have a meal that was Yuk's favorite when he was a child for dinner he loved moko's cooking yukito wants to remember that but he can't He praises Haru for how he took care of the previous aratama Haru tells him that lay Mastery is about purifying the aramitama and maintaining the harmony of the islands the matama are not your allies because they do not harm you but they are not your enemies either because they do not intentionally become corrupt they just want to coexist so the job of the lay Master is help in that case by all means Yuko understands another day jingi takes uko to another of the islands the first island is much more developed because it has couples of musicians sitting on a bench that train on the road and leftovers Meals travel by train that runs on a railway in the water yukito is excited to see this train because he has never seen anything so silly jingi tells him that he used to do the same thing when he was young but he doesn't remember that so it doesn't matter when they get there they go and see the main attractions that They are nowhere to be seen when they go out into the streets Jingi manages to abandon Yuko as they continue walking they see a Jenin Place player doing an impressive act Yukito likes the act and the place because he has never been a gacha player outside before try to tell jingi but discovers that he has abandoned him once again while searching for him yukito sees that the crowd around the clown is screaming in Terror, the ball that the clown was using as part of his act turns into an aratama yukito realizes of the danger of the situation and tries to fuck the clown before the anamat can attack.
He feels that he must deal with the situation while the people around him flee. From then on, he is the only one who can do it because this is his anime and he is the main character, he faces the monster and tries to channel his power to go out and fight the aratama that is going to attack him, but is stopped by another man in a suit, the man is AKA who uses the Second Amendment to eliminate the aratama, surprising Yuko AKA tells her that there are more aratama that are escaping the barrier set up to prevent them from leaving despite this AKA seems happy to see Yukito even after so long.
Like everyone else, he carries it with him as they talk about the past and introduces himself as one of Yukiko's father's former students. He comments on how different Yukito is from his father, which is what everyone has been saying since he returned. Yukito wonders what he is like. The Master is guarding the aratama using a gun. He also known as he explains that it is how the ancestors intended. Yukito is surprised that there is a different method to do the job and wonders how that works. At that moment, he also invites him to enter a building where he has a business lounge when they enter Jeny greets them behind the counter Yukito is upset to see him because he left him in the middle of the street after Yuko and AK take their seats Yuko he starts asking some questions aka when he saw haru puru and aratama they seemed happy which is what lay Masters try to achieve but when he saw aadu he seemed harsh and aggressive.
AKA reveals that she did not pacify the aratama, but rather exterminated it, and explains that the purification process helps the aratama become part again. of energy again, however, he doesn't do that because he is nervous and calm, so he completely gets rid of them because they harm people, the tourists don't know about the things that happen on the islands, the aratama take advantage of that and they hurt them, which makes him so angry that he would rather just get rid of them yukito doesn't agree with the method because haru does it with her feminine powers and it works, but aka doesn't care too much about aratama compared to humans, he would rather save them . people and applaud the monsters without giving them another chance to return AKA believes that Haru is obsessed with Makoto's teachings and the purification of the aratama, on the other hand he only likes shooting them Yuko refuses to accept AKA's way of doing things AKA tells you that you don't have to, it won't change the way you do your job.
The student alias Ibara arrives to tell AK that they have found the main body of the aratama from before and Yukito wonders what that means because he was there when AKA shot AK. He explains that the aratama didn't have an eye like the ones he saw before, that means his real body was somewhere else and he was just exploring the area. He tells Jingi to take Yuko and go home and tells Yuko that he is always welcome to return. out of the living room he leaves with Ibara jingi and yukito walk back to the train home yukito asks jingi what kind of company AKA works for jingi answers that it's a shoot first company and asks questions afterwards Yuko asks what jingi thinks about this, especially his methods of dealing with these incidents jingi thinks they are doing a good job but that is not what Yuko wants to hear jingi explains that due to the increase in tourism on the islands many aratama have been appearing due to the energy that tourists bring from outside to Even though it is not their intention, they disrupt the harmonious energy of the islands, they end up being hurt by the aratama and AKA acts accordingly, as much as one would like to do the right thing every time the aratama and the matama cannot be measured by human standards. , sometimes You will get hurt trying to get G to deal with them and they won't sympathize with you like a human being would.
Yuko asks what Haru thinks about alias methods. Jeni replies that she doesn't think highly of them, but she warns her not to mention any of them. to the other for his story yukito wonders why because he thought they were both his father's students and that they were brothers jingi doesn't tell him anything else he leaves him behind because he forgot his allowance at aka's house he tells him to go home first while he runs back to akas yukito leaves because jingy abandoned him before it's no big deal at this point as he walks and thinks about what he looks like in the aratama, the ground suddenly shakes and he hears a loud growl, people started to appear.
To create a scene of panic, Yukito runs in the direction of everything so he can figure out what's going on. He meets one of the troupe members alias Makita and reveals to him that he is also a lay teacher who he must let pass and goes to confront him. the aratama is there and thinks about how AKA told him that the aratama wouldn't hesitate to hurt people and yukito thinks about how he can try to purify it and uses his powers to cast a purifying spell, unfortunately his spell is not strong enough and his Los powers do not work on motorcycles at that time.
Akas' security team uses American Firepower against the monster and Jingi arrives to get Yukito out of there in time. The team continues firing but the aramitama is unaffected. Jingi wonders what Aka's plan is if he can't take down the aratama before the team runs out if the Haka ammo arrives and prepares to take care of the situation by farting with his hand, confronting the creature and unleashing his Chidori. who has a dark aura around him after casting a spell he begins to transform and growls as if in pain his arm transforms into that of an aratama with an eye in the middle of his hand when the aratama attacks him he easily hits him with His transformed hand Jingi explains to Yuko that what AK is doing is absorbing Aratama's energy and making it his own, the creature rises and faces AK once again, charging at him, but Eka cuts him off before he can. do something, then squeeze a lemon on the black and white monsters to make them look cool.
AA promises that. will become morestronger than his late master and stronger than the dragon. He takes the eye he cut from the aratama and squeezes its juices into his mouth consuming it, this reverses his transformation and calms him. Yukito doesn't know what to make of this. Sight and Jingi also don't know what to tell him. Later, as he follows AK, Yukito notices the pain he feels due to the previous fight. The next day, Jingi takes Yuko to the third island, which is where Haru and her students live and train. The island is quieter and less developed, with only forests and sanctuaries.
Jingi doesn't like it, there's no Wi-Fi or girls on the island, she only visits when there are festivals and now she only came because Yukito begged her that Yukito was hoping to meet him. Haru and maybe become friends with his students, the two are welcomed by the students chatro and yako, who jingi doesn't like very much, they don't like him very much either because of his character, they take him and yukito to a shrine that is dedicated. to the dragons on the fourth island, when Yuko asks more, they tell her where the dragons live and show her the island that is visible from there because the dragons became angry a long time ago, the shrine was built to pacify them, they tell Yukito the story recently that The Dragons were made and how that was the reason his father died.
Yuko remembers that AKA also mentioned wanting to become stronger than a dragon before. She now knows that she was referring to the fire dragon. She gets a memory of some kind where she believes she did it. She met a dragon before, but she sees nothing but water in the memory. She is suddenly brought back to reality when Jingi pesters the students to have a drink with him while Jingy forcefully drags them away for a drink. Haru arrives and welcomes Yuko to the shrine. and takes him to the archives inside Haru offers him some fenile to make him feel comfortable and asks him why he came to see him Yuko tells him about the other day when she went to the first island and met AKA Haru doesn't want to hear about AK but he lets Yuko continue Yuko tells him that she saw AKA exercising and Aram with a gun Tama doesn't understand why he has to use this method and asks for Haru's opinion Haru doesn't say anything about AKA asks Yukito if he knows about secular energy and yukito says yes, but just what Jingi told him, he asks him if he knows how the lay Masters use their power and Yuko confirms that they have told him that Haru shows him the three islands outside and tells him about the great current of 5G energy .
They have what the yido should also be able to feel. She tells him to close his eyes and concentrate while she tells him how lay energy works and what lay teachers do with it. He tells Yuko to look deeper into his Consciousness and find the mainstream of this energy that is. where the lay masters draw their power from as Yukito does so, Haru stops him before he can delve deeper. This experience excites Yukito, but Haru tells him that he must be careful when he does this because it can be dangerous. A matama appears to them and Haru teaches Yukito that matama are made of the same secular energy and are harmless, but can turn into aratama if the place becomes contaminated.
He reiterates that the job of the lay Masters is to purify these creatures and return them to the mainstream. Yukito responds by telling him. that ak8 an i of the aratama exercised him to become stronger, but Haru knows everything, he tells Yuko that AK is also becoming contaminated that way, he is also becoming an aratama and yukito wonders why AK is doing this horrible thing just for power. Days go by, Jingi continues to train Yuko on how to control her powers Yuko seems to know how to extract the energy but she can't control it during her training, she tries to act like she's going and falls, it's just an earthquake that shakes all four islands. tells him that he shouldn't be scared by a simple earthquake and lose concentration like that, he needs to train more the next day, another earthquake occurs, leading Jingi to invite Yuko to his late Master's grave when they arrive at the tomb.
Jingi sits down and drinks some alcohol, Yukito doesn't understand why they have to pay their respects to his father just because of the earthquake. At that moment, three Elders came to pay their respects. They also reveal that because of the earthquakes the day before and in the morning. the fire The dragon must be in a bad mood. They asked Jingi to pay her respects to Makoto so that she can protect the islands. They all exchange a few jokes here and there until Yuko asks what her father did to protect the islands 10 years ago. The elders asked Jingi.
To tell him everything, Jinky begins by pointing out the two dragons that live on the fourth island and continues telling his story and what happened 10 years ago because the fire dragon became angry, the islands al


sank into the ocean, but he didn't. they made. Because Makoto sat on the ground for 10 years in exchange for his life, everyone continues chatting and Yukito pays his respects to his late father, whom he still doesn't remember. A second later, they see Ibara leaving the area and Jingi invites her to a meeting. drinks but she ignores them, jingi takes yukito to pay his respects at his parents' graves yukito sees iar's keys that he accidentally dropped there and asks jingi to accompany him to the first island to return them yukito apologizes for dragging to jingi to the first island that doesn't I don't expect to get along with aka's student but he knows she'll need his keys.
Jingy doesn't think it's a big deal since she likes the first island. They arrive at Eka's house and find him about to leave. They tell him why they are there. and tells them to talk to Makita before leaving, he tells Yuko to be careful on the way home because things can get difficult Yuko wonders what AKA means but gets no answer the two then sit down and talk to Makita yukito Sorry for the way you behaved at the cemetery because it might have bothered you. Ibara Makita tells him not to worry because people in Aaka laugh and have fun at the cemetery as a way to pay their respects, although that mainly depends on how the person died, which might make others feel sad like Ibara Yuko.
He asks how Iar's parents died and Makito tells him the story. A few years ago a fire aratama appeared and attacked his house, burning it to the ground. AA intervened but it was too late for iar's parents, he explains that it was a Canon Event, but some people find it difficult to accept it and take out their anger on the aratama by exterminating them. Jingi complains that the conversation has gotten too dark and MAA apologizes. Yukito asks Akama to give her keys to Ibara, but Makita thinks Yuko should do it himself. he calls Ibara to come out and meet Yuko.
The two are a little shy at first, but Yuko ends up giving her the keys back and Ibara thanks her before they can continue talking. The ground shakes again. Makita thinks it's another earthquake, but Jingi corrects him. he says it's a fire aratama, this makes Ibara run out of there. Makita tells jingi and yukito, who are confused, that Ibara acts recklessly when there is a fire or aatama around jingy and decides that he and yukito should go stop her while Makita informs AKA. While AK talks to Anuo about the recent Aratama incident and how they need to prepare for evacuation, she soon receives a call informing her about the fire breaking out.
Aratama Jingi and Yukito run towards the explosions the Aratama are causing in their path. They encounter a woman smoking crack while vaping Jingi helps her and tells Yuko to continue following Ibara. Ibara arrives at the aratama that is attacking two civilians, defends them, and prepares to confront the creature in her own memories of his father's death. her mind makes her promise not to run away anymore, she charges at the creature and tries to attack it, but it easily stops her, she launches a fire attack at it, but Yuko arrives in time to block it, which makes Ibara remember how AKA defended her from the same way that the aratama doesn't stop shooting them with fire but yukito maintains the barrier he has created with water he uses a spell to attack the monster and although it is effective it is not enough to take it down Yuko asks me to flee while Cho and yako come, the aatama blasts them with another fire attack which is blocked by Yuk's Shield, but only slightly, Yukito tells the others to flee as the aatama is too


for them to handle.
Ibara refuses to do that because if they run away, the aratama will chase them. this could cause harm to the people on the island if they ever get caught in the fight. She tells them that she can handle it alone and she is going to face it alone. She manages to hit the creature using her lightning power and she asks Ido to help her and Yukito creates a larger barrier to wash the aratama in water and extinguish the fire from it. It works initially but the creature is still standing now they have to do it again.
Yukito is worried that he won't be able to defeat it, but they are lay masters, it is their job to do this, he asks chatro and yako for help as well and they all bombard the creature with attack after attack, however, this is still not enough to take down the aratama, the group has to do it again and again using wind, water and lightning to overwhelm it until they successfully purify it, they celebrate their victory, but that is short-lived when three fire rocks approach from the fourth island and fall next to them , the rocks quickly turn into aratama which immediately attacks them with fire, fortunately.
Yukito acts quickly and forms a water barrier around himself and the others to protect himself. However, it runs out al


immediately and the barrier falls apart. Iara's devices act as a decoy while the others run because there is no other way before they can run. aratama creates a barrier of fire around them blocking any escape route and forcing them to fight. Yuko knows that the aratama are too strong but she wants to protect everyone and promises not to let them die. Her eyes shine as her power increases, but stop when Haru. appears and takes care of the aratama currently attacking them.
AA also appears and takes care of another and the two take care of the third together but without getting rid of him completely while checking on his students, the third aratama rises again. which makes AA a little happy, she goes to take the eye of the AR matama she shot to try to consume it, but Haru immediately purifies it, this angers AKA and Haru asks her what Makoto would think if she saw him using black magic. AKA he's sick. of this question because Makoto died as a result of his weakness, he wants to avenge him and doesn't want Haru to get in his way while they argue, the third aratama prepares to launch an attack on them before he can do so, although Haru uses his wind energy to destroy some parts and AKA shoots the eye when the eye falls.
AKA runs to grab him, but when Haru sees this, he pushes him out of the way with the wind, which angers AK because he doesn't like Haru. to get in their way he channels his black magic and his arm transforms he uses it to block all of Haru's attacks Jingi arrives and purifies the eye while the other two masters are not looking risking to enrage Amor Jingi expresses his disappointment towards them because they are fighting in front of their students and Makoto would not approve of this behavior, the two teachers realize their mistake and go to apologize to their students.
Haru tells AKA that Makoto wouldn't approve of his use of black magic, but AKA doesn't care. what a dead man thinks later in the night Ibara sees off Yukito Jingi and Haru's students at the train station discuss the day's events and are impressed with each other Yuko thanks Ibara for working with him to defeat the monster and hopes to work together again when he praises her for her courage, Ibara asks for her number so they can keep in touch. Cheto and Yako also wish to keep in touch with Ibara, but due to problems between their masters, they decide it is best to stay away from each other.
However, they will continue to stay in touch with Yuko and become friends with him outside of work. In the end, the four students stay in contact with each other, ignoring the dispute between their teachers. When Yukito gets home that night, he asks Mamoko about what happened between AKA and Haru and she tells him everything she knows, she says that Haru didn't tell her the details of his fight with AKA but she did tell him that the day they Makoto was found lifeless, AKA was never the same, he felt he could not continue living on the islands and reconsidered his future as a lay Master, this caused him and Haru to fight a lot to the point where AKA finally decided to quit. and he left.
He tried to return years later, but his relationship with Haru was never the same because he too decided to quit. Her Master's teachings the next day Yuko is sleeping on the porch while Jingi is inside drinking. She has the dream that she usually had when she was still on the mainland. She hasn't had that dream in a long time, although in the dream instead of lying down. floating in the water as he always does, he turns to look Down in the depths, he sees a red light that illuminates when he looks closely, he sees the mainstream of lay energy that is quickly absorbed by the sudden red light in which the light becomes. being the eye of an aratama that is trying to reach him, this causes him to feel a drowning effect and begin to struggle, which shakes him.
Jingi asks him what it is and he tells her it's just a strange dream. Jingi sees that hiseyes shine. a bright blue but he doesn't ask about it at that moment yukito receives messages from his friends inviting him to the festival on the third island yukito is very happy to receive such an invitation because it is his first time and after a long time of being alone he is happy to finally have friends to enjoy the festival with Jingi, who listens to his messages over his shoulder and gives him a mask that belonged to Makoto. It is customary to wear a mask at the festival, so it will look great on you.
The night of the festival arrives and Jingi takes Yuko there and Yukito is impressed by the view, the crowd and everything there. Later, while everyone is still enjoying the festival, the volcano on the fourth island erupts when the fire dragon has woken up once again, the people at the festival see that a disaster is about to strike. happens and they start to panic, they remember 10 years ago when things started this way. Ino calms down and then calms down so they can prepare to evacuate the islands before the volcano burns them all down and Yukito is worried and asks Jingi what they are supposed to do, Jingi.
He laughs and asks Yukito what he thinks about the islands. Yukito doesn't understand how Jingi laughs at a time like this and by asking meaningless questions he answers that he likes the islands. Jingi says that he also likes the islands and performs a magic spell. teleportation leaving without warning yukito yukito is stunned not knowing what to do the next day while the islanders are evacuating Haru arrives with his students to talk to Yuko tells Yuko what is already happening, what happened 10 years ago and whyhappening again, tells him that 15 years ago, when the water dragon's power decreased, Makoto was the one who took care of the matter, performed a ritual to restore the water dragon's power to balance the energy in the process, eliminated the dragon from the secular energy and transformed it. his huge lifestream becomes a smaller one that could be nourished, this would help the dragon regain its previous power and return to secular energy when ready, that dragon is yukito.
This is explained by his incredible talent with lay domain and his power despite being an amateur also coincides with the timeline that Haru only suspects, although he is not sure but wants to confirm it, he asks Yukito to place his hand against the his to verify that Haru uses a spell that confirms his suspicion Yukito is the water dragon that Makoto turned into his son, but since Yuko is a human child, he will need to train tremendously for a long time to access all his power and bring peace to the islands. Another option would be to perform a new ritual to release it back to secular energy.
Haru asks Yukito to do it. He train very hard and become a healthy man so that one day he can become the real you. He asks his students to leave with Mamoko and evacuate. He plans to go to the fourth island to do what Makoto did back then. He tells the students that they wish to go. with him to look for jingi for his future studies because his family even when they don't get along, he then leaves, he reaches the fourth island and starts to cast the barrier spell, but is interrupted by the arrival of aka, they start arguing about who will go. sacrificing himself so that the other can take care of the students, this gives the dragon enough time to appear right in front of them, eka wastes no time, he transforms his hand into aratama's hand and goes to attack the dragon however he is. stronger than him, Haru hates that AKA is being Reckless and has to back him up, but even he is no match, he charges at the dragon, which does not stop attacking, he and Eka continue arguing, but when the time comes they decide to work together to attack the dragon at once the attack lands but it is still not enough to do damage it only leaves them exhausted the dragon then retaliates and hits eka Haru goes to see him and tries to get him out of there but the dragon does not disappoint him and attacks them again , fortunately Yuko and the others arrive in time to protect them from the attack.
The Masters are not happy to see the children there because it is very dangerous, but they let it be and use their health, everyone works together and launches attack after attack. While blocking the dragons, the work is still far from over as the dragon does not seem to weaken, they continue to do their best but it becomes exhausting. Haru uses one of his master's spells to chain the dragon and push it towards the volcano. He manages to break the chains and leaves again. AKA decides to use his black magic to transform into an aratama and with the help of Haru attacks the dragon aratama by aratama, unfortunately the dragon is still too strong and is unaffected when the battles begin to overwhelm the group jingy arrives to help in the situation it's time for him to perform the ritual he's been preparing for his entire life yukito asks jingi where he's been and jingi replies that he was still trying to sort out his mind. asks Yuko if she wants to regain her water dragon powers and Yuko admits that Jingi admits that he wants to protect his island and its people and reveals that he knows the spell to perform the ritual needed to help Yuko return to her Dragon form. .
Now is the time. for him to do what he has been waiting to do when the fire dragon begins to move again, jingi announces to everyone that he will perform his last feat as a lay Master, this is because the ritual will cause his death, but he doesn't say this. He quickly casts a spell to transport himself and Yukito to the realm of lay energy. Yukito is confused by being there, so Jingi explains that he has to act on a conduit that connects the water dragon's soul with lay energy since her water energy is strong and highly compatible with Yuko.
Yuko thinks that Jingi doesn't sound safe because Jingi is actually afraid of losing his life but still wants to protect her home. He asks Yuko to jump, but Yuko refuses because he seems risky. Jingi tells him not to worry because he will be there too. Yukito asks if Jingi is a conduit and Jingi explains that he will have to give his life for him. Yuko doesn't want that at all but Jingi doesn't give her a chance to back away and grabs him. Hand in hand and jumps into the energy, they land in the water where the water dragon sleeps and Yukito connects with it restoring his powers and memories as the power flows through him.
Jingi pulls him out of the stream before disappearing into the real world. The body falls to the ground and Yukito wakes up. Yuko immediately produces so much water that it fills the dry lake while the others get out of the way and watch from the side. Yuko then turns into the water dragon to confront the fire dragon. He uses his powers to attack the fire dragon and a battle ensues, but the battle is not entirely for victory but for harmony. The two dragons are creating conflict to create harmony. Viewers are worried about Yuko, hoping that she can harmonize with the fire dragon and restore. peace, but they are not sure if he will return to them or not, since a human, Yukito, inside the water dragon communicates with the fire dragon and apologizes for leaving him alone for so long, calms him down and the fire dragon fire begins to calm down.
They then merge into one and fall back into secular energy when balance is restored again. The abrupt end of the fight confuses the others. Yukito returns as a human and goes to wake Jingi up, but Jingi doesn't wake up. Haru tells him. That Jingi is dead, which devastates him. Everyone returns home and informs the people of what happened. Jing's funeral soon takes place and Yuko is still devastated. She stays in her room and doesn't talk to anyone. His friends are also worried about him, but more than that. They are saddened by Jing's passing. Jingi was well known for his antics and was memorable to many of the people on the island in a bad way, however, none of them thought that he would suffer such a fate, so soon Mamoko visits Yukito in his room to invite him. seeing jingi for the last time yukito is still sad and blames himself if he was strong enough to become the water dragon on his own jingi wouldn't have had to perform the Moko Comforts ritual and tells him that jingi wouldn't. would have done What did he do if there was another way?
Afterwards, Yukito sees a matama passing through his room to where Jing's body is, he follows it there and finds Enuo watching. Ino thanks him for helping the island, however, expresses disappointment that another family member had to go through to make it happen which is heartbreaking, and Yukito doesn't know what else to say because he's not proud of how everything turned out even though he helped Enuo a lot. He leaves the room, leaving Yukito alone with Jingi. Yukito approaches, talks to Jingi and vents all his frustration about what he did. He calls him selfish and demands that he wake up and explain himself.
In that moment of rage, Yukito is pulled into the realm of secular energy and finds Jingi clinging to a pole for his life. he asks for help because he is being taken away from the mainstream and he doesn't want to go yukito doesn't know what to do and jingi makes fun of him for calling himself his students but he doesn't channel his power in the right way, this makes yukito sarcastically walk away from him, causing Jingi to apologize profusely, but at that moment the current drags him under and Yukito is unable to stop him. Yukito then comes back to reality, has an idea and tells Mamoko to call Haru and the others because he thinks. he can still save jingi, he runs outside and turns into the water dragon on his own Haru AK and all his students feel it when yukito turns into the water dragon, they don't know what he is doing but he becomes Alert in the air Yukito imagines the kingdom of energy and decides to go there again by diving into the volcano on the fourth island.
Breaking the barrier sealing him, he reaches the secular energy and begins to search for jingi. There is so much secular energy there that is being swept away into the mainstream. Yuko doesn't think it will be easy to find Jing's secular energy in time, however, she continues to look around her at that moment she meets her father and recognizes him, this time they talk a little. Makoto explains that for the past 10 years Yukito was on the mainland he has been keeping the fire dragon dormant in lay energy, the reason he wanted Yukito to grow up on the mainland was to develop his image as a human being instead of a dragon, this would ensure that Yuko was also a human being. and a dragon, she would continue to be his son.
This wouldn't have happened on the island without him now that Yukito has returned. Makoto leaves work to keep the fire dragon under control and hopes for the best, although Makoto does. I wish none of the things that happened in the last 10 years hadn't happened so they could have stayed together as Father and Son Yuko understands her father's reasons and after that asks him to help him locate Jingi because she wants to bring him back. back to life Makoto leads the way because he knows how to get around there, he's been dead for a decade on the road Makoto teaches his son a few things about the lay domain and how not to waste the energies around him, especially in the realm of lay energy that you like. talking to her son even though she took too long Yuko is surprised to hear that Makoto still considers him her son, she makes him happy.
She also reveals that she cast a spell on Jing's soul so she could stay a little longer before passing on to the afterlife. so they rush to catch him before the spell wears off as they travel on the secular energy, the remaining Masters and their students gather at the Dragon Shrine on the third island. Haru performs a calling ritual that takes some time and also invokes unwanted energies. Yukito and Makoto finally find Jingi, who is drowning in the current of energy trying to sweep him away. He keeps pleading with Yukito to hurry up and save him, which Yuko does.
Jingi was always hoping that Yukito would save him even though he didn't believe it. It's when Yuko tells him that everyone at home is sad. Jingi replies that there was no other way. Makoto chides him because there are many other ways. If nothing worked, they should have left the islands to burn after talking. Yuko asks Makoto if he knows where the island is so she can leave the kingdom with Jingi. Makoto replies that he did know because of the barrier in the volcano, but since Yukito broke it, he no longer knows. Yukito looks around and sees a glow in the distance and decides to head over. that's why he takes Jingy by the hand and guides him, he thinks that the glow could be the way out and reaches it somehow, he grabs it in his hand, it turns out to be Haru's call, allowing them to communicate, the call disappears while she drives.
They in the direction they should go before leaving, they say goodbye to Makoto, who tells them that he has to keep the fire dragon company in the realm of energy and the two children go outside. AKA


her power to reach inside the created water sanctuary. For the water dragon, his hand makes its way into the energy realm and grabs Yuko and pulls him away, but for a brief moment, Yukito escapes from the hold and is transported to another dimension where the water dragon's energy is. fire. She doesn't want him to go, but he does. He tells her to wait for him and that he will return.
He explains to her that he also has to live on the island because he is a lay Master in addition to being the water dragon. The fire dragon agrees to wait alittle more and lets it go. AA grabs him. Yuko soon wakes up in the real world and finds that Jingi is no longer holding her hand at home. Jingi wakes up and scares Mamoko and Enuo, they know he was dead just a few minutes ago but now he wants a beer when yukito finds out that jingi is alive again, he gets happy and apologizes to his friends for worrying them.
AK and Haru are relieved to have their brother back, it makes them realize that they care about their family, this helps break the tension. each other and decide to work together when it matters most AKA returns to her teacher's teachings and Yuko goes to high school with her friends now she knows where she belongs and is happy to live there watch the next video see you in the next

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