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Everyone Thinks He Is E-Rank But He Is The Most Powerful Man In The Universe

Mar 30, 2024
Weinling, the high school student in the fictional town of Huakshu, possesses extraordinary magical powers that he tries to keep hidden and appear average among his peers. Even as a child, his power was so immense that he fearlessly faced and defeated a monstrous giant frog. . However, this remarkable feat. He remains largely unknown to others and credit is mistakenly given to someone else on the first day of his new high school year. Wang enters the campus and discovers the statue of Yui, who was known as the man who saved Quacksu as she makes her way inside two. The upperclassmen who notice his low Strength value, which is a number that represents one's prowess in the realm of spiritual abilities, decide to bully him and ask for money.
everyone thinks he is e rank but he is the most powerful man in the universe
Their bullying, however, is abruptly interrupted by a golden beam of fire, a girl flies from the sky declaring that It is unfair to bully a first-year student with a low Strength value and a girl is none other than a misguided son. She is the daughter of a legendary water curtain group of flowers and fruits. Everyone admires her. The elders, intimidated by her reputation, quickly leave, stating that the boys should not fight with them. The girls Wayne approaches assures him that he will protect him no matter what and they shake hands, but to


's surprise, he hands her the ten dollars that the bullies demanded, leaving


very confused, including one girl. who thought his night grade was higher than then Zoo appears in hologram form and asks the students to gather for a spiritual strength test to determine their placement in the class and the students with excellent scores would be placed in the Elite class, while others would be in the ordinary class when the test begins on the first day.
everyone thinks he is e rank but he is the most powerful man in the universe

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everyone thinks he is e rank but he is the most powerful man in the universe...

Student Swan is in a dark room with water on the floor when suddenly a giant frog appears and the water begins to glow. Students watch the scene unfold on a large screen from outside. A girl recognizes the fraud as the one that attacked the city for many years. He years ago and was defeated by Master Zuo, but after learning that girls kiss frogs to find a prince, Hyperman decided to return. The announcer reveals that the real giant frog is sealed beneath the campus and the one they face now is simply an incarnation of their Spiritual Force, the students are instructed to summon their own spiritual force and bash the Frog's head, however, many students They don't even touch the barrier, then a boy named Chen Chao enters the scene confidently hitting the Frog's barrier with his glowing hand. with fire and is selected for the Elite class along with guhao, who has an impressive Strength value of 886.
everyone thinks he is e rank but he is the most powerful man in the universe
Sun Girl then joins the contest by beating the frog with a strength value of 2019 and the crowd hails her like a goddess when Wangster arrives and catches the Fraud. As he feels his power and remembers his encounter years ago, the frog contemplates that if he were to attack his soul and spirit would be in danger, why in order to maintain his average fakstad he pretends to fight by exerting minimal force while trying his hardest just as he does. . is about to hit the displaced green faults that show an inverted image of the frog, so to everyone's surprise, Wang's Strength value is shown as 99,999 on the screen, the crowd is stunned and Sunbro realizes.
everyone thinks he is e rank but he is the most powerful man in the universe
He noticed that this time there was no protective membrane around the giant frog. She wonders why the fraud reacted that way when she had not actually hit him and realizes that he was playing dead, secures his place in the Elite class and the classroom calms down. Pan and the instructor begins the first summoning lesson explaining that the space around them is filled with spiritual entities and they must use their Spiritual Force to create a passage in space and summon a spiritual creature. She further explains that the size and strength of the spiritual entity summoned depends on its Strength level that the students attempt to summon. with Chen summoning a stick that makes others laugh, well I guess he wanted to branch out with his summoning skills, while a girl successfully summons a skeletal dog with a cute pink bow tied to its tail and jokingly calls it stray dog ​​while watching. creation, he can't help but wonder how much spiritual force it really takes to summon a true Spirit Beast when it's his wife's turn to summon an explosion in the classroom and he unexpectedly summons the giant frog from the test, causing panic among students.
Instructor Pan quickly intervenes by fusing a girl's stray dog ​​with a giant frog, resulting in a strange-looking green dog. The students are filled with all the new creation and fondly also call it a frog. The next day arrives as Wang heads to school. memories of his childhood flood him, reminding him of the reasons why he has always strived to keep a low profile, he reflects on the extraordinary events that seem to unfold around him from the very moment of his birth and remembers the moment when, as Being A baby, he emerged into the world from his mother's womb unassisted, astonishing his parents with his seemingly innate power.
Why hire a midwife when you can emerge from the womb like a superhero? But his extraordinary abilities didn't stop there and, as he grew up, he discovered. that his touch alone proved to be a force to be reckoned with in breaking a limited edition dragon-slaying sword that his parents lovingly bought for him, although he knew that his mother had actually bought a counterfeit sword to prevent his father from wasted half of his hard-earned money, extraordinary incidents continued to occur as he grew older and on one unforgettable birthday, he inadvertently set the entire house on fire while trying to blow out the candles on top of his cake, forget the nursery rhymes , this guy was busy breaking swords and setting houses on fire even.
However, as a child, when his parents saw him defeat the Level 5 Giant Frog at the age of six, he decided that he could lead a normal and happy life, they provided him with a protective amulet to wear on the back of his neck and a pendant. golden. pill that had to be taken daily to suppress his power, despite these measures, he remained strong and his father promised to create a new amulet that would be more effective in hiding his power until then, Wine decided to attend school and keep a lower profile Possible to blend in perfectly with the rest of the students around him upon arriving at school, he finds himself in the middle of an election for the position of head of class, the girl Chen and Son locked in a fierce competition for the coveted title he offers. a girl in an attempt to influence voters. free items from the freshman store that support her candidacy, leading Chan and Goo to criticize her for cheating, however, she sees it as an opportunity to show off her talents and charm.
No one accepts gifts but someone who is driven by their insatiable desire for something. The girl's delicious meals strike a deal and she promises to cast five votes in her favor in exchange for five packets of dry, crispy noodles. Seeing him accept their gifts, they all begin to receive free items in exchange for their votes, and he then skillfully employs his seductive Arts marked by the appearance of magical signs floating above the heads of those receiving his gifts as the scene unfolds. He says goodbye to a girl and offers her a golden pill, a gift of containment of the Spiritual Force that his mother gave him.
He believes that the vote alone is not enough to repay her generosity of five packets of noodles. Little does he realize the misunderstanding that he will continue in the classroom. A teacher delves into the art of seduction and the use of incantations and hand seals to project spiritual force onto others. The origins. The details of the spell are revealed and date back a thousand years, to a mysterious figure known as the Little Sage who once had a devoted following of over three thousand disciples. The teacher then proceeds to explain the prerequisites for casting the seduction spell, emphasizing the importance of giving a gift.
As I recite the incantation, giving not even the slightest part of myself to benefit the world, this act creates a spiritual field that temporarily relaxes the guard of the recipient's mind, allowing the Spiritual Force to leave a mark and exert control. Suspicions arise as he remembers the girl Sol Giving. free items and wonders if he has used this seduction spell on everyone, however, he suddenly realizes that he gave him the golden pill as a return gift, meaning he shouldn't have been affected by the spell with a gesture. Quick and subtle pointing. her to take the pill, who unfortunately interprets her constant gaze as a sign of romantic interest.
The poor girl's son


that he found a new source of power in Wang's golden pill and consumes it, but he didn't know that it was more like such a sudden train of spiritual force. The turn of events frees everyone from the reach of his seduction spell and Chen emerges triumphant in the election, ascending to the esteemed role of class president the next day, en route to pill refinement class. Wang meets a girl who arrives at school in a big car with protective bodyguards, she walks on a red carpet with an air of importance and he notices a magical sign on the top of her head, realizing that without realizing it Since he had used the seduction spell on the sun girl, he approaches her cautiously, reaching out to gently touch her hair and proceeds to destroy this sign by rubbing it, freeing her from its disconcerting effect, however, his actions Unexpected events left both Goo and Chen baffled wondering how Wang could behave so rudely towards Sun Girl inside the classroom, their instructor explaining the intricate process of creating a Vitality.
Chen proudly brings a copper cauldron that belonged to his great-grandfather and daydreams about a girl who admires him for possessing such a treasure, a family heirloom. The instructor then guides the class through the initial steps of firm preparation, emphasizing that patience is key as forming the pill would require a substantial seven hours and encouraging them to return later to check their progress. . Students begin their work with enthusiasm and eager to prove themselves. one another thinking to themselves that the Chen family oven is better suited for large-scale production, while also recognizing the challenges it would have for precise heat control in smaller quantities.
Some girls who show their privilege proudly present a refining machine from their family's esteemed factory. Because? The unconventional opted for the humble microwave, giving a modern touch to pill making. Meanwhile, the ever-Handy ghoul wielded an ornate antique-style oven with a built-in temperature control and a display that exuded confidence in his pill-making abilities, yet the quiet of the classroom. it shattered when suddenly the cauldron of chance was charged unleashing chaos and panic runs away in anguish afraid of what his father might say and his screams of anguish echo through the hallways then froggy 2 enters the classroom and consumes the Goose oven to absorb his spiritual energy so he can become more


, however, the wine that anticipates Froggy 2's actions returns in time.
A game of cat and mouse ensued when Froggy also sensed danger from him and jumped out of the window in a desperate attempt to evade the grass from him. He quickly catches up to Froggy 2 and forcefully retrieves the oven. then he goes to the bathroom to wash it however goomis understands the situation when he sees one come out of the bathroom with his firmness fueled by confusion and suspicion who confronts him pointing a gun while he is lying down in a serious attempt to explain the truth he found himself trapped In a web of misunderstanding despite his explanation, Go does not trust him and pulls the trigger, but accidentally shoots the gun's pentatonic poison into Chen's mouth as Chen runs towards Juan, causing him to collapse as Wayne desperately tries to save him. .
Chen's target remains uninvolved and he asks for Wong's help to prepare the antidote to cure Chen and keep the situation a secret in return he promises to forgive Juan for taking control of him. They carefully carry Chen to the classroom and, armed with a level 3 textbook, begin to prepare the antidote knowing that it will require at least a four hour wait all of them wait froggy 2 the always naughty attempts to eat the oven once again reacting quickly who uses a flash that causes frobby 2 to emit spiritual energy turning him into a makeshift preheater he checks the oven and realizes that froggy 2 is spiritual the energy has unintentionally preheated him seeing this as a stroke of luck, They decide to use Froggy 2's spiritual energy to their advantage by directing it into the oven to speed up the process just as they finish, they hear the sound of the class returning pointing to theirimminent discovery Wang Springs.
He springs into action trying to hastily cover the scene while frantically trying to stop the incoming students despite the guru's efforts. Instructor Pan and the rest of the students enter the class to be surprised, everything seems normal and realizes that Wong successfully covered the scene quickly. Pan comes to check the booster furnace and retrieves a golden pill that gives him a remarkable score of 85. However, when the instructor comes to check Wang's pill in the microwave, he finds it broken and charred, resembling an explosive. . Pam proceeds to scold him for doing a bad job. leading Guru to suspect that Juan gave his own pill to Gu and took Chen's pill for himself, he made a solemn vow to become Wang's best friend, unaware of the fact that his own pill had remained in storage. safely in the firmest place during their tests, while Wang's microwave had obviously failed in its appeal-making task after class, they pull Chen out of his cauldron and it turns out that, in a rush to hide, Chen came he threw it into his own broken cauldron, then Chin wakes up on the ground and asks about the purpose of his cauldron. that they managed to fix it, then he hugs Wong, apologizes for thinking badly of him and breaks down crying in a classroom, a girl approaches Wong, asks him on a date and leaves him speechless, just at that moment he realizes that there is two killers in rabbit masks on a nearby roof.
Amy's sniper rifle is aimed at the Sun girl, who acts quickly and uses her powers to redirect the bullet. A girl's life, unaware of the danger she was in, continues to beg Wong to go on a date and watches her choose wine over him. Chen gets angry and starts crying and goes to console him just then the administrator enters the classroom and asks for wine. who recognizes the instructor and goes with him, a girl mistakenly believes that Juan said yes to her and rumors of a love story between them begin to circulate in the official faction.
Page 60 the instructor introduces Wong to the schoolmaster's joint and mortal honorary teacher. Zuyi and leaves them to discuss immediately. Jew recognizes him as the boy who defeated the giant frog and addresses him respectfully as a teacher and asks Wong to take him as a disciple. However, he uses his power to erase memories in Masters Duo, a technique that he turns into targets. he loses memory of designated events and potentially falls into a vegetative state to ensure the safety of the zoo. He reduces the power of the technique by half and then leaves the room. He then goes to a quiet place to eat his dry, crispy noodles, but is joined by Froggy 2, who informs him about the Killers the next day.
Wang experiences nightmares about the girl Sol while she sleeps and wakes up abruptly in her room to realize that she and her security guards are waiting for him on the way through the open window. The star will quickly close the curtain and head over. downstairs for breakfast, to her horror, her parents are excited at the prospect of him dating a girl and urge him to eat quickly and Matt makes her wait for a long time. His parents even argue about his new love life while he deliberately tries to delay it by checking. On his social media, his parents proudly show him the high-end nutritional pills that Sun Girl gave them, stating that they can improve a person's beauty.
Wang's father becomes excited about his son's new relationship and begins to offer him advice and suggestions, then he is forced to leave his house. by his parents for him to reluctantly go on a date with her, he is in a girl's car and secretly wishes that the Killers mentioned above by Froggy 2 would show up now she informs him that they are heading to an amusement park called Heavenly Paradise, which happens will be her family's real estate project that combines Commerce and Recreation and mentions that her grandfather built it exclusively for her trying to make fun of Wong, she jokingly tells him that she has not seen the place before because she had planned to take her love there of their life. for the first time before bursting into laughter and many it was just a joke inside the amusement park they visit the Cave of the Universe where a guide explains that the stone wall inside the cave is a wall of prophecy it is said that if they put their hands on the fairy's mouth, the wall will prophesy the future of your relationship with an echo.
A girl who believes in the legend convinces him to try it, however, just as they approach the fairy's mouth, he notices the two assassins who have been following them to Heavenly Paradise, the Assassins quickly draw them out. They shoot at her and shoot her, but Wine manages to catch the bullet in her mouth and she, misinterpreting Wang's reaction,


he is smiling at her and blushes to protect her and avoid any harm. He uses his powers to stop the Assassins and then employs his ability to erase memories using his forgetfulness trick to remove this incident from both some of the girls and the guide's mind.
The Sun girl continues her date by enjoying various rides and games with wine ensuring her safety by rebuffing any further attempts by the Assassins. She also uses the forgetting trick on her whenever necessary to erase these incidents from her memory. Later on in Sunset, she asks him if they can ride the Ferris wheel together and watch the fireworks. She agrees to think you could find a quiet moment on the Ferris wheel, but they were proven wrong. They both get on the board and sit opposite each other, however the Assassins follow them into the Ferris wheel as it takes off while enjoying the beautiful spectacle.
The Assassins suddenly confront them brandishing weapons. Some girls suspect that the Assassins are from the faction of the shadow and positions himself between the murderers and Juan decided to protect him upon seeing this. Wayne becomes furious, his eyes glowing bright red. He uses his eyes to disable the Assassins' weapons and phones, incapacitating them, and quickly kicks them out of the Ferris wheel cabin. Wang then asks a girl to keep everything. That happened, she secreted it from him and requested a promise for the first time in his life. He uses the 100th Pledge trick on him sealing all memories of today's events at the Sunburst Mine forever as a secret.
The next day at school, the atmosphere is as tense as goo, and Chen asked excitedly. Wang about her date with her son, a girl arrives in her big car accompanied by her Vigilantes bodyguard and joins the conversation. Her bodyguards form a protective circle around her while the school administrator informs them of the constant threat of the Assassins who tried to attack her. At Heavenly Paradise, Jill arrives and begins discussing the special security measures put in place for the day, stating that he was the one who thwarted the Assassins yesterday. Chad enthusiastically applauds Zeus's bravery, however, it was actually Wong who stopped the assassins and used his 50 to deceive.
In July of the previous night, this ensured that Zhu remembered himself as the hero who stopped the attackers, allowing Wong to keep a low profile at school. He informs everyone that a death order from the shadow faction has been issued for Sun Girl, stating that anyone targeted by the order will not survive the next day. He explains the heightened security measures put in place to protect Sun Girl, such as soldiers stationed at the door and various levels of security within the building, including Golden Pill Phase bodyguards and superiors throughout the school. Chu instructs everyone to gather in his office, which is equipped with a


protective force field, and mentions that the Seven Star Squadron will patrol the area with their magical flying swords to prevent aerial or distant sniper attacks.
The Gather meets in the office and Zuo assures them that they will be safe here Shen is excited when he sees the Seven Star Squad patrolling the school campus from the window and the administrator acknowledges that this is the highest level of protection ever implemented since the school establishment, suddenly Juno and the administrator notice Xufeng, the third member of The Hammer Team and a final phase of the golden pill, Red Ribbon of the shadow faction, attack the guards with his Hammer chicken as he advances . Tufang then hits the camera with his Hammer Chicken, causing the screen to malfunction and Zhu and the manager to lose the camera connection.
The students do not pay attention to this as they are preoccupied chatting in the Elite Class group about the events that unfolded in Heavenly Paradise during Sun Girl's weigh-in date and yesterday he speaks on the phone and requests a reduction in the number of armed cruisers in the door. While increasing the guards in the central hall of the school, another assassin, the second member of the hammer team, in a late phase of the golden pill, Red Ribbon of the shadow faction, known for his expertise in toxins, incapacitates the elite guards with a toxic gas, however, the administrator confronts them.
XU Yang and engages him in a fight, the students including Xuo watch the battle unfold on a screen from inside the office, while Wine finds himself craving crispy noodles and tidies up his mobile phone and waits patiently for for the delivery to arrive. The fight between XU ying. and the manager continues with the manager successfully avoiding Suying's traps just as Shooting tries to escape and Sprint towards the office. Wong surprises him by simply opening the door and knocking him out, he immediately apologizes and goes to pick up his food delivery jewelry, some claim. girl, Wong will be fine emphasizing that the Assassins are specifically after her on her path, she encounters Sujan, the leader of the hammer team, in a late phase of the golden pill, Red Ribbon King, known for his power of invisibility and for wielding a huge hammer of immense strength.
Tujan hidden an invisibility prepares to engage in battle and break the powerful protective spiritual field once he gathers enough power in his hammer, however, he is surprised when the wine passes by him and recognizes its presence when the delivery arrives, the Seven Star Squad inspects it for any harmful items before handing it to Juan and assumes that Wang was referring to the delivery and that he didn't actually see it, which is why upon realizing the misunderstanding he apologizes to Sujian for accidentally knocking out his friend. who John is surprised that Juan can see and becomes Furious, he throws his fully charged Hammer at Juan, but it lands on him like an egg on a Rock Lee, completely unharmed as Juan continues to casually eat his crispy noodles, Shujin is terrified and He wonders how Juan has so much spiritual energy despite being in the Primary Phase.
Wang then takes Tenju Jian outside, who has collapsed on the ground. Zhu emerges to congratulate him and addresses him as Master Wang once again uses his 50 forget trick on Jewel, making him believe that he was the one who defeated Sojian and then hands Shujian over to him. The murderers are then detained by the police and everyone gathers around Zhu to praise him for his bravery. They notice that Wong and Zhu's arms appear to be injured. Wang pretends to be sick after the attacks. by the Killers at school and takes sick leave staying home for 10 days his mother yells at him urging him to stop pretending and report to school the next day that he has recovered insisting that he must return to school the day after tomorrow he He reflects on that day and remembers how worried the Sun girl was without knowing anything about what really happened as a low-profile hero, he feels it is necessary to give credit to the zoo as the one who eliminated the murderers.
He finds himself in his private healing cabin, where Sunburles summons the best medical experts. to build providing you with an immersive healing experience, contemplates your tragic fate while in the cabin and automatically bathes you with valuable medicines every hour that are said to connect your meridians enhances vitality your mother brings you breakfast and asks you to leave the cabin . and eat at that moment Mr. Wang shouts from below that his friends have come to see him the poor wine is terrified and quickly runs back to the cabin pretending to be sick while his mother greets his friends behind seeing his friends with Flowers and Gifts the mother politely tells him they weren't necessary and goes downstairs to prepare snacks, she mocks Wong for still being sick and also introduces him to her little bird, which perches in Wayne's healing hut and repeatedly says camel, camel, camel, everyone laughs except Wine, who silently curses the bird and wonders why he would do it.
His friend wants such an ugly pet, Chen then jokingly comments that there is a resemblance between Wang and Birdie, which also makes him make a funny face. Sun girl suddenly remembers that they left froggy 2 at the door, but frobby also joins Wang's mother when she returns. the room with snacks for everyone little frog 2 goes next to the wine and licks his face his mother thanks them for taking care of him at school and some girls see this as an opportunity to start a relationship with their future mother-in-law she is Mrs. Wine Ultimate elixirs Your family's products that will help in Wine's recovery along with somenutritional pills that he had given to Ms.
Wong earlier. She also presents an injection containing a chicken blood tonic for Wang's full recovery. Wang's mother leaves taking her gifts and warning her. to treat his friends well, especially Sun girl, a girl pushes Sparky 2 and sits next to him, asks him if he is feeling better and expresses her concern for him, then takes out the chicken blood tonic injection and He tells him that this is combined with spiritual power. It is said to work miracles for Lane's recovery, the infusion of spiritual power involves transferring spiritual power from one cultivator to another to help and heal the injured upon hearing that this lion is scared at that moment Chen informs him that the administrator gave him bracelets to evaluate each student and that Chan was given Wang's bracelet to give to him during his visit.
She gets very angry about this and argues that the spiritual test will require a lot of energy and that she doesn't have to take the test if she doesn't feel very well. Wine does not want to be injected, much less combine her spiritual power to avoid her and her chicken blood tonic. She runs to Shannon and grabs her bracelet, announcing that she has recovered and can therefore test her spiritual powers using the band they came from. take your annual spiritual power test starting with Chen, he demonstrates that one must concentrate all their Spiritual Force into their sphere so that the Bracelet can measure the Spiritual Force and then they let it explode which measures the diameter of the spiritual force and provides The results of this test are different. of the entrance test, as it can show how one's spiritual power can take any form.
Ken's Strength value corresponds to a value of around 600 in Google comments that this value is not much different from the entrance test, then explains that this represents Outer Strength. The body that is achieved by concentrating spiritual power and visualizing it externally requires persistent training and means the ability and spiritual power manifested in any form, making one a true cultivator who then takes his turn in which his spiritual power value only reaches 176, leaving him feeling embarrassed. he tries to jump out of Wayne's window in embarrassment, but Chan quickly intervenes by moving the goo away from the window and urging him to calm a girl down, then suggests that he should probably skip the test to avoid causing any damage, however, Guan Chen points out that despite Coming from a prestigious family, he only got a score of 2019 in the entrance test so his sphere shouldn't be that big and therefore it wouldn't cause much damage.
A girl reluctantly agrees and takes the test to her surprise, the room nearly explodes from the immense power of one girl's sphere and she scores a remarkable 40-15. coming in second only to Tang jings of the 59 School faction gu and Shannon were dumbfounded by the size of his sphere now it's Mike's turn to take the test while wearing a bracelet that considers leaking his Spiritual Force to get a low score in the test a girl takes He reapplies the blood tonic injection and asks her if she feels better. He quickly responds that she is perfectly fine and that he doesn't mind taking the test initially.
He creates a small sphere thinking it will be enough. However, everyone in the room is literally fighting to stay grounded. Since the minuscule amount of spiritual energy from him is enough to make you speechless, who knew that Wang's secret power was to be a one-man hurricane? He quickly redirects his Spiritual Force into outer space creating a gigantic sphere of Spiritual Force the size of a planet, everyone wondering where he is. The original sphere was and receives a score of null beating faction student 59. This leaves everyone confused and surprised wondering if null means zero. One girl explains that this happened because he was still sick and had not fully recovered.
Wang suggests it might be a display error and Chen and Gu laugh before going home. Later, he calls Gu for help in hacking the system and altering his score to 175. Go agrees to help and starts attacking while he enjoys the crispy noodles from him. Go explains that he needs her login to hack the school league system and plans to find her using his password capture training. Surprisingly, the password turns out to be just eight asterisk symbols. He puts Tang Jing's name second and replaces it with the name birdie 2. However, she finds it funny. Boo tampers with the system's coding, triggers an alarm, and quickly quits before he can change Wang's score, leaving him disappointed the next day.
Wang is having lunch with his close friend engrossed in casual conversation. In the background, the TV screen broadcasts the training session of Faction 59 students catch his attention. The news channel announces the national senior phase sword competition and shows the training feeling of the 59th Faction School. The reporter emphasizes that the students' skills are on par with professional standards and highlights the performance of Tam Jing in The Big Dipper sword formation. but the journalist interviews Tang and asks him about the preparations he has made to win against the rival faction 60. He confidently mentions that his teammates have received rigorous training for a month.
As he continues the interview, the journalist asks Tang if he has any message for the 60 faction. This catches the attention of Wang's friend and they focus on the screen while Juan casually continues eating his crispy noodles. Tang recognizes the Sun girl's immense power and expresses her excitement at witnessing her remarkable skills in the sword competition; However, when he is asked about Wong, who got a null score, his frustration becomes null. Apparently, he sarcastically wishes Wayne the best in his Immortal practice before abruptly ending the interview later that night. Wai and his friends are at home relaxing after a long day, suddenly they receive an unexpected invitation to a group chat from the administrator, which surprises them all.
The administrator reveals that the five of them are participating in the senior national phase sword competition 4 396. Surprisingly, they discover that even Frbby has also included his loyal canine companion. It turns out that Frbby also took the spiritual strength test and scored an impressive 5,000. Even as Tang earns the right to participate, the group is surprised to discover that there is a precedent for animals participating in the competition. Excitement fills the air as they contemplate the upcoming competition. Chen shares the news with his father, who expresses overwhelming pride and presents him with a special spirit sword called Lai Chao gu, then excitedly shares details about his prized sword that he has owned for al


eight years.
Guilt is forged using the teeth of the formidable Tier 3 Spiritual Beast known as the Magnetic Tiger. A girl joins the conversation via video call and shows her ocean spirit sword, the administrator is immediately surprised by the blue color of the sword and informs them that Sun Girl has produced a Spirit Instructor Pan sword observing the radiant glow of the sword. sword Praises Sun Girl by acknowledging that despite her family's advantages she has invested time and In an effort to foster a genuine connection with her sword, one girl surprises everyone by revealing that her family has forged 13 swords more similar to Ocean in In case one breaks the human group and the administrator then explains the process of producing a spiritual sword spirit and emphasizes the importance of patience initially the body of a sword spirit is in a chaotic state but with dedicated effort it solidifies the initial form of Sword Spirit can manifest as a small Beast or as a human that evolves and improves over time gradually developing some sword intelligence.
The spirits possessed by exceptional cultivators even have the ability to think. The administrator assures them that they will learn more about this in higher-level classes and encourages them to cultivate a strong bond with their spirit swords as the conversation progresses. Froggy 2 becomes the center of attention and the group playfully mocks him by wondering how a dog could possess his spirit sword, however, to their amazement, Froggy 2 surprises them all by sending a video of himself pulling out a sword. spiritual called sword of heaven from inside his body with the help of his tongue, they say. The pen is mightier than the sword, but frami 2 shows that the tongue can wield his spiritual sword very well.
Everyone is dumbfounded by this unexpected display of power from their canine friend, with all eyes now on a curiosity that grips his friends as he anxiously asks if he too possesses his spirit sword, all one wants to do is eat his crunchy noodles in peace, but unfortunately Fate has other plans after enduring constant pestering from her friends, she finally confirms that she does have a spirit sword and no one ends the conversation. He seems to realize that he didn't want to participate in the competition. He worries that if he shows his true power in the competition, it would cause a lot of trouble.
However, his friend and his instructor take the competition very seriously, leaving him with nothing. He has no choice but to say that he does indeed have a spiritual sword. He goes downstairs to ask his parents about his sword, but overhears his mother arguing with his father about a discounted anti-aging cream. He sees that the television is on and the news is reporting about an explosion. In a Spiritual Force chemical plant, experts warn against using any high-density magical use of Spiritual Force on your spiritual figures. Later in the breaking news, the Cultivation Council's Armored Cruiser troops surround the shadow faction headquarters, marking it for the first time with the cloak of a shadow faction.
It has been discovered that a member of the Shadow faction with a rabbit face challenges anyone who wants to enter the headquarters to go through her first, however, she is stopped by Cruiser's armored group, Magic Squadron, who arrives and capture the rest of the Shadow faction quickly. Master Zhu arrives in his car and the press immediately surrounds him. He addresses the press stating that in the past he foiled the Killer's plans twice and that this time he will be no different. He also mentions that he hopes to meet the leader. of the Shadow faction, Wang then diverts his attention from the television and asks his parents the whereabouts of the spirit sword.
He then goes to the attic in search of his sword and eventually finds the box containing it, which glows in Wang's presence from the inside. Box appears a little boy with white hair exclaiming that it has been 10 years he gets scared he quickly closes the box and feels a sharp pain for his Amulet the next day he meets with his friends outside the school gate Shannon guo they make fun of him wooden sword saying that it is too small and only suitable for children, a girl, however, finds it cute and leafy and is also the only one who realizes the immense power of Wang's sword.
The administrator, the Jewish instructor, arrives and informs the group that the competition will be held in faction 59. for five days demanding that they stay there upon seeing that they had wine in their luggage, the administrator asked sin if he knew that they would stay in faction 59. Wang in He actually knew about this, but he still didn't bring any luggage because he didn't intend to. To participate in the competition he saw that after arriving there he would pretend to have a stomachache and return home. Chen offers to share her clothes, but everyone is upset at this suggestion.
Everyone, except Zoo, boards the bus since he has some emergency. Taking care of Zhu wishes Wang good luck before Juan closes his window in annoyance inside the bus. Wang Spirit's sword tries to emerge but he suppresses it and reminds her of his agreement from the previous day that he had given Sword Spirit crispy noodles in exchange for staying. In silence, who knew that the key to a powerful Spirit was a tasty snack, the bus arrives at Faction Gate 59, where they are greeted by Tang Zing's three other students and their instructor who stare at each other. , revealing who they used to be. close friends and roommates, but now they are rivals, constantly insulting and making fun of each other.
She approaches Sun Girl and hints that she is the one helping to improve the financial situation of the 60s faction. Pam remembers seeing that Sun Girl enrolled in her school, not hers, and then approaches a boy in his tang and accuses him of cheating on exams, bullying his schoolmates, and abusing animals, resulting in a public safety sanction. She feels like she's been hit by a bulldozer. Meanwhile, Wang feels anxious and struggles to find an opportunity to faint and his stomachache to return to the frying pan. C goes to the wine and uses his big test trick on him, a bolt of Spiritual Force passes through him and he contemplates if he could use your advantage and escape the competition.
She then mocks Pan for bringing the student with a Spiritual Strength value of five for such a prestigious competition and asks Pan if she is ready to accept her defeat. Wang takes this opportunity and pretends to collapse to the ground while she clutches her chest. Everyone from the 60 faction gathers around her to check if she is okay, unexpectedly the Spirit sword from her. emerges and tells Juan that his amulet is breaking when he realizes this, he asks the Sword Spirit why he didn't tell him before, to which he replies that he tries to inform him about it on the bus, but Juan he kept pushing it back into the amulet. breaks releasing an unimaginable amount of Spiritual Force into the sky, everyone is terrified and suspects that they are doing something to harm him, she however denies any involvement and accuses him of acting like the son of this wrath and yells at Sea to take a look. look at Juan and ask how. she can call it acting when he is in such a critical condition.
Stephen explains that she simply performs a simple spirit test trick on him to check her Strength rating and asks the other Faction 59 students if they did anything and they all refuse. Sunbury has one. worried and continue to pretend to be distraught, be sure to like and comment for the second part of the series.

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