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Having His Best Friend Call Me The "B" Word To See How He Reacts..

Jun 04, 2021
josh is in heaven right now why would you


me that? Yeah bro, be mean and


me I hope you don't like it. Hit it from time to time. In fact, I would feel very bad. You can't even say anything. You can not? Do anything, hold your breath and let it go, I found what I want and I know we're on top, so good morning, JD, the good thing, you look like a teletubbie every time you do that, I know you really do, but like me. Anyway, I don't know why I put it like that, guys, today we're up north, today is going to be a fun day, we're going to go out for a run and then we're going to hit the trails, ride some dirt bikes.
having his best friend call me the b word to see how he reacts
It's going to be a lot of fun so maybe spend the day at the lake because look how nice it looks, it's going to, it's going to look beautiful, but you know what doesn't look beautiful, guys, if you're new here, uh, you're the jd fam. your girl katie b and it's your boy it's your other girl joshie no it's your boy josh b wow where's your tissue hello joshua yes everyone will see that comment below if you watch the show get out of here tired you're tired you have allergies guys , allergies, oh look at those bagels, that's a croissant, actually those croissants, baby, you're going to fog up the camera, we literally just finished running three miles, I'm so fast three miles, I'm low key.
having his best friend call me the b word to see how he reacts

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having his best friend call me the b word to see how he reacts...

Proud of myself, a lady just hugged my biceps and I don't think she knew she was sweating and look at these muscles and then she said, yeah, I bet, but guys, we just ran three miles and then someone decided, someone decided. to leave damn donuts so look where we're going guys these donuts are the


donuts ever so you would see the button Josh is trying to make me do something and as he did we saw this ticking of something like that and this girl was just yelling at someone else like god we're so annoying it hurts actually wait do all my time josh come here come here whose problem is updating guys my fiancé's launchers okay Guys, this may or may not be a clickbait title.
having his best friend call me the b word to see how he reacts
I don't know, but it's not someone, it's true, someone or something keeps closing the door to our room and it keeps like it slams shut and Katie is swearing she just saw someone, it goes like that even when it's closed somehow way, it's open and closed, it's not how I saw it. a person but I saw a movement in my eye and I thought: "is that a person" and that was my thought, but I didn't see it, I didn't like it, the most important thing is that the buns are tight today, so the level of sass It's going to be guys, look how nice this road is, guys, we're headed to a dirt bike track and I don't know if we're going well, let's hope so because I can't get over how nice this is. it's awesome yeah we might be going down the wrong path guys this looks sick this will be fun josh is in heaven right now it's okay guys stay tuned for later I talked to dylan and I'm going to ask him to do something that's really crazy, because yeah Guys, remember the video where I was mean to me, which was really hard for him to be mean to me because he's normally so nice.
having his best friend call me the b word to see how he reacts
I'm going to make him call me the b-


and it's going to be really mean and I'm nice. nervous because I know Josh like I don't know, this is what you want to see, you want to see Josh protect me and let's see if it's going to scare him, I hope he doesn't like it, hit now because then, actually, I feel very bad, but we'll do it later once we get back, so stay tuned. It might include some GoPro footage, maybe some drone footage, I'm not sure, but we're going to go riding and then we'll get to Cindy with the joke later. yeah we're here sending it I'm gonna say guys we're down here tan live my



okay get it guys get it baby bella she's your girl.
Can I run faster? The world don't hit my girl, please. oh, she's gone, she's going to stay out here destroying guys, I'm dead, it's a great exercise. Katie is doing very well. She is my teacher. She has taught me everything. What I know. Bella has the beginner teacher. No, no, advanced, advanced, I know I like to hit the back. flip and I said maybe I should stop because josh is going to be yes I'm sure josh took a bad fall but we're relaxing if you don't fall you're not riding fast very true bella was recording it went very fast but it didn't fill up but i ate it really bad today we just finished writing for the last five hours and I'm exhausted I'm literally so tired and there's like all these little kids there's so much better than me and so it's a little intimidating but it's a lot of fun and it really makes me like.
Okay guys, it's time you've been waiting for Josh to be inside and uploading our video, honey, which I know you're not doing right now. I need you to really be good at being bad because katie benson and I don't, you know me, I'm not bad, we already made this video in Arizona and I wasn't bad enough, he has to call me the b


and he's like I can't do it I'm like This isn't me I'm like just once I'm not going to be offended let's practice katie are you up I can't it doesn't come out it doesn't come out of my mouth why would you say that? say why would you call me that?
Oh, we act like oh my god, oh my god, you're an asshole. Okay, I'm going to practice on a jerk. Okay, right, wait. I say you're acting like an idiot. You're acting like you just replace the word idiot, yeah, the bad word and then when the time comes, you think you can send it right? Go ahead, what's your problem? Wait wait. I have to look, Katie, listen, I'm a little slow, that's normal, oh my God, okay, okay, okay, wait, what am I saying? Just be mean and call me a whoa, that's not even cool, ready, what's your problem?
I literally don't have a problem yes you do you can't even say anything true you can't do anything this isn't working we're not dating going to the witnesses listen this is the bus hello right now I promise you when this time, I'll make it for you okay , we don't need to practice, there's no hope in this, okay let's see how this goes, comment below if you guys think Dylan can do it, I'm really doubting him right now. I'm a good guy I'm just trying to be He's an actor He's an actor He's not an act He's an act No, it's okay Dylan, it's time to go, where did you go?
I'm not going to clean it, no, she's coming. but at the end of the day she doesn't do it right exactly why are you doing too much right now stop what you mean bro she's acting like a child stay away hey she doesn't deserve it I'm not trying to be mean her but how to get your man, which is good, I clean every morning, I don't know, okay, you're not like that, no, I know, but like I was just trying to help, I wasn't trying to be mean, I literally did. Don't do anything wrong. I love the people I name probably because they call you that.
Conclusion, brother. Yes, right now, that's what you're doing. Fine, I'll accept it. Don't push me into the cabbage, brother. come back stressed that's what I'm saying you want to drive katie is driving and she's going crazy it's crazy how yesterday dylan abella thought it was so weird to take a shower at the lake and now look at them taking a good bath i gotta get under the well oh yeah , it's cold, okay guys, so we're at the lake, show them her shirt, she's got the goods, come on, that's awesome, okay guys, so right now we're cooking up some burgers.
Bella is here somewhere where you guys make a salad. avocado for the burgers we have bacon oh I'm here cooking bacon it looks really black on this but it turned out pretty good let's see what josh and dylan are making okay dylan show them what you're cooking oh we. I have some burgers on the grill guys, they look a little undercooked. What is Josh doing to help with dinner? Is he taking a nap? No, what is he doing? No, he's going to buy ketchup, yeah, so let's make some dinner and then no. Sure what we're doing, but yeah, that's what we're doing bro, they're not playing today.
We have bacon for the hamburgers. Look at all these burgers. Okay, that's all for today. What happened? What happened? We just ate a little. dinner we are about to go see a sunset and we have a lot of things going on beautiful you, I feel like I would let you punch me in the face, okay, ready, I shouldn't try to write him a letter, just do him a job, even if it isn't too hard. happy, oh my god, get up, actually, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait now, tell me if my punch is stronger, wait, hit me in the right place, although I eat here, yeah, and I'm really scared, I'm going to hurt you in some way on my part. tough, it's really okay, oh my god, I'm sorry, oh wait, wait, actually guys, we all know Josh is a bad actor.
I'm going to throw the punches like this, okay, j. Family, subscribe, I'll see you in the next video, bye, breathe. holding oh oh

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