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Having His Best Friend Be Mean To Me To See How He Reacts..

May 29, 2021
Dallin is going to be


to me today, super nice, but not today. I hate you Katie, you are a terrible person for teregoths to punch her in the face, I want to punch her in the head, catchy laugh, good morning Jamie family, anyway. guys welcome back to our channel today's video is going to be amazing we have a lot of stuff for guys as always gyms finally opened in Arizona oh one thing that only has four cheeses not just my mom and my Dad with my parents know how to do it. Make that work I work on your goals yeah so we'll see you in the gym okay guys I call you reinforcements and refresh okay so Dallas is going to be


to me today so it'll be like any other day . jealous super nice but not today so I'll need your help to be mean to me in front of Josh, start slow but I need your permission to like me, like it, yeah, come in, go, cool, yeah, come in you.
having his best friend be mean to me to see how he reacts
I'll tell JD fans that this is cool, right, that's how he always acts, but start by saying, oh, like you can't live that way or like you're not strong like me. It's not like he doesn't get angry and then at the end of the day it gets so bad: we're Hansel, we stand up and say something, we'll see if it's like a fiancé, what if it's like yeah, bro, yeah? What if you like black? It would be like they pissed on my chin. So my life is that risk. Check out his blog channel. It's because he's trying to be Josh for a day and we all know Josh isn't.
having his best friend be mean to me to see how he reacts

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having his best friend be mean to me to see how he reacts...

We're sure these videos shoot Bell and I filming a video where I've got Josh and her Katie and some of our biggest followers and fans here, you know, plus the backside shows, the bottom line It works like it works. Actually, it's a proven fact that the JT fit men's tank top makes you look 10 times more bloated Jack and the JD v sports bra makes you look 10 times slimmer and slimmer, isn't it? These are made, okay, two colors, I could order the third and if you don't Don't make it every color, cut anyone, like always, always say plug in, hey baby, no, put on some pants, what are you doing , what are you doing, put on your pants, always, plug in your tights and that was like, literally, yeah, you got it, but?
having his best friend be mean to me to see how he reacts
We have the camo leggings inside, but they'll probably be gone by the time we see this. The courage of God and Jim, it's been two months since we've been able to go to a gym, gyms and AZ are open, come on baby, yeah, we'll never be able to go out. in Michigan I thought about a 5150, come on, God, we're currently about to die outside exercising outdoors here in AZ, it's like 90 degrees, I know I missed it, let's do it, oh, we're getting there, baby, come on Come on, how? feeling one in every five dead dollars fall working with the pit tank JT I told them a couple of minutes ago that there are uh, they're gone.
having his best friend be mean to me to see how he reacts
Sorry okay guys we just crushed that workout and I'm actually dead but Josh when he tried the rock wall he's going to try it real quick let's see how good it is basically twist and see how it goes watch it go I know I can't get any luck showing up out here, get it, get it, girls. don't coordinate ooh boy you can barely do that he's ruining me she'd be munching on pickles all the time she'd be making pickles at a time when you're not a real savage like a baby monkey trying to do this thing a little baby Caesar Oh guys my girl there's no one there called Josh's girl


fiancé you know I'm saying ideality you're making jealous I don't like it I like it oh I have the tank JD easy at least I I'll look like this girl doing this, won't she look like a good boy, did a solid workout this morning, but it's not really morning, it's like 1:00 o'clock right now and the girls haven't eaten there, hanging out, growing food, whatever there is. a sign that says don't feed the monkeys I don't care yet number a word please oh yes ma'am that's like I'm in trouble wait what's hitting me bad now it's like a reverse dam do you know how? be bad, have they ever been bad?
I just got what happened why Dallin is bad you guys are athletic guys like who agrees like he needs to be more me he's like me I don't want to be bad look if you want me to be bad It'll be me okay I want to watch it as a vlog , it's like we're still holding each other back, we're


s after this, okay, I hate you Katie, you're a terrible person, you didn't even work out hard today, that's why you're like in your voice it doesn't sound like you're being mean let me be a beating for me okay maybe something oh I didn't say this you're a terrible person John you're a rock and I can't stand it You're okay, okay, well done, you mean it, honest, but I think that's what got me started from the way you look, you smell and I just finished that scene.
Okay, let's try again. Well, he was right. It's okay, honey, honestly, like you, yeah, it's okay. Guys, Josh just went to get water and water the plants. I told him real quick that I was like getting sprayed and then unless they stop and keep spraying me, maybe Josh is going to get mad or maybe Josh is going to think he's funny. I don't. I don't know, we'll see what happens. I'm a little nervous now that he has to wait for me to come back yelling "stop, stop, stop, but Dillon, you're eating the camera, crying, you have the camera, how quickly do we get Bella?" the water balloon without making your


life, let's do it, we have to get Bella with a water balloon, well, no taco came in, shut up, why are you saying that?
Say it, no you do, why do you say yes? I'm just saying that. because it's being nice, but bro, they were trash, you know they were trash, tacos, dude, wait, actually, that's not nice, you said, I swear what are you talking about, you can't make tacos, they're pre-made, I don't you do all is included in my question, well, I'm going to go to bed since I can't cook anything, my brother Skinner, this game here we should throw, hey, no, we're not going to throw, yes Katie, brother, I want to pump you in the head. Why brother?
Why do you keep doing that for real? Stop, stop, friend, take a while to hit her in the face. Why brother? I can't tell if your plane and uh, I'm not playing, you know the camp with the cameras rolling right now, the cameras on. I felt how I decide to store the word that burst out on the booklet. I'm not the one who punched her in the face. What you say next don't throw that away Katie, if you're honest she'll be fine as if she were in a new one. level today John highlighted the doctor who was coming for me and then I said, "Oh my god, guys, Katie is 1 for 1 on the grapes ready, she has our invisible ability 3 - you got it right 3 - okay guys, Josh is carrying the land". bikes falling off or about to use the knife, we're going on a little night cruise the other day we went in the morning and that's when Josh made this whole dirt bike joke to me, he basically acted like he was hurt, which it's like my biggest fear I've ever had that he's going to get hurt on his bike, so that wasn't cool at all, but as you can see, we're going to have to help you see if he's cute and so far Josh has been kind of cute.
Like he's been protecting me a little bit and I think he's really cute, but when we're out there I'm going to have Dalit like he's getting on me so hard because like he's been like he's been depressed. He's in a bad mood at me and Josh is definitely a little broken, but not too angry, but I'm going to have to yell and call him old man, it's going to be crazy okay, so the guy has been loading the bikes we're on. going out with the knife is going to be a lot of fun okay guys are taking five to load anyway hey tell me what happened not even that bad so we were flying over these bumps and this whole back exploded and we didn't lose anything , but I saw his scream and I as always, everyone okay, that was crazy, but we found them, guys, the JD family almost lost them and the charge of the camera scared us, we were literally written.
I was driving and we crashed. she got a bang in the back maybe you guys get her out of the driver's seat bro she's a terror Iver that's why you came you're right you even stopped being there I literally got hurt okay you're driving so are? responsible for my oh we're getting to the hardest part you didn't say you wouldn't even cut the thing in July how is it his fault on the part let's move on whatever man relax I'm just saying whoever is Driving well, okay? I'm not going to let you guys drive, his wrist is hurt, alright baby, hey, I know in your life, let me see a doll, which one is it?
I don't know if you can't tell me then she's not hurt, that's it. Lady, I didn't forget that, no, I know it's really funny, that's why your boy ate it, oh my God, that's Karma for yesterday's bed, look at that crazy, twisted little cut, okay guys, craziest Hannah is like KD. Honesty just sucks. brother, did you see the way she drove? Okay, well, why are you being so mean? Don has been rude all day. Control your girl. She is fine. She takes it with me to check the water. I mean, Frankie beat me. Don't leave him, I'm hurting, but he cares about me, he thought I was going to find my


form, I lit a cigarette, everyone, it's been a long day, everyone has something to eat, Café Rio, as usual, about rock, my mercy, stranger, you know, no.
It's not like bro, he balanced me and then asked me technically fight alone, dope, go enter alone, they'll meet you on the record video, go watch it, subscribe on the phone, don't fight if it'll be me bro swing bro guys Katie she's being shy right now she's in her shell the little turtle come on Turtles don't do that make your lips like inside look turtle there you go fine, I'm going back to your shell no one likes you guys We're tired, this is a summary of today's vlog . Many things happened. I thought I had to fight someone.
I hurt my wrist badly the other day. I prayed to Katie that I would get hurt on the dirt bike and today I actually got hurt on the dirt bike. yes cartullo yes karma is a beat but yes that's where they are we absolutely love them see you tomorrow for the facilitators oh their shots make them laugh.

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