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Hammond, Clarkson, May and The Stig - The Ultimate Crash Compilation

May 12, 2024
oh i've spun oh my god i've done something wrong oh my god the song is pretty funny


you're alive alligators buddy I'm not going to spin I'm going to spin


don't be an idiot hammond stop it hammond in my maserati You


ed into mine You didn't know where go There's a barrier there I think everything will be fine We need a tow truck Do you think a will be understanding or b Will he start the engine and drive here we go there must be There were 30 or 40 people in the room at the Clarkson police office, unfortunately Richard Hammond spent the most of what we had left in his stupid um, sorry, oh, that's a big mistake, oh no, oh, the hammer is gone, how's the plane?
hammond clarkson may and the stig   the ultimate crash compilation
I'm on the tram tracks. I don't want to say, oh, there's someone standing in my way, oh oh, when no American has been before, but when I get to 120 miles an hour, this really is an oh, I have no brakes, you just hit our car, I know, but I'm slowing down the way this is going now you hit me again I feel like we're working as a team 45 take Hayden oh my god, my god, the truck is pretty funny, I was engaged, yeah, I was determined to get to 16. He did. It's not like that, well mom, I just went to the post office, they have a new stamp. um everyone's all good in that car that's your second problem who is it oh James this is your second car of the day yeah.
hammond clarkson may and the stig   the ultimate crash compilation

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hammond clarkson may and the stig the ultimate crash compilation...

James, is there any car you're not going to destroy James? How many cars have you destroyed? I didn't destroy it. I stopped when you saw each car. I saw you driving like an absolute maniac back in the classic days of this poor man here. we're going to


oh my nose oh my chest is going down don't keep it upright it may be going a little sideways mayday those are your reverse lights james what was that nothing oh no i haven't got it back no he always has lost I have broken something now overtaking maneuver after the accident my friends were very worried he woke up trapped in a truck with five firefighters he is yes, he is moving that is not a very good angle sorry instead of doing the complicated turn in j I plan to enter the alpha end and back forward the dogs ordered we were on our way the dog won't get sick again it's like that no I don't smell I just don't want oh what the hell is bad you, you're pretty poor friend, it's pretty poor, a fight even broke out with James taking the brunt, unfortunately I was laughing so hard I crashed into myself, I spun and missed it all, oh his wheel got stuck, that's very nice of him, he just gave me a little push to let me know he was going manic and that will solve the problem jenny and ramsgate cut look at this chalk cocking something in a winter wonderland situation update viewers a little too close to the edge there, um, come on, come in and violent come in to try it oh Grumpy Moses, the soccer ball we use to play football with cars, oh, it suits her well.
hammond clarkson may and the stig   the ultimate crash compilation
Sorry, it was a total mistake. My fault was the abrupt start. He did it wrong with most of my torso out the window. He had a much clearer view now that it's hitting him, oh. Oh my god, no, no, no, no, now I've crashed into a gas station, here we go, oh, I was a little wrong. Try to get a point by overtaking the captain, slowly of course, and at the bend I got into the plumbers again, oh. Wait, that doesn't sound right, oh sorry, where are you going, thanks, we're clear, the car, which is probably even here, has the accelerator stuck at full throttle and I can't keep it on the brakes.
hammond clarkson may and the stig   the ultimate crash compilation
Move over Hammond. I'm going to have to go faster and I'll hit you, oh God, thank you, help yourself to my breaks, why don't you? I lost a skull monkey, sorry I can't, that hasn't been displayed. British racing was an official colour, that's a disaster. upon you, stupid lump and sweetest boy, oh my god, oh my god, that's substantial, it was strangely satisfying, roadworks, that's good, wheelie bin, fantastic, full, you're leaving, are you going to continue ?, no, no, not again in Delhi, where I decided to have an accident. Well, unfortunately there was as we drove into the city in our convoy of excellent Brits, the most beautiful country in the world.
I hate something, oh we got it. What is that guy doing with a pair of scissors? I guess he doesn't need them at some point. there's going to be a just horrible accident yeah come on it's coming oh joy the cow was there and had nowhere to go because of this I'd say there was a school but well it was a bus full of disabled children. and I saw some ginger on it, so I thought, well, I can't miss that, so I'll put it in the ditch instead of hurting them in the kids' car, here we go, done, James didn't take the news, look what you've done to my damn shed 20 25 30 30 miles an hour I'm going in oh my god I was looking the other day how many plastics go up I mean classics like the ladder but he doesn't want to hurt Oliver well , that's not right, Hammond, I've got 140 yards, I've got the slack, the slack, oh sorry, here we go, this could damage the bikes, it's free, what did you do?
Sorry, sorry, hammond, you just hit the sign at the toll, I know. The guy is furious, so he's around the hammerhead as normal, oh what an idiot, and after an accidental maneuver of mine, the Bendy Blast is now crippled, so could you, um, if you wouldn't mind trust me? , so you want me to push your car? my car now on this road here yeah, there's no alternative, well here I come careful, careful, careful, oh, it wasn't as careful as it could have been, sorry, oh, you're kidding, Richard got another third despite a moment while in oh. yes, as expected, Hammond had thrown it in the trash, oh my god no, how the hell did you get it there?
Well, he was coming down here and, oh wait, yeah, I wrote it here, oh, that was huge, what kind of things did he do to get away here? he approaches and crosses the line hammond immediately ran to may's aid i would say game over oh the roof opened i didn't expect that unfortunately the modifications to hammond's now timber framed tudoroo have affected his visibility oh not bad afterwards One rough night in the bathroom we headed off, but after just a hundred meters, oh, I wrecked my Ferrari. It's a bollard, fortunately, although my colleagues didn't think much of it, no, my God, my God, that's big. wide again it's not going to make it go it's going up oh no it's got a catch that's cool I think it has more to do with the


being too big to catch that's too fast uh that wasn't supposed to happen and that is unquestionable The end of our jaguar but what about the stake?

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