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Hairdresser Reacts To Bleach Fails That Will Make You Cry (again)

May 02, 2024
and my hair won't fall out. I've done it before, but no day is your shit going to do it. falls out I said about my own hair my hair I tend to just dye it and dye it and dye it and dye it and then sometimes it just breaks suddenly and I'm like okay the limit is six rounds of


ing on my hair believe it or not , actually my hair is completely


ed under this like it's a completely boring process because I had that red moment a couple weeks ago I hated it so to be able to get it completely.
hairdresser reacts to bleach fails that will make you cry again
To get rid of that, I had to completely lighten my entire head and then dye it back to dark and now I can tell you that I am very satisfied with the color of my hair even though I just uploaded that video of my reddish hair looking like dark copper. reddish brown orange color and everyone was congratulating me and now everything went well my hair is basically very heat damaged like my hair was very healthy and now it's damaged like I literally took out my braids and look how straight my hair is. The hair has never looked like this before, my hair is straight and damaged as always, yes your hair is definitely very, very damaged and you know what it needs some great curling products to bring it back to life and bring out those curls, and luckily for you.
hairdresser reacts to bleach fails that will make you cry again

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hairdresser reacts to bleach fails that will make you cry again...

I have just what you need and it is my new product for curly and wavy hair. Tech nextg wave conditioning Miss, I gave you a name and I forget the names every time. This product is amazing for hydrating your locks and giving the perfect base. For your curly hair or wavy hair routine, it is a deep conditioner that


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hairdresser reacts to bleach fails that will make you cry again
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hairdresser reacts to bleach fails that will make you cry again
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to YouTube and be sure to grab these products now while you can with the discount. Thank you, iconic products. I'm going to put them back here because I need to know what's going on with this girl's hair, I'm going to part my hair into four to make it easier and eventually I'll cut my hair off, although I'll eventually cut it all off. The only reason I'm dying my hair is because it's already damaged. I don't really care if it gets damaged anymore because it can't be worse than this.
I will correct you. In reality, it can definitely be a lot worse than the fact that your hair could come off your head if you push it too. So far I'm just here to tell you that it could definitely be worse and you guys yesterday I cut my hair when I was taking out my braids look at this see how short it is right here what's going on let's get into it. with the trusty volume 30 and a little bit of powder lightener I love to see it I love a volume 30 I think it's the ultimate in veling so you always want to start with the ends of your hair and then work your way up, well we're about apply let's see if we can get this right about an inch away from the scalp sections, apply a lot and get it in there and do it fast, brush this section, start real quick at the bottom, yeah, you really want to move fast.
Did he just repeat everything? He said what is that? She says we're going to work from the ends up we're going to go whatever from the scalp and we're going to work quickly uh what can you hear me through the screen? Hello, can you hear me? I think you can obviously do it with any type of natural or curly hair as it is prone to being much drier than any other hair texture so bleaching it is always risky and a lot of times you see a lot of breakage in curly hair alone because the hair is already pretty dry and then you put something that dries your hair even more on top of that cut.
Let's go with the Bleach brushing method, which is great. I've said it in the past, like they really want to. You can definitely brush the bleach through your hair. Is it the best way to do it? No, it will make your application much more uniform. Yeah, so if you're okay with taking the risk of breaking your hair just because when you do it. If you bleach your hair, make it a little more committed, a little more elastic, a little more elastic and then really abuse it by combing or brushing it, sure it's not the best idea, but 90% of the time. everything will be fine and you will actually apply that lightener to each strand and now after you brush it you want to make sure you reapply the excess bleach that stuck to the brush because you don't want it to be fine. layer of bleach on the hair you want it to be thick you want it to have a lot of layers in there okay we definitely apply it directly to the roots what I said about leaving the roots out I thought she said no um No we just apply it directly the lighter looks like It's doing its job, it's definitely lightening the hair really well and it looks pretty even so far.
I'm a little worried about over-processing those roots, though that's for sure. risk that we will probably see happen, oh my gosh, okay, so my hair is changing color. In fact, I'm going to sit under the dryer for a couple of minutes, it's probably changing colors and it's turning multicolored like there are different colors all over his head and I wouldn't sit under a dryer, you can sit under a steamer I like it, but a dryer tends to dry out the bleach. I mean, it's good that she's about to apply a bag. her head because it will tend to hold more moisture in the hair and allow the lightener to heat up a little more to lighten the shine faster.
A little trick I like to do is spray the bag with water and then apply it to my hair. head, just a little bit of water goes a long way, just to moisten that bag because then the heat from your scalp will vaporize that moisture and keep it nice and moist inside the bag so nothing gets dry because no one wants to be. dry, everyone wants to be wet these days, you know, I see there's a missing spot back there. I see a dark spot, it looks blonde. Washing her hair is the third one in this video.
Can I see the results? This is how my hair turned out. I just finished washing it. I'm about to moisturize it and I love, love, love how it turned out. My hair looks beautiful. Everyone likes it, okay, it looks crazy right now, but the color is there, the color is beautiful. You know, sometimes I just can't hold back the things I want to say and today is one of those days your hair looks like a bonsai tree one of those drippy looking trees called I don't know, they're very beautiful trees but I'm not sure they suit me. like on someone's head oh my god what the hell weeping willow oh yeah her hair looks like a weeping willow if her hair was green it would look even more like that but um yeah weeping willow that's a vibe.
Well, well, I will say that I was even looking through the screen, which is impressive, great job with that, however, I will say that I wish I would tone it up and maybe even cut it shorter. I think a good like 2 inches in your hair would be. It looks great, like an afro would look great on you. I just don't know about the weeping willow. The vibes with this haircut are not for me and you, maybe the tone could be much better. I feel like, honestly, she would look good in that copper. color that the last girl did or that kind of orange color would also look great on her, but this looks unfinished.
It makes me a little sad that we are starting with very dark hair that appears to be virgin, which should be very easy to color, sorry I got distracted. I pause the screen and it looks like her friend is choking her and it looks like the girl has completely passed out. I don't know until I press play if she's dead or not. I'm going to press play now, that's how you're born and it turns out she's fine or maybe she's not. You need my help? Are you watching this video? You need my help? Call me this is roommate abuse so obviously I start by doing my hair first.
I cut off all my hair just to make the process easier when applying the bleach. It's a great idea to put your hair up before you apply the bleach because sometimes when your hair is this curly it's hard to get all that lightener into each section, it just builds up and it's hard to go deep into it, but if you pick it up first, you can section things much easier and get rays in each strand of hair. What would be even better is if we blow dried it as straight as possible just to get some curl so we know we're getting every little hair and it also makes it easier to part the hair.
These are the products I use. Everything I use is listed below. We're doing 30 volumes


. Honestly, I just understand. I feel very happy when people use 30 volumes. I love 30 volumes. I don't know what it is about. 30 volumes for me have been the most stable in my entire life. I could never again use any developer and just use dir volume and Be the happiest person in the world. I would make it work for any situation. Okay, with hair like this, it's pretty easy not to lift it because you can really do whatever you want and it should even be that your only priority is to put this in your hair. as quickly as possible because everything else will fall into place if you put it on quickly and try to reach every strand of hair possible.
Plus, this is a great case where you can just style it on short hair; In reality, the risk of it breaking is almost zero. If you take it off when it's that short, it will take a lot of bleach to break it down and a lot of bleach, the risk is almost zero, the only thing I wouldn't recommend doing is starting at the front. hairline so you could have started anywhere else and it would have been better, so good job picking the worst place to start. The hair is still very dark, which makes me nervous. Hopefully they leave it long enough to clear it up properly.
You know, sometimes people do it. I follow all the right steps and then I don't leave the lightener on for very long, which is unfortunate because the easiest thing to do is to let it process, it's actually not the easiest, it's actually one of the hardest things for me. because I just want my hair combed immediately. I don't want to wait for anything now that I say it out loud. I understand why they rinse right away. It makes sense, but 45 minutes to an hour is usually good. for wrist processes now listen I'm not a soft person but let me tell you that for some reason this hurt if you have strong hair you know the pain I don't know for some reason I don't know it was that it hurt Okay it probably hurts because you probably have the freshly washed hair, it looks like your hair was very clean before you started this and yes, it is not recommended that when you shampoo your hair, you put little abrasions on your scalp and then you apply bleach to it and that bleach just goes away.
It seeps into those little abrasions and it's very painful, but I'm so glad we're combing through the lightener. That was what I expected. We were going to do a great job with that wow, she's using a tail comb to ensure that the lier is through every strand of hair in every little section. Wow, I'm impressed by how great you worked on that, so after applying everything we just put a shower towel on my head and blow dried it a little just to speed up the process, guys listen up. Don't blow dry bleached hair, it's not safe and doesn't help.
I know thatsome people will say yes it does, it lightens your hair faster. Just trust me, no, it just doesn't help. You're just not going to do it right, there are ways to do it, but it's going to take me too long to explain, just don't do it, this was right before I went to wash my hair, this is work. my hair afterwards was what you want me to dry yellowish the color looks good could we have left it for another 10 minutes 15 minutes yes it would have been lighter and brighter yes but I don't care? This is like a slightly yellow dye for you.
I think it looks great with a deeper skin tone, so I'm not mad. I think when it's too bright on deeper skin tones, it's too contrasty, so I blow-dried it a little and then we went. I went ahead and applied another coat of bleach and developer. Oh, we're doing a second round of bleach. I don't think we really needed another one. I think it would have been nice if you just toned that down, but let's do it, see what happens. it breaks, I don't know and we're getting every strand of hair, we're doing the damn thing, we're getting every strand of hair, honestly, you're putting in more work than you probably needed to, which I love being diligent about. with it you know how to get to each strand, this girl must be a


and if you are not, you have some natural skills because you are doing a very, very good job.
I mean, most people, even in hair school, can't do this well. such a great job, so this is after the second wash, like the front looks green but the middle not so fast. Are you trying to scalp me? She rinsed it off. Her hair is like green. I don't. I don't really know how that happened, well I do know how it happened. Her hair was yellow and she put blue bleach on it so the hair turned green because blue and yellow turn green so that's what happened there and she's like my scalp hurts, Yeah. You really don't necessarily want to lighten your scalp hair twice in a row, it's terribly painful and not recommended, no, the middle is more platinum than the front, green.
Look, look, it's clear, yes, yes, it's very green. We're choosing purple shampoo as our toner today and I'm okay with that for her because her hair is already very light and doesn't really need much tone unless she wants the tone to be more yellowish, which I would recommend. I don't think silver is the right choice for her, but her hair is already green and she's going to make it purple, that's just ugly. Is it a little yellow on the back? Okay, all we care about is the front look, she looks at the camera. on camera it looks platinum, yeah, okay, look, this is where you see the bluish color.
I'm going to be honest with you, on camera it looks green too, okay, second round of toner. I think this is a toning conditioner, now this is what it looks like. like in daylight Ooh boy yeah look it's slightly whatever but I'm going to style it we're platinum blonde girls this is my hair now oh that's really light so I was about to say that I'm not completely vibrating with him, it's just a way. too light for her but then she shaved it off now it's a look yeah that's your vibe keep it shaved keep it blonde this looks cool but whatever that thing was before I wasn't really feeling it, especially in daylight ah that it was scary. like wow, that's a light bulb in your head and a fluorescent one and no one likes fluorescent light bulbs, well I felt a rollercoaster of emotions there, the results were actually pretty good, overall decent.
I think I'm more and more surprised every time I watch these videos and how decent the work is, so hold back, but not too much, you still have a lot of room to grow. Be sure to shop Real Deal on YouTube and get 20% off my three new new wave tech products now. just below you can buy it, have fun and I hope you love your curly hair more than ever when you get these products and make sure if you get them you make some content. I would love to react and that's all for today, thanks guys. for watching and see you next time bye

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