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Hairdresser Reacts To Catastrophic Bleach Fails

Apr 23, 2024
I'm just going to dip my head into this. I can't believe we're about to do this. This is what my hair looks like right now. Please tell me we are rinsing in sections. You know how I was putting them in aluminum foil before. putting them here some of them leaked no, hello beautiful, let's see some people destroy their hair together. I'm going to dye my hair really well, really


it this dark natural color. I miss my blonde hair and I want to be blonde again, oh. Well we have a lot going on, her hair is very dark on top, it looks like she has a natural dark root and then she has lightened the ends, sort of an ombre, there is going to be a lot to lighten.
hairdresser reacts to catastrophic bleach fails
In this she has to make sure she does the dark parts first and then the light parts or I mean there are a lot of different ways to do it but it's not going to be easy I just tried to say it five different ways and none. It turned out well, so all I wanted to say is that it's not going to be easy, so I went to my friend Sally's house and got everything I needed. Yes, we went to Sally's. You can find xmo color at Sally. I don't have running water, so bathtubs. of water I hope it works close the refrigerator close it close the refrigerator are you kidding you are going to do this whole process without running water oh boy good luck with that I don't know how you are going to


your hair without running water, to remove the bleach from your hair it takes so much water you have to apply at least two or three shampoos to remove all the bleach from your hair, it tends to stay there and stay there as long as possible. and if you don't wash it properly, it will have a chalky feel and be very dry.
hairdresser reacts to catastrophic bleach fails

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hairdresser reacts to catastrophic bleach fails...

I have this little mirror and one behind me. I found this thing here in the trash on the side of the road and then I use it to see. the places in the back this is wild I have never seen anyone try to bleach their hair in a van this is new I have a hairbrush I have my possible water things I have a jug of water under the sink here bleach and developer Lo I'm sorry, I can't believe she thinks she's going to remove all this bleach with just a gallon of water or like, I mean, maybe it was like 5 gallons, but how the hell are we going to make this container and this brush?
hairdresser reacts to catastrophic bleach fails
Mixed thing, there is no running water, but we have a brush and a container. I would rather you have running water than a brush and bowl. I have bleached my hair in the past. There are some crazy things happening right now. This is all natural, this is from a previous Dy box, right from when she was blonde a long, long time ago, so she has her natural R, which is not the problem, right, that's the easiest part of her hair, then it has a brown box tint. it's going to bring out the very warm red color while lightening it that's going to be unruly so it has very, very blonde ends which is going to be a breakage situation um we have to be very careful not to apply the lightener there first or second but it will definitely last or else it will be a very scary situation with breakages oh where am I staying now there are some cows he is going to see how I do my hair today she is dead dying her hair in a farm first I am going to cut them into strips that I can use to process my hair , they should be this big ooh, we're taking out the foils, okay, foils are great for processes like this because we want to get the most lifting power when the hair is this dark, however, it's very difficult to use foil on yourselves, especially on the back of your head, it gets very complicated and honestly I never see people do it properly themselves so I'd rather you not use aluminum foil, but that's just me.
hairdresser reacts to catastrophic bleach fails
I'm so dumb I just realized this comes with the tear, okay we're off to a very rocky start, we didn't even know a foil dispenser had a edge which worries me because if you don't know So I don't know how much you know about bleaching your hair. That seems like common sense to me. He brushes his hair and I'm going to start mixing the bleach. His hair is so long and so thick. There's so much going on that I'm doing a small amount. first so I can test my locks with the ratio 1 and A2. Wow, we're getting the mix ratio right, though that's pretty impressive.
I need more gloves, you should put gloves on for sure, okay? no it's too late okay I'm glad I'm working from the back and up guys horizontal cuts okay not clumps of hair you know how to see this as a big clump that you're not going to get in the middle of that lock It's going to have dark spots in the middle because we need flat, thin strands of hair, not circular strands, that way all the lightener can go through the hair properly and it's not missing spots, but that's saturated and painted really well, oh, yeah feature. ok, we're fine, ok, this is ok, everything is ok also one inch from the root, ok, we leave an inch of the root, no more no less, you can do a little less, but no more than that, ok , or else you'll have more problems than Hot Roots, okay, you'll have gangs, you know, Hot Roots is one thing that we don't want to go too far off the path either or else you'll get another can of problems, it's been a little bit longer 30 minutes and now this test strand that I'm going to get out before my hair falls out so I'm going to get these gloves is that there are real cows moving in the background and she just ignored them, it's like Normal life is like being with cows bleaching your hair.
I don't know, it looks brassy and orange, but like it's starting to dawn, we have to move on to the next piece, okay, her hair is already turning orange and we haven't even started. The second strand of hair, guys, the bleach starts processing right when it hits the first strand. They have to work quickly so that everything is processed equally in the same amount of time. We don't want the hair down here to be like sizzling from the When you get to the top right, I'm going to get some water, fill this thing and then rinse this strand in this bucket like this, why are we rinsing The Strand?
It's just orange, don't you want to be blonde? What's going on? Look, that consistency looks pretty good. It's good to use something a little runny so it goes through all the strands of hair and she's working on trying to get each strand of her hair inside a piece of aluminum foil. And listen, she looks pretty decent so far. I'm really worried about her tips and her mids because there are different colors and she treats everything like it's one color that you can do so many different ways. dark parts first with a higher developer, say 30 volumes, let the process rinse it off.
The way I would approach a situation like this would probably be to make a very long foil, put a good portion of hair in there and then go on to the darker parts with 30 volume, the lighter parts with 20 volume and the lightest part probably without nothing, maybe just a wash with bleach in the shampoo bowl um that way everything is processed evenly and it still may not be totally uniform, but with a good toner in the end everything should come out nice and yet, doing it like that, things will still be uneven, she'll have a dark color, lighter, lighter, just nice and thick there, just make it really saturated, that didn't look very saturated to me.
I'll be honest. Okay, I'm going to mix more bleach and finish the roots well and this is the last thing and now I let it sit at least she let the mids and ends turn blonde before applying the Roots of her. You have to do it. make sure it turns blonde before you do the roots, it's clear, okay, you can't just go and apply the roots right away, you have to make sure they are blonde, after a bleaching process, okay, this is it, after of two discolorations, that's right. yellow, oh my gosh, wait a damn minute, what just happened, so she did a bleach, it was pretty brassy and suddenly we were on two bleaches, okay, I need to fix this, I mean, I knew it would look like this. but it's such a vibrant, crazy yellow that I always forget what it looks like.
Honestly, why does yellow look so cool like it has the prettiest hair and the prettiest hair texture? He has a skin tone that complements like a redhead tone. very good with the freckles and pink undertones um I don't know, I like it. She really likes pulling off her handmade hair for some reason. I don't say that a lot, but you know what I mean. Does anyone agree with me? Tell me it also drives me crazy that the ends are darker than the top of her hair, as it should be the other way around. I need to take a violet toner to tone the yellow because it's like the opposite color on the color wheel.
It seems to me that here we had a little more orange than yellow and the opposite of orange is blue, so you may want to treat the top with more purple tones and the bottom with more blue tones, the top is more clear than the extremes. I'm going to want to use it as a level 9 everywhere that way, lower the top area a little so it's not so bright compared to the ends, but I'm sure you're not going to do that, don't come to me. I used the shower, okay, I used the shower that's on this property because I'm sorry, but I couldn't, the bleach stung my skin, it was all over my body, it was all over my scalp, thank God, there was no way that you left to be able to do that with a bowl, okay, I have a lot of these things.
D might make a little difference on your hair, but it's not the optimal toner for your hair color, let's do this, it looks a little purple, this is where we are at the moment, yes, it's supposed to look gray, a little more dark purplish, once it is rinsed off, it won't look like that. T8 is interesting because it turns very dark blue/purple when you tone it and then you rinse it off and that's pretty much it. It's gone, it's strange, it's scary. I'm almost done and then I can let it rest. I officially have toner in all of my hair, look how dark it is.
Oo. It's almost time to wash it and this is the Partly I'm nervous because I don't know what the whole water rinsing situation is going to be like. It won't go well without a shower. I'll tell you. It's probably not a good idea. I'm going to turn purple all over. Whatever the color, I'm just going to dip my head into this. I can't believe we're about to do this with a container of water. We are about to rinse the toner with a bowl of water. How are you going to do that? But we are submerging the hair again in the dirty container of water, how is it going to be clean?
Are you kidding? It's a joke. I love it. It's not too gray. It's not too yellow. It's like the perfect tone. I'm very happy. I made this and I can't believe it. I like yellow better. I don't know why, but yellow looked great on you. I mean, I love it. I love you, blonde. I think it looks so cool, but I got it. To tell you that I like yellow, you with copper hair would be what I like to see the most, please, can we Photoshop it with copper real quick? This is what you should have, like a very very light copper, oh beautiful, but you look great and I really like the vibe.
You just have beautiful hair. I don't know how you just washed the toner in a bowl of water. That's really impressive. This will be the first time I've bleached my hair and even though it's the first time I've bleached it. own hair I have bleached my hair in the past, probably about four times in my entire life, but they were done by a professional, but you know when you go to a professional they cost a lot of money, you would be surprised what they cost. Although honestly guys, I feel like no one likes to look at the bill at the end of these videos and say, "Oh, I just spent $300 and a whole 3 days or 3 weeks of my time doing this when I could have gone to a salon." and I probably only paid $300 in most places where they live to do this and it would probably just take, you know, I don't know, it depends on the situation, but like 5 hours sometimes, I really think they don't do the math. they're not very good usually if I bleach my hair and then put on a necklace it's about $300 $400 here in California yeah I think I'm done doing that and I actually want to try doing it myself .Listen, I'm all for you guys doing it on your own, as long as you're okay with the possibility of your hair falling out, and if you're going to try it on your own, just film it.
You know why not? I've watched enough YouTube videos that I think I could do it like I'm pretty sure I could do it well, let's see, yeah, that being said, I actually did my research. I'm not doing this just because and out of nowhere I have my notes here from Brad Mundo's video. I was thinking you were going to say my name sometime soon when you said you learned a lot from YouTube. It was ready and you got your list. Let's see, it's interesting that you chose the cream lightener since I do it. not like a cream lightener, I think I say that in every video unless I somehow said I liked it in that other video you saw.
I don't like it, maybe one day I will, but anyway, okay, I'm already going against my wishes, a cream lightener and 30 volume 30 volume cream lightener sure love and we're blending with the back ofthis the brush, you know, I wouldn't have chosen to do it like that because it's a lot of work, you can also use the bristles of the brush it's a lot easier, it seems like a lot of work, I never tried to do it like that, you must have been mixing that for 20 minutes, okay , we are starting from the bottom of the hair and working our way up, I love seeing it, the only thing is Again guys, the sections are too big, we want thin paper so you can see through the section.
I definitely said that. I definitely said also use your hands to rinse each strand, which is your most important job while doing this, I just rinsed my hair and I officially look like Mary Dream from Spider-Man. That was an hour with 30 volumes, holy shit, you have to need a lot more rays than that. almost red still woo that's going to be a lot of work she has to do this like five times I mean in the salami she would have made sheets it would have been processed much lighter much faster there are parts where it is completely light so it is very Sometimes, those parts more Lightening happens because all the hair is laid on top of itself and no air passes through the sections when you do it correctly in the salon.
We like not to push the sections on top of each other like that. The airflow can pass evenly so that the hair is processed evenly, no hot spots appear like this, this particular strand is very light, but the top is definitely very orange and it's almost like it's brown, yes, all the pieces at the bottom. They are very light, that's because it was too hot underneath. I'm also doing the bag method, like before on the ear. I love this bag thing, how does that bag even stay out? She cut it out. I see that it is the most. something creative is always good, great, I mean, I like that she's incubating, well, she keeps that heat so that the hair can process nice and fast and can process more with the heat.
Bleach loves heat, but not dry heat. He likes humidity. He likes humidity. Hot humidity. The roots we left out were a little inconsistent, everything needs to be within an inch of the root, so when people start layering the hair on top of itself, we start dragging that path down as it gets longer and longer , so try to avoid doing it. that and you also have to get closer you have to get closer they are going to put bands on you so here is my hair washed and completely bleached okay, let me show you what it looks like from behind.
I've never actually seen the back. You are the first, it is not the worst case scenario. I think we still have a lot of work to do. Getting somewhere is definitely very red and like pink, orange and copper and I'm a little worried that some of those pieces will break. because they're a little bit light, but we'll see, it's definitely not ready to tone yet because if we tone this now we won't get any results because it didn't lift enough, exactly, yeah, I think the reason why the bottom is blonder or it lifts better than the top is because you know it's been processing longer than the top, that's exactly what it is if you're going to work really slow around your head, I mean in general you should really wash well in sections , so if you do the back part well first, wash the back part first and so on, or else the hair will be processed unevenly throughout the head.
Okay, we're in the second round, let's see how far we can go. second round, it's becoming clear, why do we start with the front? Although I just rinsed it off and was so excited when I saw in the mirror that I'm officially blonde, all the brassiness disappeared. I would have left that process for a good 20 to 30 minutes longer, I mean it looked blonde, but it's not quite blonde, but it's not quite pure blonde, it still has a little bit of that copper mixed in there and what are we going to do? What to do with those roots without which we are going to continue rinsing?
When doing the roots, once the hair is blonde you can apply the roots, except when you do it like this where you just take random sections and then do the roots which makes it almost impossible because when we do it in a salon, We're doing very clean horizontal sections, okay, we're doing the mids and ends and then we go back to what we've already sectioned and we do the roots from there that way, we don't have to section multiple times and things look nice and well organized. as we go ahead and do the roots, we've completed the second round of bleach, let's see how it looks.
I just washed my entire head and let me show you the back. I haven't actually seen it myself, but I hope it's okay. I'm afraid okay it's something that's getting there it looks a little sticky and slimy I don't know you see it dry I'm a little afraid it looks a little damaged you know how I was putting them in foil before and putting them here stacking some of them They leaked and this is what happened, what is that bleeding? No, oh, I'm afraid it will be over-processed. Okay, we're going through and doing the roots section by section very well.
This is also good. opportunity to go back to all the pieces that are in progress while doing the roots once you section, if you see a small orange spot, paint that too, if you see another one, paint that too, you know what I mean, you can write about perfecting your work from here and guess what we have bands because the root was about 2 inches and we only need 1 inch okay we need to go exactly 1 inch from the root when we do the middles and ends not too much because you're going to get orange bands because the hair it's too far from the scalp to receive heat from the scalp so things turn orange and weird, so this is my hair after drying it, it's actually not bad.
I guess I don't need to bleach it. The third time is quite nice, bright and very clear, so definitely ready for toning. She is blonde. You can definitely match this with a good toner, but we'll be using t18, I'm sure, and it won't be the same. suitable toner for her, they say the product works better if I wet my hair, so I went to put some tap water, just real. Hey guys, it's me, it's been a week and I just want to show you my hair. in the sunlight so far it's still blonde and that's because I use purple shampoo to keep it blonde and it's also pretty relatively healthy, it doesn't look dead when cooking and frying it either, it's not that bad from what it started to what it has now.
I mean, it's pretty cool in case you're wondering if I did anything else besides what you saw in the video. I put on a hair mask after every bleaching session and I think that kept my hair from getting frizzy and frizzy so my hair looks pretty good but for the most part I'm still blonde so I'm happy and very happy with how it turned out overall for someone who doesn't know what they are doing, I think this is pretty good. it's very good for black hair black black oh my god you scared me for a minute but obviously there are inconsistencies with the work.
I mean, it's still a DIY job at home, but I'm glad I can help you see it pretty well. That, um, only a stylist would know is not done professionally. You know, I'm glad I could help you. I would honestly love to see your hair in pink and we also have this new color that just came out. It is our limited edition. hue shift, purple and pink shift, we actually have three colors in this line: our blue to purple shift and our pink to red shift and lastly, the one I just mentioned, purple and pink shift.
I'm very proud that we developed something that changes dramatically. Different lights now, some colors change naturally in other lights, but we developed something that will change dramatically in all different lighting scenarios, especially in bright light and dark light. It's the coolest tech technology. They are also selling very fast right now. These are limited editions. and we won't be restocking them if you want to see more information about these new limited edition shade changing colors, you can do so with the link below or at XM today I'm going to dye my hair blonde um. I also need a really big change in my life and I feel like if I did my hair blonde that would work well, so she obviously has very, very, very dark hair, another one with very dark hair, it seems to be all her natural hair, like this I'm excited because this isn't the easiest I EST case scenario, but it's not the worst case scenario, far from it, since she obviously has thick, very dark hair, but since everything seems to be her natural color, she should get up nice and even if she applies the bleach correctly, which is also the hard part, honestly, I just have to do it.
I haven't even prepared myself. I haven't even had breakfast yet, but I'm going to dye my hair blonde so that when the bleach sets it. I can do all those things and I don't want to waste my time, oh my gosh this is just me being so impulsive because of how frantic she is and how manic she seems. I'm very worried about her handling bleach and doing anything with bleach, really. My method is that first I'm going to bleach all my hair and then I'm going to do a second round of bleaching and then I'm going to leave it like I have Dimension wo, where does the dimension go?
Maybe I'll do three rounds today. who knows my hair is going to fall out today I don't know what I'm doing foreshadowing hair loss oh am I going to regret this in the future? Yeah, we're set up for failure, huh, so I have this bleach for whatever. It's called you guys probably shouldn't try this at home this is just for entertainment purposes sorry I don't have much to say I'm just like watching with you guys I'm baffled by what's going on I'm mentally preparing myself for What's up pass? So let's do it. I have this bleach, it's V blonde bleach.
I bought it on Amazon. I don't know, I'm happy that we have gloves that made me happy like I didn't. I thought I was even going to have gloves. I didn't even think I was going to use proper bleach. Honestly, it's off to a good start, better than I expected. I just asked my friend. I asked him: should I go to work or should I? I dye my hair and she's going to dye your hair pink. I'm not going to dye my hair pink, but SW is close enough. I agree with your friend, dye your hair pink, but I'm also going to work because sometimes it's important to have some work time to get this party started.
Maybe I should cut my hair before doing this first section of bleach. Let's go well, let's go with sheets again. Sheets seem to be the option for today. I'm impressed with everyone's choice to make sheets. It's not an easy thing to do and that section is huge, too big, we're not going to even get close to all that hair, ooh, that's great, I'm really doing it, this is a terrible application process, what the hell are you doing? You don't need a brush, don't you. I mean, if you're going to do this at home, you're going to make it this sloppy anyway.
Sorry, let's be honest. Just use your hands and mash it in there. everything in that hair, oh we comb it, although I don't mind when people comb it, I really enjoy it and that's good, but after you comb the hair and you have a lot of excess lightener on the comb or bleach whatever you want to call it , take that lightener and put it back into your hair because we want it to be very saturated and sometimes it can take the excess lightener out of some strands and you don't want this to be a therapeutic thing. low key oh my god the first section was made fun ok this is terrible. second BL bleach.
Can I get bleach in town? A bleacher in town. I'm actually surprised at how well this is going. This is terrible because I know my dough is going to die. what am I doing with my life that look is already rising why are you looking at that beautiful wow you look at the ends rising more bler than the rest did you have previously dyed your hair I think so I don't know I'm a A little suspicious, something is wrong here . I went through a little emo phase during quarantine and decided to do it with my hair and honestly it didn't look that bad.
I wanted to go for Billy's eyelashes, silver gray hair moment and I did it and I did it. I knew it. She had previously had her hair bleached and that is why the ends stand up faster than the rest. There's a lot going on in this head. Things are going to turn out strange and uneven. Very good, but my hair is very healthy. I'm going to drink something that my hair can handle every wow. We are using a paddle board to paint the bleach. I'm impressed, very stylish. And from you guys, this is what my hair looks like right now.
How was it, oh my God? oh, actually, it looks pretty good. I guess she was going to say how her back got so light, but she started with the back, her back is blonde and the front of her is black. I think it took us too long to go through the head here. I hope we're rinsing in sections, please tell me we're rinsing in sections, so I was foiling and then I thought I was a little tired of foiling, so I just stopped, honestly this isn't the worst,It could be worse. You know, that's why the back became so much lighter because she just stopped foiling, no, it was going so well, plus we did the root color at the same time as the ends, things are going to be uneven, she'll have Hot roots, oh so I just made my mom bleach my hair and my head is burning.
I'm in a lot of pain right now, that's because you're lightening your roots twice which you only need to do once and you probably just washed your hair with shampoo and now you've applied it. more lightener for your roots because by the way I think it's on the second round so you probably shampooed and then applied more lightener once your scalp already had bleach on it and shampooing a second round is painful and not I recommend it so this is what my hair looks like currently well it's actually not that bad it's definitely yellow but it looks like it's even extremely dead I have to cut it look at these ends it's extremely dead oh the ends They're scary and that's where you had previously lightened your hair.
It's all falling out, I mean, I'm going to tone my hair, I'm going to give it lowlights all in the same day and yes I'm going to regret it because my hair is definitely going to fall out but I deserve it. My hair is extremely yellow and I tried to tone it, no. It worked and I think it's because I had water in my hair, that's how it looks so far, just the extremely yellow one doesn't suit my skin tone at all. I don't know what happened in the end. I thought I was going to tone it up.
She said she toned it up. It looked exactly the same. I don't know what she did because she didn't tell us. Honestly, I'm surprised. she came out so well because everything looked scary and um bad that she did it, but somehow she looked decent with the right toner, that would have been really nice. I don't know what she was doing. I do not know why. I didn't do a good toner at the end, something like a level eight honestly would look amazing on her, something with a little bit of ash in there like a natural violet toner would be amazing and I also think she said no.
I want to damage my hair more, you're not really going to do much damage at all, it's a permanent or a permanent toner so it should be fine for you. Toning isn't necessarily a damaging process, it's actually going to be like sealing the cuticle and making everything really shiny and beautiful, so I would recommend doing that to top off this look and get everything right, but it's a decent job I guess, uh, I don't know, it's scary, I mean, those were some scary bleach jobs, it never stops being scary for me. although people are still learning it's still horrible to watch, if you want to check out my new shade changing colors or any of my hair care products you can do so with the links below or visit thanks for watching me too.
See you next time guys, bye.

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