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H3 Podcast #61 - Harley Morenstein (Epic Meal Time)

Jun 06, 2021
I'm trying, I'm trying to be more honest, right, I'm trying to be more gentle, I'm trying to talk a little bit about what's on my mind, this is something we've been thinking about a lot. and you've known it for a while so let's talk about it let's be real again I have a I'm trying I'm trying maybe yes maybe we're doing something wrong maybe it's supposed to go somewhere else no, okay. I don't know, you know, Einstein says the definition of insanity is trying something over and over again and not solving it, I have to leave it somewhere else, yellow, I don't mean that, but I was just making a joke, I was just making a joke. .
h3 podcast 61   harley morenstein epic meal time
I wanted people to know it was a joke about anal sex or something, what else do we have here? You found out about all this. I was going to make a joke about how I got in trouble for the transphobic tweet and that's why the show got canceled but I didn't add a border. I don't really want to talk about it, I think it's whatever, there are a couple of videos I want to see, but maybe we can watch them with Harley because he's here mm-hm because I already got that video from the Count of Aquila and the st.
h3 podcast 61   harley morenstein epic meal time

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Claire's news clip I wanted to watch maybe I should take Harley to him it's that weird although I liked doing that and then talking to him maybe we should watch it now it's not weird it's not that we're nowhere okay apparently it's not that let's be The deal said, let's do it with them, so let's go to a quick commercial break. We'll be right back with your boy Harley, we'll have a lot of fun. There is much to discover. There is so much to learn in this life. He will blow you away. don't go away guys listen up that's the sound of everyone's favorite electric toothbrush joke who by the way is also the sponsor of today's episode when it comes to your health brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your day and qyp knows that I have combined dentistry and design to make a better, stronger, slicker and more beautiful electric toothbrush.
h3 podcast 61   harley morenstein epic meal time
Here's the joke of the deal: the new electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibration in a slimmer design at a fraction of the cost of a bulkier traditional electric toothbrush. it means this is all this is all it is and that's all you need have you ever seen one of these like oh it's got a whole package it's like a power tool you have to unholster it from your belt it's like giving me a break this is it What You Need Guide pulses let you know when it's


to switch sides, making brushing the right amount of


h3 podcast 61   harley morenstein epic meal time
Personally, a lot of people brush for 30 minutes because I'm neurotic, but a lot of people say I don't know. how long do I need a brush, that's the genius of how fast, it vibrates for thirty-four three minutes, it tells you when to switch sides and you know when you're done and when, when you've brushed enough, that's when I use this. I'm about to stop before it actually goes up, so normally I guess I'd do two minutes, but this makes me feel funny because when he tells me to stop, I'm like I just started, you're on the same page. the way I thought I had a cavity and I've had a cavity in my life when I was like eight years old and the pain went away.
I was like Eli has it, yeah, yeah, there's no way. I think I have a cavity. He said, oh hell yeah. I can't wait for Ethan to go to the dentist and I thought no, it's just not enough. I'm happy to say that thanks for equipping it, by the way, it comes with a holder that attaches directly to the mirror, buddy, also because that thing cleans your mouth should also be clean the cried subscription plan upgrade your brush according to a dentist-recommended schedule delivering new brush heads every three months for just five bucks including free shipping worldwide which is just I had free shipping worldwide who what what kind of underground consortium is this what kind of weird did they take Time to make a small package for a small toothbrush replacement?
It's a capsule because they didn't do it. You already have this joke. It is supported by a network of more than 10,000 dental professionals, including dentists, hygienists and dentists. students again the dental students no, no, I wouldn't ask them for advice, they're students, they don't know anything, they're students, I'm not, what am I supposed to take a student's endorsement, oh? Yes, you should really use this toothbrush. What are you doing? I am studying dentistry. I'll talk to my dentist. Most toothbrushes aren't named one of the best inventions of the year by Time magazine, but guess who joked.
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Many people have had many opinions about this book. Well, I personally thought it was okay. That means yes? I thought it was fine. Alright? but he loved it oh you loved it all right great, today's guests loved it too Harley apparently she's a super fan. I don't know if we're talking. This is pre-recorded, so I don't know where we are on the farm. I don't know where we are in the conversation, but maybe we're talking about right now. The latest expanded edition of Jason Frye's Jedi is an audiobook that expands on the original story because they cut a lot.
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Visit nvm slash h3 and join the flippin movement today. Get 15% off these great and amazing sunglasses. Many thanks to our sponsors. Guys, let's get back to this. We welcome everyone who watches the podcast. What's happening? We're back with Harley Morenstein. I'm in the program. It was in May. He was joking earlier. First of all, welcome. I am very happy to have them. I'm wonderful, yes, yes, I'm very happy that you're here because, first of all, let me tell you, it's a little surreal for me to be sitting here with you. I probably told you this because we hung out a couple of times, but you were probably the first person I saw on YouTube before I even dreamed of having a YouTube channel.
I was at work and we were passing EpicMealTime videos between us in the office and that was just like you know that's who you are. YouTube royalty, I mean your YouTube royalty, so it's really weird to have gotten to the point where I can sit at a table with you and do a podcast, that means a lot, that means a lot, sometimes I don't know if I'm Like It's like I look at the YouTube landscape and I'm like, I'm like YouTube's Nick Cage, where it's like me, this guy, everyone knows this guy, everyone loves this guy, this guy is a legend, he's been there, man , has been there. like what was the box office of the last movie, how to feel good, okay, but you know, he'll get another chance, we'll do another one, he's been that solid, right? or I think maybe I'm like Gene Simmons from YouTube, he's like this guy. still here it looks like now oh my God you are not genes man you are different I am a king myself between the two and they happen and and who wouldn't want to be in a cage I don't want to be someone has to be in a cage someone like that is me, yes , I feel like I'm that Nick Cage guy, you know, I'm like you've got a job, I'm on it, right?
I'll do it, come on, the bacon guy will do it. Okay, I think it was like a motto for a while because it's like you know it. I'll just tell people that in order to not be just bacon, I'll take roles in other people's videos and they'd be like, oh. That's awesome, just come here and hold this bacon, yeah, so that's like everything I'm doing screaming bacon. Well, the first thing I noticed about you when I saw you is that the guy I used to look at back then looked very different from the guy sitting in front of me right now you look good buddy you have you look good you dress well thank you you're killing what's happening what happened well here it is so here's the secret I just saw I look worse and worse every week and it's weird to have that documented every week right where you just want to see your progression or regression correctly and it's a crazy because it's something like that.
I feel like I've been traveling a lot lately, so yeah Look, I'm a little down, I feel terrible, but I put gel in my hair, so that counteracts everything that makes you feel good about gel. I didn't interview the other day like it was legit. I did an interview the other day and after. The interviewer said: Are you a single woman? Real life attracts you for much longer. One life was like Are you saying I was the one who said? Can you imagine a woman like that approaching you? I can't be too unusual, that's Nic Cage.
Pollicis is everything I thought, you should know she was in the movie Ghost Rider, equivalent to YouTube, so you have a girlfriend, so yeah, she's out, yeah, she brought her, really entertaining, the crusher, the crusher, on reality is under the desk, so why do you come on my show and be responsible? Why isn't she jumping in my face right now? She's zero and ten, that's itsomething and if you ever grow big enough, they will come back. I didn't complain about some of the things he did in the past and make it a problem and just went.
I looked at my vine as an example and thought I'm an unfunny piece. I'm like deleting every vine. I can not believe it. I did this, the Vine format was brutal and there is a similar form of YouTube, but it just requires you to be so fast that you have to create content, you have to dilute it and you can never think or work on it. it's too long, yeah, on the podcast it's like I'm going to sit here and talk for hours and hours and hours and of course I'm going to say and do some stupid things, it's just inevitable, it's like I can't even try to stop it.
I have to accept that I'm shaming the biggest thing and I think we've learned that even if you know things in the recent past and things with the creators, they're going to go up, it's how you handle it after the fact, that's the most important part because I feel like what this society loves, American society, Liz loves to put someone on a pedestal, yes, and make a big deal out of it, but then we love to tear them down. get off the pedestal, yeah, and we like to clown them around, but we also love a comeback intro that's like this guy's a good singer, oh my god, look at his face, that's terrible, but he's a good singer again, you know when it's like something like that.
It's torture to be in that position, it's hard to understand how, anyway, you know whatever, let me ask you this, so when you guys were doing it, sometimes I go down the rabbit hole, you know, let's not talk. of this, let's go tomorrow. Take us, were there ever real medical concerns that you guys had during filming, like I think about the man verse food, you know the history of that show, yeah, he was eating the gnarliest stuff for so long the doctors said you're going to die. . If you keep doing this, yeah, was it ever? I mean, I know you were a potato in a mirror, but I love that quote, thanks for the nice bracelet.
I need you guys to write the foreword now, no, there were never any major concerns about the food and I mean, if I can delve into some theories for a second, you know, and I actually met Adam Richman several times. I never talked about it specifically or anything like that, but this is just my theory: once you've done three seasons. of a show, you control a lot more if you're the talent on the show, so you feel like you're being stepped on in your treatment the first three seasons, but then, like you know, once you get to that point, it's like now I'm me. who can make the right demands and you can make those demands and I feel like if I had done three seasons of that show, I would say, hey, you know, I'm tired of getting too fat and I want to do it.
I started paying for my trainer and actually between this season and last I started to make a better difference in my body and I want to host other shows where you know they want maybe a more streamlined look for other people to eat now that's just Yeah, I say, well, what are we going to do? Well, you could just say he was going to die, that's right, he would die, you think that's overrated. I think if I were him, I would have done it. He would have done it. I've said, "Okay, we're done with this, we're done, let's be honest, I really have to die for people." The answer is yes, so yes, he is saying that you have to die.
I want to see you specifically. I, yes, I have enjoyed your content, I think you are a great guy, Adam, eat you, I want nothing more than slowly, I want to boil and over and over again at your funeral, I want to fry that trust that you were forced to take. a bite, oh actually, I never knew. I want to fill his coffin with ground beef and nacho cheese. Coffin guaranteed 50,000 views and then out inside Adam Richmond, oh, that's the mill. I want the service to be called papa and the grave in he dug a grave, yes, you know the craters that the crater saw, are you going to put the sauce? potato in the sauce no, yes, that is my life.
I can have them on a Halloween episode now, next year, the spookiest potato, yeah, it was like they gave you gift. You don't like this episode, you need to go listen to this podcast months ago. Shredder has this strange ability to always find the most uncomfortable place to say it's literally right where I would put my feet and not realize it. He makes this tequila every day. In fact, not every morning, all night, he started doing this thing where he would go to bed and then he would jump on the bed and stand right next to her pillow, like next to her face and then, somehow in the middle of the night I wake up and I'm completely like in the middle I don't have my Saturdays like on my side it just takes over every night now murder yeah now what she was less excited so he's so good it's hard to complain but i literally want to strum the window he's so good just wondering what we were talking about briefly what's that impulse that cute one when you want to kill cute things mm-hmm you I want to squeeze them until they die , you say oh, you should die, what are we?
They're just kind of weird. I don't know you, my lover, you are so adorable, so defensive and so sweet. I want to kill you. I will kill you, it's like I can kill you because I am much more powerful than you, you are nothing and I can't, but you can see that everyone does it well, yes, as you can see and the ant would say to the baby I want to squeeze it good like everyone they would say no they will say I want to kill you but no, but that destroys it until it is completely destroyed cute Oh someone said said it's cute aggression yes, can you get it?
I a Wikipedia about the cute aggressive chameleon I exercise I Gretchen inexplicable as if she were five years old went up in a moment no, it's like everything interesting but it wasn't one of those point four that I named, click on it I was like I was in a mood gif, so I didn't click on it, but now well, actually this is playful aggression, it's not cute, okay, superficial, superficial aggressive behavior, speak for yourself, baby human or young animal, people who clench their teeth, clench their fists, or feel the need to pinch and squeeze. something they considered cute, well, it's not really because you intended to engage in playful aggression, it is a type of dysmorphic display in which a positive experience provokes expressions generally associated with negative emotions, the behavior occurs more calmly in individuals who they experience morphus emotions in a variety of society sank into a hole you clicked amorphous this article sucks.
I was waiting for an explanation. They're like yeah and you want to kill pretty things. We all know it exists. Last year we both went to that YouTube creator summit. Illuminati anchored meeting, yes exactly, are you going this year? I like the set and they become popular as soon as the six companies pulled their ads because they discovered that their ads were playing in front of strange YouTube videos that they were not happy with. Remember why we were screaming. I remember very clearly how well you knew how to communicate this information. Yeah, that was my fault point, but my main question was like I said, I used to make Vines and Vine ended.
Vine was an app and it's over. I saw that there were people like the people you know that were like, you know what it's like when you were on the rise, you're like, hey, he, I think it's going to be okay with this YouTube thing that's starting to come up now, you know. you had that feeling and it was like, wow, let's buy a better camera or a laptop, there's an investment aspect where you're going to double down on this career, but I'm sure there were people on Vine who were like, wow, I just got 150,000 followers!
I'm moving to LA and they booked the plane, left their job and then heard Vine was dead, that must have surely happened and we don't hear about these stories because obviously no one gives a damn about the people who use it. So what happened was I felt like YouTube is no different than Vine in a lot of ways in the sense that it's like you know we put all our eggs in the YouTube basket and we hope that YouTube works and that if you have a career. you have a career and that's great but i just found out these companies can close like crazy ha ha we won't do this anymore so my question went to youtube if a company can complain about a bad case . the ad was on a bad video, which 6 was the number was 6.
I think 6 companies can withdraw and that affects all the money making on the entire site. I needed to know how many companies control the destiny of YouTube. What would happen if 8 companies pulled out? we shut down YouTube, what if 10 backups shut down YouTube and since we are in a room of 200 people who dedicate their time, money and effort to making a life on YouTube that YouTube also capitalizes on, we should know if it's Hi guys , things are much more fragile than you think and we understood it. I already discovered how fragile it was. It was as fragile as Pepsi can be. on YouTube and so are these other companies on YouTube, wait, wait, we totally agree, totally agree, the problem was what, the problem was how submissive they were to these advertisers, yeah, that's all you're about speaking, influencer, yes, and in an influence.
In that scenario, you have infinite influence or ammunition in this room, just this room and much less everyone else, right, no, it's people like PewDiePie who weren't even in that room, but who is still a guy who lives and breathe. Oh, YouTube, yeah, and my position was how many companies sit back until this whole thing shuts down and say? Well, so it was just this scenario and this is what would bother me if Robert had said it was like, you know, you hardly put yourself in the shoes of the Pepsi executive. that I had to go and explain and I jumped up and I don't know what this point was going to be, but I thought: I'm sorry, I apologize, but we only have one time where we put them face to face and I would love to say: Hello, me too I love you.
Thank you so much for changing my life for the better by the way you ran off the stage right after that until yeah, yeah, well the point is, I've been through these things before they happened. It's great, they show us a great moment, but actually, if you watch it, you just need to see that we go to this very secret YouTube meeting, amazing, we get there, they have this face-to-face and he said, "Imagine." the Pepsi executive who had to explain to his superior, my uncle, about that guy, yeah, that guy makes six figures. There are people in this room with popular channels who won't make six figures because they invest back into their channel and maybe someone spent fifteen thousand. dollars that week on their biggest video of the year and there were no ads and no one told them, but the people at YouTube knew that was going to happen and this Pepsi executive or whoever knew that that was going to happen, but we didn't know that Yeah.
I don't understand the notice and you know that Epic Meal Time was never affected by the Pocalypse announcement. The reason I think YouTube went up is because I made more money on Facebook last month, see in real time, than I made on YouTube. Wow and that's pro monetization we'll have to talk they won't even get them they won't even throw me a bone not that I care I don't even upload our videos but you know how many views you get let's see what I have likes like some we have a video that we posted and it was like you know a remake of a previous video and it got over 30 million views.
You know, cool, yeah, it is. You know Facebook, for example, would really go viral. I can see that. Yeah, yeah, so what was it like? We took our old content, we took the content that exists, we took out all our faces, we took out the voice, we took out any context that would have timed it and we turned it into the most


lasagna. that it started with me in fast food and it was like doing a little bit, it's like you know, literally cut up each person, so you had me cut it up and you got a regear, sometimes we put it in square feet, they were like who made this and he put emojis and literally threw a plant around yeah we played the game you know I never played the YouTube game.
I never started playing YouTube. I feel like the game didn't even exist when you guys were at your peak, but the game came up on YouTube 100%, man, there wasn't any game, then the biggest one was quite a while ago, it was actually the biggest game, so It was like there were categories, so it was like they said like food and like a video was shown that day on food Tom comedy entertainment movies and like another youtuber uploaded it on food they say girl which brother are you my category friend I thought you know like you're like Tim Billy cat came up on food I think it's strange how you feel if an entertainment started going up at that moment, I don't want to choose weekend warriors showing up in your crib, I'll throw a King David, it sounds a lot better than dad in the mirror I feel like Jewish warriors are lawyers, a Jewish lawyer, Jewish warriors are just lawyers, but I was upset and up to that point about the secret meaning of the Illuminati, kind of like if you look at it, I too I love it, I really love it and I'll probably always, if YouTube exists, I'll upload it to YouTube, but there's a problem when there are articles out there saying that this guy makes five hundred thousand dollars every month playing video games online on a service called Twitch. , yeah, you know, that's aabsolute.
She was waiting to see if you would mention it, but yes, it was. How much do you love Amelia? I'll let you do it. No, I don't want to talk about that. It's that strange. So you felt that I, that ghost, was even better than you? Frankie wasn't self-conscious like, oh yeah. like after that you're like everyone you're thinking about ghosts oh yeah but you're nobody it was like he was awake like himself you're not talking to me and everything and then you suddenly wake up like what's going on was strange. Is it the house that you think happened only in Israel? mm-hm I don't know, we moved.
I know. I guess there are people old enough to be pretty there, so make up, take it on my cock. The cock takes over. Meeting. I find something. There are places more haunted than others and every time I go to Hollywood I go into a hotel in this place so haunted that there are so many disappointed ghosts that died here that they just wanted so much more than what they did right and now they are forced into this. room they'll have I'm trying to sleep oh no you know I have an audition tomorrow and this is this ghost a man yeah this makes me mad about this they're going to curse your hearing I've been I've been cursed so many times and in hotels in Hollywood I feel like everyone is like every time I walk into a room and in Hollywood I'm like someone died here, sad, it's like every room in every way, right?
I'm like someone died a terrible death here, that's probably true. We were, we had a room in Las Vegas and there was blood on the ceiling, on the ceiling, on the ceiling, and I came out, oh, oh, my brother, I was like Darrin, look at his but he said like that it was ass blood oh who said that bad was that's blood blood he just for he assumed that the blood would reach the ceiling first than any other blood. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where that happens like this. shoot like that shoot fucking diarrhea on the ceiling every scenario i share is terrible ass blood yeah one division he went into i was like oh my god ass blood no its cool saint aspie i think It must be fine, well, me.
I'll leave you with that ass blood and we'll be gone, yeah, and what about you and everyone that's a part of us? Let's not forget it in the mirror. This is great. I urge you all to try it because it is interesting and I guarantee it. I've never tried anything like it and it's really good. I love it. You found a flavor that increases. You think you're going to put it back in the bag. I want one to hit the ground or something. It would have completely blown out that raisin flavor. That's something. for the guys raisin flavor, oh you did it, yeah, there's a lot for the guys there, great, a little bit of Buffalo one and pepperoni, great, and well, congratulations, that's really exciting for the cool product that works very Well, yes, I hope so.
I mean, I hope Americans do what I want them to do and that's go to Walmart for your feet, the bag, none of that, it's low carb, it's also low carb, if you wanted to, you know, if you wanted to, That's low carb, that's all, that's all we have, thank you all. For watching, I thank you God bless you, I love you, what else are we doing next week? We do not know. I have an exciting announcement next week. We don't know, but the week after, Ninja will join three. Yeah, wow, that's going to be one heck of a ninja.
It's next Monday, I don't think we've finalized the date, but I think it'll be the 23rd, so it'll be fine, go for it, which creates excitement, yeah, anyway, 500,000 a month. I think it wins even more, that's just that article. I know it was like renting the numbers and then I thought, I don't know where he got his subaccount from, but it was more like eight hundred thousand dollars a month just from the subscriptions, that's stupid, that's crazy, God bless him. Happy this world exists. I'm so happy that guy was able to get ahead. He's fired. Well, good guys, by the way, guys, he smells really good.
We better be at home wondering if I'm the dog. Yes, we walked pretty well. What is goodbye? See you. guys next time I love you

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