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Guy PRANKS Roommates, GOES TOO FAR ft. @BenAzelart | Dhar Mann

May 14, 2024
Are you OK? No one pooped all over the toilet seat. Oh my God, who would do that? I don't know, it's disgusting, is it real? Don't touch it? If it's real, I'm going to throw up, why wouldn't you? touch that I can't oh my god I can't oh it's real it's definitely real your smell smells no I don't want to smell it no oh my god oh my god you're so good you just need to look at your face, the poop on the toilet seat actually It's just nutella and the brown water in the toilet is actually just nesquik, it's not funny, I know, I really had to go to the bathroom, it's okay, you can sit on it, where do you have?
guy pranks roommates goes too far ft benazelart dhar mann
I think you're going to need to clean this up, Ken, what you know, one of these days, your jokes are going to come back to bite you, what happens, it always comes back, yeah, whatever, hey man, hey, everything's okay with Alexis, I thought. that it hurt him to scream, yes, yes. She's fine um, I mean between you and me, I think she's got the races, I know, um, hey, real quick, could you bring me a plate of lucky charms? I have to have some, okay, oh, I can't stand it, who, hey, how's your stomach, by the way? ken told me you might have diarrhea that's what he said i'm going to kill him he put nutella and nesquik on my toilet seat as a joke don't you have the area to shoot what the hell do we know it was you?
guy pranks roommates goes too far ft benazelart dhar mann

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guy pranks roommates goes too far ft benazelart dhar mann...

I got you, brett, oh my god, that's why you asked me to serve you a bowl of cereal. It was very annoying. Yes, I cut a hole in the bag and opened the box from the bottom too easily. None of this is funny. I'm supposed to be in a meeting right now just grow up don't expect us to clean this up what the hell what did you do now why are all my clothes pink wait that's pink crazy you had anything to do with this what not why would you accuse me of such a thing You really think I would put pink dye in the laundry detergent I bought you brother I look like I'm laughing I have nothing to wear I have to go to work okay at least the pink looks good You, she really gets on my nerves sometimes, Yes, he takes things too far, we have to get back to him, but since he's always one step ahead of us, I'm sure we can think of something, I got it, what if we put hot sauce on it?
guy pranks roommates goes too far ft benazelart dhar mann
Not his toothpaste, after everything he's done to us we have to do better than that yes, you're right, I just wish there was a way to give him a taste of his own medicine, okay, look what I have, the camera of you and Dan. Guys, you won't believe what's here. Hopefully some photos we can blackmail with even better, look what happens guys. You guys love the prank video I posted yesterday, so I figured why not do it again, except this time it's even bigger. It's going to be crazy, you guys are ready. let's go so tomorrow before anyone wakes up i'm going to put this on brett's car he'll think his windshield is right he'll be so mad let's figure it out what an idiot at least i won't fall for it and then Take Andy's car key and, well, I actually put a red sticker on my car keys because we always mix them up, but I'm going to take Andy's car key so these balloons can float him up to the high ceiling. . he won't be able to get them down he'll probably be late for work again it'll be really funny so let's go is he trying to get me fired? he clearly doesn't care about anyone but himself i wonder what he has planned for me and then for alexis i have this fake iphone 12 here look how it really looks compared to mine but i'm going to take this hammer to destroy the fake iphone and pretend that It's Alexis's and I also have this pink case here to make it, I really think it's hers, she's going to be scared, let's do it, it's a real job.
guy pranks roommates goes too far ft benazelart dhar mann
The good news is that now we know what his plan is, yes, and we will hide everything so that we cannot access it. Actually, I have a better one. idea alexis why are you screaming so early in the morning? I need a favor. Can I borrow your phone real quick for what? Okay, I saw this tick and I want to try to see if it's legit. No way. Trust yourself, please, please, it's okay, I promise nothing bad will happen to your phone. Well, it's in my bathroom. You can go look for it. Yes, thanks. I'll be right back.
Your phone battery is dead. It must have been sold out. I'll upload it later. Alright. right, so I saw this wait, someone just played no, I'm pretty sure I heard someone play would you mind checking it out? the screen doesn't actually break and I wanted to test it you're not hitting my phone with a hammer nothing's going to happen just look okay okay first a little touch no wait look nothing happened then nothing happened you just broke my Look, the thing is, I was playing another prank on you. You should have seen the look on your face.
Look, this is your phone. I changed it for a fake one when you checked the door. I understand you. This is not seen. like a fake phone maybe you'll confuse them ken no, I put the pink case on the fake phone that doesn't even turn on, are you sure it does? This is yours, wait, oh no, I must have mixed them up. Great, I have to get it. a new phone Hi guys, I'm leaving, has anyone seen me? Oh, they must be looking for their car keys, so what's up? Andy, nothing, you were the one who called me here.
Well, you know, I just see what you're doing. You feel good? You're acting a little strange. Should I spell it out for you? If you're looking for your car keys, look for genie, no, I was looking for my wallet. Wait, it's a car key, yes, and it's yours if you want. To get it you'll have to figure out how to get it down but I have my car key here no that's mine look there's a red sticker on the back that's where it went I told you it's mine but where is it? If I had to guess, I'd say it's up there with all your other balloons.
No? How could I? Oops, I totally forgot to mention that yesterday I removed the sticker from your card and put it on mine. It must have fallen off me. pocket ah, there, how could you do that? How am I supposed to put my car keys down now? I guess you should have thought about that before trying to prank him. What did that Brett sound like? He comes from outside, let's go see him, wait. Wait, wait, wait, what's wrong with my car keys? It's all good, no, you guys won't believe what happened, oh my God, his windshield is broken, that sucks.
That? No, this is not what worries me. Look, it's just a sticker. What the hell? I knew yes, it's pretty obvious, I thought I'd make you wait, so what were you yelling at your car? Look, my God, how did this happen? OMG, someone must have crashed into it while it was parked on the street. That is not possible. He would have heard it very well now that my car is totaled. Wow, I would feel bad, but I said what


around always comes around. Are you seriously trying to lecture me at a time like this? because it's a joke, I got you, your car is right there, buddy, okay, that's not funny at all, you guys took this too far, we were just giving you a taste of your own medicine, yeah, yesterday we found your camera and We saw his whole plan to play a prank on us. today, that's how I knew to trade your phone for a fake one and how I knew to put the red sticker on my car key so you'd confuse them and how I knew my windshield wasn't really broken, okay?
I don't know. I even know what to think right now so my phone isn't really broken oh no yeah that's the price you have to pay for trying to prank us all the time yeah have fun driving to replace your screen that's after you find a way to get your key back ah this sucks ah this is officially the worst day of my life hey, could you guys give me a ride? I can't use my phone at all. I need to fix it hmm, I don't know what they do. The kids think no, they can call an Uber, but I can't.
It literally doesn't work. I'm sorry, I didn't realize what it was like to be pranked. I promise I won't do it again. We will take you, but under one condition: you have to keep this pink case on your phone for a month. Well, I guess that's what I deserve. Go Go. Hello Darman family, I hope you liked that video. let my good friend ben tell you what it's about so i'm the kid in the video who takes


too far and you know one thing leads to another and comes back to bite me so if you're making


just know that you know what happens and happens to you in real life, it may have happened once or twice, but the goal is to make sure you know that it doesn't happen well.
I hope you loved that video, thank you. Lots to watch and remember that we are not just telling stories, we are changing lives, see you in the next video. Peace, what Ben does is he likes to play pranks on us, so we decided to give him a little taste of his own medicine Carlos

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