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Dad FAVORS 1 Son Over The OTHERS, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann Studios

May 04, 2024
Now I want you to hit it, don't be easy, okay, I want a touchdown, listen to me and hit it, okay, come on, oh touchdown, that's how to go, how to go, how to go, how to work, oh man, I thought. I had you, yes, you would if you didn't have cinder blocks, but don't worry, we're going to play football, yes sir, yes sir, okay, we should switch sides. I have a better idea. Talk, sit on this, sad, get your ass in. here I am, you're slow, you see another Tristan out there but I don't know how to play football, it's time you learned, you're almost 18 years old.
dad favors 1 son over the others what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios
I have to make you a man, now come here, baby, don't look. To me you have to listen to your father, hey, don't worry, I won't attack you with that heart, I didn't just hear some nonsense, you're going to go easy on him, you're trying to weaken him, boy, I want you to. leave his brother breathless yes sir


are you? I am a Mr. Emerson. I don't hear it. I am a Mr. Emerson. It is not like this? We don't tolerate any weak links and I suggest you teach his brother how to be tough and take a hit, now let's play a soccer move, okay, come on,


are you waiting for to face the boy?
dad favors 1 son over the others what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios

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dad favors 1 son over the others what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios...

So how is the wrestling tournament going to bring home the state trophy? Yes, sir, you know, that's what I'll do. I would like to know if there are any children in this family and how boxing is going. It's good. Coach Andrew says he thinks I'm going to win my


fight before the Hawthorn Golden Gloves and then says he thinks I'm going to win. I'm also going to win the Nexus States tournament and you're going to win yes sir, that's my boy, what do you have? You'll leave the ice bag and St is a um, in fact, I was invited to perform with my band tonight, so I was wondering if not, you're not wasting your time with that musical garbage, but it's not a waste of time, it's a paid concert.
dad favors 1 son over the others what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios
I mean, it's really nice to get paid because none of mine are going to be in a band. I'm raising fighters, not sissies. Now your dad never won the state championship. I came in second place because I tore my ACL and MCL and you want to know why Gabriel is my favorite because he's first in line to become a state champion and you want to know why Marcus is my second favorite because he's going to being a state champion right after his big brother and you're just a big, sad disappointment, you can keep pulling those strings, but when you turn 18 and a week away you'll be gone. be out there training to be a fighter like your br


, you hear me, boy, well, eat up, you gotta put some meat on those B's if you're going to hit someone.
dad favors 1 son over the others what happens next is shocking dhar mann studios
Actually, I was thinking about cutting the meat. You have a? teal cotton in your ass, boy, no, I don't think so, you're not a rabbit when I tell you to eat some bacon, eat the bacon, you understand, don't tell me you earn that for your concert, who knows, maybe Maybe it's a pajama party. What are you talking about? Hurry up and get dressed, let's take you away. Are you serious? You considered an early birthday present. Come on, woo, I'm glad we got it out. I mean, look at him, he's practically glowing. I know. Hey. I'm going to have a drink, do you want one, no thanks, I'm fine, hey, aren't you the Emerson Br


Oh, yeah, yeah, our our little brother is in the band, so we came out to support. Well, I heard you're older. brother could be a state wrestling champion, that's right, yeah, yeah, he's a beast, he's like one of the hardest working guys. I know. I can introduce you two if you like. No, it's not okay. Actually, I'm more interested in meeting them. You're not going to ask me to dance oh oh um okay now I'm embarrassed look if you don't think I'm pretty no no no no I think you're very pretty like the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life um I'm sorry, I'm just not used to a girl making the first move more like talking to girls period, so you've never had a girlfriend before, have you ever talked to a girl? uh not outside of school sports have been my whole life and pop made sure of that so okay let me start by teaching you how to dance okay everyone what do you say?
Let's turn it up a bit, huh? 5 6 78 She's not mine but she looks good it's going to take some time to get her mind to work come on I'm the man I have the plan when the fan hits do everything I can do everything I can go let's go in there she lifts her head down she just me me I don't care, it's a double challenge. I panic. You better be where you are best. Go away, go away, she's fine, she's on my side. I have all night, so just you, so good job today, in fact, you should take Monday.
You deserve it and we will contact you on Tuesday, do you know what you thought? We'll start practicing from gold to gloves on Monday, get some rest tonight, you made the old man proud there, you and Marcus, it's your birthday tomorrow. You know what that means, training starts, so you better throw out those guitar pictures and learn to wrap those hands, baby, you were amazing thanks, sorry I'm all sweaty, oh, dad, this is my girlfriend Harley, Hey, I didn't know you. He had a girlfriend. Hey, when did you guys meet? oh we actually met while I was running, she was running too, yeah yeah I'm a big runner.
I've been running since I was a kid. Oh, my dad is actually an athlete, so he really instilled in me. a sense of hard work and discipline in the US sounds like my kind of person. I'd love to meet him sometime, and in fact, I'd like you to meet Marcus's mom. Come on everyone, Marcus, we'll see you there. I'll be out in a bit I just need to sit down for a minute hey, you're feeling good, you look sick, maybe it's just nervousness about the states. I'm going to fly tomorrow, you know, the soon-to-be state champion is afraid to fly now, no, just G.
Are you sure you're vomiting blood? We have to take you to a hospital. No, no, I can't, I have to, I have a pack, mate, you're in no condition to fight, you say that. Does Dad care, can you imagine me telling him I can't compete after getting my first shot at being a state champion? At least see a doctor. I'll go after my game. Hey, don't worry about your big brother. I'll be fine. Emerson. okay, let's focus on you, you just won your big fight. I'll be there at the Golden Gloves watching in the front row watching you bring home State's attempt, we're going harder, more power on those harder shots, that's it, we're going with the power, hey, hang up the phone, come in . here, inspire your brother, come on, yeah, use your jab Tristan, what are you waiting for?
Marcus, hit him, don't go easy on him, turn him on, don't soften him, I said, hit him, Alister, what's up, a kidnapped intestine, he could have done it. been fine, I should have dragged him to the hospital and he would still be here no, no, you can't blame yourself, you tried to talk to him and you know he would have gotten on that plane no matter what the doctor said. I have done more. He should have forced him not to fight with him about something. Do you really think your father would have let that happen? I am very sorry for your loss.
I can't even begin to imagine what you must be. happening and he was so close to being a state champion just like Alistair always dreamed of, only he remembers that you are Emison Emison, don't cry, you can have the rest of the day free, but when 6:00 a.m. comes around. m., we will go. to start training again for the Golden Gloves, you're kidding, right. I mean, honestly, you can't expect it. Yes sir, I'll be there, stop crying, boy, you're an Amison, where are you going to get down here? I said, come down here, why not? If you say something, you don't know my dad, it will only make things worse, okay, today is your chance to prove that you are my son, now don't embarrass me out there, okay, now that white scar, look at your face and let's go.
Are you thinking he should have been the family's first stage champion? It feels bad that he never got the chance and he should be here tonight sitting in the front row. Well, maybe you can live up to his legacy, right? I mean, if you win this tournament. You will go to the United States and then you can bring that trophy home. I think Gabe would be very proud of you. Come on, come in, come on, come on, come on, come on, just come back, come on, what are you doing? Back there, come in, come in, put your hands up, what are you doing?
Come on, let it go, get up, come on, get up, get up, what are you doing Krist, don't embarrass me? Get up 6, what are you coming, check it out? 8 9 10 he has done what are you doing? I'm a, we'll get him


time, champ, he's fine, champ next time, next time, holy shit, this looks so delicious. Thanks, you had to make someone's favorite since he's going to say I'm so. proud of you son and you on the other hand I couldn't be more humiliated and Emerson has never gone 0 and 1 before it makes me wonder if you are even my son at this rate you become my least favorite let him go he needs do it.
Thicker, nastier skin, the next order of business in this state is approaching and you need to get serious, okay and do it, you have 6 weeks to toughen up, hey Mr. Golden Gloves Champion, shouldn't you be in the moon right now? You just won your Biggest fight yet look Marcus, you know, I already told you that Harley taking on my dad isn't going to change anything, no, that's not what I was going to say, what I was going to say is that I know that Your dad is very tough. You can't control the family you are born into, but you can control the one you create.
Family, you believe. What do you mean? I know the man is usually the one who does this, but since I took the first step. I just felt good, Marcus, from the first time I saw you. I knew you were my person. I've never met anyone as sweet, sensitive and strong as you, so Marcus Eric Emerson, will you marry me? Yes, yes, I will marry you. I'm going to believe this, it's okay to cry, you don't need to hold it in, but if my dad, your dad is the reason your two brothers left, you need to face it, Marcus, or something bad will happen to you too. together Tristan left because he was soft don't be soft too now the states are around the corner there is no free time we will resume training tomorrow you got it right, come on Marcus, come on, come on, come on, Marcus, come on, come on, come on. on get up come on get up two get up you got this come on listen to me get up 5 come on 6 7 get up more you're going to continue continue okay, you understand, there's no way he's getting up, you're really Anderson I'm so proud of you, what are you doing?
Stop fighting, stop it, Marcus, you're going to get this. No, what were you thinking? You're crazy? You could have had it but you had to ruin it. I already spoke with the other coach. He agreed to have a rematch. You better be there at 5:00 a.m. m. Don't excuse me, boy, who do you think you're talking to now? There's no way I'm going to waste those hours I spent training you. you can achieve your dream your dream dad it was always your dream not mine no gabes no tristans yours we have spent our entire lives trying to make you proud make up for something you couldn't do yourself you are so blinded by this state champion idea that you can't see we have been killing ourselves to finish what you started my brothers left because of you I lost my two best friends because of you do you know why Gabe didn't go to the hospital H because he knew you wouldn't love him anymore if he didn't compete in the United States, You know what Tristan wrote in his note, he said he knew he would never be good enough for you and yet all you care about is this useless title I guess.
What I've done forever I'm done following your dream I'm living my own life from now on I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself I don't know what to do Gabriel is gone Tristan is gone My dad hates me, my whole family is a mess like I said, you can't control the family you're born into, but you can control the one you create, wait, you mean, yeah, walk, oh, I'm so sorry, dad, oh no, hey, it's okay. uh, we'll get it next time, why don't we try again? Actually, dad, I don't want to play football anymore.
Oh, okay, what sports do you want to play? So son. I don't really like sports. I prefer to draw. I play video games. What kind of kids don't like sports? You better fix that the Emerson kids are athletes and the Fighters are now running that game again. Okay, hey, if you don't want to play sports, you don't have to, you can be anything. If you want, you can be an athlete, an artist, anything, I love you, no matter what is good, but I still want to play, can you throw the ball to me of course son, but wait, if I don't play sports, that means what are you going to go? love Alex more than me no, no, no, never, I will always love you both equally, I promise, yes, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, it's okay, I want to follow it, okay, good walk.

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