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May 30, 2021
today coach motto and I'm going to play a very fun


game, can you


what I'm


right now? Oh, beautiful, it's a like button. Wow, you have to click the like button now. Listen, we are playing and the topic is video games, it could be


, fortnite, pokemon, whatever, but I need your help, if I don't know what I'm seeing in front of me, then you have to help me in the section from comments below, let's play this game and I hope to win the first round the motto is to choose a word, okay, you have to draw something really beautiful for us, I have a good one here, I have a great one, in fact, okay, I'm ready to wait, it's just three words, wait, three letters, three letters. three letters hey, uh, okay, wait a minute, what is this?
guess the minecraft drawing or lose skribbl io
I'm not a coach, I figured it out a little later, oh that's it, oh I think I know what it is, wow, that was really good. crainer tnt, another three-letter word tree. tree, let's start by setting the scene here guys, it's in a beautiful place of green grass green grass the green grass is usually very beautiful and thick, okay, I don't know what you are drawing here in how beautiful it is doing and it has a little thing in its Well, what is that thing, wait and okay, it's this color, so it says this and then it has this.
guess the minecraft drawing or lose skribbl io

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guess the minecraft drawing or lose skribbl io...

I'm going to have to pick a word guys. I'm going to have to choose a word. It's okay, it's okay. Give me a word Jelly I can't wait to see what the three letters look like. Are you kidding? I have a feeling Jelly is going to be really bad at drawing. Don't know. Hey, I'm actually really good at drawing. Okay, why? I'm already


ing Josh, why that cheater? He was doing well, I mean, you can guess at first what this thing is here. What is this? It's a house? It's a beautiful house. Okay, now we have something really, really good in that house.
guess the minecraft drawing or lose skribbl io
We're not doing anything Jelly, stop talking, guys very cozy, it's a couch, it's literally a Minecraft bed, guys, I have a good one, I have to go, this one is a long one, one, two, three, four, five, six , seven letters, congratulations, you can count, thank you. the bells guys, what the hell I guess, bookshelf, it wasn't, it's that a computer, when you get it, oh, it wasn't a torch either, yeah, I have it, I have it, it's a creeper release, oh, hell, josh can. never finished your drawing which was actually a pretty good drawing of a creeper josh this one is going to be harder guys you better do it in green but that would be obvious wait guys i'm actually leading by 60 points , it's actually pretty good, actually we are.
guess the minecraft drawing or lose skribbl io
I'm c


, so don't get it, we're still pretty c


, yeah, okay guys, I'm really, really bad at drawing, uh, wait, that's two words. Can I give you a hint of what game? No, they can't give us a clue. finally we have a difficult one, can I write any word or number? No, you are not fine and we understand that. Is blue. I think I understand what's right. Well, guess it, then oh no, it's not a health potion. Yes, okay, are we right? Yeah, I'll be so dumb and you know where it's going, I guess, I guess down there, hmm, God, I can't believe you didn't guess, I mean, I know it's a potion, but look at that, Mom.
Josh, come on, what game is this? It's blue, yes, babies thinking about Minecraft. Oh, actually, I like this one. I really like it. I just got a thousand points right now. I'm on a thousand points guys, why is he winning? Now, because he is doing better in the game, you don't know how this works? Yes, but Jelly never does better than us. Hey, Crainer, how dare you? How dare you be crazy? Awkward that Jelly wins something for once. Yes, he makes me feel that he is good. in the drawing, although I have no idea what's okay, don't worry about it, don't worry, it's like a poop like a pipe, no, what's going on, jelly, okay, I'm just trying to place a cake will have sense will make sense ah there's so much pressure on me right now can't you see what this is? wait this is a cauldron no it's not jello this is really bad I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it's supposed to be a person, it's a person, it's a thick person, he's throwing the blue in the air and then the blue hits something else and turns black.
What, oh yeah, are you giving? He walks away too much. It's the worst I've ever seen. You're drunk? What is that lava? Did you use brown on lava which is literally brown jelly? Obsidian is black, guys, yes, but you use brown for lava. Oh, not really, that's orange, maybe. It's a good thing I suck at drawing so I can take first place, I guess, so we have three words here. Well now you can count, maybe you're complaining about me oh, I was wrong. Hey, wait, no, no, no. You'll get it, you'll get it, you'll get it real quick, trying to remember what it is, oh I know what it was actually pretty good.
You should have put out the fire, so we would have known that the printer has four letters. word this is like a typical youtuber thumbnail at this point hey you're missing something in the sun yeah the thing with the sun holding it up oh it's not about the sun josh stop just let us guess at this point , okay, I got it. you just ruined the sun, okay, so yeah, there's a guy here, wait, he's putting his hands up, okay because he's getting ready to do this, now his hands are coming down, here we go, you stopped talking, crainer, okay , you're ruining it.
Talking about what everyone talks about a lot, but I don't know what to say, Bush, well, I was thinking about Minecraft guys, I was thinking, I thought it was digging in Minecraft, I think I changed that very well, talking about drawing Karina, which was a terrible cleaner. I hate you now oh I got a good one guys I got a good one I got a good one yeah you're gonna like this it looks like a table yeah I can feel good I can feel good okay oh no wait what is it ? I got it so fast, how did you get that?
Yeah, I'm so confused how you did that, Josh, Josh, what do I use down here? It is this? No, the thing is, I like to think about how Jelly thinks you know and that's how he helps me guess the completely wrong words from him. Hey, come on, BT, call home and give a man a break. That is very far from being correct. Oh, yes, yes, it's Steve. He has green pants in my hand. He doesn't have green. What is he actually wearing? It's Steve's worst drawing, okay, this is going to be super fast guys, okay, get ready, okay, okay, ready, oh, oh, oh, fishing rod, oh, the moment I saw two words, I thought that I had three choices for coach again, I'm just going to guess things.
This time I'm giving less clues by talking, well, finally all the work, sorry, it doesn't have three letters that I wrote before, it's okay, don't worry, you understand that this is supposed to be in black here, yes, you can fail, but whatever, huh, I'm so confused, yeah, what's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life, what is it, it's like a bug, how is it supposed to be a crane fish? Oh, this is the I don't know what. this is what you need blue if it's going to be underwater you're stupid you're trying it's like it seems like candy to fly but in the end it has tea what is this supposed to be what bat this is absolutely horrible like bats have? the wings that have jagged parts on the bottom and then flat parts on the top, something beautiful, okay, I can't believe you guys didn't like my bet, maybe I should have drawn a baseball bat, okay, here we go, here we go.
Wow, why does Jenny always draw her dolls with huge bellies because she makes more sense that way? Okay guys, ready for this, okay, okay, oh, what is this? Like, oh, what's that jelly, jelly, Josh? It makes sense, you pretty much guessed it. a lot right away I don't know why it looks like that yeah oh this is going to be hard okay we have it very long very long wait you have two words actually two very long words focus on this guys You have to concentrate, I mean you. I'll get it quickly when I do something specific, okay, so it looks like Minecraft so far, it's a block, it's a TV, TV, yeah, I'll get it, wait, it's not an enchantment table, did you spell that wrong?
Don't know. I don't think so, it's clearly not an enchantment table so I can't remember what it looks like and honestly this could be wrong. I don't know if this is true. I won't tell you. I'm pretty sure I spelled it right, it's an enchantment table, we know that now, but how do you spell it? Uh oh, you didn't understand. I'm pretty sure it's an enchantment table, not in guys, it's round five and uh. I'm still first place, wait, I'm not, yeah, you're not first place Josh. Now you better pay attention folks, you didn't guess anything, so that was the problem.
Someone is sitting relaxing, they are relaxing, they are having a good time yes, very good time why do they need to be working? I get it, I see we know what it is, yeah, yeah, it's uh, the first word is, can I say something about the first word? No, okay, well, I don't know what else to say. draw right now guys, so I think it's okay, it's a campfire, but it's getting a little roasty. I don't know how to draw this one, sorry, I need to figure out the first one, it's a good drawing, what is that? you're supposed to draw a coat fight, that's not it, you can't use it in this game, cozy, I'm actually upset now because I really needed those points, I really drew a good campfire guys, I just didn't know how to do it.
They look comfortable, it wasn't their fault, you wouldn't have guessed it though, it's okay, there's no way you would have guessed it, josh, okay, maybe we'll know what's in store, I don't know what happened there at the end, guys. Oh that's it, how did you get the tree? I thought he was about to draw like a pine tree or something. Don't dodge it. I feel like I was in first place the entire game. I screwed it up in the end. Thank you all very much for watching this. If you enjoyed it, hit the subscribe button and also be sure to check out the new exclusive Jelly Army t-shirts at

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