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This Minecraft Level Is IMPOSSIBLE! (Ultimate Chicken Horse)

Apr 02, 2024
braa and jilot here and we are going to completely destroy them today and make them wish that they should have never installed


game, that's how bad we are going to destroy them today, okay, come on, oh, choose your object, jelly boys, I don't want to. do it, why did it always take so long for S an article? Okay, oh wow, there are diamonds, guys, we can get diamonds. Look, mine is a windmill. Okay, thanks JY, the diamond sword too and look at the inventory. I don't think I can do it like that. leave your stuff down put it there you can do it then put it top right top right why do you do that it wouldn't do anything why jelly wouldn't do anything no we won't be able to do it Look man, it's calculated.
this minecraft level is impossible ultimate chicken horse
I don't think you've ever calculated mass in your life. Jelly. Although I do remember it because it is a moving object. Jelly. That's why I told you that years have passed and we can't. In reality, it is


. Oh, don't do it. we are literally blaming you you die again we need more obstacles guys more stuff thank you jelly thank you it would have been doable if we had put it in the right place but hey I also said okay I said I don't want play. Stupid game like I am, you said that, but that's just because aggressive jelly is a bit yeah, right, okay, CR, CR could have made it


, my mouth slipped, I think we can skip it.
this minecraft level is impossible ultimate chicken horse

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this minecraft level is impossible ultimate chicken horse...

CR, all right, all right, I hope you're right. I don't know, I don't really hope, you can walk under it, oh wow, give up, give up, believe, give up, believe, give up, believe, no, you're pathetic, I'm the monkey with a dream, you're, you're literally, almost alone It was already crushed that's how humanity started with a monkey with a dream here we go there's no room for a teleporter I'm mining oh can you break those things oh we can mine that's cool I like it why do you make things gelatin is still there? It is possible, it is still possible, but it is unnecessary.
this minecraft level is impossible ultimate chicken horse
You're just making it annoying at that point. That's why I love him. And we all did it. We have many points to win. Guys, there are no points. Maybe I put too many. points here I'm realizing there are a lot of lines there oh no yes mister host it's okay we just need to add more things we can we can we can die for them oh no way yes that's right oh , he has the crossbow, who was that? Who was he? You know it's Cran because she would have bumped into him if it wasn't him. Hey friend, oh,


is what the monkey dreams of.
this minecraft level is impossible ultimate chicken horse
Why do I suck so much brother? The crossbow is definitely going to kill me. Well, I did it. so let's see what we have here of course Josh nailed it. That's why I don't like this game you guys wanted to play. Don't think Josh has still been playing alone while I was gone. Yes, I can say yes. I didn't play it, oh my gosh, that b button looks really good right now, you might have to stay here for a while, are you serious? That's the dumbest thing, okay, okay, hey, I have a trap to kill, come on, was that for me, dying, good question, do you have? to add that, oh jelly, oh I'm lucky, man, I'm so lucky, you're lucky some more, hey, look at this guys, look, you want to touch it, you want to touch it, come and touch it.
Okay, we have, we have 20. XP


s on this character, they're cool guys, I was actually going to do that killed me. I did it? Yes, you did it. You touched the boxing glove. Don't you remember that he has short-term memory? Oh, how many times are you going to do it? fall also short term not being able to press the keys oh you nailed that joke too long jelly thank you, thank you, thank you, you got it. I was lost in the middle of that joke, all that just for yeah, okay, yeah, Jos. I have a black hole, I don't like that, in fact I do what's right, see you later, a man, we have to hurry, okay, Josh's rot is still an option.
I don't believe it. I think it is if Josh says yes. No, it's not that I hate you so much Oh, it's Josh again, sweet, he looks at that


, it's because he has wings, what are you saying you're doing? You're the only reason I think eating


is okay, right, yeah, you contribute to that. oh, I'm going to put this out there because then if anyone feels funny, that's not going to be like that, no, I don't know, oh no, yeah, J is all alone. I made it very difficult to add that thing. Now you have no excuse to add that.
That's the worst thing they could have done, right, yeah, I like the way the gelatin makes it harder. Uh, oh, oh, I feel like getting crushed is one of the most embarrassing ways to do it in this game, okay, let's get crushed guys. Yeah, oh, you can't break that, what you suck, can you understand? No, I mean, gu, you can definitely, crina, bring it here, okay, I mean, I want to win anyway, so wait what that hit on my screen. No I don't know, not on mine, you guys are just late or maybe you're the ones late because I need to wait for the coin to drop, that's not going to happen my friend Josh, just go, don't be like that. a coward what language is that Danish without panic, panic, I haven't heard that one before, where do they speak?
Oh, thanks Josh, that's annoying, I gotta I'm not going to lie, okay, um, no, the chickens got it, the chicken got it. yeah I'm heading to KFC later thanks to you well order a big bucket just for you yeah I did it actually you did I won a game but no don't don't you dare do it jello it's The only chance I had, you couldn't fit in there, take a small person, I can fit, look closely at this jelly. You see, thanks for the coin too, right in your face, jelly. I like being the underdog, no. you're not okay, he's being the underdog on purpose, yeah, yeah, that's what's going on a little easier, here we go, look at me, I found a new route, yeah, we can't reach it yet.
Nice Ro crer, nice route, thanks, you're the The root of my problems I did it again, okay Josh, I'm not going, man, I'm not going, buddy, someone's going to have to do it, gster, you gotta beat yourself, Yeah, I mean, no. Point for anyone, but okay, yes, if I make it to second place, I'll actually be very happy with myself, that's my life model. Nice, it's a good motto because I will never be the first. I just decided to wait a little, wait, look. that arrow is an angled arrow oh, that's cool, oh, I left it a little complicated, nice jelly, good job, oh, it surprises me, it surprises you, I didn't hit you, go all the way now, do you want to come, Jos ? come on jelly don't you dare win now josh just give me points josh no i don't need to give you points are you really begging in the live game oh jelly start over jelly if you focus less on me and more on yourself? maybe you can make it, I'll try, well now you're dead, look in at his dumb chamele while we give him advice with these blank eyes, no, who didn't get points, who didn't get points, son, I'm still ahead of you. for a little bit yes, guys, you are doing very well, thanks Josh.
I can feel you really saying that too without gelatin, it might break, but why make it harder for yourself too? You suck at this game like an easy route now CU I want Josh goes first, okay Josh, come on, come on, Josh, come on, come on, son, okay, okay, calm down, getting hyped up, jump, Jelly Jump, oh, almost you catch it. I'm always too late, how did you break that thing? Josh, it's kind of slow. with okay, you just hit it over and over with your wing yeah, yeah, oh, what about the coin, who got that one, no one got it, did you forget about it?
Josh, I don't really need it, I guess that's true, I have it, it's kind of nice. to be sure, it's really good to get points quickly, yeah, I mean you're giving us a chance, I appreciate it, yeah, I'll give it, JY, no one, uh, no one, no one is competing with you right now like you. on your own, but I have a coin, it's the same amount of pressure, come on, it's happening. I said no, he almost won. That's why we don't play this game anymore, guys. I think it's my fault because no, no. jelly no I didn't have the idea but I changed my mind let's put it together somewhere where they put it up there why do you make it more difficult for them?
I want to like it I want to see where the arrow goes when they put another black hole next to it look at that arrow wa wa okay I'm going around in a it's definitely possible oh cr has done it yes believe the coin you have believe why don't you go for the currency? Because I want to win, would I do it? I win the game if I do this let's see okay I'll let the fire if the fire hits me I'll die oh I hate this guy so much because he's so annoying with a pass.
Look, I leave it to chance, not even chance will do it. I understand, jsh, now Jelly, it seems like you're back to being the underdog by a mile, sir, yes, but that was tactical. Jelly likes being the underdog, yeah. Hees, purpose, how many Jelly no, can't you go that far? You can't do it like that, I don't know, I don't know. Well, at least you're honest. J ah, thanks my coin, oh no Josh, you drove us all away, it doesn't matter, it's okay, so if I do this, idiot. oh, wait, wait, well guys, um, this has been fun, so do it.
I mean, it's been fun playing Al Chicken Horse and I'm uninstalling this game. I'm buying a grill. I want a refund. I'm buying a grill. plenty of room for chicken wings, okay

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