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Guess That Microscopic Image (GAME)

May 31, 2021
Today's topic is


, let's talk about that mythical good day R, you're a big guy, yes, but I want you to know that there is a completely different world on the opposite end of the spectrum from the big guys and that is the


world, yes, the small world I don't care, man, oh well, you're a big place today, if you've ever seen a big place, if you've ever seen


s from a scanning electron microscope, you know things get weird when you look at them. really close up using that technology, but can you identify what's real?
guess that microscopic image game
Only probably well, let's find out we have some tiny tiny microscopic


s and I'll show them to you today. Yeah, and if you get six out of eight of these right, there are multiple options, so it's not just blindly


ing what you'd be doing, otherwise, yeah, um, I'll be watching, you can escape the punishment of having to wear a microscopic suit. in our retina. link Instagram and I'll have to use it you'll have to use it if I win if you get if you get at least six okay okay look at this here's the first picture and it's a little scary uh oh god uh now it's that real true color color true to life or is this shining no uh this is um some artistic liberties that were taken by the scan The microscope people green and purple pray is not okay, is it a to help you or not I thought it was a purple blanket it was the first thing i thought purple blanket on my legs that's not it that's not like that now that I understand it let me give you your options because that's wrong it's hair with hair gel used dental floss or kebler elf dingleberries oh wow old dingleberries are deceptively small uh , that doesn't look like a sneaky elf ass, so I don't think they're dingleberries.
guess that microscopic image game

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guess that microscopic image game...

I also think C is probably a joke every time so I'm just going to choose between A and B. don't count on it hair with hair gel man I don't know hair gel can get nasty I


the floss, it looks more like a close up of hair because the hairs are more uniform, I need your answer and like it's not a rope or thread, I'm going to use a hair with hair gel, not Rett, it's used dental floss, it looks so uniform, like I know it looks like fishing line or something, it's the things in it that are a little disturbing.
guess that microscopic image game
I was recently told that you don't have to floss. It wasn't a good start. What's up with this one? This is not a satellite image of Tatooine, is it a Chee, a fortune cookie or a patch of your psoriasis myiasis cleared up? Thanks, I know. I was taking pictures of him beforehand just so you can take them to the doctor. I put a lot of moisturizer on it and it clears up quickly. Well, it's definitely crunchy food. Chee, it's a fortune cookie. I mean, wow, I don't know. They have more craters and craggy points than fortune cookies, so I'm going with cheit.
guess that microscopic image game
I love them too, please send me some Cheez. No, this is a fortune cookie. I thought you could do it all right, but you can't, oh God. I had to clarify to everyone from now on, yes, sorry, I forgot to write the fortune here, which means the fortune was wrong. Oh, that was a placeholder, no, it's just that most fortune cookies have real fortunes, but that one wasn't good, come on. You can still do this man it has to be a clean sweep the rest of the way are you wearing a microscopic suit it's going to happen look at this oh god is this a coffee bean or a sugar granule or a nugget of Jay the chinchilla, Chase's pet chinchilla? oh I get it AJ is his name a coffee bean a sugar granule or a j the Chinchilla poop nugget um it's not poop uh gee I mean it's hard to get a picture of those because Chase just devours them right when uh yeah I've seen them he I've seen him do that like cocoa PEB don't eat the poop nug they look so good it looks like Cocoa Puffs uh I mean I feel like at this point it's just a full shot in the dark because the first two I felt good about that, you're going to have to do the lingster move and go against your intuition.
I mean, okay, but a coffee bean is soft, man, the sugar granule looks like it would have that kind of thing, but a sugar granule. It's glass, so I think with a scanning electron microscope you would see a glass thing, so the coffee beans are highly magnified. Coffee bean, yes you are right, the sweep is alive, the sweep is alive, you got one out of three, yes that's right, check this out. Don't be too scared, that's a hawk, that's a hawk's claw, I don't even need the options, is it a gecko toe or a spider palp, which is the correct name for spider penis, oh, seriously, or is it Kermit the Frog Pal I don't know, I've seen Kermit walking, he doesn't have a pop, you saw him walking, yeah, don't you think Miss Piggy Miss Piggy would be talking about it all the time if he had one?
She would insult him every four seconds. I thought this was like a demented cactus that grew out of a mop, but that's what it technically sounds like I'm going to do because I don't think a Spider-Woman would be willing to put up with that. I'm going to go with the gecko toe, yeah you're right, wow, uh, what was a moppy little part? Although, was she stepping on something? I don't know, man, I didn't do it. I didn't make it. I just take a photo. of that and I didn't even take these photos. I don't have a scanning electron microscope.
Don't look at this one. Is this a shaved beard hair, a sliced ​​spaghetti noodle, or one of Kylie Jenner's old lips? Oh, she just dismisses it. them and uh, yeah, she's just like eBay should be, those I don't know, people pay good money for that, there's another one underneath, oh, she regenerates like a starfish, no, she sheds like a snakeskin SN, did you know? she, how do you get this information? she's very close friends with someone else um I'm almost sure this is a I'm almost sure this is a cut beard hair because I feel like I've seen the uh the uh the outside of a hair before and it had scales, but the hairs They're usually circular, they're not like they don't look like a squished Alabama, it looks like a TP roll cut beard squished and soaked, here the streak is alive, okay I think you should bring that. look back mm- I'm not going to do that take a look at this is this a cat's tongue a pencil eraser or a tickle party my kids react differently to that I've never felt so rejected in my life but that's cool , don't make it like the tickle party why did you think it was a tickle party or did you just want to have a tickle party?
I still don't, but um, so it seems like there are multiple languages, so it seems like the kind of thing, so if a cat's language is made up of other languages ​​that consist of other languages, if it's like an Inception language within a cat's mouth, that would be strange, wouldn't it, um, uh, or the surface of a pencil eraser look like multiple tongues? There's no way this is going to extract a lot of lead from a This looks like a biological thing, it doesn't look like a rubber thing. to go with cat tongue a tongue in tongue in tongue onong tongue in tongue Sorry Rhett it's a tickle party it's a cat clamp it's a cat tongue yes it's tongues in tongues it's a tickle party come work with me hey well in Le I don't want to work with you anymore at least tickle me just tickle me I'm not going I'm going for the thigh tickling look this wasn't tickling anything else look this is a moose antler from a Brussels sprout or a cat's palp mummified Egyptian back to the palps eh, okay, it's very fragile because it's mummified in Egyptian, it looks like a Brussels sprout, but that's why I don't think it's a Brussels sprout.
I see the porous. I'm going for a bone structure, that's why I wrote elk antler elk antler, but because I knew you'd think so, so I'm going to choose elk are you sure, yeah, I'm as sure as I've ever been I'm more sure of any thing in my life, well that should tell you something because this is a br no damn and look how much fun he is having. I've never had so much fun with a Brussels sprout man. Well, because Brussels sprouts are much smaller for us. he's in it's like he's in a bed full of cabbage, we've done it before, yes we did it, yes, and it was fun, yes, I made him boobies and finally, right, you have no chance to get off Instagram gracing yourself in a miniature. suit, but just for fun and education is this tidy toilet paper or madana skin oh come on hey come on hey hey I'm a big fan of toilet paper I called them Whitey tidies isn't that what we called them? those Whitey ties, we were wrong, toilet paper, it doesn't even matter anymore.
I mean, I have a couple of ratty Whitey ties that I still have. It looks like this. What has holes in it? It's pretty easy, but I'm going to go with you, you're right, you see that too. PL, my goodness, I don't know what's been eating that toilet paper. There is an animal there that is crazy. Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing. and see the world up close see it differently do you know what time it is hello I'm Mariah and I'm Whitney and it's time to spin the wheel of mythology I want to know what a good mythical hat looks like under a microscope in one direction to find out , get one or two and get a microscope, we don't sell them yet, but we have one forever with the gor, so click on Brett will put stuff under there and I'm going to guess what it is. it's congratulations to the gift of the day congratulations to the gift of the day let's look at you now congratulations your GIF of the day is a potato with weird eyes that's a potato with eyes inside now it's that real real man wow I'm going to get one of those and I will enter it at the state fair.
Could they bring potatoes to the fair? You can enter it with those who have eyes would win. Click left to watch our after show. Good Mythical More, click right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning and click the circular channel icon to subscribe, thanks for being your best mythical.

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