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Greene Embarrasses Herself at Hearing; DeSantis Tries to Out-MAGA Trump: A Closer Look

Apr 08, 2024
-Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are competing against each other to see who can be more extreme in the culture war nonsense in their appeals to the MAGA base, with DeSantis even going so far as to ban books in schools and give tax breaks for gas stoves , and Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed in a committee


that elementary schools are spending billions of dollars on critical race theory. To learn more about this, it's time to take a



. A central thing that Donald Trump revealed about the modern Republican Party is that it has no worldview or coherent agenda.
greene embarrasses herself at hearing desantis tries to out maga trump a closer look
They are completely directionless. They are basically Roombas. When they come across something they don't understand, they simply head in the opposite direction. You can see that every time Trump opens his mouth, he doesn't talk about policies or issues. He talks about fabricated right-wing complaints he heard about on Fox News. Here's an example from his recent campaign start that, as far as I know, doesn't make any sense. -Every day for the United States is always April Fool's Day. This occurred to me yesterday, because I see what is happening. I say, "What's happening? What's happening? What's happening?" It's like April Fool's Day, right?
greene embarrasses herself at hearing desantis tries to out maga trump a closer look

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greene embarrasses herself at hearing desantis tries to out maga trump a closer look...

We have open borders when they should be closed. April Fool's Day, right? We have prisoners and people from mental institutions and terrorists who are thrown into our country when they should not be accepted. April Fool's Day, right? We have people in the middle of the biggest crime wave in history who want to defund our police. “This is April Fools’ Day again.” We have Antifa and BLM who hate our country and burn down our cities, and they are fully protected by law enforcement. And yet they imprison American patriots. What is happening there? That's all April 1, April 1, April Fool's Day. -I know this is obvious.
greene embarrasses herself at hearing desantis tries to out maga trump a closer look
Those are all really bad April Fools' Day jokes. Every day is April Fool's Day. It


s like he's releasing a sequel to "Groundhog Day." Alright, get this: I play a local sportscaster who gets stranded in a small town called Palm Beach, Florida. And every day I wake up and the alarm goes off and the same song plays: "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham! - So we'll have to pay to get the license, or if it's too expensive, I'll just record the sound like "Get me out of bed before you leave." There you have it, that part is done.
greene embarrasses herself at hearing desantis tries to out maga trump a closer look
And then in the movie, I realize it's the same day again: April Fool's Day, April Fool's Day. But since it's always April Fool's Day, I can't be sure if it's the same day or if it's a prank to make me believe it's the same day, so I learn nothing and fall off a cliff with a groundhog. That's right, every day is April Fool's Day. And honestly, I don't know why he's complaining, because he's exactly the kind of jerk who loves April Fools' Day. A holiday where I lie to people and then make fun of them when they believe me?
I'm in! Trump is competing with his likely primary rival for the Republican nomination, Ron DeSantis, to appeal to the MAGA base by throwing in as much red meat as possible. It's not about doing anything to improve people's lives. It's just about pissing off liberals. For example, you may remember that after another study linked childhood asthma to gas stoves, there was a brief discussion about banning gas stoves, something the Biden administration quickly made clear it has no plans to do. Now again, the study found that gas stoves carry about the same risk of childhood asthma as secondhand smoke.
So it's not that giving up gas stoves was the worst thing in the world. I mean, honestly, other than the idiots who think it's cool to light their cigarettes with them, who cares? But Fox News lost its mind and then Trump and DeSantis did the same. First, Trump said this: We've proposed mandatory electric stoves, think about that, and electric cars. They want mandatory stoves. And the people who are cooks... I'm not a very good cook, but cooks say that gas is better. It's crazy what they're doing. It's crazy. -You know, you don't need to say that I'm not a very good cook.
No one believes you've ever cooked anything in your life unless microwaving a 3-day-old Filet-O-Fish you found in your golf bag counts as cooking. Still warm! Clearly, if anyone cooks in the Trump family, it's Melania. Donald, you've barely touched your diamonds. Seriously... No one has ever looked at this picture and thought, "Well, there's a man who knows his way around a spice rack." I can't even imagine what Donald Trump would be like cooking something. For starters, his skin is so leathery and thick that I firmly believe he could have his hand in a hot frying pan for 10 minutes without realizing it.
Is anyone cooking ham? It's... Oh, son of a bitch. It was my hand again, false alarm. That was Trump's reaction. So DeSantis had to get over it. You see, DeSantis' entire agenda is simply taking segments from Fox News and turning them into policy. He set up that horrible immigrant stunt where he dropped them off on Martha's Vineyard without telling them where they were going. He took steps to ban supposedly woke books from schools, including woke math books. And then this week he introduced a tax break for gas stoves. -We have just added, because I think it is necessary, not to permanently tax gas stoves.
They want your gas stove and we won't let that happen. You know, it's ridiculous that they... and want to go after him. They received an adverse reaction, so they had to back off. They want to go after gas stoves. And so we say, you know, we want you to be able to buy them free of charge in the state of Florida for taxes. -Alright. First of all, this guy is trying so hard to imitate Trump's hand movements. What... what is this thing? What is that thing you both do with your hands, going out and back in again and again as if you were playing an invisible accordion?
They both look like flightless birds who are not willing to give up on their dream. But, Ron, you're an emu. It doesn't matter what you are, as long as you believe. I mean, I've never seen anyone do this unless they were defending themselves against an accusation of wrongdoing or showing up at a party they weren't invited to. Hey, it's me, Uncle Terry. I know you don't want me here... ...after I stole your purse, but I'm coming with gifts like a Marlboro Lights and some kids' lottery tickets. Hey, speaking of Marlboro, do you still have that gas stove?
Terry didn't get the light from him. Second, not only is it quiet... Second, this trick is not only dumb, according to science, it's dumb, according to residents of its own state, because the vast majority of stoves in Florida are already electric: Only 8% of homes in the state use gas stoves and 92% opt for electric ones. That's the lowest rate of gas stove use in the country. Goodness, Florida uses electric stoves, but that can only mean one thing: Florida has woken up. -Day of the Innocents'. -Think how stupid that is. He wants a tax cut for something his own residents don't use just because it would anger liberals.
Also, a tax reduction for gas stoves is very boring. At least when Trump wages culture wars, he goes all out. Antifa is coming to your house to take away your gas stove and kill Santa Claus. They want to kill... They want to kill Santa, because she hasn't woken up. They want to cancel Christmas and replace it with... -April Fool's Day. - I have no idea... I have no idea what will happen in the GOP primaries, and I've certainly been wrong before, but I'm not sure DeSantis has what it takes. If you hire the world's greatest scientist to build someone in a lab for Trump to make fun of, you couldn't do it better.
I mean, he's shorter than Trump. It's weird. He has those stylish white boots. His full name...his full name is Ronald Dion DeSantis. That is 100% true. I'm not saying DeSantis won't win, but Trump will have fun with this idiot. Many people say that Ron Celine Dion DeSantis likes to wear big white gogo boots to make him look taller than he is. He is a very short man, he is very sad. And so he is left with his chest swollen like a pigeon stealing a potato chip. Trump and DeSantis are simply competing to see who can win the right-wing culture wars.
That's why DeSantis has built his entire agenda around culture war nonsense. In fact, this week, a viral video found that at least one school library in Florida was basically empty due to DeSantis' silly rules against supposedly woke subjects in schools. -It is a video that has been viewed more than 5 million times. Empty Mandarin High School library shelves taken over by a substitute teacher who says he is left speechless as the school reviews the content of his books following state guidelines. Schools are now required to review their libraries and teachers' classroom book collections to ensure they do not violate certain themes outlined by the state of Florida. -I have never heard of a library that simply ran out of books.
That sounds like an excuse your kids would use if you sent them to the library to do their homework and they skipped the visit to smoke pot at the mall. And when you confronted them, they would probably go all Ron DeSantis. "Kevin, where are all your books?" "Oh, were they, uh, out?" "The library... The library ran out of books?" "Yeah?" "Okay, I'm going to take off." And I hope...I hope all the pundits who claim the left is responsible for cancel culture are losing their minds with all the books coming off school shelves. Because this is not theoretical, it is real.
Teachers, librarians, school districts, say they have no idea what is and isn't allowed under DeSantis' censorship laws. So the result is this. This obsession with critical race theory has gotten so crazy. It came up yesterday at a congressional


on pandemic aid. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who Republican leadership has brought back to committees after Democrats ousted her, asked the U.S. comptroller general how much pandemic money has been spent on critical race theory. Now, this is already an absurd question, which clearly puzzled the witness. But pay attention to the amount of money she claims one school received to promote CRT. -Mister.
Dodaro, can you tell me how much... how much COVID cash went to CRT? -CRT? -Critical race theory in education. -No, I do not know. But I do know that there are provisions that federal funds are generally not used, but rather are supposed to be used for curriculum. -Oh. -That's a state... -Oh, Mr. Dodaro, I have to tell you that in Illinois they received 5.1 billion dollars in an elementary school there, which used it for equity and diversity. -If that is true, which it is not, I think the problem would be less CRT and more that an elementary school received $5.1 billion.
She actually said that one school received $5.1 billion. If that were true, other schools would be very jealous. “We had to have a bake sale to buy new football shirts.” "We just financed the last two 'Avatar' movies." Which, by the way, are movies that I assume Greene also believes are real. "The Deep State doesn't want you to know that all those people are turning blue from the COVID vaccine and that they are now 3D!" So the Republican Party believes they should be able to sit on committees. Meanwhile, today they voted to expel Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a refugee and one of only two Muslim women in the House, from the Foreign Affairs Committee for the simple reason that they don't like her or her point of view. .
And by the way, it's not just me saying that, even Matt Gaetz, one of the most Trumpist members of the Republican Party, a guy who tried to overturn the 2020 election and lied about the January 6 insurrection, admitted it this week . -The reason I think many Republicans want to expel Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee is because they don't like what she has to say. -Do you know how good something has to be for me to agree with Matt Gaetz? The only other thing we agree on is the benefits of large foreheads. We see each other face to face, face to face.
Even after admitting what was really going on here, Gaetz still voted today with his fellow Republicans to impeach Omar. He didn't even have the courage to vote no on the resolution, although he apparently had the courage to wear this suit. I mean, look at that. He looks like a villain from a futuristic video game called "Disco Crime 3000." Republicans are censoring books in schools, removing people from committees whose opinions they don't like, and yet they're the ones complaining about cancel culture. The right is totally in favor of censorship when it suits them. There is only one day a year when Republicans can say they aredefenders of freedom of expression, and that is... -April Fool's Day. -This has been a


look, everyone.

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