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Gordon Ramsay JUST WANTS FOOD | Hell's Kitchen

Jun 04, 2021
If you sauté scallops in a nonstick pan, they won't stick, which is why it's called nonstick. I don't know what non-stick means in Texas, honey, but let's see if this goes well, okay, truffle for the scholars, please, service, please, sorry, what's going on? nothing chip nothing chef who is yelling and screaming and sarah let me tell you something you are not a cheerleader


stop acting like one because we have nothing to smile and listen to ladies it's been an hour and 40 minutes for four starters and I personally don't care I wouldn't laugh or scream or start wetting his panties because that's embarrassing yeah chef no he deserves to be yelled at I feel like a little worm on a big hook right now


take a good look in the mirror because it's embarrassing almost two hours after the dinner service both teams have prepared appetizers now the pressure is on virginia and gabe to bring out the main courses how long please dave i'm going to need ten minutes chef oh come on chef the oven wasn't hot enough and It wasn't well done, I'm not going to give it to you, it's not well done, oh come on guys, it's very frustrating because it's not like he's watching every move, he just turns around and looks at you for two or three seconds, I really don't. he has no idea ten minutes and we're so far into this it's amazing while the main courses are giving gabe trouble in the blue


in the red


virginia is getting her first wellington for chef


virginia come here a minute the meat is gone cooked gets "It's okay, Virginia, he got scared.
gordon ramsay just wants food hell s kitchen
You know, I wish I had been in a hot season doing the competitions. I couldn't believe he had me standing there like a big idiot. Come on, the wellies aren't complicated." they're not cooked yet how long do the wellies take I don't know they stay outside drowning faster sorry guys, they're all rough, they're raw, put them back in the oven Virginia, can you? why the


are we open? I don't know. I'm trying so hard I don't know I'm not ready I don't know the menu I don't know the times it's only 24 hours I know I'm making a mistake preparing this whatever you cooked, just I want I don't care what else isn't ready I just want some


now I don't know what to do it was horrible like it was so messy oh come on mess whatever you guys can think of to do if you can do four up that would be so much more easy.
gordon ramsay just wants food hell s kitchen

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gordon ramsay just wants food hell s kitchen...

I don't know what you should do about it. What do you guys think about the sauce? I have a lot of lamb broth, that's all I have sauce, this is real broth, there's no way in, we can get past this. By all accounts, it's lamb sauce. I was totally desperate, desperate enough to go to the other team and ask them for lamb broth. Maybe have some lemon broth. It's very salty. Oh please, guys, no way you don't want to. to share it with me you guys don't know if you might need something in the future I don't care it was horrible it was horrible no matter what I did something was wrong we are so amazing three hours after opening night customers I got a lot of wine but very little


and you're still Telling us it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, what's the deal, bro, I swear it's coming, man, just, okay, I'll plug it in three hours after dinner service and a lot of the customers leave hungry, but that doesn't stop the women from still bringing out their first main courses, okay please wellington, right now we felt like our wheels were finally greased, it was just a glimmer of hope that maybe we could do this, come on, come on, please favor.
gordon ramsay just wants food hell s kitchen
It tastes good, yes, thank you, yes, look first, Virginia, please come here, Virginia, Virginia, yes, one splits up and looks, they are all stuck together, don't start together, everyone will join in on that show, so it's the child's fault, not yours in your restaurant. Serve it, yes, repeat it, yes, I would make a chef, so that's enough for you, yes, I'll ask you one more time. Would you really help? I'll do a little more chef. I think it's a very sensible idea, it's not how I put it. The torleys in there are broken and broken because I mistreated them, I packed them carefully, but of course he is riding me, like he always rides me, excuse me chef, yes, dead, gone, what do you mean they They're gone, so that's my next problem?
gordon ramsay just wants food hell s kitchen
That table is no longer there, ladies, ladies, ladies, just of course, excuse me, stay there and look in the dining room, how are you? Hey,


o, Gabe, Sinbad, shut up, yeah, mop, hello, come here, just come here, all four of you, stand there and say it. Yo, what you see in the dining room, where is Jp, guys, where is Belgium? I would love to sit around 11 11 beautiful ladies, let's go, please, hey, what are you trying to do? Lose your virginity while Heather suffers a setback that Keith is about to shove. His last snacks are ready, but she needs a little help from Tom Yo Tom.
I need to start making more tomato sauce. I'm almost done. That's not going to happen. That's not going to happen. Given enough time, think about where else the tomato sauce comes from. finished, keith, oh no, tommy, don't do that, it doesn't matter, I've already started, Keith, right? What's going on? Why are you making tomatoes? He had asked me. He was running out of tomato sauce. Oh, I already have it. I have it good. What are we playing? doing it trying to eat it he's totally throwing me under the bus and I had to look at him and give him the evil eye like you dude I want more spaghetti right now come on it's an hour and ten minutes after dinner service and sarah and virginia is helping heather prepare the main courses for their fifth table while the men once again wait for giacomo hey bozo yes chef tell me how pink that duck is not at all select chef not even close donkey do you have another duck resting yes chefs where Right here, chef , show me one, why are you lying to me now?
Chef, so I had one here and I knew I had half of it. I know I cook enough, why are you lying to me? Sorry, chef, I didn't mean it. Lying you are useless, you know that tonight, one of the worst nights I have personally had in my entire life, come on, Jacomo, working at the meat station, has paralyzed his team and Chef Ramsay to the breaking point. I've had enough and I'm about to do something I've never done before in Hell's Kitchen I've had enough giacomo yeah chef I've had enough now I've had enough let's switch sections get out of that section and get on the fish, yeah chef , he put you behind you need to take it back now yeah you got it jeff let's go when I got to the meat station I was just screwed I don't even know what Giacomo did there everything.
It was overcooked, I mean, where the Wellington panic throws them in the trash, Keith, I know they were well done, oh my god, oh oh, mate, Tom's really hurt, guys, mate, what do you want me to do? Pretend it doesn't hurt. He got nervous and burned. hand and then that was it he was like a laxative and then I got mad at him just move walking like that you buried me keith what do you mean I buried you you did it with marriage you asked me to do it what? What are you doing now? I told him to stop forcing him.
He gave me the other sauce. I did it. That's all while Tom suckles his hand. Diners at the blue tables are waiting for the main courses. The bread is tasty, but you are going to eat so much bread that you just eat. so much bread meanwhile the women's kitchen has successfully served half of their main dishes the most popular dish has been the lamb Wellington and that is putting pressure on the meat station and Maribel eight people are ordering, they will receive Wellington tonight how many do you have oh? Okay, I had to tell Maribel that there are eight people out there who looked at a menu and ordered that dish.
You should know this. Oh my god, I only have six. My butt is in a lot of trouble right now. Do you know what I'm going to tell him? them right now you have to say chef yes you have eight wellies I only have six let's not go man oh no I can't know listen just excuse me are you talking to me are we fine no don't you dare yes sir? She just told me about a big problem we have, you're saying we're good, we have lamb, we have pastries, yeah, move your ass, Maribel, yeah, we'll make them fresh, useless, I love you too, man, oh God.
God, oh, what's wrong, Tom? I burned my hand really bad, really show me, do we need an ambulance? No, I mean, I'll get it later. It's okay, I don't need a drama queen. Okay, not really, honestly. Sorry, how old are you, big boy? 43 43 yeah, you have a pair of balls, don't you? Yeah right now hi hey hey I used to wear them I know I will yeah no seriously I'll throw my little hand out and she's a big drama queen it really hurt I thought I was going to throw up bye.

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