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Good Student vs Bad Student - Study Hard with Wolfoo! - Educational Video for Kids | Wolfoo Channel

Jun 18, 2024
come on





oh oh come on Wu no next time have you drawn your favorite flowers that I told you yes yes ah why the cauliflower because it's delicious mm I forgot don't look at me I did it I don't do my homework either oh huh huh aha a huh um oh oh huh huh Wu buo you're so loud we haven't done anything eh H um huh m-boo please eh huh let me cool look you should have concentrated on your staty eh wow oo yes yes hooray oh wow aha oh what did you get waffle um huh huh um oh huh oh woo start hotter oh huh huh where's the test result oh huh m h oh hm uh oh c h um o I should aim eh woo I won't go out until I have a name oh h M oh oh I want to get


grades but I can remember anything if you want good grades you must


the right way yes I'm on the next level uhhuh m m uhhuh mhm o wow huh uh H wow hoay W you save energy eh what are you doing mhm H I'm practicing for the best student competition in school there is no way I can win the IQ test and the talent round ooh oh there is an r oh so I must try


in the sports round oo yes, yellow, orange and green, blue, oh um um um uh M mhm you should get some rest honey tomorrow is d-day but if you don't get enough rest you won't be strong enough to compete oh no uh Violet let me put on Violet's shoes uh oh I don't want to be like that so now go away to bed mhm o wow today a responsibility of the students m Moo go back to your seat guys, recess is over I'm in charge today listen to me or I'll tell the teacher um uh-huh huh o go go go and stop playing it's time to


H uh Ho oh huh ha ah aha come here h h H mhm wow stop oh terrible eh uh what is that? noise uh I didn't hear anything oh oh h Huh waffle piggy what's wrong with you huh or you can be a good student if you don't follow the classroom rules oh um we're sorry 1 2 3 4 5 hello and sick in the classroom uhuh M uhhuh huh 20 Ready or not Here I go H oh huh hm where are you guys hiding? they're here eh oh oh oh no h mm H oh huh ho how fun H oh Buffo's Locker wow how cool my dad just bought me this will be the best Locker wow it's so big can I put some of my things in your locker oh o ?
good student vs bad student   study hard with wolfoo   educational video for kids wolfoo channel
H oh M huh and yes we will have a test after recess go get your colors yeah eh MH wow oops oops oh no eh H oh huh um can you use my colors mhm oo eh New things can still go bad if not used carefully um oh let's give your lockers a makeover wow wow wow good job kiss huh where's the cat's homework? You did your homework? uh today. Get an A+ H. My cat. I want to show you something. Apple Apple Poo didn't do his homework for sure. Hey. nothing here ooh come here come here oh H H any questions kiss no ma'am H man what nothing no cat where is your notebook without a handle ah you guys hit my book I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, you guys need to work


er on your homework, okay? ? wow the golden pen mommy please ah ah H wow this pen can solve any exercise that is impossible eh look at me oh a eh ah everything is correct with this golden pen I will be the best student hm Wu H let's review for tomorrow's exam I don't No necessary I have this gold pen What is that for?
good student vs bad student   study hard with wolfoo   educational video for kids wolfoo channel

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Oh hi, how can you do that without the gold pen? No pen has the magic to help you. You need to study alone ooh a ah oo, let's study together so we can both a name uhhuh popular woo oh wow wooo wow wow oh yes um a oh H mhm wow ooh uhhuh eh enjoy being popular oh H H wow uh oh wow oo you have a fan meeting immediately uhhuh oh ooh oh a eh a o huh huh oh or being a normal person is even better hello superhero Lucy at school wow oh Lucy, let's choose the outfit for the first day of school yes oh H can someone do it oh me meow oh aha oh thank you oh do you want to eat apples let me help you wow oh h wow H uh oh h ah let's put the word together in math operations wow wow or let me finish it first uh oh I know Luc loves solving math but you haven't learned these things yet let me teach you later let me help you yes oh oh m W oh no oh Lucy, are you hurt? oh, these are just toy costumes, they are not real.
good student vs bad student   study hard with wolfoo   educational video for kids wolfoo channel
Powers, uh, yeah, but I just want to help everyone. ah, i have an idea, ooh.
good student vs bad student   study hard with wolfoo   educational video for kids wolfoo channel

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