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Ellie Charlotte & Andrea Foam Block Teamwork Adventures

May 17, 2024
Great, you're


ing the door, it's not safe to play in here, oh, sorry, come on Ellie, let's clean up, okay, good job, Ellie, thanks for your help, man, that's it, hey, Uncle Charlotte, no You can play on the stairs, it's dangerous, oh I didn't. think about it sorry man okay let's clean up good oh ready man good job that's it you can't play in the hall it's not safe okay sorry man all done hey Charlotte something's wrong, Ellie, there's nowhere to play with these


s, yeah, man it was. mad at me too wait i know come with me ok we can fill it with foone blocks to play with ok awesome we need more blocks let's go get some ok huh?
ellie charlotte andrea foam block teamwork adventures
I told the kids to clean up, I got it, where is it? blocks huh we can use these blocks you're thinking what I'm thinking let's do it we can use all of those come on Charlie come on there's got to be a better way to move these blocks. Oh, that should help, I can use them. this yay And what the hell is amazing wo oh no, there has to be an easier way, I got it, this is perfect, eh Andrea, can we borrow a truck? Sure, uh, it's not working Andrea H oh, it needs new batteries oh no, wait here.
ellie charlotte andrea foam block teamwork adventures

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ellie charlotte andrea foam block teamwork adventures...

I'll be right back eh, oh, there they are, hey, eh, what are you doing? Oh man, I need batteries for my car, sure, but first combine all the ways, easy, no, oh. Heart circle and a heart. Good job, star and a star I did. Can I have my batteries now man still not amazing balance the blocks okay not too fast you have to be patient remember patience w and we did it great job Andrea here your batteries thanks man you're welcome. I have the batteries and thanks Andrea, go, go. I thought I cleaned them out, eh, where's all the block?, eh, man, eh, we were just trying to play out of the way and that's why we needed the battery.
ellie charlotte andrea foam block teamwork adventures
Oh, sorry, I hope you move the blocks back into the pool. but it's only a time. I can know. Oh thanks. Wait, Ellie, the blocks fell down. Oops, you just need to balance it out. Look at the work. Andrea, like the game, is now all finished. Can we jump? Thank you, thank you, amazing. This is so amazing, yes, pretty amazing. Hey guys, hello, hello, you have a cool toy, can I play? Sorry, Ellie, you can't play with us. I wish I had a cool toy, yeah we have the best one, come on, hey Ellie, oh. hey, what's up?
ellie charlotte andrea foam block teamwork adventures
Ellie Alex and London have this really cool toy, oh, the building blocks, Ellie, yeah, they didn't let you play, no, they didn't let me play, oh, I'm sorry, Ellie, hey, you know what since you've been doing? good at school M do you know what it is 2*5 Ellie H geography correct wow AIA that's right amazing US History what's happening in this picture decoration Independence this is what the Declaration of Independence is like science what's it called when I drop these v w inertia correct d learning is very fun since you are doing very well in school you deserve a real reward aunt thank you okay, I'll be right back Ellie, can you clean your room a little?
Okay, auntie, I'll do great, hello, hello, how can I help you? Do you happen to have those big colored blocks? They are like a big, soft box. Yes, I sold them to Lynon and Alex. Awesome, can I buy some? Oh, sorry, I sold the last one, but we have something cooler than that, really what? es, look at it, it's okay, thanks, I'll take it, I'm back, hi aunt, look what I got you, little one, wow, this is great, aunt Ellie, this is only half of the toy, come on, Ellie, follow me, it was That ball pit, babe.
I was holding yes, Alex, let's go see it, yes, come on, wow, this sounds amazing, you worked so hard in school, you deserve it, Ellie, are you ready, Ellie, yes, go, Ellie, it looks like you're having fun so much, wow, wow, this was fun, Ellie? I'm having so much fun Ellie has all these cool toys yeah hey Alex listen come and play you really want us to play with you but we don't share our toys sharing this game so sharing is caring it's a great idea we will be right. back okay cool hey Ellie come help us build something okay come on Ellie awesome this is an awesome ship yeah J this car thanks for letting us play with you Ellie yeah and I'm sorry no having let you play with us.
Guys, we learned valuable work. sharing lessons is loving goodbye amazing ooh ah thank you wow we did a very good job, didn't we? yeah, hello guys, hello, well you guys have a really cool toy, yeah, the coolest toy. I can play with you? No, I wish I could play with us. you have the coolest toy hi Eric hi aunt huh what's up Eric Emma and Jenny have this really cool toy oh those connecting blocks Eric yeah but they wouldn't let me play? Sorry, Eric, you know what, yeah, you've been very responsible lately. you've been keeping your room clean oh p it you've been doing your homework on time brushing your teeth good night and always going to bed on time since you've been so responsible I'll really help you pay for the new toy a t-shirt yeah you deserve it right?
I can help you pay Eric, how nice of you, take your payment? Bank and I'll pay the difference, okay, come on, hello, welcome to my store, how can I help you? Do you have connection blocks? Yes, yes, yes, yes. I sold some to Jan and Emma. Can I buy those blocks please, yes you can, it will be $100. Let's see how much money you have. Eric, okay, one 2 3 4 5 five five H 51, oh, okay, okay, $5 10 25 5050 75 uhhuh. $113 is fine and the remaining balance is $8897 $88.95 oh and more tax more tax Eric yeah let's come back next time when we have enough money how about recycle recycling yes recycle you can hand in cans and balls for money in the recycling center?
I could do that, yeah Eric, plus it's great for the environment. We can recycle? Aunt Eric. Okay, where do we start? Good question, hey I know a local park that needs cleaning. We can go to the park? AE, of course, oh, I almost forgot. safety equipment good idea great, we have a lot to clean up wow Eric, we did a very good job Yes, hello guys, welcome to the recycling center, it seems like they have a lot of recyclable materials, it sure does, let's see how much it weighs wow it's $20 the second one bag is another $20 you have $40 so far we have $60 Eric oh this one is heavy we have one more bag to carry wow this one weighed $39.99 or Eric we are a penny short Sorry Eric excuse me, the mayor who cleaned the park back there uh, Me and aunt are very impressed and I would like to reward you for your efforts.
Eric, you have enough to buy the toy now I will, but what is Eric? Oh, Eric, that's so kind. You, let's do it, those are ball pits, let's follow them, how did he get all that? It looks really fun, jny Emma, ​​come play with me, but we don't share our toys with you, sharing is caring, sharing is caring, yeah that's a great idea, we'll be right back Eric, okay Eric, help us build something, okay, wow, this is an amazing walking chip, yes,


makes DreamWork bold, it's caring, sorry again for not letting you play nice, I'm so proud of you for learning. how to share and care, yeah, bye, whoever creates the tallest pyramid wins, ready, get ready, I'm already winning guys, I'm almost done, guys, hello, come on, others can't play with me, no, now, yeah, we're busy .
I can't play with the song oh no my pyramid oopsy sorry I'll win guys oh no I'm sorry my bad you ruined our pyramids Leo I'm sorry I'll go I almost won it's okay Alex we could do it again okay . the time we build the coolest animal wins my animal has a long neck my animal is playful I'm done look, I made a giraffe look at my dog ​​guys, I win because the girls are cooler no, I win because those are cooler, why what don't we ask? Uncle K will be our judge, good idea, let's go well when Wendy Alex Wendy Alex is not here.
I'll just touch him, he's here. Uncle K, huh, huh, what happened to my giraffe and my dog? Sorry I didn't see that, Liam, keep going. Destroying our things, come on, Liam keeps destroying our things, oh ah, what's good? Yeah, I'll go to the store and buy you a bigger block so Liam can't break it, okay? Uncle K, while you're gone, we'll clean up, okay? bye, hello Uncle Sam, hello Uncle K, welcome to my store, how can I help you? I want to buy the strongest building block, Uncle Sam's strongest building blocks, all these blocks are super strong, when they have this one, I like to have those, so take them both and go, Sam, how much is it just $ 20 please $20 here's your money thanks okay no problem hey let me help you thanks for everything thanks bye Wendy Alex look what I got yeah thanks man no there is a problem. let's start building, okay, I know what I'm going to build too H I wonder what you guys will do shh, let's keep it a secret guys, I'm done with me too I made a house and I made a person to live in the house H, they're both great, Let me see hello Leo, hello, can't you play with me?
Okay, I'm sorry, my Liam, why do you keep breaking our things? Sorry, I just want to play, okay, let's play together. Liam, okay, let's go home, okay, yeah. We're done, yeah, wow, the Tower and the house look great, guys, look at my Lego toys. Wow, let's build London Bridge guys, amazing. London Bridge is falling, falling, falling, look at me, look at my London Bridge, up, incredible, leave my house. Hello wow, your Lego BLX is great. Can I play with you? No, I just want to play alone. I really love it, please, okay, I'll give you one.
Here you have. Wy, uh, just one. I can't play one. I need two. No, uh, Liam doesn't want to share toys with me. I'm really sad, okay, bye Liam, hi Uncle K, hi Wendy, uh, why do you look so sad? Liam doesn't want to share his toy block with me, eh, really. Don't worry, I've done it. a lot of toy blocks here h these are too small I want a big one like this you want a big block how about this one and this one? I don't like them and they are too big. I like this one, okay, Wendy?
I'll buy you that block, but you have to help me clean up, okay, no problem, man, I'll help you, thanks, let's do it, we're done, Wendy, let's go with the flow, come on, come on, hey auntie, hey guys, welcome to me store, how am I? I'm helping you today, we want to buy the giant Lego PL for Wendy, yeah, like this one, sorry guys, I don't have that giant Lego, but I have this one here and here. Uncle K already has these boxes and I really want this. one I'm sorry Wendy but that's all I have eh I can't have the Lego block I want I'm really sad don't be sad Wendy let's go home okay let's wait guys what happened auntie ?
I have an idea. I can make the giant block. for you using my magic wand, what a magic wand, can you do it right now? Auntie, it's okay, Evra Cadabra W, this is exactly what I wanted. Auntie, yes, how much does it cost? Man, it's only $2 guys, $2, here's your money, thanks, you can fix the Lego blocks. over here in this car, okay, thank you, auntie, okay, let's do it, come on, come on, come on, Wendy, okay, bye, auntie, come on when, okay, let's play, man, okay, man, I have an idea, we should do the challenge construction, good idea Wendy, but what's the rule?
The rule is whoever finishes their building first wins, okay, let's do it. Wow, cool, oo, I'm done, Uncle K, how about you, me too, Wendy, guys, look at my pyramid? It has such a beautiful color. Wow, do you like it? Wendy's pyramid is great, but. Check out my giraffes guys, awesome. I think your pyramid is cool and my rabbit Che is cool too. Wendy, so we both win. Hello hello. Your toys are great. Don't they love you? Shely and you can play with us. I didn't share it. toys with you before it's okay Liam sharing his carrot okay Liam let's play together look at my magic Wow that's amazing look at my car guys wow that's cool can I try it?
Okay thanks BM, wow wow that's great Liam can you do that? one for me, okay, okay, wow, this is cool, let's check it out guys, ooh, this is the best car ever, thanks li, we love the car, you're welcome, thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy our program. Remember to subscribe to his channel. click the Bell button until next time, bye, him.

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