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MYSTERY HACKER vs ROBLOX Game Challenges in Battle Royale to Win Hatch Device from PZ Squire

May 17, 2024
real? Sorry, V. I guess this is a conversation. For me and Squire, okay, I'm going to watch them through the window then, so here's the deal. I don't know what's in the


, okay, but what I do know is that whatever's inside is really important to the easy leader. I don't even know what's in the


. What's the point of trying to unlock it? So if it's important to the PC leader, I want to know. He just keeps asking her for information. Melvin, okay, there are actually some rumors circulating in project zero that inside the Hatch is a monster, yes, it is definitely a monster, a monster.
mystery hacker vs roblox game challenges in battle royale to win hatch device from pz squire
Squier monsters aren't real, just in your imagination, buddy, Squire, eh what? About that


you have there long before I tell you more, in fact I have a favor to ask you pz9, okay, what is it, Squire? Well, it's actually a little embarrassing to admit it, to spit it out, but I have a bully who already called. projects or go, I wouldn't be surprised if he was being harassed, but it's not difficult for stalkers to manifest themselves within a digital space, yes, anyone can be a stalker behind a keyboard, he's been stalking me in this


, it's called arsenal , Alright. wait, would you expect us to do cable?
mystery hacker vs roblox game challenges in battle royale to win hatch device from pz squire

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mystery hacker vs roblox game challenges in battle royale to win hatch device from pz squire...

Maybe you could help me beat him and then he'll stop bullying me for being mean, Corey. I mean we should help him even though he wants us to play another


with him if that means facing his bully I think we should help him do it if you do then I'll give you more information okay he's totally believing it I think okay cool pz9 okay follow me let's play okay this is Arsenal my mom says no I'm allowed to play this but it's


so I think it should be fine yeah it's yeah oh no. Melvin, my bully is on the other team, we have to beat him if we lose, he'll save the bad stuff for me, hey, watch my back, watch my back.
mystery hacker vs roblox game challenges in battle royale to win hatch device from pz squire
I set fire, everyone defend me, where are you? Oh critics, yes, don't worry, Bea, I'll run the game, no, I'll get someone. These kids play too much Roblox. Are they still good kids, why aren't they watching? my back camper is probably using house mice whatever yeah we're using aimbots that


s use so they always get critical hits tell these kids to tell your mom it smells like leftover spaghetti oh come on You don't mean to do that. that's not what we're here for we have to focus on the mission you shouldn't be mad at people he's camping in the building this guy is cheating oh no that's fair yeah and Squire looks up to you he's like your friend so you should set a good example for him and just not the rank, you know, but we are absolutely losing right now, we are getting demolished, it's just a game against our new, what if BT Squire doesn't tell us the clue because we don't ask?
mystery hacker vs roblox game challenges in battle royale to win hatch device from pz squire
Oh, he's just trying to play better. ok, that's fine with me, you guys like pepperoni, pepperoni put in your mouth, there you have it, you're supposed to help me win. Oh, I can't let my bully see me fall like this. I have to show them that I am the best at


, does that ruin our track? Yeah they're really good, maybe if I practice more I can be like them, hey this guy just messaged me. Gigi, Gigi means good game and many times it is a sign of respect, cute, oh oh, but it's okay, I see. what you're saying pz9 we had a lot of fun right sir yes that's all that matters yes that


looks a bit old wait do you want me to give you the device the pc leader gave me?
That old thing still works double duty. -to batteries Oh, what do you think we should try to change it for something we can't just take away? What's new right now? You probably want the latest gaming system. Maybe I can ask him. Hey, Squire, what do you say? make a little trade for that old piece of tech you have give yourself a cool upgrade or something, well what I really want is a brand new computer so I can game for a fortnight on the highest graphics settings. I also want a VR headset so I can escape the world my mom lives in and yes, everyone at school has the new iPhone 11 and I don't, and I call 11, that seems doable.
Oh your paycheck is a good idea Squire, yes an iPhone 11 has much better hacking technology. How about we meet? and we'll trade you for that oh yeah, that would actually be cool. I will be alone. I won't bring money with me when you come. Can you bring Veronica Claus? No, do my accent in real life. I mean you're pretty good at dressing this up for them, you can hold the camera and I'm behind it, but yeah, I can go as straight as your cameraman or something, oh God, she thinks I'm like that like a little girl, well I think you can to fit in. the part quite easily sure sure sure okay for the hatch, I'll do it, hatch, okay Squire, you know our meeting place.
I'll invite Veronica and we'll be there. I'll see you there in 30 minutes, iPhone 11. better be the pro model with the three cameras or it's just garbage, oh okay, now I'll have to be a little girl or whatever Veronica Kwan looks like, okay, she'll be expecting a super tall six foot four girl, maybe you should. bring Chad if you dressed up in your accent then I mean you would also like a tea towel or something let's do this right we're here in the park we have the iPhone 11 for Squier and I decided to add an Apple to it.
Look at it because I miss it and I'm a big fan of watches when we're here with my uh my camera Veronica Guan yeah avi obstacle expert and ladder climber Master Simon I mean okay I gotta make sure have your accent. because we're going to meet Squire for real and I don't know if he's waiting for Veronica Quine. I'm not sure either and this will be the first time he'll see me in person too. I ask you if you will even recognize yourself. maybe he recognizes my strong voice and my unique charisma, let's go find him, okay, wait, what's that kid over there, our meeting place, so to speak, yeah, yeah, the green shirt, right, that one must be him?
I'll just stay behind the camera. I'm a little nervous now probably not as nervous as Squire is right now meeting his first girl in person, that's me, are you ready? Veronica Quine, let's go find him. Hey, Squire, unique and exclusive. What's wrong with your face? There's nothing wrong with my face, okay, why is this what? Looks like I know I didn't update my avatar, you don't look too bad thanks Veronica kwan or Squire, this is Veronica Kwan oh hi friend, nice to meet you, we're here with what you told us, an iPhone 11 and Sweeten the deal.
I brought an Apple Watch and you know you want to be Veronica Kwan, so it's a good trade-off. Okay, yeah, it's a good trade. Does this mean you will accept my friend request? Oh, okay, buddy. I will add you to friends list after you give us a device. Sorry, I bought you what you asked for, an iPhone 11 and what did you want. I wanted the new green coat, not this crap you've seen. EP Squire, well obviously I want the latest. And the best thing is that I add an Apple watch so you have even more technology.
Two is better than one. I guess what this is. It even fits me well. It's the standard. I guess I don't know black. I didn't know it existed. they are different colors of Apple watches pz9 you know, but I also forged Veronica quad for being so rude in front of our guest here. I bought that device we were going to trade for it so jump if you have it oh yeah I don't know why The leader gave it to you anyway look at this you can choose to have this or you can get it next time I want the new color Veronica , okay, it was nice meeting you, Escudero, I'll see you online next time with friends, okay, as long as we're on my friends list, we're still friends, whatever, you gave me the wrong gift, uh, I'm out, we have what we came for.
I hope it is worth it. This seems so simple that it will open the hitch. Let's go from here. You have to show them what we have. Yes, we have this device here from PZ Squire and the leader gave it to you. This is the same thing that was in the project, a kind of video. Yes, the leader gave it to us to PZ Squire. I can not believe it. so this will open the hatch, plug this cable in and it fits in here perfectly, squeeze and it turns on, yeah.

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