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GOD’S PLAN & PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE | Fulfilling Your Destiny - Inspirational & Motivationa

Jun 03, 2021
No human being on earth is a mistake, none of us are a mistake, we were sent here specifically to do something valuable, that means God had something that needed to be done and He made you necessary. And most of us don't know our own


. earth The average human being does not know why he is on


et Earth, he wakes up every morning going to a job he hates working with people he doesn't like, he is paid less than he is worth and he dies too young out of frustration because I don't know why they exist And I discovered that the greatest tragedy in


is not death There is something worse than death The greatest tragedy in


is life without a


nothing is worse than being alive and not knowing why This is a tragedy for To live for 80 years and still didn't know why you were here, that's a tragedy.
god s plan purpose for your life fulfilling your destiny   inspirational motivationa
Without purpose, life has no meaning, no sense of


, no sense of precision. Because I am here? And this is the frustration of all humans. Millions of people are searching for their purpose, the reason for their existence, maybe that includes you. God has a will, a


for all of his children, never hear someone tell you, well, you are not important, every time someone looks at you and tells you that you are not important, you look at the cross and say, I will tell you. you, why am I important, he died for me, not only did he die for me, but he died for everyone, but everyone is important, he knows everything about


background, all the things you would mention, say, well, God couldn't use me , he could.
god s plan purpose for your life fulfilling your destiny   inspirational motivationa

More Interesting Facts About,

god s plan purpose for your life fulfilling your destiny inspirational motivationa...

He can't do this He can do it He knows everything about you He knew about you before you were born He has a will and a plan for all of our lives The tragedy is that most people will never think about They were never told I never thought about that God had a special plan for his life, yes, he does it right, what is God's plan for my life? Have you ever asked him? Proverbs 3 5 and 6 for example one of my favorite passages trust in the Lord with all


heart do not lean on your own understanding and in all your ways recognize him and what his promise is he will direct your path just trust him see what he will do He wants the best for you and if you have missed it until now, start today and tell Him Lord, I don't know what you can do with what is left over but God here I am, take me as I am In Jeremiah 29 verse 11 God says I know the plans I have for you now plans to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you hope and a future I know your plans God already finished you before He began you the bible says God saw you in your mother's house womb in the book of Isaiah when I read this it changed my life God says remember this, put it in your mind and don't forget it.
god s plan purpose for your life fulfilling your destiny   inspirational motivationa
What is so important? God says remember this I am God and there is no one like me he says now no Don't forget that I am God and there is no one like me second I am God and I always put the end before the beginning the next verse and I make it known from ancient times what is to come I say my purpose will remain that scripture changed my life God says I always put the end first, then go back and begin. Here's the good news. God would not allow you to have been conceived in your mother's womb unless there was already something finished that you were born to begin.
god s plan purpose for your life fulfilling your destiny   inspirational motivationa
That means you're not a mistake. you are a destined baby already finished God never begins with the beginning begins with the end then begins Then your success is already over only you have the unique plan that God has designed for you this is what Ephesians says because we are the work of God created in Christ Jesus do good works that God prepared in advance for us to do living translation says because we are God's masterpiece, he has created us anew in Christ Jesus so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago, now stop and read that again.
You are God's masterpiece before you were born, he created you for the purpose of your life and at the same time he was creating your work not for anyone else just for you so that's why be very careful to compare yourself with others there is almost always someone who seems more talented or more successful than you and if you are not careful you can fall into imitating that person even without realizing it. If you look to another person for the template of who you should be, you will lose it because God made you special and then threw away the plans, thank Him for your strength, thank Him for your weaknesses.
Once you understand your uniqueness, you will be on the right path to pursue the purpose for which God created you, so first of all, present yourself before God and then realize that I am a unique creation of Almighty God. He made me alone. He threw away the plans. There is no one like me on planet Earth. He has something special for me. The secret about you existed before the world began and therefore God did not give it to you. You were born and then you try to figure out why you exist. He established your


first and then gave birth to you.
That means then the secret about you cannot be discerned by human intelligence or by an IQ test. How many of you have allowed tests in school to determine who you are and tell you, well, you are an A student or a B student or a C student or an average student and you carry that score from high school to old age. I have come to tell you that It's a lie There are people who already have your life planned, sometimes it's what your parents see and that's why your mother calls you instead of God calling you.
How many children are living their parents' dreams instead of God's purpose? And that is why they feel frustrated because they are doing things that they were not born to please their parents not to please God I say it again no human being knows the truth about you because the truth about you is hidden in God when I studied the Bible each human being all no no no one was different each single human that God knew they did not believe him first each one of them Abraham yes Lord you are the father of many children Abraham was barren Moses yes Lord you are a powerful warrior and liberator Moses was a hidden shepherd of the law David you are a king this The boy was a shepherd behind the rocks.
You see, the truth about us is so incredible that we ourselves find it difficult to believe that they have not seen who you are, but the truth about you will challenge your concept of yourself because of the image you have of yourself. It's the one they gave you. I wonder how many amazing miracles we miss in our lives. I wonder how many simply amazing things God would do in people's lives if we could ever stop worrying about what everyone thinks and the worst thing you can do in the world is go to someone else and ask them what God wants you to do We let others people influence us oh that won't work well why would you want to try something like that?
Well I don't think I can do that in my lifetime listen to the God who created this world can do anything he chooses to do no matter what has happened in the past that is what it is you are talking to God who does the impossible. Life is not about using God for your purposes, it is about God using you for his purposes, it is about the Lord Jesus showing you how you fit into his plan and how you fit in. He has a lifetime of purposes stored up for you and perhaps me. Are you thinking I'm not sure what I want in God's plan What if I don't like it oh oh will you?
That's what you were created for. If you do not embrace God's plan, you will lose the purpose for which He created you. The Bible is very clear about this. This is what Jesus said. He said, "I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life when you follow God's plan for your life you will be walking in the divine power of God's light there is no other source of ultimate purpose all pursuits lead to darkness and futility if you are still afraid to present yourself fully to God Do you think he will ruin your life by telling you to do something you don't want to do or go somewhere you don't want to go.
I can tell you from my own testimony that everything I ever dreamed of doing in my life I found in God's purpose for me. I can't imagine doing anything other than what I have done as he has guided me, many of my dreams have come true, plus quite a few dreams I didn't even know I had, so the first step in pursuing the purpose I God has given you is to present yourself totally to God, he loves you. wants the best for you, you can trust him when you find your purpose, stop chasing things that will never satisfy you, instead you will find the joy of following the next steps God has for you.
Some of you have no idea what God would do for you and the only way to find out is to go out and find out that God said to Abraham, leave everything you know and go to a place that I will show you that he had to take a step in front. I wonder how many people live with dreams, visions, and amazingly big things in their hearts, but are afraid to even take a step in that direction to see what God could do. You're not waiting. in God God is waiting in you he is waiting to give you the best of you listen if you wait until you find out you never will What do you think God will do?
He will surprise you.

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