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GKL┇StringKing Composite Pro Faceoff Shaft Review

Jun 06, 2021
explain it to breathe in this week's burger on friday, we'll go over which axes are best for matchups, we'll go over what type of chef gives you the biggest advantage in matchups, so next time you're out looking for a chef for matchups it's all about to reduce both things, the price and the weight, oh I didn't see you there, my name is Blake, if you don't know who I am, then you sucked for a while. I made a confrontation video. axes and if they matter well at that time I said no, a year later String King comes out the specific axis of the matchup never seen before, let's see if he changed his mind, friends, I'm Blake from Grin Uncle's, welcome back to another video from today.
gkl stringking composite pro faceoff shaft review
We'll go over the axis of String King's Composite Face-to-Face Edition Pro. I've been using this


for about two or three weeks, so almost a month, which explains why it's all dirty on the top, so let's go ahead and go over the packaging of the


. I'm a big fan of String King's packaging. , they are very simple and very clear in how they do it, their packaging is standard across the board, everything they do is exactly the same big fan of that, note I bought this at a lacrosse store fresh off the shelf , that's how it came exactly like that.
gkl stringking composite pro faceoff shaft review

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gkl stringking composite pro faceoff shaft review...

I don't take anything away. Does it vary depending on how you get your shaft? There may be an extra thing here that I didn't get or something different when you order online, but this is what I bought at my lacrosse store, so on the top it comes with the little shrink pamphlet paper tag, as everyone calls it, and they make it very clear that, in fact, this is a confrontation axis down here in the yellow that matches the paint really cool detail and a big fan of that says face to face is spelled the same way as I do it very sick here it says face to face shaft 155 grams pretty light shaft for what's going on here it's heartbreaker I cried for about three days straight after spending 100 and mine came out to $140 so yeah they make sure it is the proper quantity labeled and of course it comes with a screw.
gkl stringking composite pro faceoff shaft review
I mean, it better come with the screw, eight hundred and forty dollars. for a shaft, here is a small description of the compound. Pro tells you a little bit about the shape and here are three things that the shaft shape is supposed to improve and I think it says fast hands, extra leverage and more control. I can't read that backwards, so here's a little diagram of how the shape moves through the movement of the face, which is self-explanatory, but just one little detail they added there on the back is the process of shrink guarantee. Known for having an excellent warranty claim.
gkl stringking composite pro faceoff shaft review
I've used their warranties several times and gotten the things I wanted, so here's a little process or step on how to get your stuff back if it breaks and one last little detail that I thought was nice. clean was right here on the exit barcode says white. I got the white and yellow version. They have a black and yellow version, but I thought the white looked much cleaner. I'm a big fan of this white color that provides the reduction, so I would assume that if you have the black, let's say black, we have our little shrink wrap packaging.
I don't know what it's called, but inside we have a whole roll of duct tape that has that tear right here. We have our retractable cork that goes inside the shaft if you don't want to use the rubber button and of course we have the rubber retractable button so you have three options right there which is really cool because they released them all in one package, really great. so let's go ahead and cover the most boring part over the shaft and that's everything below the yellow and the top of the white on the right because it turns yellow.
There's this little QR code. We have a QR code scanner right here. That's great. appears, let's go ahead and scan it real quick, let's see what happens, spotlights will appear, wow, so nothing, I don't know, that's because the app that I'm using right because the reduction doesn't have anything registered in the actual QR code. There is something in their system when it comes to manufacturing and packaging the shaft itself depending on the application, there is nothing really related to that, the rest of the white portion is your traditional octagon or concave shape that they have across the board for all their axes.
I'm glad they did it and took a different route where they just drill in some random shape and never used it before, they just took a normal winding shaft and added this feature on top of the big fan. this way I like the real concave ridges that they have here, you can see that yeah, the texture itself is smooth, this is just white paint, this is just to be here, it looks like you're going to need to put some masking tape here for your left hand when you face it it also gets very dirty, very quickly, it's no big deal to me, it's going to get dirty anyway, it's white, I can't even see that, yeah, there you go, yeah, I guess starting Pretty fast, it's white, as expected.
As a paint job we are facing each other, while who cares, the axle is cupped and not solid so keep that in mind and there were already six pre-drilled holes in the axle that line up perfectly with a Mark 2f, I have two on both forwards. on the back and one on each side which is really cool no need to drill go ahead and hit the two on the left and right there it will be good to continue so let's go ahead and talk about the one axle part which makes this so. only a while ago I made a video about the axes of confrontation and if the axes matter when facing each other at that moment.
I said no because pretty much the standard across the board for all facing axis shape was just an octagon, which I also claimed was the most ideal facing axis shape would be the shape your hand makes when you wrap the axis. It's not a perfect circle, it's not a perfect octagon, it's somewhere in between, it's just not something you can really put as a standard, okay, but there's a way around that too and that's what chef did when you wrap your hand around the shaft there are two points of contact that don't exist there are spaces between the shaft and your hand which generally tends to be right above your knuckles and then to the right here practically where the points are boom boom right here, right on the middle of your fingers, but to increase the surface area you need to make contact at those two points.
Funny how the shaft works, so where is that bigger part right up here? the cows fit perfectly and increase the surface area your hand makes contact with on the shaft more surface area more friction better leverage better group the way they made this shaft was pretty impressive. I was quite impressed with this, they took the middle of the shaft here, they just lifted it up a bit, including the bottom, so they removed the part of the shaft that your hand makes the least amount of contact with and placed it in the area where his hand needs to make the most contact and I just moved it up that was all I did.
I loved. I loved the concept of that, so in short they just took the normal shape of the shaft, lifted it up, and filled in one of those spots where you didn't. I really have a lot of contact with the shaft to increase the friction surface area for leverage, all that crap. Now let's move on to some of the questions you guys had. The first is: is it legal? I have a tape measure to see if it is actually less than 3.5 inches. on the circumference there are the three, there are the four, it's well below the 3.5 point and that's easily at the top of how wide it is, there you go, okay, that's the maximum width at this point, that being said, it's legal.
Another question you have is what is it like? the texture and well, I need to tape like the bottom of the shaft where it says paint and it's nice and smooth. That same theme extends to the top of the shaft, at no point is there any kind of greenness or harshness. It's all smooth from top to bottom and although there is a nice little shape up here that adds more friction to your hand compared to a standard Ahnold shape, I still recommend duct tape, you know, if it gets wet or whatever. I mean taping it on just because it's so soft.
I don't like to rely only on the form itself. I'd rather have the shape and tape to help with the next question, which I thought was a pretty good question. Is it difficult to handle? At first it was very difficult, it felt strange, as hard as before. There is a learning curve, but once you get used to it, I mean, it feels like a normal shaft after a while, so no, it doesn't really phase you. By cradling it, you will be able to play on the field without problems. Now here's my favorite question: what heads can actually fit on the spindle?
Obviously we all know the 2f can fit here because that's what the axle is designed for, but we were all curious. Let's see what other heads can fit in here besides the 2f, so let's go ahead and try it. 2f check STX dual; technically yes, I just don't know if it's fully set, it doesn't look like it, but again this is a different hand compared to the 2f. I just got it by hammering it into the concrete about ten times. I think I have it there, so technically yes, it fits. If I put my hand there, I still have that lump a little bit. a little space, I mean, this is a fact, this head is not designed for the shaft, but it fits, so yeah, that will be


ed next, let's try a new one or double, oh boy, oh, that one's good, It looks like he got on that. the holes almost line up, can't really see that looks ridiculous, looks like the head is too far away from this lump, it just hits the concrete again, finally got it in there, there's still a little gap if I hold it. on the ridge it's still good enough there, yeah, so that's checked, that works.
Our part is to try to do everything right. I'm struggling, oh okay, I got out, although these might fit. I don't think I recommend using them. I'm going to break my back trying to get both heads out. Next up is Dictator Brian, oh that's butter. Wow, oh yeah, that works. It's probably the head that fits best here. Look, look at this, oh, fuck, you can't see it properly. To prove to you guys, this all lines up perfectly, oh gosh, this might fit better than the same 2f that fits perfectly. The screw holes line up perfectly and this punch is over as soon as the dictator starts as a double check, that's awesome dictator guys.
With a lot of luck, we next get the Naz, which is no different from the Naz. Okay, there's no hole that lines up, but it fits over that bump. Works. I mean, I don't know if this is legal or not. We definitely have to burn it because I think here you have less than six inches with the color difference, you are full and short when you have the NAS here, you will have to burn it to increase its Co or difference next. we have a tribe seven scepter seven I don't know anyone who uses this I just want to see if it really works oh yeah that works oh man oh man yeah I have a nice surprise for you it fits perfectly no problems the screw holes line up perfectly okay again it may be too long although with the color difference it's just part of the rule and you're losing more bump but it works next we have a pretty popular Under Armor Command X head okay.
Wow, I'll give it to you. how strong no, that just doesn't look right there are no screw holes lined up it looks like it's right in the middle it's right in the middle of those two so I wouldn't recommend putting a hole between that ah it fits whoa and this breaks it's the shaft , I'm going to get angry. I'm going to sue someone if you look at the head's face. This is going perfectly fine there. It's very weird. I'm a little wobbly, though that tab works. I guess a thumbs up used to be Nike Legacy. big fan of this see if it works well ketchup and mustard combo well it fits over the bulge and fits in the screw hole this one works man I'm impressed I don't think any of these are going to fit that one .
That one looks as good as a dictator I think we've reached our last head and that's the CEO of Nike, that's a guy. I see the CEO fits right on top. I mean, you can see us stretching the line of the screw holes a little bit. up again that works that works with the CEO that's an ID verification, but I guess the bigger question is whether this is legal. I don't know, this violates some rule. You are not making any modifications to the head. The axis is still below 3.5. inches I assume this is legal, so as you can see, all the heads I tested fit the shaft.
I'm surprised I just wasn't expecting an adventure. He was sure that this blow would stop them. to


, but the heads missed the problem, so which heads can fit out of all the ones that fit? I can't speak to the ones I haven't tried, if I have a good feeling they would fit the duals. It's a little hard to fit because of the throat plugs, these things, I literally almost broke my back trying to get it off the shaft, so what's going on there? They are there, obviously, this axis was intendedonly for 2f, but as just seen.
I only put eight different heads on the shaft, so if you have one of those eight heads, you should have trouble using the shaft. We haven't reached the end of the video. It's time to announce that the most important question is the value of the axis. It's a difficult question to address simply because I didn't do any kind of real testing or any kind of experiment on the shaft, but I apologize for that, I just couldn't think of any kind of experiment to use or I just put it together to try it out and see what the axle gives you some sort of advantage over a normal shaped axle.
The only drawback I have with this shaft is the price. I think a hundred and thirty dollars is too much for an axle that I would like to see the price drop to around a hundred dollars so more people have access to it, so if you're willing to spend that money on the axle, I would definitely recommend purchasing one of these and just give it a try, it is extremely comfortable and simply has no comparison, there is nothing like it on the market, it definitely fits your hand much better and a normal shaft that will increase your grip on the face/off and a good way to try it out It's if you just take your shaft in a standard way, just hold it in your fingertips and just do this over time you'll start to feel it slipping out of your fingers and you'll see your thumb start to come up to try to catch it. very fast, but with this form, I can literally tell you right now that I can do this all day.
I don't feel like it slips at all, it's just stuck on and those calluses, let me point out before, it's nice and sticky there's a good way to test to see if your tape is sticky too, but just with the shape it doesn't move at all. I could literally do this all day and not feel the shaft slip out of my hands just because of that little ridge that my hand can really squeeze and keep that grip throughout the engagement, so yeah, I think it's worth purchasing the shrinking compound prophase opposition axis, just know I'm telling you right now, you'll get addicted to this feeling.
You don't want to go back to a normal shape shaft, you want to stick with this, so be prepared to buy five of these things and that concludes this video. I hope you enjoyed it if you have any questions about it. the shrinking compound prophase and the omniscient axis, holy shit or any questions in general, surely leave it in the comments section below, like and share this video, subscribe to our channel, we haven't seen each other on Instagram yet lacrosse greenhouse and visit our website at green knuckles. calm lacrosse for some nice hats thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video until then the kids give them their

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