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May 31, 2021
Yodas, this is Blake from Grenoble and we're back with the old camera, the last video camera setup was shit. I hate you, the quality hated the audio, it was just shit overall, so we go back to the previous settings and that's this. You can see from the title of this video that we will be going up against the cheapest


available on the market and that is the boom buck compressor for those who don't know, boomba specializes in making baseball equipment so they love to make the fanny packs shine happily. pansies spray flowers, you name it, now they have slowly transitioned into the world of LaCrosse and are now starting to make equipment and accessories, they have made gloves, elbow pads, shoulders, shafts,


gkl facing off with a 5 head
If you enter the website, you will find two heads that offer one of them is the most expensive, it costs around 15 dollars. I don't think I know the exact name or the exact price, but I think it's $15 and then you also have this option, the blue bucket presser that I bought. for $4.99 no, my total wasn't $4.99 you paid the taxes and I paid the shipping and I think the shipping was seven or eight dollars, so combined with the head price and the taxes I came out to about thirteen to Fifteen dollars for a head delivered to my door, which still isn't bad now.
gkl facing off with a 5 head

More Interesting Facts About,

gkl facing off with a 5 head...

I only bought one of these heads because I was quite skeptical. The first five bucks for a head sounds like crap, probably best used for toilet paper, but as soon as I got my hands on it, I was pretty impressed at first glance. It looks like Boomba took ten different molds from ten different popular heads and put it all in one. The sidewall design alone looks like a crossover from the Maverick. tactical, the Nike Lakota, the CEO of Nike and the scoop itself looks like it belongs on an Adidas head where the top holes for the strings are square instead of any other shape and the scoop itself is super flat, I mean, yeah you just look at the throat in the front.
gkl facing off with a 5 head
It looks like a CEO with that little triangle pointing down and this space and from the back it looks like a Lakota, not really not, but it looks a little like it with the two screws on the back, but the best thing about this throat, which I thought was. Something they definitely do on purpose, but it was a pretty cool little feature - how the throat tilts this way so that when we grip our shaft it has a type that faces outwards, our hand doesn't touch the plastic click and we're very close to him because it is happening. the same angle as our hand, which was a nice little Pogo friendly feature that was on this head, right on the label it says the head is ultra rigid, but I mean this is a new head and it moves pretty well, it does a little heat.
gkl facing off with a 5 head
Today in Florida, but man, this thing feels broken and it's already pretty smooth. I can tell you right now that the only part of this head that will stay strong is from this strut down because it's so vertical that most matchup heads don't have this as a double. It doesn't even have it but if you like a NAS or a dictator it's usually leaning this way so this could be a problem but the only real way to test it is if we give it some iterations and that's what we're doing. doing. we're going to do, we're not going to coddle this head and you're going to completely demolish it, we're going to break it in half, we're going to beat it up because I want to see if it's a really legitimate option for the matchup. guys, worst case scenario I don't like it, it's a waste of five dollars, I hate it, you get fired, best case scenario I like it, I buy 20 of them, I buy a million, they hire you, so Without further ado, let's go.
This thing hanging and trying it was a feeling, the legacy, what does it speak English, what is that, I feel like I'm tired, what does it feel like, it feels like an OG, increase your inflation, that's it, but the plastic of love, like that that after all the tests. This is how the head turned out and I have to say that this head worked and reacted much better than I expected. Now this head felt extremely strange when


it, it felt like a combination of the clutch, the legacy and razor and perhaps the slightest amount of eyes, as I pointed out before, this hell is pretty much a noodle, except here, where it was the strut, if you just look at this, is bending everywhere except right where those struts are.
It's not so bad to return to its original form after a confrontation, that's not so bad. I've seen worse, it was a really fun matchup as it slid down as I went faster to the whistle and held up pretty well. strong when he was fighting, the head held up very well. I thought I was probably going to break it in half, but I couldn't at all. There are no brakes. There is nothing on the side walls. The wall structure has nothing. It's this strange curvature where the head. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how this head turned out.
The only bad things I saw were the deformation and the bump. Other than that, it was a pretty good head. It would definitely be at the top of the list. of non-


heads that I would use for face-offs in other words, I would choose this one over a falcon, an Evo and a Lakota. Those type of heads I will choose this one over any of them mainly because the problems I had with their head were It's not that drastic and because of the price I can literally buy 20 of these for one face, one tooth. I know I'm going to keep tackling this thing, first because it's fun and second, it's driving me crazy that I did it.
I haven't broken it yet, not even a simple crack in the hole in the side wall, so I'll continue my attempt to break it and keep you posted on Instagram. Go ahead and pick one of these guys, if you liked it there you can spend $5. on the head you like, no you wasted $5, great deal, 5 star rating, 3 knife, but seriously if you're thinking Pick up this head, don't hesitate, it's only 5 dollars. I can't preach that anymore, it's five dollars. I had fun using it. I'm sure you would like it too and that concludes this video. I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any more questions about the boomba compressor or any questions in general, be sure to leave them in the comments section below. I have some cheap head recommendations that I should try to deal with, go ahead and leave them down there and like and share this video. Subscribe to our channel if you haven't already seen us on Instagram at Grin Cross and check out our cute hats. available as eco green via coms thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video until then kids Gavin Barry.

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