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Girlfriend Not Allowed To Have Guy Friends

May 28, 2021


, it's me and today we are watching another Darman video. If you don't know, I did a collab with Darman and posted it a few days ago, so if you


n't seen it yet, I'll leave a link in it. description below to see it, I did a little cameo like hello it's me, it was really fun for me to do some acting too because a few years ago I did a couple of acting things and everything always turned out great. horrible or at least I wasn't happy with it, but yeah, today's video is about a girl who has a boyfriend but also her best friend is a boy and it's like my best friend is a boy.
girlfriend not allowed to have guy friends
Shout out to the next digital, so I wanted to see it. If this is something relatable, will you still come back tomorrow? Remember it's my birthday. I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie. Yes, he should be able to let me see what Daniel thinks. Stacy. You shouldn't need your boyfriend's permission. Hello baby. We were just talking about you, okay, see you later, Adam, oh, really, no hug, oh, uh, okay, I feel like this relationship is very strange, it doesn't seem like a guy's best friend, it seems like a guy who He's waiting for her to break up. with her boyfriend so he can date her in the meantime, he pretends to be her friend until he can make her her move, those are the vibes I'm getting.
girlfriend not allowed to have guy friends

More Interesting Facts About,

girlfriend not allowed to have guy friends...

You see, I


a best friend and we literally hug each other maybe twice a year for me and my birthdays. think about birthdays, that's all, maybe it's just me because I don't hug my brothers and it's pretty much the same, oh relax, you know Adam is my best friend, more turkey for you and lettuce for me, okay, That sandwich actually looked great, okay, so tomorrow night. I was thinking about going to the movies. Oh, actually, you think it's cool? Why did Adam post a YouTube photo on Instagram? What did he do, yes and why he added hearts to the title.
girlfriend not allowed to have guy friends
Oh, my friend posted a photo with my girl. It's okay, it's us. and weird, I feel like if you're


with a guy, you guys are going to consider each other disgusting, like if Digital and I posted a photo together, it would just be an excessive row of vomit emojis. Look, Adam, and I are just friends, I promise. You have nothing to worry about, he doesn't want to be just friends look, you don't understand how guys think it's not this again Daniel, some people might be watching this and like how he doesn't trust her. I think this is true most of the time.
girlfriend not allowed to have guy friends
It's time for guys to not just want to be friends. I saw this on Tik Tok where they asked guys if they can be friends with a girl and like all the guys they said no and then when they asked a girl can they be friends with one? boy, everyone was like yeah why not and then someone liked this scientific explanation about how girls just register as a friendship in their head and with guys it's like a romantic opportunity and obviously this doesn't apply to everyone, this It's just the ticking I saw, so don't come for me.
Hey, is everything okay? Yes I'm fine. Well, will you come here? I feel like you've loved me all day. Well, why is Adam calling you on facetime so late? He probably wants to know if he's going to his house tomorrow night, it's his birthday and he wants to see a movie, which is absolutely not the case, Stacy. I'm not going to let my girl be at some guy's house at night, only bad things happen at night, damn it. he wakes up when the sun sets he's not just a guy he's my best friend adam he's a straight guy who clearly has feelings for you at the moment you and i are having problems who are you going to turn to adam and guess what are you going to try?
To connect with you it's not like that, this is funny because it's actually very true, how you see how that guy was acting with her and like she had no idea, she didn't look away like we were just friends. just a friend I don't like it like that but it's true the moment they break up it's like a mouse said just get some cheese oh yeah you want a bet what do you mean? This is what I want you to do, okay? Tomorrow night I want you to go to this place tell them we broke up and then he broke up with me oh my god I can't believe he did that I know and I tried to tell him that you and I were just friends what? a jerk oh so they're pretending she framed him or her boyfriend framed her to frame him yeah you deserve so much better than that seriously come here hey listen to me you need someone to treat you better than someone like this.
Me, oh no, he fell in love, he fell right into her trap, why? Because this was her plan all along, the mission was about to be completed and here she's saying here like, but yeah, we were just friends, like just friends, like it's not like that, Adam, what are they? you're doing it we're just friends stacey i can't keep it a secret anymore it's okay the truth is i have feelings for you i was just waiting for you and daniel to break up so i could tell you oh wow daniel told me this would happen he got it he told her exactly what was going to happen, she won't hear from now on.
I'm sorry, but I can't be her friend anymore. You guys aren't even real friends to begin with if things are going to get like this. That's weird, you know? I think the best way to solve this is that I'm a guy's best friend, but I'm also his


's best friend, so it's like I love them both, they're fine, but like you can't be friends with someone. who doesn't respect your relationship, the walk of shame, so how to go, I can't believe it, you were right, he did exactly what you said he was going to do, you see, I know.
I told her we can't be friends anymore I should listen to you first I'm so sorry it's okay I didn't know I can't believe how mature this conversation is right now like this kid I took another path like I told you How can you be so stupid or she could just go back to the car and say: uh, yeah, so we're not friends anymore? I don't like her vibe, I don't want to talk about it, a lot of people don't It's not like admitting that they were right but that's what she did and I feel like it's very mature I love you a lot I love you too let's go home have friends of the opposite sex in a relationship it can be tricky make sure they have the right intentions and always make your partner feel comfortable, yeah well you know what that is and like she could have totally been like yeah well I like you too , but she didn't cheat on her boyfriend, so you need to sprinkle some respect on that.
I've been in a couple of these situations where it's like no, the guy is just a friend, like we're just friends and then when the guy finally does something with me I think that's suspicious, that's weird and then I just I do not do it. Don't talk to them anymore, I'm like you're not really trying to be my friend, you were the impostor the whole time, get out of here, but yeah, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this video if you made sure of that. Although it comes next, I want you to let me know if you have been in a similar situation.
I'll link his man's channel in the description below, so be sure to check out his other videos. They are all really good. turn on notifications click click and make sure to subscribe join the wolf pack oh I upload a new video every day I love you so much thanks for watching bye guys.

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