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Girl Gamer Gets Bullied By Kid At School ft SSSniperWolf

May 28, 2021
Hello friends, it's me and today is super exciting because we will see my part 2 collaboration with Darman. I haven't seen it yet, so we'll see it together for the first time, but we'll be there first. give away a ps5, all you have to do is subscribe to both of our channels and then comment, done, okay, I'm nervous, let's watch. Did you see Psychomanta's broadcast yesterday with Sniper Wolf? It was so dumb, yeah, really, and just call her Sam, it's not even that. a real player, there she is, hey, we saw you play among us last night, oh you did, yeah, I can't believe no one guessed you were the imposter, I told you he was going to be a psychomancer, his name is Sam and what Kind of a silly name it is. psychomantis anyway you uneducated fool psychomantis is one of the bosses in the original metal gear that made you unplug the controller and plug it into the other port super iconic boss fight i also got my name sniper wolf from metal gear it's from metal gear solid i think what's really cool, oh my god, is that with the new Darman Studio hoodie you'll probably make so much money that you can buy whatever you want, that's cool, uh, thanks, it's not even that special, anyone can buy that dumb one merchandise, plus she's not even a real


. people only watch his videos to see the sniper wolf oh sick bird oh god um annihilated destroyed everyone needs better insults okay don't listen to them i think you're the best player ever oh hey sam are you going to stream with uh?
girl gamer gets bullied by kid at school ft sssniperwolf
Sniper Wolf again tonight oh yeah I am yeah we can't wait to see it sam o m g your mom drives a tesla I bet you could buy one too right? If it's not Sam, the wannabe streamer, hurry up, you know, just because you have some followers and money doesn't make you better than anyone, of course not, I would never think that, yeah, sure, show off, you're not even a real


, you're just a


who got lucky, that's all, see you guys. oh, she would have packed them right then and there and there these hands are ready to eat for everyone oh, honey, I'm here mom, what are you doing?
girl gamer gets bullied by kid at school ft sssniperwolf

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girl gamer gets bullied by kid at school ft sssniperwolf...

I said pick me up at the back of the


, I don't want people to see her. shitty car I'm sorry honey, he was stopping again but it's all good now, let's go mother, what are you doing? I just




whose mom has a tesla you can't embarrass me like that growing up we had a van that was as old as me and I always made my mom drop me off and pick me up at the side exit only theater kids came out of there and they still roasted me for having a shitty car hello guys today we are going to be playing fortnite with sniper wolf hello friends, it's me and we are about to start this game, that's me, okay, I'm landing in that house, cool, lenny, get the house next to you.
girl gamer gets bullied by kid at school ft sssniperwolf
Wow, there are a lot of comments coming in, you should read some. of them, okay, let's see, binge, says, I love watching your streams, oh, thanks, okay, a gamer on Joe 12, says, hey, wannabe gamer, you really suck, oh no, she read it out loud high, you have to read them in your head first or sometimes when I use the stream. I would like to start reading comment and realize, wait, no, I should have read that mistakes were made. Hey guys, let's take a short break. Hello, are you okay? I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it today, tell me what's wrong. boy at


has always been making fun of me and I'm pretty sure he's the one making those mean comments maybe he's right honey he shouldn't be a player don't worry about him he's probably just taking out his own problems on you It really hurts, you know what I'm talking about, you would understand that everyone loves you, I wouldn't understand, this is where you're wrong Sam, you think I don't deal with people who hate me all the time, of course I do.
girl gamer gets bullied by kid at school ft sssniperwolf
It comes with the territory but what I've learned is that when someone hates you it's usually because they're unhappy with their own lives and that has nothing to do with you so don't take it personally yeah poor Sam she she's just trying to have fun play some fortnite get some lyrics with me she's not doing anything wrong it's like when you're just starting out or even if you're on the internet from a young age any hate or criticism will really hurt you. and boy, oh boy, this sucks, that's probably true. I'll come see you tomorrow at school to talk about it.
Okay, why do I sound like a robot? I'll come see you tomorrow at school to talk about it. I want to get a little better at acting so when I was filming this I didn't realize when I'm in front of a camera I don't know why I feel like I have to talk loud I don't talk like that in real life I talk like that in real life but in front of a camera I feel like I have to talk aggressively, kind of like boomers talk on the phone anyway, good game yesterday, I can't believe you got five kills, thanks, oh what happened to Psycho Mantis?
I heard you had to break up. your stream early last night oh how sweet you were watching my stream are you obsessed with me or something? Is the widowed man in love? I know it was you in the chat, just please leave me alone, I didn't mean to make you cry. everyone is talking about it, that's so embarrassing, what's embarrassing is how many years this guy seems to have been held back, hey are you okay? How he hates me, can you trust me? Please, okay, if you say it before talking to him, I want to tell you that during this whole part outside I was freezing to death, I had to wipe my runny nose between each take, it was like 40 degrees outside.
I had to keep filming him until we got a shot where he wasn't physically vibrating from the cold. She doesn't start. I have tried everything. Why can't you fix this with a real mechanic? I think he took this path. what money Jordan, it will cost at least a thousand dollars and right now we can't even pay the rent. I just received this eviction notice, if we don't raise eighteen hundred dollars by the end of today, we will be on the street. it's so unfair why does this have to happen to me jordan jordan stop don't go jordan i can't believe i'm going through all that now i have an idea come on oh how things have gotten great i mean so much like i love seeing people get what they deserve by being in a stressful situation, whether at work, at home, at school, like it sucks and might make you take that anger and put it towards people who don't deserve it, we don't have enough money, there's no way .
He is going to accept what is going to happen mom, we have nowhere else to go. I don't know, I don't know, he's here, hi maria, hi mr cornwall, i need a few more days to get the rest of the money, take this please. it's all we have and we have nowhere else to go that's not really why I'm here I'm writing a receipt for your payment of 1800 there you go your rent is paid in full but I don't understand how this happened uh you maybe I want to ask you, wait, what are you two doing here?
We know where they live and we came to torment them. I'm kidding, we found out what was going on and we wanted to help Sam and we broke it down to what you did, oh my gosh, thank you. Thank you both so much, I can't believe it, we also have another surprise for you, here's a thousand dollars so we can fix your car, oh my god, thank you so much, oh my god, good guys, Sam is coming to save the day. world, you know it takes a lot of guts to do something nice for someone who isn't very nice to you.
I have been praying for a miracle and this is going to change our lives. Thanks, I'll let you speak well. See you tomorrow, Jordan Sam. Can we take a moment to appreciate that amazing 360 I just took? Actually, it was like a 180, but I don't know why that turn was so good. I just want to say I'm sorry. To be honest, I was only being mean to you because I wasn't happy with my own life. I had nothing to do with you. Can you forgive me? Of course. Thank you so much. We will never forget him. It's like everyone has a boss fight, they get beat up pretty bad, then you convince them to be your ally and they join your squad, everything goes according to plan.
Did you see Sam's broadcast yesterday? It was so stupid that she doesn't even deserve to be called a real player, yeah. I saw it, in fact, it was really good, what are we talking about Sam himself? If you mean the psychomantis, then yeah, she's one of the best players out there, she's fine, come on, he's like what they chased after her the other day. I can't go on with this anymore. I can't stand people like this, like you guys just hate for the sake of hating, like you have nothing better to do, I don't know, put up your kd or something.
I never really know what someone is going through. If someone is going to hate you, they are usually going to be unhappy in their own lives. It has nothing to do with you, so don't take it personally before you come for me. I know. It's not always like that, some people just hate you because I don't know, they don't like the way you look, they don't like the way you talk, they have a lot of free time, they start a comment war, I don't. I don't know that there are many reasons why people hate, but it's like I personally see someone on the internet and I don't like what he's doing.
I'm not going to take precious time out of my day to let him know how much I like him. They are a worthless piece of garbage, I don't have time for that, but yeah, that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed this video. Comment below. Let me know what you thought of this one if you enjoyed it and want me to do another Dharma collab. make sure you hit the like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack. I love you so much, thanks for watching, bye guys.

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