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Girl Chat: What’s Up with One-Uppers?

May 10, 2020
Who's ready for some


talk? Well first, ladies, I know we've all been there that day when your period is late, ooh, and you start freaking out, oh damn, and who am I scared of. Well a blog post on Madame Doir shared some of the funny things women do on their late period, examples include women getting angry at their partner oh hell yeah because it's their fault okay yeah, trying on maternity clothes and beginning to calculate the future of her fake child. Hey, wait daily, are you sure, where? Your mind wanders when your period is late.
girl chat what s up with one uppers
I become very religious. I do not go to church. I will pray. It was just one time. I will not do. If it's scary. It really is that. You start having the deeper conversations. with God once on Friday and I'm fine, everyone is going to judge, but that's why I risk my life here. I don't use birth control pills because I don't like me and neither do you. I don't know


happened, oh star. yeah, I'm sure you're right, so one time, oh, we used other methods, but one time we didn't have any other method, so we had to get a condom and we took it, oh no, I was sleeping at home, it was Christmas.
girl chat what s up with one uppers

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I was sleeping in my little brother's room, he is not a baby, more like he is 30 years old, but it is his old room. When we got to the point where we started going through all of his drawers, we found a condom. I know men. I know it's the worst, but me. I'm afraid of getting pregnant, we're not ready for that, we're still making that decision, he grabs a condom, then we go for it, I pick it up off the floor, I look at him and he says 2012 guys when I say I fell. I knelt down and prayed after raising my hands.
girl chat what s up with one uppers
I felt like I was channeling the whole Jesus thing and then I heard I was praying to God one thing and Freddy was praying another because he was okay with it. Happy Jeff is God, you know our will. Like God, you don't know


my man is talking about. I need you to be here right now, not today, not today honey, when I was younger, even though I was 20 and when I was in college, that's when it really hits you late and things I used to do, things like jumping up and down , you know, to try to calm him down, you know, not make the baby come out, no, guys, it's true.
girl chat what s up with one uppers
I heard that if you shower and rinse poorly, you can push things up, really. We all get lost, we get pregnant, they say you should do a handstand on a wall and be upside down. I know I heard about that because in gravity I used to get really excited about the first, you know, two kids, it's okay when I miss. Do you know my period? It would make me excited like, oh my God, fix it now. I'm like, oh God, I hope I'm not pregnant, yeah, no, yeah, I don't want to. I'm done, sir, thank you for my son and my dad.
It's like breathing again and being Tamera again. I don't think I can do that again. I'm completely stretched out. I mean it is. I remember being in my twenties and missing my period. Aha, it took approximately. 14 tests for 13 years because I was fine because back then the tests weren't all right as you know, yeah, you had to accept a lot of yeses and finally I went to the doctor and I was pregnant, oh and I'll tell you something so that your body goes through a lot and then at that point I started processing because I had to start saving for the baby.
I had her doing Oz and I thought, oh my God, what am I going to do? do the right thing and then it was like the guy I was with was excited but I was still very, very nervous and but eventually you know nature takes over like you know there's nothing I can do I'm going to have to do it. . I have this baby and I'm going to deal with it and sure enough, as soon as I was okay with it, about eight weeks, I miscarried, you know, she was pregnant. I never knew this, damn, I never knew this.
Wow, you know, and just never. I wanted that feeling again, yeah, because I was always scared and I just didn't want you to know that I had so much love for that baby and it's never once you hear that heartbeat, oh my God, it was like you knew and sometimes it's because Don't take it lightly, you know, after that I made sure that I would never get pregnant again because I didn't want to have to go through that because I felt like I was a person that I was letting down, so I never did. Again, that's why I don't have kids.
Well, you know, miscarriages are not your fault. Sometimes the things you know just happen. The Lord knew what he was doing. Well, I'll tell you because he knew because now I made it up to him. It's a lot and you know I have a life where I'm an entertainer and I think a lot of Mike is why I love kids so when you're an amazing aunt to my kids, you share real stories. I'm sure there is Someone out there who experienced that is listening to you talk about it right now and feels like I'm not the only one.
I'm not alone and you're right because women blame themselves when they go for miscarriages, it's not right, did you stop? We drink when you know you're late, you stop drinking and everyone says why sometimes it's anyone Noble, you just don't know well, but like you said, you know God has a God has a plan, well now these eggs are scrambled, no I've done it, it's in this one here, yeah, I'm looking forward to passing my torch to yeah, I want to have kids, but okay, so there was a moment where I felt like, oh my God, I'm getting heavier than that. that way.
From that, guys, so I took a pregnancy test, right, yeah, and then I wasn't pregnant and I was disappointed because I was like, damn, I'm getting so excited, like, oh my gosh, maybe this my body is changing. , that's just an extra extra bread. but I can't wait, I'm excited, yes, it's amazing when you understand that, yes, well, not really, yes, you have like the double line mm-hmm, no, now that now in Italy it says yes, now it's computerized, really yes, that's how it is. so good in the past it was an division like y'all are being my dressing room with me like this, this is number 13, pass it on, yeah, we're not waiting for our little money to go crazy about being a mother too, go crazy over someone who's constantly trying to be better than you, you know?
Those are people that when you're having a conversation and they're constantly trying to one-up you, our article on says that when you're dealing with someone superior that you don't know, that's just going to change the subject. But if the person is closer to you, you need to have an honest conversation about how his behavior makes other people feel, you know, I mean, how do you deal with people? This one, you know, we always line up one, okay, an example for you. Okay, so I want to tell me about your vacation. Oh, okay, so I went to Cape Mexico.
I was born in Mexico. Maybe just yes, friend. God, what's happening? Alright. I learned to say a couple of things in Spanish when my mom arrived on the plane. Oh, I know. French, you know, kids do it, uh, we played in the fall, you played in the pool, yeah, with the can, you walked on the water, you got some water, no,


, but someone higher up would say it they did exactly, it's almost how they want. to hear more about themselves and they just let you talk while they actually walk around like they want to show off more than you.
I think it's funny. I didn't believe or know there was one. It's better until I went to my sister-in-law's small town, where she calls it keeping up with the neighbors. Yes, there are people who constantly feel the need to keep up with the neighbors. That makes sense? Yes, they always want to show off. if you get a car then they will want to get a car but maybe a better model or whatever yeah they got the 2016 they should get the 2018 they got it yeah good thing they do it a lot in this industry too, It's hard to have friends.
I know especially actors because you know we're always trying to outdo ourselves You know you know I met Denzel I met Edgar I met you you know it's like it's always something it's just I think it's just a point where a person feels insecure yeah , when there is security It is cold of you if you are just a friend because you can distance yourself, but what do you do when the superior is a relative? Well, I know people who are superior and I only tell other people that they realize that they are superior. one up or laugh at them, that's it, yeah, no, I'm not lying, like I'm in a circle, people operate like you know she wants ups all the time, right?, oh, you make a joke, like that No, no, I'll say it before. and then when they come in the room and start doing it, everyone starts laughing and says what are you doing wrong, you know you're doing it right and then you keep going.
Sorry, I think sometimes people need to see. what they look like so if you imitate them and do what they do, they'll be like why is he doing that? You know you do this all the time right, it's a good idea to mirror your action hero, that's so annoying, I've always noticed it when I meet someone who constantly needs the opportunity to talk about themselves. I just leave it. Honestly, I just leave it because I feel bad for that person because you obviously need attention more than me, even if you ask me a question, do you boo too?
Tell me all about your fabulous life if it's coming, but your goal is annoying, no. Actually, I love it because I'm a talk show host and I want to listen to myself quietly. I love going to a dinner party where someone is superior and they love to talk about how great they are so I can really enjoy my food finally when we go out to dinner with people come on, people think that well, I don't know, I'll speak for myself The same people think that we just want to sit and talk at that moment, yes, we relax with each other like when we are in a car or something, we are very sad because we talk too much, yes, that's true, we are controlling our falls.
Not really, you know some outnumber one at home, come see me. I'll let you talk about talking about friends. Check this out guys, last year a guy borrowed his friend's car to go to a concert and planted it in one of the many. garages that are close to the venue you know they have several mm-hmm well, after the concert, this guy couldn't remember which garage he parked in, so after five days of looking for it he finally gave up five days, why the good news is that I finally found the car several months later, it wasn't your car, it was your children's cars, guys, but sir, it started several months, so I want to know if ladies, have you ever been guilty of forgetting where you parked?
I know they had mom brains for a second. that's like every day oh right yeah but first things first clearly these people have money how did you let your car go here in a car it was a friend won't let my friends borrow my stuff because they never worry. I searched for that car for the next five years every hour. He would have taken it. You know, the alarm clicker. You know how when you use it after a while. When I go to work. Not anymore. Did you know that if you stick it to your neck?
I love it. work, yes, father-in-law, live ass, they talk about it, it's so true that you can use your head as an antenna, which no, I understand, here we go, possible in the face of cancer, they said, wait, wait, were you making a move? Mattie, okay, but find your car, people. if we're going to drive to the hospital the old fashioned way right before you leave right now when I'm late so when I'm late somewhere say you have an appointment doctor's appointment I tell myself okay think Greg G Tamera garage number three and I still forget once, not only did I forget where my car was, I left my keys, I couldn't even get there first, I couldn't find my card and then when I found my car, I couldn't get in my car, oh wait, can you imagine running into Sister Sister in the cold weather in the bar parking lot like me?
We were both together, yes, wait, wait, you and my mom always said that two heads are better than one, but not in you. 'It's all the case every day, right, I'm here fat-free in my house all the time. I know what I always forget. Throw away my glasses, but I'm like before. I like to wear my glasses if I don't have my contact lenses where. and I destroy my house for 15 minutes on a worse day above my head looking for something without vision. No, you guys have ever been looking for his phone, but you're actually talking on it all the time, but Samara, you're on it.
Yes, that has happened to me for sure. Yeah.

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