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Girl Chat: Boomerang Boyfriends

May 09, 2020
Joining us at the table is our guest co-host for the day, she's a lawyer, CNN political commentator and general manager, it's Angela who's coming to be here. I'm fine, you know, Angela, we're happy you're here because it's a very special day if today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and celebrate the legacy of dr. King the work of dr. King has not impacted many people, yes, almost all of us know Angela, what would she say or how would he say, dr. King's work has influenced you. I think in many ways I grew up in the house with a father who is a community activist and what I remember as a little boy is my father fighting to ensure that there was a national holiday fighting for the street name change today he is marching and part of the martin luther king committee at home the program will discuss more about dr.
girl chat boomerang boyfriends
King, we will also be joined by his youngest daughter, Bernice King, about the life and legacy of his father. I can't wait to meet her. Oh my, soon-to-be president-elect Donald Trump recently held his first press conference since the election and things got heated. After CNN reporter Jim Acosta asked him a question about a tweet Trump sent asking if we live in Nazi Germany, Trump had this to say and to the extent CNN went to great lengths to develop it, there is no staff like , can you give us a quote even asking us can you give us a question?
girl chat boomerang boyfriends

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B. I'm not going to give you a question. Can you bet a D? Our Fake News Angela, if you work for CNN, what do you think of this comment about sin? and it's fake news, so I think Donald Trump's entire Twitter account is fake news. I don't think we should take his words too seriously, they should be taken with a grain of salt. He has intimidated journalists all along. We have seen him intimidate people. From the moment he slid down that escalator, I shouldn't say slid because he slid down, he didn't fall, although I think we've seen him do this kind of thing all the time anyway and there are no surprises here.
girl chat boomerang boyfriends
Donald Trump doesn't like it. news where it's bad for him, right, if something's fake, if he doesn't like it, right, you know, it was like he thought the press conference was an SNL skit because it was like he was yelling and screaming at everyone. calm down and this is this is what we're going to expect yeah it doesn't sound presidential at all no well he created this standard he's creating a new standard and to your point I think we're having a It's harder to try to determine who It's Donald Trump and who is Alec Baldwin, right, oh I think he's great, it's a running joke and he doesn't know the joke is on him, so here it is, everyone voted for him.
girl chat boomerang boyfriends
I did. So that is your president, he is not my president, are you going to have surgery? I have to go to immigration to cover things up, but if I had my way I might be in Ghana or somewhere else, not here, you know what they invited me to do. To go to the inauguration I told the person I said I had an appointment with the hairdresser that day. What a reaction on Instagram like calling anyone who plans to perform at the inauguration oh yeah, that's a real man, like he's anything like me. Sorry it's the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Rockettes that want to go to that church, the Rockettes when I was in New York for Christmas but I don't want to see them at an inauguration yeah you know they like to vote yeah it's random there .
Is there anyone else acting? Oh yeah, he's got the


from America's Got Talent. She is going to act. She sees all six of them. A runner. Six anyway. Lonnie is coldness. It's going to be an interesting time, but what can you say? I want to change this, this whole conversation. to give people hope, in your opinion, what can people do to have hope?, you know, I can't help but think about the last eight years, President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have been incredible and watching last week, yes, some. deceptions last week and I know what he asked us to do and that is that change does not happen just because of him because being residents of the White House, changes within all of us await all of us and on this day especially us.
We have to remember that the fight must continue, we have to go, we have to fight for what we believe in, whether you are a Trump supporter or you know a Clinton supporter or a Bernie supporter, whoever it may be, we have to remember that there are ideals that We hold on to this country, we have to push ourselves towards progress, yes, and the more we separate ourselves, we don't get that progress the same way we get money, in particular, dilute, you want us all to come together and unite, keep it alive hope, well, you know?
Whats Next? Angela, have you ever heard of a


boyfriend? Someone you know what a


boyfriend is. He's the guy you dated several years ago and they're reaching out to you on social media in hopes of making it right. time it was bad, do it right or dams, you get a TV show, you slide up into success, you look good. Oh, what would they see? What exactly are they missing according to a better way when you deal with guys like this, you should be cautious when considering going back to old love, yeah, okay, I think I'm a boomerang


friend, there really is a guy, a guy when I was at the college I wish I could find.
I don't remember his real name, his nickname and if you're out there, you don't want to talk - his name is moose, my God, sir, what part of a moose is sex? I did it wrong. I did what I didn't. I really want to know why his nickname is me-yeah, you stuck it out. Go ahead honey, but I did it, I did it wrong. I remember him and he was a very good boyfriend to me and I should have done it. I just want to apologize to him so you know that if you want to swipe up on my beloved moose, swipe up.
Well, I think every young woman, at least me, experienced that decision, whether or not you are that girl who accepts the boomerang relationship, you break up with the guy and then you get back together, you break up, you get back together for yet another time. It doesn't work for me because no matter how uncomfortable it is to be apart from that person, how you were so used to sleeping with someone in your bed and all that other stuff and the reasons you get back together, old habits are hard. to delete, yes and That's the reason why you guys broke up in the first place.
The pulley did not change in that short time in which you decided. Even you guys know, I married my boomerang, Adam and I, we broke up for about a year, right, and we boomeranged apart. for each other and for us both really needed to grow well for me. I had only dated someone for two months, which was the longest I'd ever dated someone before I met Adam, so I knew he was the one when I first went out with him, but I got scared so I knew he was the one. I had to grow in that area and for Adam I said, "Hey, I'm going to get a ring," so Adam needed to know what it felt like to live without me, yeah, and then he needed to grow.
I wake up and realize that you know friend, you have a comment, yes, it was a year, I think so, the only thing I can't help but say is that I have had boomerang relationships and more than one, but I think the problem is sometimes. guys like the thrill of the chase yeah and once they catch you they stop trying mm um and I think it's important for us to know that as we need to know our value we need to know when we need a year mate that you need. to like it, you need to be in a timeout for a second, like more than kids, you have to be in front of that too, so I think that's an important point too, but I think it depends, I think it depends, yeah Yes, because they will.
Make all the changes and once they get you back, they'll be back with some friends. I also think why do you reason well sometimes? I just know that sometimes I would go broke because they go broke, but if you have money now, you know, I'm back as she talks honestly about sex and men Last week, TMZ posted a video of actor Ben Affleck at LAX being frisked by a TSA agent for a full minute. The video shows the officer checking each of the sports pockets several times. By sliding his hands up and down the actors' chests and legs, some people claim the TSA officer overstepped his bounds, while others defended the agent by saying Affleck shouldn't get special treatment, so Angela , how about?
Well, some people here may know that I recently had a really disturbing experience with TSA and I hate it. I don't want to demonize the TSO, it is the official one, yes, but the process is broken and it is time we fix it. I have received many emails and messages from people on Twitter. telling me these horrible experiences of a woman who had cancer, she was made to take off her wig, two women who had a full waist, I like it again, like you, asked her how to get through it in the video, but people come in with the hands, yeah and that's the kind of stories I'm getting so I think there's something wrong with the process, it's time to upgrade the technology, we spend millions of dollars in this country on technology, those are taxpayer bills, they're taxpayer dollars, it's time for us. to fix our technology we just have to get to work, we're not saying let anyone get on the plane or anything, oh, but we're saying just tighten up the process, yeah, every time I go through TSA, they check this fabric.
I say, look. Be careful, believe, it's okay, no, it doesn't bother me because I have myself the way you want. I'm big just because I actually feel safer when I know I've just been thoroughly checked, but here's the thing, so there was a there. Undercover testing was done at TSA in 2015. 95 percent failure rate, meaning they didn't find the plastic guns people were using, so while they're filling us up they're missing key clues, so I'm sorry. safer because you fooled me, you know? I think you need to know what you're looking for. That's a big problem. At what time do I know how to dress when I go through TSA?
Oh, I don't even wear a bra anymore when he sees his bra go away, I wear a white bra, you know, I'm just free, you know, it's just that we're all cotton, um, I try not to wear medals, I mean, you know, that's for me, so I could, you know, I try to help them. but you are right that we just got it, the ones that are obvious right now have things that are annoying, yes, yes, I would like my TSA officers to take their job seriously, however, I think there should be a very fine line between being too aggressive and confident, kind of like what you were saying.
I think we need to find a better system, maybe you just know how to train them so they actually know we have that thing. Sheena is bad, like that was the one where there were yellow boxes on it at the top of my crotch area and I thought that's what triggered it because I was selected for a random evaluation. What did they really play? Going under a dress and to your point, like the least amount of clothing, it was a red DVF dress like what. Am I wearing the red DVF dress? You could hide a lot in a wrap dress that doesn't fit your body unless you walk around in a catsuit like something that rubs against every body part you can.
I always hide something, but I'm not new to this, potentially, but I was hiding there was my vagina for you when they felt you because I know that when I pass, they tell me, yes, yes, on the back of your hand you have to extend your legs , spread your legs and then they go, you know, ending between your inner thighs, did they take you there? They went all the way up, like... they call it the point of resistance to my crotch, to the middle, no. in the thigh area, did you have a choice? Do you have a male or a female?
No, but I also asked that it not be a pet. I asked them to let me go back through the backscatter machine. Yeah, they always give me one like, "Okay, let me." I go back that rope everything would stretch everything was yes, that's the video, you can't see them all going but you see me jump when she does it. I just like my eyes more than anything, it really saddens me that only 15 years ago, my boyfriend could walk me to the gay. Could you drop me off on my flights? What will happen in 10 or 15 years?

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