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GEN-Z GIRL Won't LISTEN To Her MOM, She Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann Studios

Apr 04, 2024
It's time to get up B hey hey, it's too early for this exactly, so why are you still here? I'm not in the mood for this today, what the hell, mom, you're welcome, what are you wearing? Change right now. Do not start. Are you trying to show off your tattoo? It's cute, is not it? Are you trying to put me in the crazy house? Okay, mom, that's so politically incorrect, don't start with me. How dare you get a tattoo behind my back before anything else? you were underage, which means you probably went to some slease ball in a shack with a dirty needle, okay, okay, this isn't Euphoria, relax, look, it's not even real, please go change, you're so old-fashioned that you could also call me Laura Eng Les first of all, uh, Little House on the Prairie is a good and wholesome show, you should try to watch it sometime.
gen z girl won t listen to her mom she instantly regrets it dhar mann studios
I'm not going to ask you again. Less texting and more cleaning. Why do I have to clean anyway? We are a team in this house. I do. you cook and you do the cleaning well, if I were a mom I would let my daughter do whatever she wanted and I wouldn't be standing in front of the stove cooking every night, actually, and then what would you eat and what if you didn't? clean you would have cockroaches you hate bugs they hit every night du and please cockroaches only live in New York City okay so there will be a party tomorrow night at Ashley's house.
gen z girl won t listen to her mom she instantly regrets it dhar mann studios

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gen z girl won t listen to her mom she instantly regrets it dhar mann studios...

You can go as long as you are home at 10: p.m. It's Friday night, can't we break the rules just this once everyone else stays out until 1? I'm not going to let my 16-year-old daughter stay out all night partying. I seriously need therapy someday. Your grandmother wouldn't even have let me or your Aunt Sloan go to the party. I'm not going to apologize for having some rules. I'd like to think I'm pretty flexible. Well, think again Paula. you're hurting your daughter she better not wear anything revealing to that party definitely the one on the right, of course you want her to look like a grandma, should she wear a turtleneck too?
gen z girl won t listen to her mom she instantly regrets it dhar mann studios
I'm not trying to make your life difficult. I'm just trying to be your mom, okay, then let me stay out late tomorrow night, please, mom, just this once. Okay, how about 10:30? It's a deal. 10:30. That's nothing. Will you work with me a little? The last thing I do is 10 p.m. just give me the brush L please sleep leave me alone mom can you believe she told me I'm hurting her? Oh, that's a typical 16-year-old manipulation tactic, don't fall for it. Don't know. I think about these things. Salone, especially, you know, growing up with our mom, she was very hard on us.
gen z girl won t listen to her mom she instantly regrets it dhar mann studios
I'm still recovering. I just don't want to ruin it. You know, oh, believe me, you took all the good parenting qualities from Mom anyway. She's 16, she's going to hate everything you say from time to time, one day she'll thank you when she realizes that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. I learned it very quickly, now that I think about it, she looks a lot like you, she's okay, oh wow, this is it. It's a bit of a stretch but thanks for letting me practice yeah oh I can't believe she got my first job as a credited makeup artist on a horror movie.
I can do gory special effects makeup, yeah, well this is definitely creepy, so you're lucky, I love you enough to let you do this to me, well, you know what next time He gives you a hard time I can turn her in a zombie? What are you doing? I was checking where Al was. Can you believe he is? He's already back from the party for his 10:30 curfew well, maybe he's finally


ing to you maybe you have to go, I'll call you later allora cordone Mom, do you know it's after 11:00 p.m.? I found your little sleep scam, let's go.
How could you humiliate me in front of all my friends? Give me a hard time every day no, you give yourself a hard time by constantly trying to control me. Have you ever heard of the leave them theory? Maybe you should read about her. In fact, I have and you know what she says. There are three cases where you actually step forward and say something, one of them is when someone is in danger or when they are doing something unsafe. I'll let you change it with your old school toxicity, being a normal 16 year old is not. insecure I know you hate me right now but I care about you Him and I want the best for you well let me tell you a little secret you are a bad mother just like your mother was I wish I had a new mother and You would be out of my life for always.
The grass is not always greener on the other side. What happened? Al was still at the party and when I confronted her she said he wanted a new mom, so maybe it's time we gave him one. Who are you and where is my mom? Hi, I'm Piper, your new mom, the number you dialed is not in service. I'll call the police next, if you don't leave, relax, your mom is safe, she hired me to take care of her while she went to the spiritual retreat, so how long is she supposed to be away? I don't know for a while, I don't understand, she just she left for saying something, oh no, she said you wanted a new mom, well, I'm fine here.
Is this some kind of joke? No El, this is very real Paula has been gone for how many months I don't know a year oh I don't know what to say I mean, you are definitely the opposite of my real mom, which I don't care at all so what do you say? You want to go have fun. You should change out of those boring clothes first. Actually, would it be okay if I wore a crop top? Honey, you can wear whatever you want. Live your life. I'm not going to stop you. I want to stay under the sun, sing with a bird and let no one hide inside my life.
One of those days when I'm free. I want to stay under the moon looking at the earth and be the morning sun. What time was it? you come in I don't know like 3 but before you get mad at the meat you should stay out until later I always had some coffee no I'm fine but breakfast sounds great it doesn't matter there's no food we need just door Dash , something that may take a while maybe we should cook something do you want to cook? I know not, yes, you're right, let's order something. There are cockroaches and I thought cockroaches only lived in New York City, yeah me too so I guess we should.
Clean this all up then, sure, yeah, we'll get to that later. I have a surprise for you. You're going to get a tattoo, right? Your mom says you really wanted one. Mhm, seriously, but what will happen when my mom finds out? Yeah, just keep it covered that's what I always do, you don't have to be 18, yeah, here's a deal. I know a guy who owns an underground tattoo shop. My friend Shady said he'll do it for you. Shady M. I don't know what it is. The problem is not this what you always wanted. Yes you're right.
I'm sorry. I'm just not used to having all this freedom. I can't believe he's hurting me too. This is crazy. We'll stop and put McDonald's on the road. My mom never really lets me eat fast food. Are you sure we shouldn't clean this all up before we leave? I'm sure the cockroaches will die on their own, maybe they'll do us a favor and eat the garbage. Shady, yes, that's it. I, hey, nice to meet you, you don't know this guy, I thought you said you were friends, we follow each other on IG, so same thing, what are we doing today?
This is on my arm below the elbow, oh okay, have a seat here, tattoo. time with my best friend is that there is something wrong with what you are using. Are you sure this guy knows what he is doing? I mean, he has a lot of tattoos, so you'll probably be fine, what's the worst that could happen? with this for life wait, don't you have to sterilize my skin or something? No, everything's fine. I don't believe in any of that security nonsense. Stop, I can't do this, who's problem? I do not want to do this. I'm more sorry, dummy, hey, you're okay, yeah, I'll be fine, okay, my friends are having a party at a nightclub, we should go, don't you have to be 21?
I know the doorman, you'll be fine, we're leaving in 30, get dressed, actually, me. I think I better go to bed since I have school tomorrow. Seriously, silly. Do you think you could brush my hair before you leave? How do I look like a hairdresser? Go hard peace the number you dialed is not in service it's time to go to work I'm out of joy, just a hit and run I thought I love you You thought it was fun I'm moving down the road Look at me as I go Look at me as I go I look at both of you sides before you cross me baby because I don't break my voice.
I keep going. I keep going. Hey, I don't have anything else to say. Let's follow my path. No. I move on. I keep going. Don't worry, I'll get it. Came. As soon as I could, are you okay, this may sound really crazy, but about a week ago my mom and I got into a fight and I wanted to have a new mom, so she went on a treat and hasn't responded to any of my questions. questions. she calls so who has been watching you? Well, in a strange way. I guess you got exactly what you wanted.
A new mom. Yes, but that's not what I want anymore. I made a huge mistake. Aunt, please help me get my mom back. Now I realize that the grass isn't always greener on the other side what the hell why do you sound just like mom what how but when you have tattoos oh guilty wait a second you're in on this too wait someone please tell me what happens next The other night, when you told me you wanted a new mom, Aunt Sloan came up with a way to make it happen. I used my makeup skills to transform her into exactly what you wanted, a cool mom and just like that, I went from Paula to Piper. so you could see what it was like to have no rules and a mom who didn't give a damn about you.
Wow, well, it worked. Piper was great and you can be quite annoying sometimes, but I need a mom, not just someone who is willing. let me do whatever I want, I get it now, I'm sorry, I'm so proud of you darling, and great job cleaning up, by the way, I'm impressed, now let me make you something to eat, oh, okay, I got it. I'm sure you want a shower wow I really love this new L thanks honey oh I have one last question. Is that tattoo still standing because I think I don't want it as an opportunity?
Maybe I do want Piper back, it doesn't matter.

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