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Gacha Stories in a Nutshell 4

Jun 06, 2021
How could you steal my first kiss? Who I am? Because I'm very strange. Wait during the fall. Her mouths fall against each other. What's going on? What year is? What year is this? Then you will have realized that I am not there. as often as before I used to make them the same every week. I was aware of the latest trends, the latest


that were then copied and made over and over again by several different accounts. I'm completely out of the loop and that's why I always like to make these gotcha videos in a


because they summarize and poke fun at what's been going on in the Gotcha community lately and plus you guys seem to love them so why not ?
gacha stories in a nutshell 4
This first video is for cat gotcha stuff, which is the account that usually makes all these gotcha and


videos. This is part 6. Link to the description below if you want to watch it, but it's not very long so I'll add a similar video towards the end. Alright, let's look at a quick overview of some of the trap


I've been missing, oh my gosh, it's Steph or Sims music. I sent my best friend to the person I like, yes, hello everyone, my name is Hazel and today I will tell you. What happened in my life is super original and you've never heard it before.
gacha stories in a nutshell 4

More Interesting Facts About,

gacha stories in a nutshell 4...

I'm sure it happened. My life was normal until this happened. What happened? Oh, it looks like they're already here. Wait. Why do they laugh like that? He almost looks like me. My best friend likes the person I like, oh no, it looks like today is going to be a disaster. Hi Hazel, oh hi TL, come on Hazel, we're going to be late for school, okay, sorry, actually, at lunch time, look at them, my core, look, she's prettier than me. oh yeah, but she's my best friend. I need to support her no matter what she sends. No, I don't like that you look so pretty.
gacha stories in a nutshell 4
No, I do not like. She needed to go to the bathroom. Yeah, how could you steal my first one? kiss what I don't even like kiss I'm so weird during the fall their mouths fall into each other oops oh yeah I guess if you don't know we have two characters mouths disappear means kiss for some reason I don't It's not even like I don't like you either , chubby, how were my two lovebirds making hazelnut? Dog, you understand, I don't like me, I don't like it, no, I love you, I don't like beer, I don't like hazelnut.
gacha stories in a nutshell 4
You don't understand I don't like it Mia I like it I don't like it no what are you crazy what I don't know you won't stop no no he didn't say he likes you no he said Lee he likes you I have a boyfriend he's your boyfriend he would never go out with me oh my God make so much effort I love to see their missing mouths they're kissing so you don't like me yeah so you don't like me I know you said you liked me and you kiss me, baby, sure, sure, you don't like it.
I think I made a good decision not to read Gotcha stories lately. If that's what I'm missing. Girls versus boys singing battle. Hey, we want to sing battle. I will answer your question. Oh, it's copyrighted music. It wouldn't be a problem without copyrighted music. I'll show you how real singers do it. I know exactly what's wrong. It's from the ticking page of soggy nuggets. It was incredible. I'll show you how it's done. I mean, it's a song about the best song of all time. I mean, it's not copyrighted, so thank you to everyone who sings a copyrighted song.
I'm booing nervously, show them your amazing talent, it's copyrighted again, boo, this is a stupid time to show you my true form. I know he's supposed to be the purple guy from Five Nights at Freddys, but what purple guy is that old? What's going on? What year is? What year is? I also love that the purple guys batch has an emu face to make it kawaii. Oh, I also just realized he's holding knives. Fantastic number three replaced. Hello, hello, the narrator of this story. This story is about this girl. I don't know her name and I don't care, so I'll call her blonde.
Two friends than anyone. cares so let's ask where it gets interesting one day the blonde was walking down the school hallway and saw the new girl, well what are you going to do, blonde, choose between these options a friendship, Habibullah, what Do you mean that you will find that friendship is always? the right choice why are you here alone? Hello, my name is purple. I do not have friends. I know we couldn't be friends. Follow me. I'll introduce you to my other friends. Hey, this is purple. She's new here. Oh, it's me. purple the next day the blonde is walking alone the friends are not waiting for her hanging out with me I was replaced as if I saw you we are not waiting for me as usual oh sorry we forgot by the way I have tickets for that new movie called mmmm monster mmmm monster many thanks what about me? oh no, I only have three tickets.
Oh idiot, I'm such a bad friend, yes you are. Wow, why would you make her cry, rude, my bad it seems your friends don't like her anymore, maybe. They finally realized how stupid and ugly you are Wow narrator after the blonde noticed that her friends started turning more and more purple. I'm being replaced. The title said replace. Will you do the following? Blonde, how will you show your fake friends how you feel? Choose from these options again, they sing a copyrighted song. No, we get magical powers and kill them. Look. You have depression. No, you need to choose one.
Anyway, I'll choose for you. Look, now you're depressed. What the hell? Why do I look like I'm about to rob a bank? Don't take these stories too seriously. Okay, ten years to get used to it and it's working, that's why I did it, this is hands down the best story ever. Beautiful story, so raw, so real. That's some mud, that's some quality. from Valve I'm the favorite child WW aaaw hello Steam es suis Hidden so what is OA? The duck is the name. This green haired one is so sexy. I'm going to call it green apple.
The ducklings, the name. And I'll call that little girl. Dora the spoiled brat question mark I want this knife and this bear just bad no I want this lollipop and this boyfriend you scared my boyfriend with your ugly face oh my god what is happening this is going so fast these are making it up oh my god there are the gangsters I was bleeding, I was bleeding from my nose, what are you doing here, dad?, sweetie, all these stories are melting my brain, I'm so boring, I'm going somewhere, I'm done with this, what's going on, holy grandma, what are you doing here?
I want to renew grandpa. Holy, your hair is so sticky I can't brush it, can you just shut up if I have Goku powers? I can brush your hair AAA aa di Isola Marduk we we help it just happens no no no no help me I look like Donald Trump my little pony is better omg you look like rotten grapes sorry I can't make you pretty yeah you come , no, I can't, yes, you come, no, I can't, yes, you come, no, yes, you come, no, I can't, new here and I hope we can be friends, but this is a school only for boys, brothers, a sister, my name is green apple, what a screen happily and I have three brothers, this is my brother, green apple boy, he is the school Playboy and he likes apples.
He's my brother no one cares no one he's really a protective brother and he likes to like and finally what is my super loot brothers sister this is my brother's sister super legendary in riddles Dora she likes Dora and well this is my story my brother's sister loves me I mean it's like doing a good job because understanding a nutshell is melting my brain and trapped stories in general melt my brain I felt in love what's okay without emotions yes you're coming no I can't , I forgot, I can't die because I love potatoes to gotcha why did I make him do this to myself oh no ok now I know why I haven't been making so many gotcha videos that legitimately hurt my brain well I guess leave a like if you want me to keep making gotcha stories gotcha and melting my brain until I no longer have one subscribe if you are new to the channel and press the notification bell so you don't get lost in the void that is now YouTube and as always I will see you soon

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