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Furniture Makeover | Mint by Michelle Decoupage Paper Take 2

Jun 01, 2021
I bought this table on Facebook Marketplace for ten dollars. I was so excited I ran over and picked it up and the moment I saw it I knew it had to be different. To me it is a gothic looking piece. There is so much detail that the legs almost look like long spider legs, so I knew I wanted to do something that was very dark, dramatic and bold with this piece, so let's turn it around. I start this


by cleaning with the white lightning cleaner on my dixie belt, this tells me. Some things here are not only extremely dirty but will also bleed when you finish cleaning it.
furniture makeover mint by michelle decoupage paper take 2
I come back with a rag and some water and I'm going to rinse this entire piece because I don't want any cleaner residue left or the paint won't stick, there's a lot of creaks on the top and it's just not a nice flat surface. , so I'm going to use my sander and just sand the top. Right away now that I've sanded it smooth, I'm going to use my shellac in a spray can. I'm using the spray can because it's so much easier with a table like this and the long legs and this helps set all that bleed so my piece doesn't bleed later.
furniture makeover mint by michelle decoupage paper take 2

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Now that I've decided what I'm going to do with this piece, I'm going to go in with my Dixie Bells caviar and just paint. layer on top, I made a piece a couple of weeks ago with a






and as much as I loved it, I wasn't too excited because something was missing, so I think this table is missing to get closer to. I'm going to use my mod podge and I'm going to use that moody flower



for this little table. I think if I can achieve the complete look with this table, it will really make that dresser stand out.
furniture makeover mint by michelle decoupage paper take 2
I am using my mod. podge, I'm just going to paint it right now, I'm just laying it down so it looks a little sloppy, but I'll smooth it out later, so now after it dries, I go the other direction and add another coat and here it is. what it looks like now my mod podge is completely dry and i grab


's small


decoupage paper it has two sizes this was the smaller one when i ordered the large one i also ordered the smaller one and i'm so glad i did now i'm just going to cut it to the Measured so it lies flat on my table.
furniture makeover mint by michelle decoupage paper take 2
I have decided to use the ironing method for this. It's going to be the easiest, so now that my modge podge is dry, I'm just using it. parchment paper over my decoupage paper and then I just iron it on there nice and flat. You don't want to keep the iron in one place for too long or it will rip off the paint and melt everything, so you want to just keep it moving and make sure to lift the parchment paper from time to time so it doesn't stick. Now I'm going to add another layer of modge podge over my decoupage paper.
Everything is nice and flat, so let's go. go one direction and then when it dries I'll go the other direction with a second coat. Now my mod podge is completely dry, so I'm going to go in with my caviar and paint the edges of the table so everything shows through. really good and I decide I want to


it to another level so I'm going to pour resin over this and I'm using some amazing casting resin. I bought it on Amazon. If you want to do something similar, just make sure you get it. The transparent and high gloss mold this resin is very easy to use.
I use it for all my molds. You just use part a and part b and mix equal parts, stir and pour. It can't be easier than that. When you are using this you should make sure you have full ventilation in your house or use your respirator, if you are using it indoors I recommend using it outdoors, the only reason I didn't was because it was an extremely windy day, but I have all the windows of my house. I went and opened it and I have the front door that is right next to me open completely. You should wear gloves and safety glasses if you do not have safety glasses. some glasses because you don't want this to splash in your eyes you'll end up in the emergency room.
I'm using individual glasses for this. I have three available but you only need two so I'll just grab the bottle and put them in. half in a cup and then I'm going to


bottle b and put about half in a cup. You just want to make sure you put equal parts in each cup, so now I have cup a and cup b. I'm going to take one of the cups and pour it into the other. Then the most important part of this whole process is mixing it. You have about half an hour of working time before it starts to set. you want to mix, I mean, you want to mix like crazy because if you don't it won't work and then your resin won't set, so you want to make sure you've mixed it well and I want to make sure you have equal parts or it won't set.
What I really like about this resin kit is that when you look in this cup I saw a lot of bubbles, but you don't really have to worry about the bubbles because once you pour it slowly, the bubbles just disappear, there is no need for a blowtorch or anything like that, you're just going to put it in slowly, you don't want to throw it in there, you don't want to pour it and it goes everywhere, there's just no need, it won't spill over the sides unless you spill it intentionally, so now I'm spreading it evenly and it moves itself so you don't have to. work it too hard and you don't have to worry about it settling because it takes 24 hours to fully cure.
Now I'm just using the bits that are left over in my cup and I'm just going to go over the sides and you're going to want to go underneath and check for drips, just use your stick to wipe the drips off because when the drips dry, they're going to dry like drips so I'm just you want to make sure it's nice and smooth, that's next. day and my table has completely cured, it looks amazing, so I'm going to go ahead and make the base. I'm just going to apply one coat of caviar to the entire thing including the details so I did two full coats of caviar and then I'm going to go ahead and seal this so I'm using my varithanes water based polyurethane and just a little bit of caviar.
I love using a little bit of my dark color when I'm sealing because it leaves a nice free streak. I'm done and now I'm going to use my silver gilding wax and I just want to lightly touch all the details. Just put it on the tip of your finger or you can put it on a brush and lightly go over the details, everything that's standing. It goes on and once it's on it doesn't really come off, so it's oil based, so you have to be very careful not to stain the entire piece, just the details, that's what I'm looking for.
Here we are all finished. This is by far one of my favorite pieces. Pouring resin gave it a shiny mirror-like finish. I love it so much and here in case you can't see what the glass looks like, I just wanted to. To show you if you enjoyed this video, hit the like button and subscribe and I'll see you next week.

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