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Jun 07, 2021
Hello, why are you like this? That's weird, this looks honestly, it's suggestive. Hey guys, today I want to do something different to make this room sound empty and echoy now because the floor was a foot deep with makeup and it's not a foot deep with My husband and I put on more makeup and cleaned this whole room and we We're getting rid of hundreds and hundreds of pieces of makeup and we're doing a big giveaway soon, so stay tuned, it'll probably be up on my Instagram, probably where I'll be. do it like this if you don't follow me on Instagram you should because that's where I'm going to announce it.
full face of first second impressions wow
I don't think I'm going to say anything on YouTube, not because it's weird but because Instagram is the easiest and fastest. way I can say: hey, there's a lot of makeup here, do you want it? There will be mystery box gifts, so you won't know what's in the box, you won't know what you'll get, I can tell you that because I packed the boxes, if there's a lot of makeup in them, they're flat rate boxes


and each one has at least some palettes, a ton of lip products, some cheek stuff, like there's a lot of stuff in there, I don't know. exactly what's in each box again, like I said, it's totally random, but if you're interested in that, make sure you follow my Instagram because I'll definitely be doing some giveaways very soon, but today what I want to do is what I want to do.
full face of first second impressions wow

More Interesting Facts About,

full face of first second impressions wow...

I want to make some



, but I also want to make some



, yeah, the thing is when you do YouTube and you're trying on a lot of makeup all the time because new things are constantly being released, as you know as viewers on this. platform, sometimes you're always trying new things and you don't go back and try the old things and there have been some products. I mean, YouTube recently recommended my own videos to me, which is really weird. YouTube, they're mine, but it worked because I clicked on some of them because I wanted to see what I was wearing on some of them and I wanted to do a couple


impressions of some of the things that you're going to see me try today.
full face of first second impressions wow
You may have seen me try out some of their new features before, but I want to try some things like I did in that video. I don't know if you guys have seen it, if you haven't already, it will be up here. It's him making my


like an Instagram video and that one that I was basically using like Far Sally drops foundation Beauty Blender like I was doing all this and the way my skin looked in that video was actually really good so I want to have that. skin again and today I exfoliated my skin and oh man alive I am smooth.
full face of first second impressions wow
You might see flashes all over my


. That's because I took a bath last night and used a bath balm from Lush. I don't know what it was, but it was gone. I am completely brilliant. My entire bathroom is shiny. Zach is still brilliant. I took a shower this morning. When I did that Instagram makeup video, my skin looks good. I'm going to try doing what I did in that video again today to see if I like the products again. I just want to try it a second time and see now when. I tried the bar that Solly drops in that video.
I felt like my skin was being torn apart. I remember thinking, oh I feel like it's like causing some breakouts, we'll see if that happens again today if you guys are excited about this video. make sure to like and subscribe to my youtube channel and let's try things out. It was nice to go through my makeup room because I found some things I'm excited about. If you already follow me on Instagram, you can do it. I have seen in my stories that I found out that a brand sent me everything is in this bag here, a brand called JD Glo Cosmetics sent some like little pigments and multiple crumbs, if you don't know, they are like pigments but they change multiple.
The colors aren't just a duo, as you can see like something like this, let's say, let's see if you can tell it on camera, but it's like a ginger, purple, and red color, and they ship in all different colors. They sent a bunch of multiple cards. I sent individual shades, let me tell you, cameras cannot capture how awesome these products are. Now a lot of them exploded in the mail, making it even brighter. They're all covered in sparkles, that's why they're in this little bag, but me. I wanted to try some of these today because they look amazing.
They also sent the pigments with a mixing medium. They sent three mixing mediums, which seems excessive for the quantity. I feel like this would last me my entire life unless I'm using it. These every day, but what I found with this mixing medium is that I tried a little bit on my hand and mixed it with one of the multi crumbs and put it on the back of my hand and it didn't budge. I don't know if you saw my Instagram story. I'll try to put it here. I was like cleaning it with my hand and rubbing it over it and it doesn't move so I'm interested to see what it is. like on my eye, I think I would mix it like on a little palette or something, mix it and then paint it in these colors.
They are incredible. I had never really heard of this brand before, but I don't know if you have. The kids can see well, this is what happens with cameras, you know that they suck and that they can't show things as well as they are, what they really don't do is show the shine that you know when you enter like in a jewelry store. you're in a Fred Meijer and you walk past the Fred Meyer jewelry stores, you're in a Costco and you see a little ring showing now the light, how they shine like nothing you've ever seen before, it's because it's more like a soft light and there's something about that when I worked in a bead store, yeah I worked in a bead store, we had like a Swarovski crystal display case in there and it had a special kind of lighting to use it Fitch, it looks like the sparkle is a diamond.
Have you ever seen in your damn life that's what this camera does, the opposite of these beauty lights and the camera makes Sparkle look stupid like she's oh wow cool, but in real life when these beauty lights aren't on and it's just the low level The lighting in my room is literally cry-worthy, so keep that in mind when I show it to you today. I'll try to get some kind of video somehow on what the glitter actually looks like because there's such a fine glitter there's glitter and then. There are these and these are like the finest, most beautiful glitter.
I feel like I've seen some of these colors in my entire life. I was like screaming the other day. I wasn't screaming. I went, but you know the same thing, yeah. They're like, oh, I can't even explain, that just looks white on camera, it doesn't even look that cool, but then when you see it, oh man, I don't know, let me try turning the lights off, oh, okay. it helps a little bit, it's like what I see with my eyes, yeah, just give that as the most surprising, the most surprising, Christi. Wow, good explanation, idiot, that helps a little to see how it catches the light, but if you are. wearing them and you were outside and you wanted to absolutely like Sparkle from across the room these would make there's one here this is the shade Empress oh I literally wish you could understand but it's helping a little bit as you can see. how it looks on my hand yeah look at that but I know when I'm dying for a shine the reason you probably say how cool it is because this ruins everything and you know I'm going to be talking about what I'm going to try it and I'm going to try it when I did that making my face like an Instagram video.
I used Solley's skin blur and unicorn essence. I think today I'm just going to use the skin to blend because I used them both so much in that video, I literally feel like 10 layers, you know Freddie, you're a joker, but today I just want to try skin tight blur because I've heard things good and I've tried it too, so I've also heard good things about myself, oh look, it's all dry in there, it's like sticky, okay, that's annoying, okay, I've never hated anything more than that, I hate it , okay, maybe keep it up, keep it up, hello, where do you like this?
Are you ever going to break up? Hello, how long is this going to last? Oh, that's weird and it's like thick and you can tell it's kind of solidified there because it's been a few months since I used this so it's not very promising. If you're going to understand this, maybe they didn't smell it like watermelon or something very similar to that big Lee, this one's not bad, this one smells a little like candy or cotton candy or something like that, but this one smells like watermelon. Jolly Rancher but it's like not good so I'm going to use it oh this looks honestly it's appetizing I'm sorry now it smells like crunchy cinnamon toast oh yeah okay now I remember using this okay it's sticky it's sticky , I forgot it feels like that on my skin. um thick, I don't know if you can, it's not sticky, that's not the word to describe it, thick, it's thick, although it feels like Elmer's glue, but not sticky, almost silicone.
II, although it dries out, which is actually a unique product, but I. I feel like this is called skin tone blur, but it seems to do something. Now primers seem like a great trick to me. I understand that with paint primer it works because it adheres, it actually works for my skin. I don't know you. You guys have been hearing me say this for years. I've never seen a difference, but maybe this is what causes the difference because I noticed that when I did the Beauty Blender foundation that day it looked incredibly good, okay? and that. is the rebound of Beauty Blender.
I think it's called bounce foundation, but when I used it before I feel like my skin looked really perfect, it looked completely airbrushed, so maybe I don't know, we'll see, okay, I'm removing the foundation. from this side of my face so we can see if there's a difference or if it's just the base, right? Instagram Video I definitely noticed a difference but I'm wondering if it's the foundation or not so the left side of my face is primed. this side is none I can definitely feel a difference now this one feels like you know silicone foundations they feel like this is what it feels like if you don't know how it works this is incredibly cool I think it's probably one of the best foundation containers I've ever had seen, but it has like an on and off button here and then you can see that when it's off you can't press it so you can travel with it when it's on you can't press it either, okay? we go there, we go and the foundation comes from there and comes here and then you use your Beauty Blender with it.
I didn't want my Beauty Blender shit, so what was this one that had this side? So I'm going to do this side. First, since it doesn't have a foundation and I don't want any on here, I'm using a Beauty Blender because it's the Beauty Blender foundation, a lot of times I use my cosmetics. I love the base. brush most of the time I haven't done a new foundation in a long time. I've been using pure cosmetics and loving your selfie foundation for literally months, but it's time to change it up quick, I know how I feel.
I'm having a bit of a breakout here again, yeah, I don't know if you guys can see, see, it wasn't there before, my face felt really good before that, maybe this skin-tuned blur just isn't for me.


time. I did it, I put on a lot of foundation because I was trying to do my makeup like the people on Instagram and we know how they do it. I'm trying to make a little less this time so I can try it again without it being overkill, okay? So this is an unprimed side so far. I feel like it doesn't look as good as the first time I remember.
It has great coverage, although OMG when I went to put the shoes on today I went to put them on. and I just have him put your feet in a pair of shoes and you say: is there a spider in my shoes? and you get that feeling like I always slam my shoes before I put them on because I'm like, I'm not going to put my foot in until a spider squirms and that didn't happen, okay, that didn't happen, but I had this feeling that I was like, I don't know, I feel weird, maybe I should check near my shoes, so I literally put my foot on the ground and there was a spider like this, dead, very big, right next to my shoe.
I think my cat got caught in the night, thanks to anyone really, but oh my God, he was so big and his paws were curved in who. It was horrible so check your shoes once I put on a pair of boots when I was working in wildlife rehabilitation and there was a big majestic spider inside one of the big bodied suckers okay let's see if I can see a difference in Either way, you know what, okay, so the second impression is that both sides look equally bad. My nose looks particularly bad. Only makeup II is visible and it doesn't cover as well as I remember.
I see that I am dry. It seems he didn't get in either. the crack of my nose at all, which is not all bases, that was. I'm going to do that, but it just seems like trying to do makeup II and my forehead looks absolute, but I don't know the second impression unless Preston is the first, so come on. Try using a hydrating concealer, so today I want to try the new pretty cool color pop concealer. This is the hyaluronic creamy concealer and I have a couple different shades here. I have just 20n and then I have medium. 90w I think I'm going to try this one, it might be a little too dark but you know, I look a little pale right now this is the medium shade 90w oh this might be a little too dark yeah okay well I'm going to mix two shades, so if you don't know the color pop, the no filter concealer, the regular one, my ultimate favorite, I love it.
It's amazing now, this is pretty new, this is a hyaluronic concealer. I did not likenot at all pretty cool skin tint, but maybe it's just me, maybe I'll do it sometime. I've seen other people really like, okay, I'm going to layer it. a little of this because the color is very bad, this is the right 15w tone. I don't know, I'm just NOT a fan of it, it didn't look that good on me, but maybe that's just me, so we'll do it. Let's see if we like this concealer, we'll see if we like this one and one person, I think I love the filterless one, it's such a good concealer for me, it's polarizing, even though some people hate it, okay, so you're officially passed 34 minutes since you saw it.
I put that concealer on because my sister called me and we had a conversation so you can see what happens when they see it dry down, as you can see it creases a little bit on my eyelids. I've noticed that I've had to keep hitting it for the last 30 minutes or so, since it's a hyaluronic acid concealer it should be very hydrating. I would say it dries matte, although my eyes don't look super hydrated underneath and I'm looking forward to that. It settles a little in the folds. I didn't set it as a powder, but it dries completely, so if you're thinking it's going to be like a super luminous concealer, I wouldn't say it is when applied, it's definitely nice and creamy. hydrating this just feels like color pop without a filter if I mean honestly it almost looks drier under my eyes yeah you know what I've noticed is that hyaluronic acid is supposed to make your skin very plump and very hydrated.
I feel like it does the opposite for me, I don't know and I don't know why, but my eyes look pretty dry right now, so just so you know, I want to use the new Oprah Pro. palate, so this is the Ofra Pro palette that just released, it's called a soul palette and they released one like this last year. I'll show you that I've used it a ton, so it has a lot of warmer tones. I remember this. It looked very similar when it was released last year, that's how it looks here and I've used it a ton now.
It's kind of interesting to notice my shades, especially the bronzer here has these little white marks all over it. Not now. I don't know what mold they are. I don't know what they are, but there are little white flecks everywhere, so I'll show you the difference between the two palettes. This was last year, as you can see, it is very dirty. this year I feel like it's very similar, it's just a little different in the way that it has two highlighters instead of the bronzer, which is kind of like, I think I'd prefer something like this that has the bronzer and the highlighters versus two highlighters , he actually has three because he also has that little one.
They're very similar, so I don't know if it's one of those things where you'd need both. They are different in colors but not different enough, yeah, cool anyway. I already said I got a lot out of this, so I really like it. I used it for months and months, but mainly because the bronzer is in there too, so it was like a very rounded face palette, so I think. I'll just use the bronzer from the old Oprah Pro palette I have. I'm going to use my BH Cosmetics Studio Pro number two brush, kind of a bigger brush, and I'm going to dip it into that shade and just bronze.
With that real quick, obviously my eyebrows came off camera too, so I was sitting there chatting with my sister, so I thought I might as well do something productive, that's enjoyable, that's a little heavy. It might have been too harsh. With him I didn't want to go overboard with the bronzer. I think I like the blush color and the old Oprah Pro palette better. I don't know if this one is still available, it's a much more color I would use, but this new one is another thing I don't really like about these palettes, although I like them in one way.
I don't know if you guys can tell how dirty it is absolutely so dirty because it has a really matte cardboard look to it. I like it. the shape and the size and everything from the palette but it gets dirty very quickly so I'm going to try this blush from the palette here and this is the shade b29 this is one of those shades that looks very pigmented like me No I know if you can see it, but I'm going to remove it in my hand so it's not an exaggeration. Okay, now I'm going to try the highlighter, ah, so this shade to me seems like it would be too dark.
These are the Soho shades and then this one is all the highlights, which I think is a ton of their highlighters mixed together. This guy here is Sahara Dawn. I feel like this palette is maybe an extension of the other Oprah Pro palette, but this one is for deeper skin tones and that's almost how it feels to me because these shades are much deeper and the pretty highlighters seem to be for skin tones. deeper skin, while the other one, this is the boho palette, is wonderful. The highlight I love is Rodeo Drive, which is another one of my favorite highlights, so I'm going into it.
I think I'll try this highlighter and see how it looks on my skin. It looks impressive. Oh, by Highlighters are one of my favorite formulas. They are incredible. You know, it doesn't really cast darkness. I thought it would, but it actually doesn't. A little, maybe it's bad. It's a really pretty highlighter. We quite like that tone. It's really beautiful. Goldy rose Goldy shift is really beautiful, but it doesn't look super fake, so I'm going to spray my brush, I think with a little bit of morphe prep and setup. I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think I could have done it. a coat my managers asked me do you want one?
I said, I guess I could have one and I think if I remember correctly, unless it was a joke, my coat is our BK 10. What's going on? Don't worry. I will never push. It's up to you, this will probably be the last time I mention it, maybe I don't know, we can't, who's to say I'll never be a bigger rate code pusher, okay, I just wet my brush a little because I want to. to see if it's like that, oh yes, sometimes wet the brush. Birds can really help you. You can use any setting, but you don't have to use them more if you want, but it can help it almost melt into the skin in a more way.
I mean, obviously, it's a very intense look, this is also a different shade, by the way, I'm kind of trying out the other shade. Okay, it looks too white on my face. I'm going to take my blush brush and tap it on. of the cone that went down a bit, I was a little over the top, but I like how wet it almost makes it look when you use the setting spray when you go back to that shade like Goldy that I tried first. You know, this is excessive. but I'm just having fun that gives me like a golden mustache that's not you I feel like I look quite textured I'm going to spray a little on my face my skin just has texture it's not the highlight and the hope that the highlights can almost bring out more texture because they are very shiny so keep that in mind if you have very textured skin if you have really super smooth and non-textured skin what is the other word for texture what is the opposite of smooth texture if you have very smooth skin You might don't have any problem with this, but I don't, so I do it right as you can see this has been wrinkled once again.
You definitely want to set your lids with powder. I am not going to do it. I read this shade as French Montana, but it's French Mocha. I was wondering how they could make this shade with that name, so I'm going to choose the coolest brown shade I can, probably both shades down here. I don't want this to be warm because I want to be able to use more colors like blue and things like that. I'm going to dip into a little bit of that lighter at the bottom. I think one is French mocha. French Montana is literally what I think of every time.
Oh, that's very. pigmented like take this a little higher this shade cool shade like almost contour them with it contour II name my new daughter I almost did it again you guys I know the skin on my nose she's not pretty this is not the brush right for this I need a fluffier brush this one is not good ok this one is a better size and you liked a fluffier spiky brush the other one was more like a flat paddle brush and not what I was looking for at all outshines the work Great, I love their formula, they are very easy to mix, I have no problems with them.
This is the type of palettes. I think like I said before, I wish this one had had the bronzer in it and they have been perfect for me. I think these palettes are something that for some reason I use because it's kind of all in one and that's what I look for when I want to do my makeup and usually if I'm doing my makeup off camera. I want it to go fast. I don't want to have like 80,000 products in front of me, I just want to have everything easily accessible and that's why I really like these professional palettes because they're so easy to use because you have your highlights, your eyeshadows and, well, your bronzer and the another, and it's really nice, so ask yourself if the bohemian palettes are still available.
Let me love. Yes, the boho palette Pro is still in stock. It's $99. Oh, rechargeable. Oh, looks like you can buy the professional one. Oh yes, I can see they seem to be coming with you. They are sold as refills for this, so if you run out of a shade instead of buying a whole new palette you just pop in a new refill. That's great, but I think $99 is too expensive. Oh my god, you're kidding. $99. I think this palette should be closer to 60. I mean you get 2


size highlighters that already cost like 30 bucks on Oprah and then you get a mini highlighter, 8i shadows, a blush, a bronzer and a powder finished, it's worth like 65, maybe 70, I don't know, a hundred dollars seems very expensive to me, I don't know if I would buy it for $100, I'm just saying that for myself.
Personally, if I hadn't received it in PR, is this something you would go out and buy for $100? I don't know. I like it a lot and I think you will like it too. I don't think any of you. I'll hate to have it, but I don't know if I can recommend buying it for that price, maybe you can get a discount. Oh, I think I heard Jen loves the reviews that say Oprah's website charges more than you can get at Ulta. Let me. look how much it costs in Malta it's $79 I don't know but I remember Jen said if you use her code at checkout which I think is jen then you could get the Ulta price instead of the cosmetics price Ofra.
I don't know why that's really weird to me, but just so you know, that's all I'm going to do with my eyes for the shade. I know it's not that crazy, but I really want the drama to be like this. I think this is the tone I want to use. This is the Empress shade. Look at that color. Stop when I say, stop. I mean, don't stop it and never stop again. Okay, so this is the mixing medium that stays. and I think it's okay, like Far Sally's skin to diffuse the smell of this, it's amazing, it smells good, so it's a denatured alcohol acrylate, there's a lot of stuff in it, regardless of all that, the smell is, I think they tried to cover it up like alcohol.
I smell watermelon Jolly Rancher and they nailed it, but it's very overwhelming and not something I feel like I want to set my eyes on. I'll do it, but I don't want to, so I'm actually going to mix it up. This little piece of plastic that I have here I don't have a palette to mix, but it was from Oprah and I want to be able to show you that I would just mix it on my table because I'm that kind of person, but trying to be a little less, you know this is the pigment here it comes in this little pot, you unscrew the top, these are very messy and although the pigments usually are, that's why I always prefer a liquid shadow, yeah.
We get what we have and we don't get mad, so I'm going to pour a little bit of this in here. Hello, I think that is enough. Yeah, so I'll try to mix this all up. I don't know if this. It's a step I would take every day if for a special occasion it could be really cool, let's see what we can do OMG this almost reminds me of a pigment I had from Makeup Geek. I don't know if you guys remember the pigment called utopia I think I still have it, this reminds me of that, but it's finer and less thick, it's like an antique gold color.
I think I'm going to take a little bit of that on my finger and just pat it on the top to get it. super bright ninis again on this. I'm going to turn off the lights for you guys, don't worry, okay. I'm going to turn off the lights and shine my phone in your face. I don't know if that works when it's off. out of focus look how amazing it looks when it's out of focus I'm going to put my hand here so it will focus later. I want to try one of the pressed shadows on top to see what it does and this is the color it is.
You really took me there this is the Fairy Acid color from the Galaxy collection that you like this will complement it very very well and this is how it looks here these may be the most beautiful shadows I have ever seen I went up too high too high let's try get that out, oh god, it's getting worse, let's make it look intentional, honestly, you could Pat mixing half in two. I'm going to try that. Pat will only like it mostly. I blend medium on my eye and then I just pat the dry glitter over the top and see if there's a difference, that's fine and as you can see there's so much fallout on my cheeks it's not the Cleanest look I've ever made. but you know, if you put on a pair of lashes or you just really liked mascara, maybe today I'll give myself a really smoky mascara look with this, so I was looking, looking, looking, looking through my eyeliners to find the right one . and I thought I'd find it in urban decay or somethinglike that, but what I found is that I think these Milani eyeliners are going to work and I've never tried them before and this is called metallic highlight eyeliner, this color could be. the one I found - oh, okay, this one matches better, like totally.
I'll wear it if it looks bad, I'll wipe it off, it just doesn't give me the vibe I was going for, maybe I'll layer it. this other one on top, which is the shade Brown bursts, works like this and maybe apply a little bit of that shade from the pro palette underneath so it's a little smoky, err, on the bottom. I'm going to curl my lashes and put on some mascara I haven't really seen anyone talk about this but this is the it cosmetics lash blowout and it's kind of cute look at this the tube looks like you're combing your hair it looks like a brush . a very wet formula, but I want to try it and see if I like it.
It has an interesting brush appearance, it is inclined. I do not know, sorry. I'm not going to like it because it seems like a very, very wet formula. Wow, okay, maybe I spoke too soon. My eyelashes are like attention. Those are some damn eyelashes. Can you see that? Wow, let's never see each other like that. Let's not use false eyelashes at least for me. The eyelashes are really tiny, you've seen it. I feel like it's very cute. I feel totally fine without lashes in this look. I like a lot. This is a product that ever since I saw it online I wanted to try it and it is perfect for this. because I don't want to be too bold with my lips like usual, but this the ad got me Michelle, the ad got me this is the em cosmetics quartz clear lip gloss a crystal lip gloss the ad the way it was you I know I'm talking about they went and liked that robotic arms session.
She put everything on our YouTube channel about it, but she hooked me and made me want to try it and I heard that the formulas are really comfortable. It's called morning dew, the perfect name for me, so I want to try this today and I really don't want to do anything else to my lips. I hope it's as good as I think it will be because it has a very light scent which I love, but I love a clear lip gloss, you guys know this about me, there's something that's magical about a clear, simple lip gloss, simple, simple, I love them, let's see if it lives up to my favorites, the Lunar Beauty Dream Gloss that I've been wearing almost every day Patrick, she's an influencer.
I think it's the name of the glitter, so beautiful, it's the clearest, with sparkles. I love that gloss, seriously, it's one of the best I've ever used, so the gloss, check it out, is next. -level, it's so beautiful, my lips look so juicy, comfortable, I would say compared to the dreamy gloss, compared to the loss of Patrick Tog, a little more sticky, but not bad, nothing like it al glitter, a glitter that is so thick and sticky, but like in the The best way is that I would call between the glitter a and the mani mu a moon beauty glitter.
I would say it's right in the middle, it's comfortable. I could definitely see myself wearing this every day. um, it's very bright. That's what I like. Wanna. to like it so much that it's overwhelmingly wet that's what she said let's do a summary because I think that's my whole face it feels like it's very fast because I don't have eyelashes let's start with my skin. I'm on a zoom, you in turn turn off the lights and we can see that both sides look exactly the same to me. I don't see a difference between the Thun skin blur and the skinless blur, so I don't know if that's actually the case.
I blurred my skin, sharpened my nose, it actually looks really, really bad here on this side, maybe when I was putting on bronzer or something like I took off some of my foundation, so it looks really bad on this side. , this side looks a little better. so maybe this blurry fit held up better on that side. I'm not sure my eyes with the color pop concealer are okay, but nothing to write home about, nothing too terrible, but I probably wouldn't switch to this instead of my usual. no concealer with a filter, I just love that one, this one looks good.
I feel like it covered the bags under my eyes. I don't like to look extraordinary. I definitely see some wrinkles, which happens to all of us if you have wrinkles on the bottom. Mind you, which if you're human you probably do, my skin definitely looked better in that video I did on the Instagram video, I think because I put on Ollie's first skin to blend the unicorn essence like six layers of those and then I caked the base. then i applied the powder, maybe that has something to do with it, i use the hood, a beauty like the cake powder, so i don't hate it, it doesn't look bad or anything, it just doesn't look like that.
It's not my perfect skin by any means. I would love to ask and know if any of you know of a very close cruelty free dupe for L'Oreal Pro Glow. I miss her. I miss my favorite foundation, Loreal Pro Glow, of all foundations. I've used in my entire life beyond the four on one dock beyond the Covergirl vitalist healthy elixir that those motherfuckers discontinued, the Loreal Pro gloss is my number one favorite foundation and because L'Oreal is cruelty free. free I don't use it, I miss it, I miss it very much. I hope you know something that is very similar.
Fenty Hydrating is too hydrating and I don't find it to be a gimmicky outfit. I just miss it, I miss my friend and Friend of mine, I mean what made me look better and dry out my bronzer less for the boho palette. I really like it. I definitely wouldn't pay $99 for it. I would pray that Meili paid like $70 for that entire palette. It's still very expensive but it has the eyeshadows, bronzer, highlighter and blush so it covers the whole spectrum which is almost like a full face of makeup if you think of it that way so if that's something you are looking for, I think that price.
It would be better, but I would definitely never pay the ninety-nine. I think this new palette is pretty. I like the color of the highlighter. I definitely feel like the sheen fall off makes it look ultra shiny. The colors in the palette are pretty, it's something I would use every day because there's no bronzer in it, no, but it's pretty, it's nothing that's going to blow me away, but I definitely think this one is better suited for deeper skin tones. , in my opinion. but it works for me so maybe as a medium the eyeshadows are amazing for me they are more of a special occasion type of eyeshadow because they are so painful to work with which means you have to take out the dropper. and all that kind of garbage and you, these are loose.
I would prefer them in a consistency like this, I'll almost always go for one of these instead of one of those, even though they are so initial and are one. Of the most beautiful things I've seen, I would almost always go for Stila, gorgeous metals that shimmer and shine, they're just easier to work with, you don't have to worry about getting out of the mixing medium and pouring them into a thingy and then dipping your finger in and take all this out as it comes out, there are no consequences because to me they are liquid glitter.
I'm always going to look for one of those, that's the case, but they're stunning, I think The colors are beautiful and honestly, they're like they're unreal looking and if you want that really metallic, really shimmery, really beautiful shade like these and You really like looking at them, I think you might like them a lot, they are from various Chromes. they are awesome i have to try them in a video i just wanted to try them at least today this color looked really beautiful let me know what you guys think about this color this is so awesome again the color i'm using is Empress and then i also used a little bit of this shade which It is very acidic and I like them too.
They are regular pressed shadows, just gorgeous. I love the colors they chose, really unique shades for everything, like especially this one. I'll show it for you. a very quick look at this shade it's just cry worthy it's like one of the most beautiful shades i think i've ever seen this is the unexpected shade look at this one look at that shade what's happening it's so awesome. like coppery red in one sense, boom and then it's like silver and then it's like bluish, it's absolutely beautiful, they're so soft, so buttery, so pigmented, like they're amazing, look at that, what's happening, how come that it's a real thing, touch a little of that on my eye it's too beautiful, touch a little Oh awesome, I love it, oh my god Jade, make me an igloo with this eyeshadow.
Holy shit, I'm ready for a Christmas party. I don't think you'll be disappointed with JD Khlo at all. If you get any of the shadows from him, these are so stunning, they're so buttery they don't feel like anything I've ever felt before, so lovely, so I love them. Thank you so much for sending them to me regarding mascara, let me. look and see if it stayed as it was, yeah let's not be scared, it's really nice again, this is the it cosmetics lash blowout, it really is very voluminous. I mean, I curl my eyelashes first, but if you're looking for something like that.
I really love the NYX mascara on your eyes, this one is more um fare I think in the sense that it's almost like a more whipped texture so it really coats your lashes, where is that? Get up, you get more, it's more buildable. I feel like this one hits your right on the first hit, so keep that in mind, but wow, this is a really nice mask. Aaron. I'm going to continue using it for sure, then cosmetic gloss em. I love this too. I don't know if he'll give me that white ring. I feel like it's building up.
I don't know if he'll give you the white ring. I hate the white ring, although someone else is so beautiful and shiny. glitter I feel like it's very pretty overall I feel like this makeup face was pretty good. I think it's fun to mix first impressions with second impressions. I'm definitely less impressed with the Beauty Blender foundation this time, however it has good coverage, the color suits me really well in this one and I'm going to try it again because I want to see it, I want to get back to the level I was in that other video and I think my face makeup is really good.
Up close, my nose looks absolutely total and utter, but look at my terrible nose, right. I know you don't have to tell me. I think I need one of these. Yes, that's what I needed. Sometimes a good nasal spray can really help. I'll make you look like you jogged a mile because you got up early because you're sweating or if you continue to sweat. I hate myself, guys, and that's the finished video. I hope you liked this video and that you guys liked the makeup and it was fun for you to watch, let me know if you like watching me try things a second time instead of just the first.
I know you guys like it, of course you do, why would you want to just watch? I try things for the first time. I'm a little doubtful. I like watching people dry things for the first time, but then I want to know if they're still okay. As he thought they were a first memory. It's Sookie, well, cool, guys, thanks so much for watching. Let me know if you like this style of video. Give this video a thumbs up. If they did, that lets me know that they like this video instead of having to say it. but you can also say it in the comments.
I read them and I appreciate them unless they're bad, then I spiral into, well, thank you all so much and I'll see you in my next video. I know the miniatures know, oh. So you guys trust, ding. I think if they were wearing these and they were out and about, would I be okay? I dropped it and have never hated anything more than that. Hey, Siri is a sham, ollie, cruelty-free, sorry, I could. I didn't hear you correctly. Could you please repeat what you said? No, stupid, I won't answer that, well, horns, I think it's okay, there is a hair, okay, let's see if I remember.
This is morphe again. I'm out of here. your morphe, I swear to God, every rock and brush I have in front of these morphe, I didn't have that for years, but I like it, I like it, I think, I like it, I try to make it look intentional putting like shine, never cut me off, little girl . Kinda, I got a twinge, yeah, oh, it's getting worse as I sit here, why must you be orange? They live in my bag. Hello, wow, it really is so volume that it evolved. You know, let me know if you like to see it. thing, let me know if you like to see things tried

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